sign in

p.tebt.1.67 = HGV P.Tebt. 1 67 = Trismegistos 3703 = berkeley.apis.50

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.1.67 [xml]

118-`117 BC Tebtynis

[ἔτους νγ,] παρὰ Μεγχείους κω[μο]γ[ραμματέως Κερκεο-]
[σίρεω]ς̣. κατὰ φύλλον ἐπικε[φαλαίου τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους).]
[ἐσπαρμέναι εἰσὶν ἐν] τῶι νβ (ἔτει) σὺν [νομ]αῖ[ς]
[γῆς] (ἄρουραι) Αρλθ δ´ ὧν ἐκφό(ριον) Δχμβ ιβ´,
5[ὧν γεν]ισμὸς ἐγ(*) μὲ[ν] τῆς ὑποθή(κης)
[(πυροῦ)] Αχμβ 𐅷, κρι(θῆς) αἳ (πυροῦ) Βωοζ δ´, ὀλύ(ρας)
[αἳ (πυροῦ) ϙα 𐅵 δ´, χαλκοῦ λθ γ´ ιβ´, (γίνονται) εἰς (πυροῦ) Δχμβ ιβ´.]
⟦[σ]πόρου̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
[εἰς δὲ τὸ ν]γ (ἔτος) ἐσπάρθαι
10[πυρῶι (ἀρούρας)] φοϛ 𐅵 δ´ η´ ὧν ἐκφό(ριον) Βφξζ γ´,
[ὧν (ἄρουραι)] κ̣α 𐅵 δ´ ἀν(ὰ) ε ρη 𐅵 δ´, τλθ 𐅵 δ´ η´ ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 γ´ ιβ´
Α[χ]ο̣ 𐅵̣ γ̣´ ιβ´, λζ 𐅵 ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 ρξη 𐅵 δ´ ϙϛ 𐅵 ἀν(ὰ) δ
λζ[ϛ, β]ϛ 𐅵 ἀν(ὰ) γ 𐅵 ϙβ 𐅵 δ´, ζ δ´ ἀν(ὰ) γ
κ[α 𐅵 δ´], μζ 𐅵 ἀν(ὰ) β 𐅵 (ἀρτάβαι) ριη 𐅵 δ´.
15[κ]αὶ ὧι πλείωι(*) γράφουσι συναχθήσεσθαι
[ἐ]ξ εἰκα(σίας) [χ]ωρὶς σπέρμα(τος) καὶ τῆς ἄλλης
[δα(πάνης)] (ἀρτάβαι) ωθ.
ἀφʼ ὧν καταχωρίζεσθαι εἰς τὰ σπ(έρματα) τῆς κατα-
νεμημένης ὑπὸ τῶν πρὸς τῶι σπό(ρωι) κτη(νῶν)
20ἀρά(κωι) λη, χόρτωι [ὁμο]ίως ζ, (γίνονται) σπ(ερμάτων) με.
κ[ατ]αλεί(πονται) εἰς τὰ ἐ[κ]φό(ρια) [ψξδ·]
τ[ού]ων ἀντὶ φακοῦ [υλ]β̣ γ̣´ ι̣β̣´ [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ἀντʼ ἀρά(κου) τοῦ κατανεμημέ(νου) ρζ 𐅵 ιβ´,
χόρτωι καὶ χορτονο(μῶν) ὁμοί(ως) ρι δ´,
25νομῶν λ, ἐκφο(ρίου) ἀσπόρου πγ 𐅵 δ´.
γίνονται τοῦ εἰς τὰ ἐκφό(ρια) ψξδ.
σὺν δὲ τῶι ἐκφορίωι Γτλα γ´.
κριθῆι (ἀρούρας) ροη δ´ η´ ὧν ἐκφό(ριον) ψπζ γ´,
ὧν (ἄρουραι) οη 𐅵 δ´ η´ ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵̣ γ̣´ ι̣β̣´ τπζ 𐅵 γ´, νθ(*)
30ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 σξε 𐅵, ιβ ἀν(ὰ) δ μη, α ἀν(ὰ) γ 𐅵, κζ 𐅵
