DDbDP transcription: p.mich.13.663 [xml]
VI spc Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis
[ διὰ χειρὸς ὑμῶν εἰς χ]εῖράς μου ἐπʼ ὄψεσι τῶν ἑξῆς ὑπογραφόντ(ων)
[- ca.20 -] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τ̣ο καὶ ἐ̣θε ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣]κ̣[ ̣ ̣]ι̣
[- ca.20 -]ίω καὶ Ὀννοφρίω(*) καὶ Στρατηκείας(*)
[καὶ δεσπόζειν τῶν προδιω]μολωγημενου(*) ὁλοκληρου(*) δύο κελλειαν(*)
[- ca.20 -]ς τῆς προκ(ειμένης) οἰκίας λεγομέ(νης) Πατ̣εα̣λώνου
[- ca.20 -]δικ[α]ίου σωματικοῦ τε καὶ ἀσωμάτου
[- ca.20 -]τ̣ο̣ ̣ ̣ ̣λ̣ι̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ι̣ρε ̣ ̣ ̣α̣ ὄντως
10[- ca.18 - τῆ]ς̣ α̣ὐ̣τῆς̣ ο̣ἰ̣κί̣α̣ς καὶ μετὰ παντὸς αὐτοῦ τοῦ
[δικαίου - ca.13 -] καὶ κατὰ τὴν προειρημένην πᾶσαν
[ἀνωτέραν διαστολὴν κ]αὶ οἰκεῖν καὶ διοικεῖν καὶ οἰκονομῖν(*)
[καὶ μισθοῦν καὶ μεταμισθοῦν κα]ὶ παραπέμπειν ἐπεὶ(*) κληρονόμους
[ἰδίους καὶ διαδόχους καὶ] διακαδόχους(*) καὶ χρύσασθαι(*) καὶ νέμεσθαι
15[κατὰ τὸν δοκοῦντα ὑμῖν] κ̣υριευτικὼν(*) τρόπων(*) ἀκωλύτως καὶ
[ἀνεμποδίστως μηδενὸς ὑ]μῖν ἀ̣ν̣τιποιουμένου ἢ ἀντιποιησωμένου(*)
[τῶν μετʼ ἐμὲ κληρονόμω]ν ἢ σηνκληρονόμ(ων)(*) ἢ τῶν ἐκ γένους
[μοι ἀνηκόντων ἢ ἀγχιστευό]ντων καὶ των(*) ἐπειλευσόμενον(*) εἰς ὑμᾶς
[τοῦ λοιποῦ περὶ τούτων ἐγ]ὼ αὐτὸν ἀποτρέψω ἀφʼ ὑμας(*) ἰ(*)δίοις μου
20[ἀναλώμασι καὶ δαπαν]ήμασι καὶ βεβαιώσω ὑμῖν πάσι(*) βεβαιώσει
[ἀπὸ παντὸς] καὶ διὰ παντὸς τοῦ ἐπειλευσομένου(*) ἢ ἀντιποιηθησομένου̣
[παντὶ καιρῷ ἐπ]άναγκης(*). εἰ δὲ καὶ ἧττων(*) φροντίζω τῆς βεβαιώσεως
[τριπλασίως] τὸ τίμημα ἀποδωσωμεν(*) μετὰ καὶ τοῦ διαφέροντος
[καὶ ἀναλώματος] πρὸς τῷ βεβαίαν εἶναι καὶ εἰσχυρὰν(*) πανταχοῦ
25[προφερο]μ̣ένην ἥ̣νπερ ἁπλῆν γραφεῖσαν ἑκον(*) καὶ πεπεισμένη
[ἐθέμην ὑμῖ]ν ἄνευ βίας καὶ ἀπάτης καὶ ἀνάγκης καὶ πλάνης πάσης καὶ
[φόβου καὶ δόλου] τινὸς ἐν δημοσίῳ ἀρχείῳ καὶ κατὰ νόμους τετελειωμέ(νην)
[μεθʼ ὑπογραφ]ῆς τοῦ ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ὑπογράφοντος καὶ τῶν ἑξῆς συνηθῶν
[κατὰ παράκλ]ησιν εἰμὴν(*) μαρτυρησάντων μαρτύρων καὶ ἐξεδόμην
30[ὑμῖν πρὸς ἀσφ]ά̣λειαν εἰς πάντα τὰ ((unintelligible)) ἐγγεγραμμέ(να) καὶ εἰς τὴν βεβαίωσιν
[καὶ καθαροπ]οίησιν ταύτης τῆς πράσεως ὑποκειμέ(νων) εἰς τοῦτο πάντων
[μου τῶν ὑπαρχ]όντων καὶ ὑπαρξόντων πραγμάτων κινητα(*) τε καὶ
[ἀκινητα](*)[ καὶ αὐ]τοκινητα(*) γενικῶς καὶ ἰ(*)δικῶς(*) ἐμ(*) παντεὶ(*) εἴδει καὶ
[γένει ἐνεχύρο]υ̣ λόγῳ καὶ ὑποθήκης δικαίῳ καθάπερ ἐκ δίκης
35[καὶ πρὸς πάντα] τὰ ἐγγεγραμμέ(να) ἐπερωτ(η)θ(εῖσα) ταῦθʼ οὕτως ἔχειν δόσειν(*)
[ποιεῖν φυλά]ττειν ὡμολώγησα(*). (hand 2) † Αὐρηλία Μαρία θηγάτηρ(*) Παπν̣ύτι(ος)
[ἡ προκ(ειμένη) ἐθέμ]η̣ν ταύτην τὴν πρασει(*) καὶ ἀπεσχυει(*) τὴν προκ(ειμένην) τελείαν
[τιμὴν ἐν νομι]σματίοις δυσοὶ(*) καὶ βεβεώσω(*) ὑμῖν(*) πάσει(*) βεβεώσει(*)
[ἀπὸ παντὸς κ]αὶ τιὰ(*) παντὸς καὶ στοιχεῖ μοι πάντα τὰ ἐγγραμέ(να)(*) καὶ ὤμωσ(α)(*)
40[τὸν θεῖον ὅρ]κ̣ον ὡς πρόκ(ειται). † Αὐρήλιος Καλλίνικος Πέτρου ἀξιωθεὶς ἔγραψα̣
