Medical prescriptions for eye diseases. The text is copied on the verso of a fragment (cut in two pieces after being unearthed; fr. 1 26x32.5 cm; fr. 2 28.1x33 cm) preserving on the recto a report of confiscated property in and around Hermoupolis dated to AD 161 (P.Tebt. 2.342). The majority of the recipes in this collection are labeled kollyria; many of these salves seem to be for medicating the eyes, while some few appear of dermatological use. Their individuality is specified in the headings that precede the lists of ingredients; directions are occasionally inserted within the lists. The text is arranged in eight narrow columns, with cols. 3 and 7 a bit shorter and cols. 2, 4, 6, and 8 extending further down into the bottom margin by an additional line or two. Only the bottom margin of the papyrus is preserved in full. The scribe excises the final line at 8.27, obliterating what he has first written; by this point he apparently has no desire to make use of the still empty bottom margin (ca. 2–3 cm) to finish off the last recipe. The hand is cursive and the copier sometimes writes less than satisfactory Greek, encountering greater difficulties the farther he goes with his copying either because he may not have been very familiar with this type of copying, or perhaps he is compelled, for some reason, to work in haste.
(This papyrus has been digitally edited by Luca Iori as part of the Project "DIGMEDTEXT - Online Humanities Scholarship: A Digital Medical Library based on Ancient Texts" (ERC-AdG-2013, Grant Agreement no. 339828) funded by the European Research Council at the University of Parma (Principal Investigator: Prof. Isabella Andorlini). The digital edition is mostly based on the previous editions ( = B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt - E.J. Goodspeed, P.Tebt. II 273; ed.alt. = A.E. Hanson, GMP II 5).)
DCLP transcription: 63789 [xml]
Traces 22-23 lines
1[ -ca.?- ] ̣ vac. ? [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ vac. ? (τριώβολοι)
[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμὴ) α
[ -ca.?- ] vac. ? (δραχμὴ) α̣
5[ -ca.?- ] vac. ? [ὕδ]ω̣ρ χ̣ρῶι(*) column ii
Traces 3 lines
