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21 P. L. Bat. 1 = Trismegistos 64079 = LDAB 5296 = HGV P.Warr. 21 V Kol. I = leidenpapinst.apis.0021

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APIS Translation (English)

(Translation from P.L.Bat. I 21) A hanging lamp, not miniated. Burn it with good olive-oil and ceder-oil. 'Thou art the fire unquenchable that is set beside the great god Osornophris Osor --. Thou didst minister to him when he fell in love with his own (5) sister Senephtys and didst run six times sixty leagues and didst encompass six times sixty mountains. Even so minister to me, NN, in regard to NN. Else I will utter the eight letters of the moon (10) which have been fixed on the heart of the sun, and if I am about to speak and you have not yet departed, I will go within the seven gates round Dardaniel and will shake the foundation of the earth and (15) the four elements of the world shall be merged together in order that their product may become nought. Be thou dissolved into thine own nature and mix with the air and go to NN daughter of NN – ordinary speech – and bring her to me with thy thunderous fire. I adjure you, the great god, (20) set in the pure earth, by whom the fire is set unquenchable for ever. Athouin thrice, (magic words), ordinary speech.' A safeguard: wrap 3 peonies round your left arm and wear them. 'Come to me, god of gods, manifestation from fire and spirit, (25) who alone wearest thruth on thy head, who cleavest the darkness, lord of spirits, (magic words). Hail lord (magic words)'. Say this many times, and if you proceed, the phantom delays: 'Open, heaven; open, Olympus; open, Hades; open, abyss; (30) let the darkness be divided at the command of the most high god and let the sacred light come forth from the infinite into the abyss.' If it again delays, speak thus again aloud, enchanting the boy: (Magic words). 'Approach, o lord god; hail, sacred light; hail, eye of the world; hail, ray of dawn upon the world; (35) and give me an answer concerning the things I beg of thee.' And ask what you wish. Release: 'I thank you that you have come at the god's command. I beg you to keep me whole, unaffrighted, un-spectre-struck (magic words). Betake yourselves to your hallowed seats.' With a cup, into which you put a cotyle of good oil, and which you place on a brick; (40) and you shall inscribe these characters on a live magnet. These characters are made. And you shall set the stone outside on the left of the cup and, grasping it (?) with both hands, recite as it was explained to you. Throw (the magnet?) into the cup. Plunge in it the afterbirth of a bitch called White, viz. of a pup white when born, or a --- membrane (?). (45) And write with myrrh on the boy's breast Karbaoth. A method to find by a number whether one is living or dead, thus: having made, with reference to him, a counting ---, let him complete --- in the number 612, which is the name of a god, viz. Zeus, and from the greater number let him subtract 353, which is (50) Hermes. If then pairs are found in the number, he lives, but if ---. (verso) 2nd year of Antoninus – Mecheir 6th to 7th, 7th hour of the night: (55) Saturnus, horoskopos in Scorpio; Jupiter, Sun in Aquarius; Mars in Aries; Venus, Moon, Mercurius in Capricorn. 2nd year of the same, (60) Mecheir 17th to 18th, 11th hour of the night: Saturnus in Scorpio; Jupiter, Sun in Aquarius; Mars in Aries; (65) Venus, horoskopos, Mercurius in Capricorn; Moon in Gemini. Didymos: Saturnus in Libra; Jupiter, Moon in Capricorn; Venus in Aries; (70) Sun in Taurus; Mercurius, Mars in Gemini; horoskopos in Leo. Dionysia: 1st year of Philippus, Epeiph 8th, 2nd hour of the day: Saturnus, Mars in Virgo; Jupiter, Venus in Taurus; (75) Mercurius in Gemini; horoskopos (?), Sun (?) in Cancer; Moon in Libra. (Magic words and figure). (123) 'Let the body and the womb of NN open and let her bleed by night (125) and by day', and ordinary speech. Write with soiled blood and recite -- when the night has come: 'she injured me first,' and bury near a ….