DDbDP transcription: stud.pal.3(2).1.117 [xml]
VII/VIII spc Arsinoite
[Reprinted from: stud.pal.3.117] Stud.Pal. 3,117
[Reprinted from: bgu.1.29] BGU 1 29
† ἔσχον καὶ ἐδεξάμην ἐγὼ Μηνᾶ(*) γραμμ(ατεὺς) π(αρὰ) Ἀρίους(*) υἱ(*)ὸς(*) Ἀσᾶ ἐπάνω τῶν
ἐμῶν κλήρων, ὧν(*) ἔχις(*) ἐνεχύρων(*), χρυσίου νομισμάτιον ἓν παρὰ κερ(άτια) ζ 𐅵 δ(*),
χρ(υσίου) νο(μισμάτιον) α π(αρὰ) κερ(άτια) ζ 𐅵 δ(*) καὶ πρὸς <σ>ὺν(*) ἀσφάλειαν ὁς(*) πρόκ(ειται). ἐγράφ(η) μηνὶ Μεσωρ(ὴ)(*)
vac. ιδ ἀρχ(ῇ) ϛ ἰν(δικτίωνος) vac.
5vac. † δ(ιὰ) Μηνᾶ γραμμ(ατέως).
^ 1.
l. Μηνᾶς^ 1.
l. Ἀρείους^ 1.
l. υἱ(ϊ)οῦ :
υϊοσ papyrus^ 2.
l. οὓς^ 2.
l. ἔχεις^ 2.
l. ἐνέχυρον^ 2.
N. Gonis, Tyche 28 (2013) 210 : β̣ δ prev. ed.^ 3.
N. Gonis, Tyche 28 (2013) 210 : β̣ δ prev. ed.^ 3.
l. <σ>ὴν^ 3.
l. ὡς^ 3.
l. Μεσορ(ὴ)
- 2014-03-28T11:50:44.539-04:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready.
- 2014-03-28T11:50:44.508-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - Fine.
- 2014-03-28T11:50:44.486-04:00 [Georg]: Vote - AcceptText - OK
- 2014-03-04T15:44:09.744-05:00 [berkes.lajos]: Updated from SPP III2 and added corrections from Tyche 28 (2013)
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-11-09 [Faith]: Third automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-10-04 [Faith]: Automatically updated revision description
- 2011-09-20 [Faith]: Automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-03-27 [gabrielbodard]: updated markup for fractions (rend=tick)
- 2011-03-02 [gabrielbodard]: batch converted all tei:sic to tei:orig and tei:corr to tei:reg
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek; tagged num rend=fraction
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-22 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: stud.pal.3.117 [xml]
VI spc Arsinoiton Polis, Krokodilopolis, Ptolemais Euergetis
[Reprinted in: bgu.1.29] BGU 1,29
- No editorial history recorded.
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-23 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: bgu.1.29 [xml]
VII/VIII spc Arsinoite
[Reprinted from: stud.pal.3.117] Stud.Pal. 3,117
[Reprinted in: stud.pal.3(2).1.117] Stud.Pal. 3(2).1 117
- 2014-03-28T11:50:45.199-04:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready.
- 2014-03-28T11:50:45.182-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - Fine.
- 2014-03-28T11:50:45.176-04:00 [Georg]: Vote - AcceptText - OK
- 2014-03-28T11:48:56.445-04:00 [james.cowey]: Add dummy header for original identifier 'papyri.info/ddbdp/bgu;1;29' pointing to
new identifier 'papyri.info/ddbdp/stud.pal;3(2).1;117'
- 2014-03-04T15:44:09.744-05:00 [berkes.lajos]: Updated from SPP III2 and added corrections from Tyche 28 (2013)
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-11-09 [Faith]: Third automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-10-04 [Faith]: Automatically updated revision description
- 2011-09-20 [Faith]: Automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-03-27 [gabrielbodard]: updated markup for fractions (rend=tick)
- 2011-03-02 [gabrielbodard]: batch converted all tei:sic to tei:orig and tei:corr to tei:reg
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek; tagged num rend=fraction
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-22 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.