DDbDP transcription: cpr.19.2 [xml]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1ὑπατίας(*) Οὐιρί[ου Νεπωτιανοῦ]
καὶ Τεττίου Φακούνδου τῶν λαμ̣-
προτ̣ά̣των Παχὼν κζ(*). (hand 2) Αὐρή-
[λιος -ca.?- ]ε̣ι̣ν̣ος Ἀρίου μεμίσ(θω )(*)
5[ὡς π]ρ̣[ό]κ̣ειται.
^ 1.
l. ὑπατείας^ 3.
BL 13.77 : κε prev. ed.^ 4.
or μεμίσ(θωμαι), or μεμίσ(θωκα)
- 2021-09-26T13:29:33-04:00 [ngonis]: Finalized - done
- 2021-09-26T13:25:29-04:00 [ngonis]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - OK
- 2021-09-26T13:22:53-04:00 [ngonis]: Submit - Entered BL correction to lin3.
- 2011-10-21T16:30:30.271-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Finalized - ready
- 2011-10-21T16:30:30.266-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-FInalization - Accept. Lin4--> <:(μεμισ(θω ))||alt||(μεμίσ(θωμαι))|(μεμίσ(θωκα)):>;
lin5 no hyphen
- 2011-09-30T14:23:35.809-04:00 [PaulvdLaan]: Entered Greek text from CPR 19.2
- 2011-09-25T05:44:31-04:00 [editor]: Automated creation from template
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-10-31 [gabrielbodard]: changed type=inWord to break=no
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.