DDbDP transcription: o.mich.1.59 [xml]
III spc Arsinoite
ἄλλη δόσις
/ Ἀλοῦθις Ἀβοῦ
5/ Ἀπίων /
/ Πλουτίων /
/ Παντβηοῦς Λαᾶ
/ Πετερμοῦς
/ Ἑρμῖνος
10/ Ὡρίων Κοπρῆ /
/ Ἄριος Οὐρανίου
[ -ca.?- ] Πᾶσις Νίλου
/ Ἰσᾶς Πέτρου
[ -ca.?- ] Π̣ασῆμις Τ̣[ι]βερί̣(ου)
15[ ̣ ̣ ̣]νεῖος ̣ ̣ ̣
[Σ]α̣βεῖνος ̣ ̣ ̣
[Εὔ]χαρις ̣ ̣ ̣
[Πα]οῦς ̣ ̣ ̣
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
Another instalment of the sum(?) of variegated tunics:;Alouthis, son of Abou;Apion;Ploution;Pantbeous, son of Laas;Petermous;Herminos;Horion, son of Kopres;Arios, son of Ouranios;Pasis, son of Nilos;Isas, son of Petros;Pasemis, son of Tiberius;. . .;Sabinus . . .;Aris . . .;Valerius(?) . . .