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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 413
Index bis: 145.4 B.G.U. III, 781 P. Oxy. XIV, 1657
Titre: HELTTULA Anne, Vessels for Mushrooms?
Publication: Arctos 28 (1994) pp. 7-12.
Résumé: The βωλήτιον (P. Oxy. XIV, 1657, 4) - if it existed - and the boletar / βωλητάριον (B.G.U. III, 781, I, 1 et III, 8; 10) were different kinds of vessels. <boletion, boletarion>
No: 1994-0381


63988. Anne Helttula, "Vessels for Mushrooms?," Arctos, 28 (1994), pp. 7-12. [xml] [edit]