[ -ca.?- (hand 3) ] ̣ ̣ ̣ υἱὸς Ἰ̣ω̣άννου σὺν θ(εῷ) πρε(σβύτερος) μαρ[τ]υρῶ ταύτῃ τ̣ῇ πράσει ἀκούσας παρὰ τῆς
[θεμένης, μαρτυρ]ῶ̣ καὶ τῇ καταβολῇ τοῦ χρυσίου τῶν δύο(*) νομισμάτων τῆς τιμῆς. ⳨
[(hand 4) -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣ ̣ σ̣[ὺ]ν̣ θ̣(εῷ) πρε(σβύτερος) μαρτυρῶ ταύτῃ τῇ πράσει ἀκούσας(*) παρὰ τῆς θεμένης, μαρτυρῶ
[δὲ καὶ τῇ καταβο]λῇ τοῦ χρυσ<ί>ου τῶν δύο νομισμάτων τῆς τιμῆς. ⳨ † (hand 5) Αὐρήλιος ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
45[ -ca.?- μαρ]τυρῶ τα̣ύ̣τῃ τῇ πράσει ἀκούσας π̣α̣ρὰ τ̣ῆ̣ς̣ θεμένης, μαρτυρῶ \δὲ/
[καὶ τῇ καταβολῇ τοῦ χρυ]σ̣ίου τῶ̣ν δύο νομισμάτων τῆς τιμῆς. (hand 6) † Αὐρήλι̣ο̣[ς]
[ -ca.?- μαρτυρῶ] ταύτῃ τῇ πράσει ἀκούσας παρὰ τῆς θεμένης, μαρτυρο(*) δὲ
[καὶ τῇ καταβολῇ τ]ο̣ῦ̣ χρυσίου τῶν δύο νομισμάτων τῆς τιμῆς. † (hand 7) ⳨ Ἐνῶχ Μηνᾶ ἀναγ(νώστης)
[μαρτυρῶ ταύτῃ τ]ῇ πράσει ἀκούσας παρὰ τῆς θεμένης, μαρτυρῶ τὴ(*) καὶ τῇ παρα-
50[λήμψει τοῦ χρυσίου τ]ῶν δύο νομισμάτων τῆς τιμῆς. ⳨
[(hand 1) διʼ ἐ]μ̣ο̣ῦ̣(*) Θεοδοσίου σὺν θ(εῷ) ταβελλ(ίωνος) ἐγράφ(η) ⳨ ⳨ ⳨ ((tachygraphic-marks))
^ 4. l. Ὀννοφρίου
^ 4. l. Στρατηγίας
^ 6. l. [προδιω]μολογημένων
^ 6. l. ὁλοκλήρων
^ 6. l. κελλίων
^ 12. l. οἰκονομεῖν
^ 13. l. ἐπὶ
^ 14. l. διακατόχους
^ 14. l. χρήσασθαι
^ 15. l. κυριευτικὸν
^ 15. l. τρόπον
^ 16. l. ἀντιποιησομένου
^ 17. l. συγκληρονόμ(ων)
^ 18. l. τὸν
^ 18. l. ἐπελευσόμενον
^ 19. l. ὑμῶν
^ 19. ϊδιοισ papyrus
^ 20. l. πάσῃ
^ 21. l. ἐπελευσομένου
^ 22. l. [ἐπ]άναγκες
^ 22. l. ἧττον
^ 23. l. ἀποδώσω
^ 24. l. ἰσχυρὰν
^ 25. l. ἑκοῦσα
^ 29. l. ἐμὴν
^ 32. l. κινητῶν
^ 33. l. [ἀκινήτων]
^ 33. l. [αὐ]τοκινήτων
^ 33. corr. ex οδικωσ
^ 33. l. ἐν
^ 33. l. παντὶ
^ 35. l. δώσειν
^ 36. l. ὡμολόγησα
^ 36. l. θυγάτηρ
^ 37. l. πρᾶσιν
^ 37. l. ἀπέσχηκα
^ 38. l. δυσὶ
^ 38. corr. ex
^ 38. l. βεβαιώσω
^ 38. corr. ex ημιν
^ 38. l. πάσῃ
^ 38. l. βεβαιώσει
^ 39. l. διὰ
^ 39. l. ἐγγεγραμμέ(να)
^ 39. l. ὤμοσ(α)
^ 42. corr. ex τ̣υο
^ 43. corr. ex ακουσσσ
^ 47. l. μαρτυρῶ
^ 49. corr. ex
^ 49. l. δὲ
^ 50-52. J. Nussbaum (from image; ongoing D-scribes.org work) (via PN) : τιμῆς. ⳨ | [(hand 8) διʼ ἐ]μ̣ο̣ῦ̣ prev. ed.
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
(at least 25 incomplete lines);[- - -] and inhabit and control and manage them [and lease and sublease them] and convey them to your [own] heirs and assigns and [successors], and use and enjoy them [as you wish] with the rights of ownership and without hindrance [or let]. And you shall be free from opposition present or future from any of those who are [heirs] or co-heirs [after me], or of [my relations by birth or my connections]; and I shall defend you at my own [expense and costs] from whoever shall [in future] take proceedings against you [concerning this] and I shall confirm your possession with every confirmation at all times and [on every occasion], compulsory, against