sign in

sb.22.15273 = HGV SB 22 15273 = Trismegistos 78943 = michigan.apis.2139

DDbDP transcription: sb.22.15273 [xml]

V/VI spc ?

† ἐδόθ(η) δ̣(ιὰ) τοῦ εὐλαβεστά(του)(*)
Βίκτορος ἐνοικολόγ(ου)
ἀπὸ λόγ(ου) ἐνοικ(ίου) ἕ̣κτης
ἰ̣νδ(ικτίωνος) χρυσοῦ ἰδ[ιωτ]ι̣[κῷ](*) [ζυγῷ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ 1. G. Papaioannou (from photo) (via PN) : εὐλαβεστάτου prev. ed.
^ 4. N. Gonis, Tyche 30 (2015) 230 : ἰδ[ιωτικῷ] prev. ed.

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APIS Translation (English)

"† Paid by the most discreet Victor, rent-collector, from the account of rent of the sixth indiction golden with the private standard[