Trismegistos 135949 = LDAB 135949
DCLP/LDAB Data [xml]
Title | TM 135949 |
Works |
Content | New Testament: Paulus apost.; Galatians 6,9-15; Ephesians 1,1-19 |
Fragments | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library M 597 (fol. 75) |
Support Material | parchment |
Date | 600 - 850 |
Origin | Found: Philagris - Perkethayt (Arsinoites, Egypt); written: Philagris - Perkethayt (Arsinoites, Egypt) |
Form and Layout | parchment codex (3 fragments), palimpsdest old, (reused as pastedown) (columns: 2) |
Script Type | Alexandrian majuscule |
Genre | prose; bible; letter |
Culture | literature |
Religion | christian |
Print Illustrations | Hyvernat, Bybliothecae Pierpont Morgan Codices Coptici photographice expressi, 33, pl. 151 |
Availability | © Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. |
Trismegistos: 135949 [source]
Publications | Depuydt, Catalogue of Coptic manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library 267 (1993) |
Inv. no. | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library M 597 (fol. 75) |
Reuse Type | palimpsest old, effaced by: see notes palimpsest new: dated AD 913 (Depuydt, Catalogue no. 107) |
Date | AD 600 - 850 (terminus ante quem: AD 914) |
Language | Coptic (Fayumic) |
Provenance | Egypt, 00b - Monastery of Archangel Michael (Kom Hamuli)[found & written] |
Archive | Hamuli library |
Linked Data
RDF/XML | Turtle | N-Triples | JSON | Graph Visualization