DDbDP transcription: p.princ.2.40 [xml]
AD 49 Theadelphia
This papyrus belongs to the archive of Harthotes, the priest and public farmer from Theadelpheia.
Αὐτοκράτορος, ἕως(*) Ἐπὶφ (hand 2) κβ, (hand 1) ἐ̣ν̣ τ(ῇ) πλω̣τ(ῇ)(*) ἠργ(άσατο) τὴν πενθ(ήμερον)
(hand 2) Αὐνῆς Ἁρθώτου(*) δεκανὸς ἀπὸ Θεαδε(λφίας).
(hand 3) Διονύσιος σεση(μείωμαι).
- 3.
Aunes also works ἐν τῇ πλωτῇ in SB VI 9560 (52/53 CE, with BL VI, 155). His other penthemeros certificates are P.Mich. XII 655 (57/58 CE) and SB XXII 15759 (60/61 CE), while his son Harpatotoes was issued P.Mich. XII 654 (57/58 CE).
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APIS Translation (English)
The ninth year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus the Emperor, on the 22nd of the month Epeiph, in Plot-, accomplished the five days of the labor on the embankments. [hand 2] Hathres son of Arthonios, police-officer from Theadelphia. [hand 3] I, Dionysos, have signed.