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P. L. Bat. 16 = Trismegistos 64448 = LDAB 5672 = leidenpapinst.apis.v011


This text has been digitally edited by Johannes Kern as part of the Project Encode.

DCLP transcription: 64448 [xml]

ἀπ̣ο̣μ[α]ξ̣ά̣μενος διαμορφες θνητοὺς ἐπ̣ο̣ίησεν Προ-
μηθε{ο}ύς. / βουλήσ<ε>ι μακάρ̣ων   ̣ν  ̣αρτοπολυκα̣μεν
θνητάς δεκάχερος. / γῆν οὖν̣ ὕδατι̣ μ̣ίξας κα̣ι  ̣υ̣αλεν
  ̣ρ  ̣  ̣θε̣ς̣ ἐποίησεν. / δυσαπό̣σπ̣αστον̣ καὶ κ̣υά̣ν̣ε-
5ο̣ν μετ{α}εξεποίησεν τρίχωμα. / ε̣π̣εισειξευ̣πρ̣ε  ̣  ̣
  ̣  ̣ε  ̣τ̣τ̣ονκ  ̣χ̣ο̣ρ̣ ἢ ὀφρύας προβάλλων. / ζυγὸν
δὲ ἐμ μέσω(*) τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν τὴν ῥίνα ἐποίη-
σεν ὀρέξεν(*). / ηρ  ̣  ̣  ̣ δὶς̣ μ  ̣  ̣νε  ̣δ̣  ̣  ̣ε̣σ̣α̣ [κ]α̣ὶ̣ τοῖς
κροτάφοις̣ προσηκόλλαν(*). / θησαυρός(*) ἔσω στό-
10μ̣ατος γλώσ<σ>ης ἐπὶ τὸν λόγον ἐποίησεν./
ἱκανὸν ἔπλασεν μῆλα γελω  ̣  ̣κ  ̣  ̣  ̣ισ
παριεσσι συνέμιξεν.


^ 7. l. ἐν μέσωι
^ 8. l. ὀρέξας
^ 9. l. προσεκόλλα
^ 9. l. θησαυρόν

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


  • 1.

    διαμορφες was daggered in the ed. pr. See comments ad loc.

  • 3.

    δεκάχερος would be a hapax. The letters were daggered in the ed. pr. See comments ad loc.

  • 12.

    παριεσσι daggered in ed. pr. The commentary (ad loc.) notes, "perhaps for παρειαῖσιν 'cheeks' (West), but in that case one would need a single short syllable before it."

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APIS Translation (English)

(Translation from P. L. Bat. 25) Modelling, Prometheus made mortals from the divine image (?). According to the wish of the gods - - - (he made?) mortals by hand (?). So, having mixed earth and water, he made - - - . Hard to tear away and dark, he - - - finished the hair. - - - putting eyebrows in front. As a bridge in the middle of the eyes he stretched out and made the nose. - - - twice - - - and to the temples he fastened. He made within the mouth the treasury of the tongue for the speech. Adequately he formed cheeks, he combined - - - with cheeks (?)