[χ]α̣[λκοῦ κεκαυ]μ̣[ένο]υ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
μ[άγμα]τος [ -ca.?- ]
[στίμμ]εως̣ [ -ca.?- ]
10ζ[μύρν]η̣ς̣ [ -ca.?- ]
ὀ[πίου -ca.?- ]
κ̣ό̣μμεως̣ [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- με]τ̣᾿ ο̣ἴνου χρῶι(*) [ -ca.?- ]
παδ[ι]κ̣[ὸ]ν(*) κολ[λ]ύρ[ιο]ν̣ πρὸς
15τὰ τρ[α]χέα βλέφαρα
κατμ̣ή̣[α]ς(*) λε[ίας] (δραχμὴ) α̣
χαλκοῦ κεκαυμένου (δραχμαὶ) δ
ὕδ[ω]ρ χ̣ρ̣ῶ̣ι(*)
[ἄλ]λ̣ο̣· χαλκοῦ κεκαυμέν(ου) (δραχμὴ) α
20[ὀ]πίου (δραχμαὶ) β̣ (ὄβολος)
[ἰο]ῦ (δραχμὴ) α
ζ̣μ̣[ύρ]ν̣ης̣ (τετρώβολος)
ὕδωρ̣ χ[ρ]ῶ̣ι(*)
τ̣[ὸ ἐ]ν̣αντιώ[τα]τ̣ον κολλ̣ύ̣ριον
ὀ̣πίου column iii
Traces 11 lines 12[Traces]
[ἄλ]λ[ο] κ̣ο̣λ̣[λύ]ρ̣ι̣ο̣ν
[τὸ] δ̣ι̣ὰ̣ χ̣α̣λ̣κ̣ί̣δ̣ι̣δος(*) (δραχμὴ) α
15ἢ̣ [τὸ] διὰ κατμήας(*) (δραχμαὶ) η
υ(*)[ἰοῦ](*) κ̣[υπ]ρί[ου] (δραχμὴ) α
χαλκοῦ κεκαυμένου (δραχμὴ) α
στί̣μ̣μ̣ε̣ω̣ς̣ (δραχμὴ) α
ζμ̣[ύρνη]ς̣ (δραχμὴ) α
20ὀπίου̣ (δραχμὴ) α
χαλ̣β̣[άνης] (δραχμὴ) α
κ̣α̣λκά[νθ]ου̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
λιθα̣[ργύ]ρ̣[ο]υ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
κόμμ[εως -ca.?- ]
25ἀμμ[ωνιακοῦ -ca.?- ] vac. 2 lines column iv
Traces 2 lines
3[ -ca.?- ] ̣[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]α̣[ -ca.?- ]
5ὕ[δ]ωρ χ[ρῶ]ι(*)
κ[ολλύριον] π̣ρὸς πᾶν ἄ[ρ]γ̣εμον τριβ̣ό̣-
[μενον κατὰ] δ̣ύο τρόπους. [ἔσ]τι δέ
[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμαὶ) [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ](δραχμαὶ) [ -ca.?- ]
10 ̣[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμαὶ) ι̣
[ -ca.?- ]ς̣ (δραχμαὶ) ι̣
τ̣[ -ca.?- ] ̣[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμαὶ) ι̣ε
̣κ̣[ -ca.?- ]α̣λ̣[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμαὶ) [ -ca.?- ] β̣
χ̣[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμαὶ) [ -ca.?- ]
15λ̣ι̣[βάνου] (δραχμαὶί) [ -ca.?- ] β̣
ὀ[ποπ]ά̣ν̣ακος(*) (δραχμαὶ) ια̣
χα̣λ̣β[άνης] (δραχμαὶ) ιβ
ἐλ[α]ί̣[ο]υ̣ χ[ει]μῶνος κοτύλης α
ἐ[λαίου] θ̣έ̣[ρους κοτ]ύ̣[λης] α (ἥμισυ)
20ὄ̣ξ̣[ο]υ̣[ς] κ̣[οτύλ]η(ς) α
π̣ά̣[ντα] μετ᾿ ὄξους τρῖβε
κ̣[α]θεψ̣[ή]σ̣α̣ς τὰ ἄτη[κτ]α
χλ̣[ω]ρ̣ὰ̣ ἡ̣ ἀμίμητος
π̣ρ̣ὸς κ̣υ̣νοδήκτους
25κ̣α̣ὶ̣ ἀ̣ν̣θρωποδηκτος(*)
κ̣α̣ὶ̣ ἀ̣σ̣πιδοκτους(*)
[καὶ κρ]ο̣κοδιλοπλήκ̣τους
