sign in

p.tebt.3.1.726 = HGV P.Tebt. 3 .1 726 = Trismegistos 5331 = berkeley.apis.950

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.3.1.726 [xml]

II sac Tebtynis

(ἔτους) < > Μεσορὴ κη
Ἰμούθηι βα(σιλικῷ) γρ(αμματεῖ).
Λέψ̣ις(*) τῶν κατοικούντων
ἐν Κροκοδίλων πό(λει) φυ(λακιτῶν) καταμε-
5μετρημένου παρὰ τὸ κα-
θῆκον ἀπὸ τῆς μὴ κα-
θηκούσης γῆς περὶ κώ-
μην Πτολεμαΐδα Νέαν
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
περὶ το̣ύ̣των λόγον


^ 1.3. corr. ex λεπισ

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APIS Translation (English)

The ? year, Mesore 28. To Imouthes, basilikos grammateus. Since Lepsis, one of the phulakitai resident in Krokodilon polis, has wrongly received a plot of land which it is wrong to grant in the area of the village of Ptolemais Nea �, [I request you (?)] to take account of this.