Original BP record
Index: 145.4 752
Index bis: 145.4 P. Oxy. XVI, 1911; 1913; L, 3595; 3596; 3597
Titre: MAYERSON Philip, The Economic Status of Potters in P. Oxy. L 3595-3597 & XVI 1911,
Publication: BASP 37 (2000) pp. 97-100.
Résumé: All told, the social and economic status of potters at Oxyrhynchus was at the bottom
of the scale.
No: 2000-0544
69347. Philip Mayerson, "The Economic Status of Potters in P. Oxy. L 3595-3597 & XVI 1911, 1913.," BASP, 37 (2000), pp. 97-100. [xml] [edit]
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