DDbDP transcription: p.genova.3.101 [xml]
221 BC? Arsinoite
δίλων πόλεως καὶ τ̣ῶν ̣[ -ca.?- σῶν]
κωμῶν παρὰ Τιμάρχο̣[υ τοῦ Κρ]ά̣τητ[ος -ca.?- ]
Σικυωνίου· ἀπογράφ[ο]μαι [ε]ἰς το̣ὺς
5περὶ Κροκοδίλων πόλιν κατὰ τὸ ἐκτε-
θὲν ἔκθεμα {εἰς τοὺς} φυλακίτας·
ἀξι̣ῶ οὖν πρ[ο]σ̣γραφῆναι μέ·
(ἔτους) α Παχὼν κη
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
HGV 5594 Translation (English) [xml]
1 To Dioskourides, archiphylakitês of Krokodilopolis and the (associated?) villages, from Timarchos, son of Krates… Sikyonian. I am being registered into the phylakitai around Krokodilopolis in accordance with the publically posted edict. I ask, therefore, that I be added to the list. Year 1, Pachon 28. (J. Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement, p. 297)