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zpe.213.188 = HGV ZPE 213 (2020) S. 188 = Trismegistos 832443

DDbDP transcription: zpe.213.188 [xml]

Παν̣ά̣ρης Ἡρακλ̣ᾷ τῶι
υἱῷ χ(αίρειν).
ἀσπαζόμεθά σ̣ε̣ μεγά-
λως ἐγὼ καὶ ἡ μήτηρ
5σου καὶ ἡ ἀδελφή̣ σου
καὶ τὸ παιδίον σου καὶ
ἡ̣ μικρὰ Ταψάις.
ἀ̣πῆλθα πρὸς Μν̣ησίθεο̣ν̣
κ̣αὶ ἔσχον (δραχμὰς) τ ὧν
10ἔδωκα ὑπ(ὲρ) ⟦- ca.4 -⟧ ἀνκαλῶν
(δραχμὰς) σ ∆ιονυσίῳ,
δημοσίοις ὀνηλάταις
ὑπὲρ σοῦ εἰς τὰς δύο
σ̣υ̣νόδους (δραχμὰς) ιβ.
15ἐρρ[ῶσθ]αι σ’ ε̣ὐ̣χ̣(όμεθα).
(hand 2) πειρά̣θητι ἐρχόμενος ἀγοράσαι
φακοῦ ὡσεὶ ἀρτ̣[- ca.14 -]
ἐὰν εὑρή̣σῃ α̣  ̣[- ca.16 -]
(hand 1) ἀπὸ Πανάρους ☓ Ἡρακλᾷ υἱῶι.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 832443 Translation (English) [xml]


1  Panares to Heraklas his son, greetings. I, your mother, your sister and your child and the little Tapsais, we greet you.
8  I visited Mnesitheos and got 300 drachmas, of which I gave Dionysios 200 drachmas for the sheaves, to the public donkey-drivers on your behalf for the two associations 12 drachmas. I pray for your health.
16  Try to buy on your way about … artabs of lentils … if you find …


1  From Panares to Heraklas his son. (Translation: M. Elmeghrabi, ZPE 213 (2020) 188)