χ̣α̣λ̣κ̣ο̣ῦ̣ κ̣ε̣[καυμένου] (δραχμαὶ) ϛ column v
[ -ca.?- ]
λ[ίθου σ]χ̣ι̣[στοῦ -ca.?- ]
κ[αλ]κάνθ[ου](*) [ -ca.?- ]
κ[α]τμία[ς](*) [ -ca.?- ]
5π[ηγ]άν[ου -ca.?- ]
σ[α]ραπιάδος χλ[ωρ]ᾶς̣ [ -ca.?- ]
ῥητίνης̣ κυ̣π̣α̣[ρί]σ̣ου(*) [ -ca.?- ]
κηροῦ μν̣ᾶ [ -ca.?- ] α̣
αἰλέ̣[ου](*) κοτ(υλ ) [ -ca.?- ]
10ὄξο[υς] κ[ο]τ[υ]λ( ) [ -ca.?- ]
τὰ ἄτ[ηκτ]α̣ σ̣[ὺν τ]οῖς ὑγρ̣ο̣ῖ̣ς̣
σκεύαζε [κ]αὶ ὕδ̣[ω]ρ̣ προσανάλα̣μ̣β̣ε̣
τῆς̣ [συ]ν̣θέ[σε]ως α̣[ -ca.?- ]
τ̣ὸ̣ π̣ρ̣ὸ̣ς̣ ὑ̣π̣[οσφάγματα](*) [διὰ]
15πυξααν[θου](*) κολλούριον
λίθος σχιστό̣ς̣ (δραχμ ) ̣
χαλκοῦ κεκαυμένου [ -ca.?- ]
κρόκου μάγματος [ -ca.?- ]
ζμύρνης (δραχμ ) [ -ca.?- ]
20υ(*)[ἰοῦ](*) κυπρίου [ -ca.?- ]
φλοιοῦ λιβάνου [ -ca.?- ]
ἀμ̣[μ]ω̣[νιακ]οῦ [ -ca.?- ]
κόμμεως (δραχμαί) [ -ca.?- ]
ὕδω[ρ χ]ρῶι(*)
25τὸ ὑγρὸν κολλύριον πρ[ὸς] π̣ᾶσαν
χαλκοῦ κεκαυ[μένου] (δραχμὴ) α̣ column vi
Traces 2 lines
5[χ]α̣λ̣κ̣ά̣[νθου (δραχμ )]
ψ̣ιμι[θίου] (δραχμαί) δ̣
στίμμεω̣[ς] (δραχμαί) δ
ὀπίου (τετρώβολοι)
χάρτου (δραχμή) α
10κόμμεως (δραχμαί) β
ὕδ[ω]ρ χρῶι(*)
[τὸ Δημοκ]ρήτου(*) πρὸς τὰ βραχ(έα)
κατμήας(*) (δραχμή) α
15χαλκοῦ κεκα̣υμένου (δραχμή) α
υ̣ἰοῦ(*) κυπρίου (δραχμή) α
μάγμα[το]ς (δραχμή) α
ζμύνης(*) (δραχμή) α
πεπέρεως (δραχμή́) α
20ὀπίου (δραχμή) α
κόμμεως (δραχμή́) α
τὸ διὰ τῆς χαλκίτιδος(*)
χαλκίτιδος (δραχμαί) η
κατμίας(*) (δραχμαί) β
25ζμύρνης (ὄβολοι)
ὀπίου (δραχμή́) α
κόμμεως (δραχμαί) δ
ὕδωρ χρῶι(*) column vii
Traces 2 lines
3[ -ca.?- ] (τριώβολον)
[ -ca.?- ] (τριώβολον)
5[ -ca.?- ] (διώβολον)
[ -ca.?- ] (τετρώβολον)
[ -ca.?- ] (τριώβολον)
[(δραχμαί)] ε̣
̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ] (δραχμή) α
10ὕ̣[δωρ χ]ρῶι(*) (δραχμαί) η (τριώβολον)
[τὸ διὰ π]ηγά[νου πρ]ὸς ἕλ-
πηγάν̣ου ἀ[γρίου -ca.?- ] ̣
πεπέρεως [ -ca.?- ] ̣
15μάγματος [ -ca.?- ]
κόμμεως [ -ca.?- ]
ὕδ̣[ωρ χρῶ -ca.?- ]
τ̣[ὸ δ]ι̣[α - ca.11 -]ον(*)
[ -ca.?- ]ου [ -ca.?- ] ̣ [(δραχμαί)] β̣
20[ -ca.?- ] ̣[ -ca.?- ] (τριώβολον)
κρόκου̣ [ -ca.?- ](*) (τριώβολον)
ὀπίο̣υ̣ [ -ca.?- ] (τριώβολον)
κόμμε̣[ω]ς̣ [ -ca.?- ] (δραχμή́) α
ὕδωρ χρῶι(*) (δραχμαί) δ (τριώβολον)
Traces 2 lines column viii
Traces 2 lines 3υ̣(*)[ἰοῦ](*) [κυπρίο]υ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
κόμ[μεως -ca.?- ]
5ὕ̣[δωρ] χρ̣[ῶ]ι̣(*)
