sign in

sb.6.9631 = HGV P.NYU 2 42 = Trismegistos 38833 = nyu.apis.4765

DDbDP transcription: sb.6.9631 [xml]

VII spc Arsinoite?

† ἔσχον Μηνᾶ στρ(ατιώτου) (ὑπὲρ) δημο(σίων) ἰνδικ(τίονος)
δεκάτης χ(ρυσοῦ) ἀρ(ι)θ(μίου) νο(μίσματος) ϛ´ ἕκτον μ(όνον).
  ̣ Φαρμ(οῦ)θ(ι) α ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίονος) ι. † Ηλας̣ διασ[(τολεὺς)]
στεχ(εῖ)(*). † Βίκτορος υ̣πα̣κ̣τ̣(  )
5α̣γ̣καθ(  ) ἔγρ(αψα) ὑπὲ̣ρ̣ α̣ὐ̣(τοῦ) †


^ 4. l. στοιχ(εῖ)

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.nyu.2.42 [xml]

VII or VIII spc Hermopolite?

† ἔσχ(ον) δ(ιὰ) Μηνᾶ στρ(ατιώτου) (ὑπὲρ) δημο(σίων) (καὶ) διαγ̣(ραφῆς)
δεκάτης ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίονος) ἀρ(ι)θ(μίου) νο(μισματίου) ϛ´, ἕκτον̣ μ̣(όνον).
Μ(ηνὶ) Φαρμ(οῦ)θ(ι) α ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίονος) ι. † Κλαύδιος(*)
στοιχ(εῖ). † Βικτορος(*) ἀπακτ̣(  )
5ἀξιωθ(εὶς) ἔγρα̣(ψα) ὑπὲ(ρ) αὐτ(οῦ). †


^ 3. corr. ex
^ 4. l. Βίκτωρ

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

I received through Menas, soldier, for demosia and diagraphe of the tenth indiction 1/6 'reckoned' solidus, a sixth, in all. In the month Pharmouthi, (day) 1, of the 10th indiction. Claudius agrees. I, Victor apakt( ), wrote at his request for him.