DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.6.893 [xml]
VI/VII spc Oxyrhynchus
[Reprinted from: chr.mitt.99] MChr99
† τῷ τύπῳ τῶν ἀξιω[ ̣]πίστων(*) ἀνδρῶν Παμουθίου μείζ(ονος) [υ]ἱ(οῦ) ̣σ̣ω[ ̣ο]υ καὶ Πανῖρεν ἀπὸ μειζ(όνων)
[υ]ἱ(οῦ) [Ἰ(*)]ωάννου καὶ Ἀπολλὼ ἀπὸ μειζ(όνων) υἱ(οῦ) Φοιβάμμωνος ἀπὸ κώμης Ἀπόλλωνος ὑπὲρ Μάρκου
ἀπὸ μειζ(όνων) καὶ Μαρίνου στιπποπραγματευτη(*), ὥστε(*) Μαρίνου(*) ἐξουσίαν αὐτοῦ(*) <εἶναι>
ζητῆσαι <διὰ> τοῦ θέου(*) ὅρκου διὰ Σοφία(*) θυγατρι(*) τοῦ αὐτοῦ Μάρκου ἀπὸ μειζ(όνων)
5καὶ μετὰ τὴν ζητουμενον <ἐξουσίαν>(*) τοῦ θε<ί>ου ὅρκου διὰ τη(*) αὐτη(*) Σοφία(*) α[ὐ]τοῦ(*) {δε} Μαρίνου(*) <ἔσεσθαι>
οὐδέν[α] λόγον ὑπὲρ οἱασδήποτε(*) ὅλον τὸ σύνολον πράγματος. ἐγράφ(η) μη(νὸς)
Παῦνι [κ]θ ὅρᾳ(*) ἕκτῃ του(*) ἡμέρας. δῆλα δὲ πάλιν ἢ̣ εἰ δὲ μὴ θελήσαι(*) του(*) αὐτου(*)
Μαρίν[ου](*) ζητῆσαι <διὰ> τοῦ θέου(*) ὅρκου διὰ τη(*) αὐτη(*) Σοφία(*) αὐτοῦ(*) {δὲ} Μαρίνου(*) <ἔσεσθαι> οὐδένα λόγον
[ὑπὲρ οἱασ]δήποτε(*) ὅλον τὸ σύνολον πράγμ(ατος) καὶ ἀπελλαχθην(*) αὐτοῦ ὡς̣ ἐν̣ τύ̣πῳ.
^ 1. l. ἀξιοπίστων
^ 3. l. στιπποπραγματευτοῦ
^ 3. corr. ex
^ 3. l. Μαρίνῳ
^ 3. l. αὐτῷ
^ 4. l. θε<ί>ου
^ 4. l. Σοφίας
^ 4. l. θυγατρὸς
^ 5. l. ζητουμένην, BL 3.132 : την (l. τὸ) ζητούμενον prev. ed.
^ 5. l. τῆς
^ 5. l. αὐτῆς
^ 5. l. Σοφίας
^ 5. l. αὐτῷ
^ 5. l. Μαρίνῳ
^ 6. l. οἱουδήποτε
^ 7. l. ὥρᾳ
^ 7. l. τῆς
^ 7. l. θελήσει
^ 7. l. ὁ
^ 7. l. αὐτὸς
^ 8. l. Μαρῖν[ος]
^ 8. l. θε<ί>ου
^ 8. l. τῆς
^ 8. l. αὐτῆς
^ 8. l. Σοφίας
^ 8. l. αὐτῷ
^ 8. l. Μαρίνῳ
^ 9. ] corr. ex
^ 9. l. [οἱου]δήποτε
^ 9. l. ἀπηλλάχθη
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HGV 37132 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 6) By the sentence of the honourable men Pamuthius, official, son of ..., and Paniren, of official rank, son of John, and Apollos, of official rank, son of Phoebammon, of the village of Apollo, in respect of Marcus, of official rank, and Marinus, tow-merchant: Marinus has power to make inquiry by means of the divine oath through Sophia, daughter of the said Marcus, of official rank, and after the inquiry by means of the divine oath through the said Sophia Marinus shall have no ground of complaint on any matter of any kind whatsoever. Written on the 29th of the month Pauni, the sixth hour of the day. It is manifest on the other hand that, if the said Marinus refuses to make inquiry by means of the divine oath through the said Sophia, Marinus shall have no ground of complaint on any matter of any kind whatsoever, and Marcus is free of him as though he were declared so by sentence.