everyone who shall attack or take proceedings against you; and if I am negligent in the confirmation, I shall pay [three times] the price together with costs [and damages] in order that (this deed of sale) may be valid and inviolable wherever it is produced; which deed , written in one copy, I have of my own free will and consent [executed] at the Public Registry without any violence, deceit or compulsion or any fraud, without any [intimidation or guile], and [for] your security I have given [you] this copy completed according to the laws [with the subscription] of him who subscribes for me, followed in order by those of the customary witnesses who have at my [summons] born witness to it; and for all that is herein written and for the guarantee of confirmation of this sale and for its freedom of encumbrances all [my possessions] present and future, movable, [immovable] and live-stock, generally and severally, in every class and [kind] are submitted to you as a [pledge] and with the force of a mortgage as though by decree of court. And being asked the formal question [concerning all that is herein written I agreed that the things were so, and so to give, [do] and keep.;(2nd hand) (Cross) I, [the afore-said], Aurelia Maria, daughter of Papnytis, [have executed] this deed of sale, and have received the afore-said full [price] in two nomismatia, and shall confirm your possession with every confirmation [against everyone], always, and I agree with all that is herein written; and I have sworn [the divine] oath as aforementioned. (Cross) I, Aurelius Kallinikos, son of Petros, have written it at her request [- - -].;(3rd hand) [- - -], son of Ioannes, D.V. presbyter, I bear witness to this deed of sale, having heard declarations from the [person executing it and I bear witness] also to the payment of the two gold nomismata of the price. (Cross);(4th hand) [- - -], D.V. presbyter, I bear witness to this deed of sale, having heard declarations from the person executing it and I bear witness [also to the payment] of the two gold nomismata of the price. (Cross);(5th hand) I, Aurelius . . ., [son of - - -], bear witness to this deed of sale, having heard declarations from the person executing it and I bear witness [also to the payment] of the two gold nomismata of the price.;(6th hand) I, Aurelius [- - -, bear witness] to this deed of sale, having heard declarations from the person executing it and I bear witness [also to the payment] of the two gold nomismata of the price. (Cross);(7th hand) (Cross). I, Eunoch, son of Menas, reader, [bear witness to this] deed of sale, having heard declarations from the person executing it and I bear witness also to the payment of the two [gold] nomismata of the price. (Cross);(8th hand) Written by me Theodosios, D.V. tabellio. (3 crosses). (Tachygraphy)