sign in

p.kar.goodsp.1 = HGV P.Kar. Goodsp. 1 = Trismegistos 42863 = chicago.apis.5431

DDbDP transcription: p.kar.goodsp.1 [xml]

AD 158-9 Karanis

σιτολ(όγοις) Κ(α)ρανίδ(ος) ἔσχ(ον) προ(σφωνήσας) χειρογρ(α)φ(ίᾳ) προ(χρείαν) χειρόγρ(α)φ(ον)
σπερμάτ(ων) κβ (ἔτους) Ἀντωνείνου Καίσαρος
τοῦ κ(υ)ρίου (hand 2) γ κληρουχ(ίας)
Κᾶνις Ἀγχώφεω[ς] Πατ(σώντεως)
5βασιλικ(ῆς) (ἀρουρῶν) ζ

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

P.Kar.Goodsp. 1 (MS 1057), recto: To the grain collectors of Karanis: I, Kanis, son of Acchophis, have received an advance of seed-corn, hereby acknowledged, of the twenty-second year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, for 7 arouras of royal land of Patsontis, belonging to the third cleruchy. (Goodspeed 1902, 7)