ἀν(ὰ) γ πβ 𐅵,
ὧν κριθῆς Ατιβ γ´.
φακῶι (ἀρούρας) σια, ὧν ἐκφό(ριον) ϡλβ γ´ ιβ´,
ὧν (ἄρουραι) ρνα ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 γ´ ιβ´ ψμα 𐅵 γ´ ιβ´, κβ ἀν(ὰ) δ πη,
35ιε ἀν(ὰ) γ με, κγ ἀν(ὰ) β 𐅵 νζ 𐅵.
ἀντ[αναιρο]υμένου δὲ τοῦ ἀπη(γμένου) ἀπὸ τοῦ πλ(είω)
συ(ναγομένου) ἐξ εἰκα(σίας) τῆς (πυρῶι) υλβ 𐅵 ιβ´ ⟦λ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
αἱ λοιπαὶ φακοῦ φ.
γίνονται τῆς σίτωι
40(ἄρουραι) ϡξϛ δ´ (ἀρτάβαι) Δχιη 𐅷.
χλωροῖς ὧν την(*) διοίκησις ἐπʼ ἐσχάτωι
τέτακται, τὰ δʼ ἀπʼ αὐτῆς συναγόμενα
ἐνταῦθ[α ἀνειλήφαμεν·]
ἀράκωι [(ἀρούρας) λη ὧ]ν ἐκφόριν ρμζ,
45ὧν (ἄρουραι) [ια ἀν(ὰ)] ε νε, ιβ ἀν(ὰ) δ μη, β ἀν(ὰ) γ 𐅵 (ἀρτάβαι) ζ,
[θ ἀν(ὰ) γ] κζ, δ ἀν(ὰ) β 𐅵 (ἀρτάβαι) ι.
ἀνταναιρουμένου δὲ τοῦ ἀπη(γμένου) ἀπὸ τοῦ πλ(είω)
[σ]υ̣ν̣[αγ]ομένου ἐξ εἰκα(σίας) (πυρῶι) ρζ 𐅵 ιβ´
[αἱ λοιπαὶ] χαλκοῦ τοῦ κατὰ τὴν
50[ὑ]ποθήκ[ην] λθ γ´ ιβ´.
χόρτωι ζ ὧν ἐκφόριον κθ δ´,
ὧν (ἄρουραι) γ ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 γ´ ιβ´ ιδ 𐅵 δ´, β ἀν(ὰ) δ η, β ἀν(ὰ) γ δ´ ϛ 𐅵.
χορτονομῶν (ἀρούρας) πα (ἀρτάβαι) πα.
γίνονται χόρτωι καὶ χορτονομῶν
55(ἄρουραι) πη ὧν ἐκφόριον τὸ καὶ ἀπη(γμένον) ἀπὸ τοῦ
πλείωι(*) συναγομένου ἐξ εἰκα(σίας) (πυρῶι) (ἀρτάβαι) ρι δ´.
γίνονται χλωροῖς (ἄρουραι) ρκϛ (ἀρτάβαι) λθ γ´ ιβ´.
τῆς δʼ ἐσπαρμένης (ἄρουραι) Αϙβ δ´ (ἀρτάβαι) Δχνη ιβ´.
καὶ εἰς ἣν σπέρμα οὐ χρηματίζεται·
60νομῶν λ ὧν ἐκφό(ριον) τὸ καὶ ἀπη(γμένον) ἀπὸ τοῦ
πλείωι(*) συναγομένου ἐξ εἰκα(σίας) (πυρῶι) ἀν(ὰ) α (ἀρτάβαι) λ
σὺν δὲ τῆι ἐσπαρμένηι
(ἄρουραι) Αρκβ δ´ (ἀρτάβαι) Δχνη ιβ´,
[ὧν γενι]σμὸς ἐ[κ μὲν τῆς ὑποθήκης]
65π[υ]ροῦ Αχμ[δ 𐅷 κρι(θῆς) αἳ (πυροῦ) Βωοζ δ´ ὀλύ(ρας) αἳ (πυροῦ) ϙα 𐅵 δ´]
χαλκοῦ ὧ[ν] σῖ(τος) λθ γ´ [ιβ´, (γίνονται)] εἰς (πυροῦ) [Δχμβ ιβ´.]
ἐγ(*) δὲ τούτου ἃ δεῖ ἀπαιτεῖσθαι
πυρ[οῦ] Γτλ[α] γ̣´, κρι(θῆς) Ατιβ γ´ αἳ (πυροῦ) ψπζ γ´,
[φακοῦ] φ, χαλκοῦ ὧν σῖ(τος) λθ γ´ ιβ´, (γίνονται) εἰς (πυροῦ) Δχνη ιβ´.
