sign in

p.tebt.1.38 = HGV P.Tebt. 1 38 = Trismegistos 3674 = berkeley.apis.451 = berkeley.apis.404 = chr.wilck.303

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.1.38 [xml]

113 BC Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: chr.wilck.303] W.Chr. 303

Μεγχῆς κωμογραμ[μ]ατεὺς [Κε]ρ[κεοσί]ρ[ε]ως τῆς Πολέμων[ος μερίδος Ὥρωι - ca.10 - χαίρειν.]
ἐν τῶι ἐν Πτολεμαίδι Εὐεργέτιδι συνεσταμένωι [- ca.30 - τῆς]
κατὰ φύλλον γεωμετρίας προσέπεσέν μοι περὶ το̣[ῦ Ἀπολλόδωρον τὸν ἐν τῆι κώμηι ἐλαιο-]
πώλην εὑρηκέναι τῆι ια τοῦ ὑ[πο]κ[ει]μένου μ[ηνὸς Θρᾶικά τινα παραπωλήσαντα ἔλαιον]
5ἐν ὧι καταγίνετα[ι] Πετεσοῦχος σκυτεὺς οἴκ[ωι - ca.35 -]
καὶ τοῦτον παραδόντες Ἀπολλωνίωι τῶι διεξ[άγοντι τὰ κατὰ τὴν ἐπιστατεία]ν̣ τῆς α̣ὐ̣τ̣[ῆ]ς̣
σὺν τῶι ἐπιτίμωι καταστῆναι ἐφʼ οὓς καθήκε[ι περὶ ὧν ἐπιδέδωκέν μοι ὁ] Ἀπολλόδωρος
τὴν ὑποκειμένην προσαγγελίαν καλῶς ἔχ[ειν ὑπελάβομεν προσανενέγ]και.
[ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους)] δ Μεχεὶρ ιδ.
10παρʼ Ἀπολλοδώρου τοῦ ἐξειληφότος τὴν διάθεσι[ν καὶ τὸ τ]έλος τοῦ ἐλαίου
τ̣ῆ̣ς̣ α̣ὐτῆς εἰς τὸ δ (ἔτος). τῆς ἐγλήμψεως εἰς τέλος καταλελ[ειμμέν]ης χάριν τῶν
παρεισφερόντων εἰς τὴν κώμην καὶ παραπωλούντων Κολ[πιτ]ικὸν ἔλαιον καὶ κίκι, ὅθεν
τῆι ια τοῦ Μεχεὶρ προσαγγελέντες(*) μοι Θρᾶικά τινα οὗ τον(*) [ὄνο]μα ἀγνοῶι(*) τῶν ἐκ Κερκε-
σήφεως παρεισενηνοχότα ἔλαιον εἰς ὃν ἐνοικεῖ Πετεσο[ῦχος σ]κυτεὺς οἶκον καὶ παρα-
15πωλεῖν Θαήσει τῆι καταγινομένηι ἐν τῆι αὐτῆι οἰκίαι [καὶ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ι̣ωι χηνοβοσκῶι
καὶ τῆι τούτου θυγατρὶ τῶν ἐκ τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης, εὐθέως π̣[αραλαβὼν τὸ]ν̣ ἐπιστάτην καὶ τὸν
παρὰ τοῦ ἀρχιφυλακίτου χάριν τοῦ καὶ σὲ μὴ παρεῖναι ἐπὶ τῶ[ν τόπων](*) [ἐ]πὶ τὸν σημαινό-
μενον τοῦ σκυτέως οἶκον κατέλαβον τὸν Θρᾶικα ἔνδον ὄντα, τὸ δ̣ʼ [ἐπίτ]ιμον ἐκτετο-
πισμ[έ]ν̣ο[ν, ἔρ]ευναν δὲ τούτου σὺν αὐτοῖς ποιησάμενος εὗρον ἐν ε[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ωι ο̣ν  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
20αὐτῆι [- ca.9 -]  ̣κ̣ινημένηι ἐλαίου ωσι̣[- ca.10 -]  ̣ι κ[α]ὶ̣ συμμ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣]ριαν δ̣η  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
καὶ ἄλλην [- ca.37 -]  ̣[  ̣]ο̣λ̣  ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ τ̣[ὸ]ν̣
Θρᾶικα παρε[- ca.30 - τοῦ σκυ]τέως κασῆ̣ι καὶ μηλωταῖς
[- ca.44 - ε]ἰς φυγὴν ὡρμηκέναι, τὸ δὲ
[ἐ]πίτιμον [- ca.34 - ὁ προ]γ̣εγ̣ρ̣α̣μ̣μ̣ένος Θρᾶιξ οὐ δια
25[  ̣  ̣  ̣]ν̣ει[- ca.27 - ὥστʼ ἂν ἐπιγεγονένα]ι μοι βλάβος εἰς χα(λκοῦ) (τάλαντα) ιε.
διὸ ἐπιδίδω[μι σοι ὅπως περὶ ὑπογραφὴν ποιήσηι] προσυποτάξαντα
ἀντίγραφον [οἷς καθήκει ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ r.13. l. προσαγγελέντος
^ r.13. l. τὸ
^ r.13. l. ἀγνοῶ
^ r.17. BL 1.423 : τῶ[ι ἔργωι] prev. ed.

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APIS Translation (English)

Menches, village scribe of Kerkeosiris in the division of Polemon, to Horos, greeting. At the � of the land survey according to crops which took place in Ptolemais Euergetis news reached me that Apollodoros, the seller of oil at the village, had found on the 11th of the month below written a certain Thracian who had been selling oil in the house inhabited by Petesouchos, a leather-seller � handing this Thracian over to Apollonios, who is discharging the duties of Epistates at the said village, together with the contraband goods, to be brought up before the proper officials. With reference to this case Apollodoros has presented to me the subjoined statement. I have therefore thought it right to communicate with you. Good-bye. The 4th year, Mecheir 14. From Apollodoros, the contractor for the disposal of and the tax upon oil in the said village for the 4th year. My enterprise has been made a complete failure owing to the smuggling into the village and illicit sale of smuggled oil and castor oil. Therefore on the 11th of Mecheir, when news had been brought to me that a certain Thracian of Kerkesephis, whose name I do not know, had smuggled oil into the dwelling inhabited by Petesouchos, a leather-seller, and was selling it to Thaesis, who was living in the same house, and to N.N. a gooseherd, and his daughter, inhabitant of the same village, I immediately took the Epistates and the agent of the archiphylakites--as you were not present on the occasion-- to the aforesaid dwelling of the leather-seller, where I found the Thracian indoors, but the contraband goods removed. After a search for it with them I discovered � concealed in a hide and sheepskins belonging to the leather-seller. (Meanwhile the Thracian?) took to flight, and the contraband oil � resulting in a loss to me amounting to 15 talents of copper. I therefore present to you this statement in order that you may subscribe to my statements and forward a copy to the proper officials � Farewell. (Addressed on the verso:) To Horos.