Identifier | Title | Location | Date | Languages | Translations | Images |
p.petr 2 10 1 | Correspondence of Phaies. From the Royal Gooseherds Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 221 BCE - 205 BCE | grc, grc | None | Print |
p.petr 2 10 2 | Correspondence of Phaies. Ammonios’ Letter from Prison Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 221 BCE - 205 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 12 1 | Correspondence of Aphthonetos Correspondence … | Krokodilopolis (Arsinoites, Ägypten) | 242 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.petr 2 12 2 | Correspondence of Aphthonetos. A Petition Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 244 BCE - 222 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 12 3 | Correspondence of Aphthonetos Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 244 BCE - 222 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 13 1 | Correspondence of Kleon, Commissioner of Public Works Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 256 BCE - 255 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 13 2 | Correspondence of Kleon, Commissioner of Public Works Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 256 BCE - 255 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.petr 2 13 6 | Correspondence of Kleon, Commissioner of Public Works Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 275 BCE - 226 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 13 9 | Correspondence of Kleon, Commissioner of Public Works Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 275 BCE - 226 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 15 1 | Correspondence of Theodoros Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 238 BCE - 237 BCE | grc, la, la, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 15 2a | Correspondence of Theodoros Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 238 BCE - 237 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 15 2b | Letter from Asklepiades to Theodoros Letter … | Fundort: Gurob; Schreibort: Arsinoites | 238 BCE - 237 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.petr 2 15 3 | Correspondence of Theodoros Correspondence … | Arsinoites | 250 BCE - 237 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 17 1 | The Affairs of Lamiske The … | Krokodilopolis (Arsinoites) | 229 BCE - 228 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.petr 2 17 2 | The Affairs of Lamiske The … | Krokodilopolis (Arsinoites) | 229 BCE - 228 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |