sign in

zpe.206.185 = HGV ZPE 206 (2018) S. 185 = Trismegistos 69890 = michigan.apis.1914 = chla.5.284

DDbDP transcription: zpe.206.185 [xml]

AD 188 Jerusalem
[Reprinted from: p.mich.7.445] P.Mich. 7 445; C.Pap.Lat. 194
[Reprinted from: chla.5.284] Ch.L.A. 5 284

(hand 1) P̣[r]isciano(*) et Severo co(n)s(ulibus) V Idụs Ṃaịas   ̣
aput(*) Colon[i]am Aeliam Capitolinam ịṇ hiber-
nis leg(ionis) X Frẹṭ(ensis). Iuḷịus Serenus miles ḷe[g(ionis) X] Freṭeṇ(sis) ·
(centuria) VI ha(stati) · prio(ris) sc[r]ịpsi rọgatus ab Iulị[o](*) Octav[i]ạnọ
5milite ḷegeones(*) eiusdem (centuria) Nemoni Aṇt[o]ṇị[n]i q̣ụi
se negavit litẹras(*) scịre. fatheṭụr(*) se accepis-
se ab Pet[i]l[i]o Crẹscentẹ milite [l]e[g]eọṇe[s](*) e[i]ụṣ-
dem (centuria) eadem (denarios) ceṇtum d[e]mạndat[o]ṣ [q]u[o]s red-
det quo die p̣etierit seṇẹ(*) ulla contrọvẹrṣ[i]ạ
10aut ei aut procuratori aut heredịḅus. scrib-
si totum et interfuerunt res
(hand 2) Antoniu[s   ̣  ̣]  ̣es(*) teseraris(*) (centuria(?)) I hast(ati) p̣riọris ·̣ adfui   ̣  ̣
(hand 3) M(arcus) Iulius F  ̣  ̣  ̣vas(*) (centuria) VI[ -1-2- ]I(*) aḍfọị(*)
(hand 4)   ̣(  ) Volusius   ̣[  ̣]nas (centuria) Aeli Alconiani adfui
15(hand 5) T(itus) Aurelịus Alexạnder (centuria) Nemoni
Anṭoninị ịnterfoi(*)


^ 1. l. Priscino
^ 2. l. apud
^ 4. or Iulị[o(ó)]
^ 5. l. legionis
^ 6. l. litteras
^ 6. l. fatetur
^ 7. l. legionis
^ 9. l. sine
^ 12. or [Va]ḷes (l. Valens)
^ 12. l. tesserarius
^ 13. or Fa  ̣  ̣vas, or Fr  ̣  ̣vas
^ 13. or VI[I]I, or VI[II]I
^ 13. l. adfui
^ 16. l. interfui

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.7.445 [xml]

II spc ?


[Reprinted from: .] CPapLat211
[Reprinted in: chla.5.284] ChLA 5,284

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

In the consulship of Publius Fuscianus, for the second time, and Marcus Silanus, for the second time [- - -] at Colonia [Caesarea in the camp - - -] of the Legio X Fretensis [Pia Fidelis. I, - - -, soldier] of the centuria of the (centurio) hastatus prior of the 6th (cohort), have written, on demand of [- - -], soldier of the [same] legion, [of the centuria - - -, because he] said that he [did not know letters, that he] has [received] from Petronius(?) [- - -, soldier] of the same [legion], of the same centuria, [- - - drachmai, which] he will give back on the day on which [he will receive his salary], either to him or to his representative [or heir]; and if he doesn't give back the sum and [the interest, - - -].;(2nd hand) Antonius Petronius(?);(3rd hand) Marcus Iulius Fr[- - -];(4th hand) Fabiolus(?) Ius[- - -];(5th hand) Titus Aurelius [- - -];(6th hand) Lucius Antoninus [- - -]