DDbDP transcription: p.lond.5.1715 [xml]
VI spc Antinoopolis
1τῶν θειω(*) ὀφφικίω̣ν̣ [ -ca.?- Αὐρήλιος Ἰωάννης]
Σα̣λαμᾶ μητρὸς Εὐφημ̣[ίας -ca.?- ὁρμώμενος μὲν ἀπὸ]
Ἀλεξα̣ν̣δρείας, καταμέ̣ν̣[ων δὲ ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ Ἀντινοέω]ν̣. ὁμολ̣ο̣γ̣ῶ̣
ἑκουσίως καὶ αὐθ[αι]ρ̣έτω[ς μεμισ]θ̣ῶ̣[σθ]α̣ι̣ π̣[α]ρ̣ὰ σοῦ
5ἐφʼ ὃν ἐὰν βουλη[θ]ῇς χρ[όνον λογιζ]όμενο̣ν ἀπὸ τοῦ ὄντος
μηνὸς Παχὼν τῆς παρού̣[σης ̣ ̣ δ]εκάτη̣[ς ἰ]ν̣δ̣ι̣κ̣[τ]ίονος
τὴν ὑ(*)πάρχουσάν σοι οἰκ[ίαν ὁλόκ]λ̣ηρον δίστεγον οἵας
ἐστὶν διαθέσεως σὺν χρησ[τηρί]ο̣ις πᾶσι διακειμένην
ἐπὶ τῆς αὐτῆς Ἀ̣ντ̣ινοέων ἐ̣ν τῷ δ γρ(άμματι) π̣λινθ(είῳ) δ ἐπὶ ῥύμης
10Α̣ψα ἐνοικείου(*) τοῦ πρὸς ἀλλήλους̣ συμπεφωνημένου
ἑκάστου μηνὸς ἀργυρίου μυριάδων τριακοσίων,
γ̣ί(νονται) μυρ(ιάδες) τ , ὅπερ ἐ[ν]οίκειον(*) κατὰ μῆνα [ἕ]καστον
ἀνϋ(*)περθέτως σοι παρέξω καὶ μεθʼ ὃν̣ βούλει χρόνον
παραδώσω σοι τὴν αὐτ̣ὴν οἰκίαν σὺ̣ν̣ ταῖς ἐφεστώ-
15σαις θύραις δυσὶ χωρὶς κλειδῶν(?)(*) ὡς παρείληφα.
ἡ μίσθωσις κυρία καὶ β[ε]βαία καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολ(όγησα).
(hand 2) Αὐρήλιο̣ς̣ Ἰ(*)ωάνν̣ης Σαλα̣μᾶ ὁ προκ(είμενος) μεμίσθωμαι
[κ]αὶ ἀποδώ[σω] τὸ ἐνοίκειον(*) καὶ π̣είθομαι πᾶσι
[τοῖς ἐγγεγραμμένοις -ca.?- ]
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
HGV 36928 Translation (English) [xml]
1 [...] of the imperial offices [...] Aurelius Ioannes, son of Salamas and Euphemia,
hailing from Alexandria, but staying in the same Antinoopolis. 3 I acknowledge readily and freely that I have leased from you for however long time
you wish, counting from the current month of Pachon of this present [...]th indiction,
the belonging to you entire house having two stories, in whatever condition it is,
with all appurtenances, located in the same Antinoopolis, in the fourth district,
fourth quarter, on the Apsa street. 10 As agreed upon by both parties rent each month three hundred myriads of silver, that
is 300 myriads, which rent I will provide you for each month without delay, and after
whatever time you want I will give this house back to you with two installed doors
without keys which I have received.
16 The lease is secure and valid and having been asked the formal question I consented.
17 I, the aforementioned Aurelius Ioannes, son of Salamas, have leased and will pay the
rent and am convinced by all conditions [...] (Translation: Law in Social Networks project (Warsaw))