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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 / 145.5
Index bis: 145.4 / 145.5 P. Oxy. IV, 720; 735; X, 1271 P. Mich. Inv. 3296; 3829 P. Mich. VII, 438; 442; 463
Titre: Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes, Small Notes on Bilingual Papyri.
Publication: ZPE 42 (1981) pp. 107-110.
Résumé: 1. P. Oxy. IV, 720 = Ch.L.A. IV, 269. - 2. P. Oxy. IV, 735 = Ch.L.A. IV, 275. - 3. P. Oxy. X, 1271 = Ch.L.A. IV, 266. - Corrections of Michigan Papyri republished or published for the first time in Ch.L.A. V: 1. P. Mich. Inv. 3296 = Ch.L.A. V, 285; - 2. Inv. 3289 = Ch.L.A. V, 291; - 3. P. Mich. VII, 463 = Ch.L.A. V, 293; - 4. P. Mich. VII, 442 = Ch.L.A. V, 295; - 5. P. Mich. VII, 538 = Ch.L.A. V, 303.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XVI, 12990 (P. Mich. Inv. 3829 = Ch.L.A V, 291).
No: 1981-0526


54620. Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn, "Small Notes on Bilingual Papyri.," ZPE, 42 (1981), pp. 107-110. [xml] [edit]