DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.3.1.808 [xml]
140 BC? Tebtynis
1 ̣[ -ca.?- κλῆ]ρ̣[ος]
ἀ[νειλημ]μένος δὲ εἰς τ[ὸ] βασιλικόν,
β[ορρ]ᾶ Θεο[δώ]ρου φυλακιτικὸς κλῆρος,
λ[ι]βὸς γῆ [βα]σιλικὴ ἣν γεωργεῖ
5 ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ι̣σ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣μ̣α̣ιος, ἀπηλιώτου
Φ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣α̣ι̣ο[ ̣] ̣ε̣σ̣ύ̣μ̣ιος, καὶ ἀπέχω
π̣[α]ρ̣ʼ [αὐτοῦ] τὸ κάτεργον τῆς γῆς
[καὶ τὰ ἀ]νηλώματα. ἐπιδίδωμι
[οὖ]ν σοι τὸ ὑπόμνημα ὅπως
10[με]τ̣α̣θῇ̣ς̣ [τ]ὰς γ ἀρ(ούρας) εἰς τὸ τοῦ
[Π]τολεμαίου ὄνομα ἐν τῆι τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους)
[δια]γραφῆι τοῦ σπόρου καὶ τῆι
[κα]τὰ φύλλ[ο]ν γεωμετρίαι διὰ τῶν
ε[ἰ]θισμένων, ὡς κ̣α̣θ̣ή̣κει(*).
15[ vac. ? (ἔτους)] λ Χοί[α]χ ιθ.
(hand 2) [Μ]ύ̣σθης παρα-
[χ]ωρησω̣ι(*) τὰς τρεῖς
[ἀρο]ύρας τῆς γῆς
ὡ̣ς̣ π̣ρ̣ό̣κ̣ε̣ι̣τ̣α̣ι̣.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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APIS Translation (English)
... [The boundaries are on the south] the holding of N.N. which has been confiscated, on the north the guard's holding of Theodoros, on the west the Crown land cultivated by N.N. son of N.N., on the east the land of Ph[--] son of N.N., and I have received from him the wages for the land and the expenses. I therefore present to you the memorandum in order that you may transfer the 3 arouras to the name of Ptolemaios in the sowing-list of the said year and in the survey according to crops through the usual officials, as is right. The 30th year, Choiak 19. (2nd hand) I, Mysthes, will hand over the 3 arouras as aforesaid.