sign in

sb.18.13876 = HGV SB 18 13876 = Trismegistos 5829 = michigan.apis.2829

DDbDP transcription: sb.18.13876 [xml]

180/179/169/168 BC ?

ἔτου(ς) β τετέλε(σται)
Τῦβι ιγ σ̣, σ, κ σ, κζ ρμ.
Μεχεὶρ ιϛ σ, ιθ σ, κβ ρν, κδ ρϙ.
Φαμε(νὼθ) ε σ, ια ρν, ιε υ.
5Φαρμοῦ(θι) κγ υ, κϛ τμ.
Παχὼ(ν) ζ τ, θ ρν, ιε ρν,
κδ ρμ.
Παῦ(νι) ιγ̣ σ,
ιϛ   ̣, κβ ρϙε̣, [β  ̣] ρν,
10λ σκε. Ἐπεὶφ κε σν.

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APIS Translation (English)

"In year 2, payments: On Tybi 13, 6 dr. (?), on the 16th 6dr. (?), on the 20th 6 dr. (?), on the 27th 140 dr. (?). On Mecheir 16, 6 dr. (?), on the 19th 6 dr. (?), on the 22nd 159 dr. (?), on the 24th 190. On Phamenoth5, 6 dr. (?), on 11th150dr. (?), on the 15th 400 dr. (?). On Pharmouthi 23rd 400 dr. (?), on the 26th 340. On Pachon 7th, 300 dr. (?), on the 9th 150 dr. (?), on the 15th 150, on the 24th 140 dr. (?), Pauni 13th 6 dr. (?), on the 16th ? dr. (?), on the 24th 195 dr. (?), on the [2.] 150 dr. (?), on the 30th, 225 dr. (?), on Epeiph 25 250 dr. (?)."