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p.worp.44 = HGV P.Worp 44 = Trismegistos 115573

DDbDP transcription: p.worp.44 [xml]

[Ψαν]μ̣οῦς καὶ Πετέσουχος πράκ̣τ(ορες)
[Ἐλ]ε̣φαντ(ίνης). διέγρα(ψεν) Πελαίας Παχομ-
[πχ]ή̣μιος μη(τρὸς) Θατρῆτος ὑπὲρ μερισμ(οῦ)
ποταμονφυλ(ακίδος)(*) καὶ διπλῶν κα (ἔτους)
5ἐπὶ λόγ(ου) ῥυπ(αρὰς) (δραχμὰς) δ. (ἔτους) κα Ἁδριανοῦ
Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου Παῦ  ̣νι̣(*) ϛ̣
Πετέσουχ(ος) σεσημ(είωμαι) ῥυπ(αρὰς) (δραχμὰς) δ.


^ 4. l. ποταμοφυλ(ακίδος)
^ 6. l. Παῦνι̣

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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HGV 115573 Translation (English) [xml]

1 Psanmous and Petesouchos, tax-collectors of Elephantine. Pelaias, son of Pachompchemis, whose mother is Thatres, paid for the contribution of the riverguard boat-tax and the license-tax of the 21st year on account gross 4 drachmas. 5 The 21st year of Hadrianus Caesar, the lord, on the 6th of Payni.
7 I, Petesouchos, have signed; gross 4 drachmas. (Translation: F.A.J. Hoogendijk, P.Worp 44)