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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 620 750
Index bis: 145.4 P. Cair. Inv. 10680 P. Col. Inv. 192 P. Oxy. LIV, 3758; 3759
Titre: LEWIS Naphtali, Notationes legentis.
Publication: BASP 27 (1990) pp. 37-41.
Résumé: The Original Copy (P. Oxy. LIV, 3758). - Casuistry at the Bar (P. Oxy. LIV, 3759). - Women in Public Offices (P. Cair. Inv. 10680 [ed.: P.J. SIJPESTEIJN, A Female βουλευτής, BASP 24 (1987) pp. 141-142]). - An Ambiguous ἐπιτηρητής (P. Col. Inv. 192 [ed.: J.-J. AUBERT, Transfer of Tax-Money from the Village of Theadelphia to the Village of Apias: P. Col. Inv. 192, BASP 24 (1987) pp. 125-136, 1 pl.]).
No: 1990-0426


60759. Naphtali Lewis, "Notationes legentis.," BASP, 27 (1990), pp. 37-41. [xml] [edit]

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