τὸ ξ[η]ρὸ[ν διὰ] ἀ̣λκυ̣[ονίου]
πρὸς πεπα̣χυ[σμέν]α̣ [βλέ]φ̣[αρα]
ἀλκυονύου(*) (δραχμ ) ̣[ -ca.?- ]
ἀμμωνιακῆς (δραχμ ) [ -ca.?- ]
10μάγματος (δραχμ ) [ -ca.?- ]
υ̣(*)ἰ̣οῦ(*) κυπρίου (δραχμή) α̣
χαλκοῦ κεκαυμ̣[ένου -ca.?- ]
ζμύρνη[ς -ca.?- ]
κόμμεως [ -ca.?- ]
15ὕδωρ χ̣[ρῶι](*) [ -ca.?- ]
ἐτιοπικοῦ(*) κολλούρ̣[ιον]
λίθος σχιστ̣ό̣[ς -ca.?- ]
ὀμφακ̣[ί]ου [ -ca.?- ]
χαλκ̣[οῦ] κ̣ε̣[καυ]μ̣[ένου -ca.?- ]
20ζμύρνης̣ [ -ca.?- ]
κόκους κνιδ( )(*) [ -ca.?- ]
ὕδωρ χ[ρῶ]ι̣(*) (δραχμ ) [ -ca.?- ]
πρὸς ῥεύματα π̣α̣λ̣[αιὰ]
καὶ σποδρὰ(*) κ[ο]λ̣λ̣[ύ]ρ[ιο]ν̣
25χαλκοῦ κεκαυ[μέν]ου (δραχμή) α
λίθος σχιστ(ός)(*) (δραχμή) α
⟦ ̣ ̣ ̣⟧
^ i.5. l. χ̣ρῶ
^ ii.13. l. χρῶ
^ ii.14. l. παιδ[ι]κ̣[ό]ν
^ ii.16. l. καδμ̣ε̣ί̣[α]ς
^ ii.18. l. χ̣ρ̣ῶ̣
^ ii.23. l. χ[ρ]ῶ̣
^ ii.25. l. στίμμεως
^ iii.14. l. χ̣α̣λ̣κ̣ί̣τ̣ι̣δος
^ iii.15. l. καδμείας̣
^ iii.16. l. ἰοῦ : ϋ[ιου] papyrus
^ iii.22. l. χ̣α̣λκάνθου̣
^ iv.5. l. χρῶ
^ iv.16. corr. ex α[ποπ]α̣ν̣ακοσ
^ iv.25. l. ἀ̣ν̣θρωποδήκτους
^ iv.26. l. ἀ̣σ̣πιδοδήκτους
^ v.3. l. χαλκάνθου
^ v.4. l. καδμείας
^ v.7. l. κυπαρίσσου
^ v.9. l. ἐλαίου
^ v.14. or ὑ̣π̣[ώπια]
^ v.15. l. πυξακάνθου (or πυξακάνθης)(*)
^ v.20. l. ἰοῦ
^ v.24. l. [χ]ρῶ
^ vi.11. l. χρῶ
^ vi.12. l. [Δημοκ]ρίτου
^ vi.14. l. καδμείας
^ vi.16. l. ἰοῦ
^ vi.18. l. ζμύρνης
^ vi.22. corr. ex χαλκιδιδοσ
^ vi.24. l. καδμείας
^ vi.28. l. χρῶ
^ vii.10. l. χρῶ
^ vii.18. or [- ca.4 - κολλύρι]ον
^ vii.21. or κρόκου̣ [μάγματος]
^ vii.24. l. χρῶ
^ viii.3. l. ἰοῦ : ϋ̣[ιου] papyrus
^ viii.5. l. χρῶ
^ viii.8. l. ἀλκυονείου
^ viii.11. l. ἰοῦ : ϋ̣ι̣ου papyrus
^ viii.15. l. χ̣[ρῶ]
^ viii.16. l. αἰθιοπικοῦ
^ viii.21. l. κόκκου κνιδ(ίου) (or κόκκους κνιδ(ίους))(*)
^ viii.22. l. χρῶ
^ viii.24. l. σφοδρά
^ viii.26. corr. ex
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
- 2.6.
It is likely that a new recipe begins at the top of col. 2 (now lost), because of the appearance of ὕδωρ χρῶ in the last line of col. 1. If the first recipe be short (e.g. col. 2.[1]–[5]), there is room for a second recipe beginning with a one-line heading at col. 2.[6] and continuing through col. 2.13.
- 14.
Grenfell and Hunt report πρὸς τὰ τρ[α]χ̣έ̣α βλέφα[ρ]α, reading only the right-hand portion of ll. 14–5.
