DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.4.1135 [xml]
112 BC Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: p.tebt.1.159r] PTebt1,159r
ματέως Κερκεοσίρεως. εἰσδοχὴ κατʼ ἄνδρα [τοῦ]
μεμετρημένου σίτου Πτολεμαίωι καὶ Πα[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
τοῖς σιτολογοῦσι τὸ περὶ αὐ(τὴν) ἐργα(στήριον), ἀπὸ τῶν γενη(μάτων) τ[οῦ αὐ(τοῦ) (ἔτους)]
5οι(*) καὶ ἀντιγραφομενοι(*) διʼ Ὥρου κωμάρχου [καὶ]
Μαρρείους γ̣ενηματοφύλακες(*)
Φαρμοῦθι <ι>η, ἐν αὐτῆι, εἰσδε(ξίμωι).
/ Παπνεβτῦνις Σοκέως καὶ Κολλούθης κρι(θῆς) ιζ
/ Ἁ̣ρ̣μαχόρος Ἁρμαχόρου κρι(θῆς) ιε 𐅵
10/ Το̣θ̣οῆς Σενθέως [κ]ρι(θῆς) ιη 𐅵
/ Ὀν̣νῶφρις Ὥρου φε( ) κρι(θῆς) ιε̣
/ Φαῆσις Ἁρυώτου κρι(θῆς) ιϛ
/ Ὧρος Πετεσούχου κρι(θῆς) ιγ
/ Πετεῆσις Τεῶτος κ(ριθῆς) νϛ 𐅵
15/ Πετεσ̣ο̣ῦ̣χ̣[ος] Ὀ̣ννώφριος κ(ριθῆς) ϛ 𐅵
/ Νικά̣νωρ [Π]τολεμαίου κ(ριθῆς) λδ 𐅵̣
ανεμπ̣ε̣ὺ̣ς̣ Πετοσίριος κ(ριθῆς) ̣[ -ca.?- ]
Τεῶς Θοτορταίου κ(ριθῆς) [κδ]
Μαρρῆς Πααλομούνιος [ -ca.?- ]
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APIS Translation (English)
The 5th year, Pharmouthi, from Menches, village scribe of Kerkeosiris. Detailed record of receipts of grain of the crop of the same year paid in to Ptolemaios and Pa�, who manage the granary near Kerkeosiris and whose work is countersigned by Horos the komarches and by Marres the crop guard. Pharmouthi 18, in Kerkeosiris, by receiving measure, Papnebtynis, son of Sokeus, and Kollouthes, 17 artabas of barley. Harmachoros, son of Harmachoros, 15 1/2 artabas of barley. Tothoes son of Sentheus, 18 1/2 artabas of barley. Onnophris son of Horos phe( ) (?), 15 artabas of barley. Phaesis son of Haryotes, 16 artabas of barley. Horos son of Petesouchos, 13 artabas of barley. Peteesis son of Teos, 56 1/2 artabas of barley. Petesouchos son of Onnophris, 6 1/2 artabas of barley. Nikanor son of Ptolemaios, 34 1/2 artabas of barley. Anempeus son of Petosiris, ? artabas of barley. Teos son of Thotortaios, 24 artabas of barley. Marres son of Paalomounis [ (here the papyrus breaks off.)