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Series--- All values ---DCLP: p.oxy (34)DDBDP: p.oxy (54)
Collection--- All values ---
ID #
Author--- All values ---Anonymus (1)Callimachus (1)Cato (1)Gaius (1)Henoch (1)Herodotus (5)Hesiodus (2)Iustinianus (1)Lycophron (1)Melito of Sardes (1)Phlegon of Tralles (1)Pindarus (1)Plato philosophus (1)Sappho (1)Sophocles (2)Testamentum Vetus (Septuaginta) (2)Xenophon (1)unknown (64)
Work--- All values ---Aetia (1)Aiax (1)Alexandra (1)Apocalypse of Enoch (1)Chronica (1)Cyropaedia (1)De veritate (1)Digesta (1)Ecclesiastes (1)Historiae (5)Institutiones (1)Olympian odes (1)Opera et Dies (1)Phaedrus (1)Psalmi (1)Scyrii (1)Symbolum Nicaenum (1)Theogonia (1)unknown (66)
Provenance--- All values ---Areos (Hermopolites) (1)Arsinoites (1)Arsinoites (?) (1)Dositheu Kome (Oxyrhynchites) (1)Episemu epoikion (Oxyrhynchites) (1)Hermopolis (?) (1)Hermopolites (3)Nesmimis (Oxyrhynchites) (1)Oxyrhynchites (16)Oxyrhynchos (9)Oxyrhynchos (?) (2)Oxyrhynchos (?) Oxyrhynchos (?) (1)Ptolemais Euergetis (Arsinoites) (1)unbekannt (15)
Nome--- All values ---Arsinoites (3)Hermopolites (5)Oxyrhynchites (65)U (1)
Language--- All values ---Ancient Greek (69)Latin (4)Aramaic (1)
Translation language--- All values ---English (1)None (87)
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Has Transcription--- All values ---true (60)false (28)
88 hits.