DDbDP transcription: o.krok.1.70 [xml]
Τιτοσῆνος Καπίτωι
vac. ? τῶι τι̣μιωτάτωι χαί(ρειν).
καλῶς ποιήσις(*) ἀπαι-
τήσις(*) τὰ πούπλικα(*)
5ἀπὸ τοῦ Βέσσου·
καὶ ὀφείλι(*) τάλαν-
τον ἀχύρου·
ἐπὶ(*) γὰρ ε τά̣λ̣(αντα) ὁμ̣(οῦ)(*)
^ 3.
l. ποιήσεις^ 3-4.
l. ἀπαι |τήσας^ 4.
l. πούβλικα^ 6.
l. ὀφείλει^ 8.
l. ἐπεὶ^ 8.
H. Cuvigny (photograph) (via PN) : (πεν(?))τ(αρταβίαν(?)) prev. ed.
- 2014-04-03T08:16:40.75-04:00 [berkes.lajos]: Finalized - ready
- 2014-04-03T08:16:40.743-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - In lin8 the epsilon is clear as is ὁμ(οῦ) - the omicron is clear
with a stroke above it; the reading of talanton is more difficult but I am prepared
to accept it as a tau joined to an alpha below it and finishing as a cursively written
lamba joined to the alpha.
- 2014-04-03T08:16:40.733-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Vote - AcceptText - Accept. HC confirms that this is her reading, entered by M-P C.
Difficult; I can make out τ and perhaps α, but λ I have to take on faith. But I am
inclined to trust the eye and judgment of the ed.
- 2013-12-10T11:35:53.698-05:00 [Marie-pierre%20Chaufray]: APPCHANGE
- 2010-08-11T08:19:35.238-04:00 [george.bevan]: Transcoded text entered from O.Krok.
- 2010-08-07T16:21:11-04:00 [editor]: Automated creation from template
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-12-13 [Faith]: Automatic insertion of lb tags into origs to match existing lb tags in the reg
- 2011-10-31 [gabrielbodard]: changed type=inWord to break=no
- 2011-10-04 [Faith]: Automatically updated revision description
- 2011-09-20 [Faith]: Automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-03-02 [gabrielbodard]: batch converted all tei:sic to tei:orig and tei:corr to tei:reg
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