70[καὶ ἃ δεῖ]ν̣ [π]ράσσεσθαι·
ἐκφόριν ἀσπόρου βεβρεγμένης διʼ ἀμελίαν
τῶν ὑπογεγρ[αμ]μένων γεωργῶν καὶ
Ὥρου κωμάρχου εν[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣π  ̣[  ̣ ἀμ]ε̣λ̣ίαι̣
τῆς κατασπορᾶς εν[τ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
75τὰ ἐκφόρια πράσσειν [ἐξ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
τῆς γεωργου(μένης) τ̣οῖς κ[  ̣  ̣]επ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
εἰς δάνεια εἰς τὸν σπόρον τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους) (πυροῦ) ρκ φα(κοῦ) ρ
(ἄρουραι) ιζ ὧν ἐκφόριιον(*) τ[ὸ] καὶ ἀπη(γμένον) ἀπὸ τοῦ πλείωι(*)
συναγομένου ἐξ εἰκα(σίας) (πυρῶι) πγ 𐅵 δ´,
80ὧν (ἄρουραι) γ ἀν(ὰ) ε ιε, ιδ ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 γ´ ιβ´ ξ[η] 𐅵 δ´,
ὧν ἐστιν τ[ὸ κα]τʼ ἄνδ[ρ]α.
Δημήτριος Σε[νθέ]ω̣ς̣(*) ἀπὸ ιδ 𐅵 (ἀρτάβαι) ξζ 𐅷 δ 𐅵 [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
δ 𐅵 ἀν(ὰ) δ 𐅵 γ̣´ ι̣β̣´ κβ ϛ̣´ [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
84Φ̣α  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
85Ὀννῶφρι[ς ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Ψενῆσις Στεφά[νου ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[Ν]εκτενῖβις τοῦ Ὥρ[ου ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[(γίνονται)] (ἄρουραι) ιζ [(ἀρτάβαι) π]γ 𐅵 δ´.
[ὥσ]τε εἰσὶ (ἄρουραι) Αρλθ δ´ [(ἀρτάβαι)] Δχμβ.
90ἐστι(*) τ̣η̣[ι](*) ἐσπαρμενηι(*) περ[ὶ τὴν κ]ώμην
ἀπὸ ὑπολόγου (πρότερον) μὲν ὑπ[ὸ τῶν γεωρ-]
92γῶν τῶν Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Φ[ιλίνου ]ληλυθοτα(*) εἰς τν(*) κεχω[ρισμένην πρόσ-]
οδον (ἄρουραι) ιϛ 𐅵 μεμισθωμ[έναι   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
95Πετοσίρει Νεοπτολέμου κ[αὶ Πετεσόκοντι]
Κεφάλωνος καὶ Ὥρωι Ὀρσείου[ς ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ἀσπερμὶ ἀνὰ α [(ἀρτάβαι) ιϛ 𐅵,]
ὧν (πυρῶι) ι, κρι(θῆι) αἳ (πυροῦ) β, τή[λει αἳ (πυροῦ) δ 𐅵.]