- 19.
[ἄλ]λ̣ο̣ presumably "another children's kollyrion", although no children's kollyrion in the medical writers replicates the recipe.
- 24.
"The totally opposite kollyrion", but in what way this kollyrion is opposite and whether it is opposite to the one which directly precedes it is not made clear.
- 28.
Since no ὕδωρ χρῶ is visible at the bottom of col. 2, it is likely the recipe continues at the top of col. 3 (now lost).
- 3.13.
At least 12 lines are lost from the top of col. 3, and only the barest traces remain at 3.12, where it is not possible to organize them into ὕδωρ χρῶ. Nonetheless, a new recipe does begin at col. 3.13.
- 16.
The left-hand dot of a diaeresis seems visible over the upsilon.
- 25.
ἀμμ[ωνιακοῦ(?)] presumably "gum ammoniac", as is also partly preserved at col. 5.22 (ἀμ̣[μ]ω̣[νιακ]οῦ), but, when written in full at col. 8.9, it is ἀμμωνιακῆς. After col. 3.25 some two lines are apparently left blank, as also happens in col. 7.
- 4.5.
Presumably ll. 1-5 complete the recipe which begins at col. 3.13.
- 16.
Although the initial omicron appears to represent a correction from alpha, the spelling with an initial alpha is attested elsewhere, see Fournet 2004, 195.
- 29.
The recipe beginning at col. 4.23 apparently continues with additional metallic substances in col. 5.[1]–4 at the start of the next column, albeit with the loss of one line at the top.
- 5.2.
When the roll was cut in two, apparently for mounting between glass, the initial letters of the ingredients at col. 5.2–7 appear on the first section of the papyrus (e.g. λ[ , κ[ , κ[ , π[ , σ[ , ρ-), while the remainder of most or all of each word is on what is now the second piece, with minimal gap of one or two letters at col. 5.3–6. The list of ingredients which begins at col. 4.29 continues into column 5, apparently completed only with the appearance of the new rubric at col. 5.14.
- 8.
All the letters of κηροῦ, are visible, at least in part; the mu and alpha of μν̣ᾶ are also clear, while the remaining traces in between are compatible with nu.
- 14.
The space after ὑ̣π̣[ ] in col. 5.14 seems better filled by ὑ̣π̣[οσφάγματα] with a total of 20 letters to the line, than by ὑ̣π̣[ώπια] with a total of only 15 letters, but either is possible.
- 16.
For ll. 16-24 see Aët, 7.41 (CMG 8.2, 294–5 Oliv.).
- 20.
Both the apparent diaeresis over the vague traces of an initial upsilon, plus the adjective κ̣υπρίου immediately thereafter, make the reading υ̣[ἰοῦ] (l. ἰοῦ) likely here.
- 6.4.
The recipe beginning in col. 5.25–7 is either an extremely short one, or it continues at the beginning of col. 6.[1], and is still listing the metals at col. 6.5–7. In any case, completion of a recipe comes at col. 6.11 with an indented ὕδωρ χρῶ, followed by a new rubric.
- 12.
Marganne 1981, 323 suggests that the scribe wrote βραχ(έα) by mistake, when he ought to have written τραχέα.
- 7.3.
In the two lines missing at the top of col. 7, the title for a new recipe is most likely to occur, as col. 6 ends with ὕδωρ χρῶ. The listing of ingredients begins at col. 7.3 ending at col. 7.9, but only amounts are preserved.
- 17.
This line may also have contained the sum of the amounts of the ingredients listed at 7.13–6, as happens at 7.10 and 7.24, but the papyrus is lost at this point.
- 24.
After 7.24 two lines are left blank, making col. 7 a bit shorter than cols. 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8, but about the same length as col. 3.
- 8.3.
Traces of the diaeresis above initial upsilon seem clear.
- 5.
A very short recipe (ll. 1-5) reaches its conclusion here with ὕδωρ χρῶ.
- 6.
Beginning of a new recipe.
- 27.
The scribe ends col. 8 by crossing out the line with a stroke about three letter spaces in length and sufficient to obliterate whatever he has first written.
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