DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.1.100 [xml]
117-`116 BC Tebtynis
00Θεογονίς 2
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1Ἡράκλειος ὁ παρὰ Ἀπολλοδώρου λο[γευ]τοῦ
Ἐπγ̣ένηι(*) Κ̣ελιστίωνος(*) χαίρειν. διαγέγραφας
διʼ ἐμοῦ τὸ ἔλα̣ι̣ον τοῦ νδ (ἔτους) χαλ(κοῦ) (δραχμὰς) ο̣. 3
(hand 2) [ἔτους] νδ Παῦνι η. Ἀ̣[κουσίλαος λογευ(τὴς) τῶν](*)
5[κατὰ](*) τὴν ε ἱπ(παρχίαν), [μ]εμέτρη(νταί) μ̣[οι] ἀ̣π̣ὸ̣ γ̣ε̣ν̣η̣(μάτων)
[τοῦ α]ὐτοῦ (ἔτους) π̣α̣ρ̣ὰ Ἐπιγ̣έν[ο]υς τοῦ
[Μελιστίωνος] ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣α̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ι̣χ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
[πυροῦ] τ̣ρ̣[ι]άκοντα πέντε, (γίνονται) (πυροῦ) λε,
ἃς Πετεσοῦχος γεω(ργός).
10(hand 3?) Ἀκουσίλαο̣ς λ[ο]γευ(τὴς) Θεογο(νίδος) μεμέτρη(μαι) τὰ καθή(κοντα) κοινωνικὰ τοῦ νδ (ἔτους). 4
(hand 4) Καλλικράτης καὶ Δρεῦο̣ς καὶ Ἀκουσίλαος
οἱ προκεχιρισμένοι(*) πράκτορες Ἐπιγένῃ
Μελειστιονι(*) χα[ί]ριν(*). διαγέγραφας διʼ ὑμῶν(*)
τὰ συνκεκριμένα ἀπὸ τῶν ἀνδρῶν πρᾶ-
15ξαι ἑκάστης ἀρούρας δραχμὰς ἑκατόν ,
(γίνονται) [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣φ, ἃ̣[ς] Πετεσοῦχος γεωργὸς
καὶ οἱ μ̣[έ]τ̣[οχ]οι.
ὁμοίω[ς] δὲ μεμέτρηκας ἑκάστης
ἀρούρας (πυροῦ(?)) τέταρτον , (γίνονται) ἀρτά(βαι) (πυροῦ) ιζ.
20(hand 5) Δρεῦο̣ς ἐπηκλούθηκα(*).
(hand 3?) Ἀκουσίλαος ἐπηκολούθηκα.
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
(a) Herakleios, agent of Apollodoros, tax-collector, to Epigenes son of Melistion, greeting. You have paid through me the oil-tax of the 54th year, 70 (?) bronze drachmas. (b) (2nd hand) The 54th year, Pauni 8. Akousilaos the tax-collector of the (taxes) for the 5th hipparchy. Measured to me from the produce of the said year by Epigenes son of Melistion (for the tax on associations) thirty-five artabas of wheat, total 35 art. of wheat, through Petesouchos, cultivator. (3rd hand) I, Akousilaos, tax-collector of Theogonis, have had measured out to me the due amount for the tax on associations for the 54th year. (c) (4th hand) Kallikrates and Dreuos and Akousilaos, the appointed collectors, to Epigenes son of Melistion, greeting. You have paid through us the sums appointed to be exacted from the men, namely 100 drachmas on each aroura, total � drachmas, delivered by Petesouchos, cultivator, and his partners. And in like manner you have measured out for every aroura 1/4 artaba of wheat, total 17 artabas of wheat. (5th hand) Checked by me, Dreuos. (3rd hand ?) Checked by me, Akousilaos.