^ 1.5. l. ἐκ
^ 1.15. l. [πλ]είω
^ 2.29. corr. ex
^ 2.41. l. ἡ
^ 3.56. l. πλείω
^ 3.61. l. πλείω
^ 4.67. l. ἐκ
^ 4.78. l. ἐκφόριον
^ 4.78. l. πλείω
^ 4.82. BL 7.269 : Σε[  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣τ̣ο̣ς̣ prev. ed.
^ 5.90. l. ἔστιν
^ 5.90. l. ἡ
^ 5.90. l. ἐσ[πα]ρμένη
^ 5.92-93. l. [προσ]|[ε]ληλυθότος
^ 5.93. l. τ<ὴ>ν

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

The 53rd year, from Menches, village scribe of Kerkeosiris. Summary list of crops for the said year. In the 52nd year were sown including pastures 1139 1/4 arouras of land, at a rent of 4642 1/12 artabas, the supposed classification of which was: wheat, 1644 2/3; barley equivalent in wheat to 2877 1/4; olyra equivalent in wheat to 91 1/2 1/4; bronze money 39 1/3 1/12; total in wheat 4642 1/12 artabas. For the 53rd year have been sown: with wheat 576 1/2 1/4 1/8 arouras at a rent of 2567 1/3 artabas, of which 21 1/2 1/4 arouras are at a rent of 5 artabas (to the aroura), making 108 1/2 1/4; 339 1/2 1/4 1/8 at 4 1/2 1/4 1/12 making 1670 1/2 1/4 1/12; 37 1/2 at 4 1/2 making 148 1/2 1/4; 96 1/2 at 4 making 386; 26 1/2 at 3 1/2 making 92 1/2 1/4; 7 1/4 at 3 making 21 1/2 1/4; 47 1/2 at 2 1/2 making 118 1/2 1/4 artabas. And it is reported that there will be according to estimate an addition, exclusive of seed and other expense, of 809 artabas, of which are set apart for the seed of the land grazed upon by the animals used for cultivation, for that sown with arakos 38 artabas, with grass in like manner, 7, total of seed 45 artabas, leaving for rentals 764 artabas; of these 432 1/3 1/12 are in lieu of lentils, 107 1/2 1/12 in lieu of arakos used for grazing, grass and pasture-grass similarly 110 1/4, pastures 30, rent of unsown land 83 1/2 1/4, total amount for rentals 764, or with the rent (of wheat land) 3331 1/3. With barley are sown 178 1/4 1/8 arouras at a rent of 787 1/3 artabas, of which 78 1/2 1/4 1/8 arouras are at a rent of 4 1/2 1/3 1/12 making 387 2/3 1/6, 59 at 4 1/2 making 265 1/2, 12 at 4 making 48, 1 at 3 1/2, 27 1/2 at 3 making 82 1/2; which is 1312 1/3 artabas of barley. With lentils are sown 211 arouras at a rent of 932 1/3 1/12 artabas, of which 151 arouras are at a rent of 4 1/2 1/3 1/12 making 741 1/2 1/3 1/12, 22 at 4 making 88, 15 at 3 making 45, 23 at 2 1/2 making 57 1/2. Subtracting the 432 1/3 1/12 artabas deducted from the excess according to the estimate of the wheat land there remain 500 artabas in lentils. Total of grain lands 966 1/4 arouras, 4618 2/3 artabas. Green stuffs, the arrangement of which is set forth at the end; we here repeat its results: with arakos are sown 38 arouras at a rent of 147 artabas, of which 11 arouras are at the rate of 5 making 55, 12 at 4 making 48, 2 at 3 1/2 making 7, 9 at 3 making 27, 4 at 2 1/2 making 10. Subtracting the 107 1/2 1/12 artabas deducted from the excess according to the estimate of wheat there remain in bronze according to the supposed classification 39 1/4 1/12 artabas. With grass are sown 7 arouras at a rent of 29 1/4 artabas, of which 3 arouras are at a rate of 4 1/2 1/3 1/12 making 14 1/2 1/4, 2 at 4 making 8, 2 at 3 1/4 making 6 1/2; with pasture-grass 81 arouras producing 81 artabas. Total of hay and pasture-land 88 arouras, the rent of which is deducted from the excess according to the estimate of wheat, namely 110 1/4 artabas. Total in green stuffs 126 arouras, 39 1/3 1/12 artabas. Total of land sown 1092 1/4 arouras at 4658 1/12 artabas. Land for which seed is not provided: pastures, 30 arouras, the rent of which is deducted from the excess according to the estimate of wheat, namely at 1 artaba 30 artabas. This added to the land sown makes 1122 1/2 artabas, 4658 1/12 artabas, the supposed classification of which is, wheat 1644 2/3, barley equivalent in wheat 2877 1/4, olyra equivalent in wheat to 91 1/2 1/4, bronze in grain of 39 1/3 1/12, total in wheat 4642 1/12. This amount is to be collected as follows: 3331 1/3 artabas in wheat; 1312 1/3 of barley equivalent in wheat to 787 1/3; 500 of lentils, the equivalent in bronze of 39 1/3 1/12 artabas of grain, total in wheat 4658 1/12. There is further to be exacted the rent of irrigated land left unsown owing to the carelessness of the cultivators mentioned below and of Horos the komarch � 17 arouras, the rent of which is deducted from the excess according to the estimate of wheat, namely 83 1/2 1/4 artabas, of which 3 arouras are at a rate of 5 artabas making 15, 14 at 4 1/2 1/3 1/12 making 68 1/2 1/4. The individual list is: Demetrios son of S[-] out of 14 1/2 arouras at 67 2/3 artabas 4 1/2 at 4 1/2 1/3 1/12 making 22 1/6; Pha[--]; Onnophris [; Psenesis son of Stephanos [; Nektenibis son of Horos [; Total 17 arouras at 83 1/2 1/4 artabas, thus making 1139 1/4 arouras 4642 artabas. The land sown in the neighborhood of the village (belonging to the category of land the revenue of which is set aside) consists of that reclaimed in former times by the cultivators of Ptolemaios son of Philinos after he had been attached to the management of the land the revenue of which is set aside, namely 16 1/2 arouras, leased to Petosiris son of Neoptolemos and Petesokon son of Kephalon and Horos son of Orses without a grant of seed at a rent of 1 artaba, making 16 1/2 artabas, of which 10 arouras are sown with wheat, 2 with barley paid in wheat, 4 1/2 with fenugreek paid in wheat.