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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 217 413 530 620 630
Index bis: 145.4 P. Berol. Inv. 7347 P. Oxy. X, 1271 P. Wash. Univ. II, 80
Titre: LEWIS Naphtali, Notationes legentis.
Publication: BASP 30 (1993) pp. 115-125.
Résumé: P. Berol. Inv. 7347 (= S.B. XVI, 12949). - Censitor (A. The Office; - B. Iulius Sabinus). - Γόμος [P. Wash. Univ. II, 80]. - The Pergamene "Invention" of Parchment. - Liturgists Don't Get Paid [concerning: Dominic RATHBONE, Economic Rationalism and Rural Society in Third-Century A.D. Egypt (Cambridge, 1991) p. 134]. - Ἐπιμελητής [concerning: Dennis P. KEHOE, The Management of Estates in Roman Egypt and Italy, Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology. II (Cairo, 1992) pp. 100-101]. - "Supplements" [τὰ σουπλημέντα in its slang sense in A.E. 1990, 949; Tabala, Asia, A.D. 192-193]. - Not All Travel Was Commercial [P. Oxy. X, 1271]. - Χαρτηρά [nothing in the available evidence clarifies the nature of the tax].
No: 1993-0400


63211. Naphtali Lewis, "Notationes legentis.," BASP, 30 (1993), pp. 115-125. [xml] [edit]