DDbDP transcription: p.ross.georg.4.17 [xml]
VIII spc? Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis
1Χ̣[οι(ὰχ)] α̣ δ(ιὰ) [τ(ῶν)] ἑ̣ξ[ῆ(ς)] vac. ? νο(μίσματα) ξ[ζ ἑξήκοντα ἑπτὰ μό(να)]
Ἀθανασίο\υ/ μείζ(ονος)(*) vac. ? νο(μίσματα) ιζ γ´ δέκα ἑ̣π̣[τ]ὰ̣ τρί̣[τ]ον μ̣[ό(να)]
Φιλοθ(έου) vac. ? νο(μίσματα) λα 𐅷 τριάκοντ(α) ἓν δύο [τρίτα μό(να)]
Ἰ(*)εζεκίας vac. ? νο(μίσματα) ιη δέκα ὀγτώ(*) [μό(να)]
5,msΤῦ(βι) λ
5Ἰ(*)εζεκίας vac. ? ⟦νο(μίσματα) ιβ 𐅷⟧ νο(μίσματα) ιβ 𐅷 δώδε[κα δύο τρίτα μό(να)]
Μ̣(ε)χ̣(εὶρ) α δ(ιὰ) τ(ῶν) ἑξῆ̣(ς) vac. ? νο(μίσματα) ιε γ´ δέκα̣ [πέντε τρίτον μό(να)]
Ἀθανασίο\υ/ vac. ? νο(μίσματα) ιδ γ´ δέκα δεσσερ(*) τρίτον μό(να)
Ἰεζεκίας vac. ? νό(μισμα) α ἕν μό(νον)
Φιλόθ(εος) Μηνᾶ διάκο(νος) στοιχ(εῖ) †
10† Ἀνθανάσε Ἰσὰκ στοιχ(εῖ) ((unintelligible)) Ἰεζεκί(*)ας Τζαμοὺ̣λ
[ἀ]ξ̣ιωθ(εὶς) ἔγρα[ψα (ὑπὲρ) αὐ]τ[ο]ῦ̣ (?)
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APIS Translation (English)
Choiak 1, through the following individuals, 67 solidi only: from Athanasius, village headman, 17 1/3 solidi only; from Philotheus, 31 2/3s solidi only; from Hezekias, 18 solidi only. Tybi 30: Hezekias [[12 and 2/3s]] 12 2/3s solidi only. Mecheir 1, through the following individuals, 15 1/3 solidi only: from Athanasius, 14 1/3 solidi only; from Hezekias 1 solidus only. Philotheus, son of Menas, the deacon, agrees. Anthanase, son of Isaac, agrees. Having been requested, I, Hezekias, son of Tzamul, have written for him.