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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 142.4 142.4 / 142.5 145.4 145.4 / 145.5
Index bis: 141.4 P. Mich. Inv. 4697 A recto 142.4 O. Mich. Inv. 9332; 9335; 9337; 9380; 9404; 9442; 9500; 9505; 9526; 9529; 9582; 9602; 9604; 9608; 9609; 9611; 9612; 9621; 9622; 9814; 9871; 9893; 9895; 9903; 9918; 9983; 10252 142.4 / 142.5 O. Mich. Inv. 9501 145.4 O. Mich. I, 12; 116; 121; 122; 123; 124; 125; 132; 270; 311; 322; 329; 362; 592 145.4 / 145.5 O. Mich. I, 287; 288
Titre: Youtie Herbert C., Notes on O. Mich. I.
Publication: TAPA 71 (1940) pp. 623-659.
Résumé: 1. Greek ostraca with Latin subscriptions. O. Mich. I, 287; 288. - 2. Receipt for seven days work on the embankments. O. Mich. I, 270. - 3. Receipts for one day's work on the embankments. - 4. "sullithegia". O. Mich. I, 311; 322. - 5. "aphulismos". O. Mich. I, 12; 132. - 6. "zutos". O. Mich. I, 362. - 7. "suntaxis" and "epistatikon". O. Mich. I, 121-125; 116. - 8. "naula". O. Mich. I, 329. - 9. "exopulites". O. Mich. I, 592. - Donne le texte des inédits O. Mich. Inv. 9501; 9895; 9500; 9332; 9983; 10252; 9609; 9505; 9442; 9871; 9814; 9621; 9611; 9612; 9608; 9604; 9918; 9380; 9526; 9622; 9582; 9337; 9602; 9335; 9529; 9404; 9893; 9903; P. Mich. Inv. 4697 A recto.
No: 1940-0244


37262. Herbert C. Youtie, "Notes on O. Mich. I.," TAPA, 71 (1940), pp. 623-659. [xml] [edit]

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