DDbDP transcription: p.worp.18 [xml]
AD 138-61 Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: p.tebt.2.460] P.Tebt. 2 460
Ἀν̣τω̣ν̣[ίνου Σεβασ]τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ Ε̣ὐ̣σεβοῦς̣ μηνὸς Σε[β]α̣στοῦ ιγ̣ ἐν Τεπτύνε̣ι
τῆς̣ Πο̣λέ̣μ̣ω̣[νος μερίδος το]ῦ Ἀρσινοίτου νομοῦ. ὁμολογεῖ /
Τεφ̣[ε]ρ̣ῶ̣ς̣ Ἄ̣[πειτος τ]οῦ̣ Κ̣ολλο̣ύθου ὡς ἐτῶν εἴκοσι ἑνὸς οὐ-
5λὴι ποδὶ δε̣ξ̣[ιῷ μετὰ κυρί]ο̣υ τοῦ κατὰ π[ατέρ]α̣ θείο̣υ Χια-
λείους τοῦ [ἀ]νδ̣[ρὸς] ὡ̣[ς ἐτ]ῶ̣ν̣ ἑξήκο̣ν̣[τ]α̣ [οὐ]λ̣ὴ̣ι δ̣α̣κ̣τ̣ύ̣λ̣ῳ̣
τρίτωι χ[ιρ]ὸ̣ς̣(*) ἀ̣ρ̣ι̣σ̣[τερᾶς] Π̣[ρ]ωτᾶτι Ν̣εφερσ̣ῶ̣το̣ς ὡς ἐτῶν ἑξή-
κον̣τα ὀκτ̣[ὼ] ο̣ὐ̣λ̣ὴ[ι] δ[ακ]τύλωι μ̣[ι]κρῶι χ[ι]ρὸς(*) ἀριστερᾶς ἀπέ-
χιν̣(*) παρὰ̣ τ̣οῦ [Πρωτᾶτο]ς̣ διὰ χιρὸς(*) ἀργυρί̣ο̣υ̣ δραχμὰς ἑκα-
10τὸν δέ̣κα̣ δ̣[ύο καὶ τὰ] π̣αράφερ[ν]α, τὴν φε̣ρν̣[ὴν] ἣν [ἔ]τ̣ι̣
ὀφίλουσιν̣(*) τ̣ῆι̣ αὐ̣τ̣ῇ̣ [Τε]φε[ρ]ῶ̣τι Ἄ̣[πει]τ̣ο̣ς ἐ̣ξί̣σ[τα]σ̣θ̣α̣ι̣ [δι]ὰ̣ τὸ̣
τὸ̣ π̣ρ̣ο̣κ̣[εί]μ̣[ε]ν̣[ον] ἀ̣ργ̣[ύ]ρ̣ιον̣ ἀπέ̣χι̣ν(*) κατὰ συν̣γραφὴ̣ν(*)
[ἐκστάσεως] τ̣ε̣[τελ]ειομ̣[ένη]ν̣(*) διὰ τοῦ [α]ὐ̣τ̣οῦ γραφί̣ου(*) τῷ π̣ρ̣ώτω̣ι
[κ]α̣ὶ ε̣ἰ[κ]ο̣σ̣τ̣ῶ̣ι̣ ἔτ̣ι(*) θε̣οῦ [Ἁδ]ριανοῦ ἐ̣ν̣ μη̣ν̣ὶ̣ Μεσορὴ̣ι ἣν καὶ ἀνα̣δέ-
15δωκε̣ν̣ [ἡ Τεφ]ερ̣[ῶ]ς τ̣ῶι Πρ̣ω̣τᾶτ̣ει(*), ὁμοίως [δ]ὲ̣
καὶ μηδ[ὲ]ν̣ [α]ὐ̣τ̣[ῷ] ἐνκαλεῖν(*) [π]ερὶ μηδένος ἁπλ̣ῶς
πράγματ̣ο̣ς̣ μη̣δέ τε φερνῶν, ὁμοίως μὴ ἐπελεύσεσθαι
ἐπὶ τ̣[ὸ]ν Πρ̣ωτᾶν̣ [π]ερ[ὶ ο]ὗ ἐπεγ̣ράψατο ὁ ἀ̣νὴ̣ρ [αὐ]τ̣ῆς Χια̣λῆ̣ς
κύριος δι’ ἀ̣ξ[ιώματος Τ]ε̣φερῶ̣τ̣ο̣ς̣ [κατ]ὰ̣ συνγραφὴ̣ν(*) ὁμ[ολο]γ̣είας(*)
20ἐξστάσε̣ω̣ς(*) τόπ̣[ου ψι]λ̣οῦ ἐν Τεπτύνι διατι̣μ̣[ή]θ̣έντος̣\(δραχμὰς)/ ἑξήκοντα
διὰ τὸ καὶ τ̣α̣ύτας πα̣[ρὰ Νε]φερσῶτ(ος) ἀπέ̣χειν. ἔγραψ̣(εν) ὑ̣πὲρ αὐτῆς Ὀρσενο(ῦφις).
(hand 2) Τεφε̣ρῶ̣ς̣ Ἄπ̣ε̣ιτος μ̣ε̣τ̣ὰ κυρίου τ[ο]ῦ κατὰ πατέ̣ρα θείου Κιαλῆτος
τοῦ Κολλού̣θ̣[ου ὁμο]λ̣[ογ]ῶ̣ ἀπέχιν(*) π̣[αρὰ] Πρωτ̣ᾶ̣τος τοῦ Νεφερσῶ̣\τ̣/(ος)(*)
ἀργυρ̣[ίο]υ δρ[αχμὰς ἑ]κατ̣ὸ̣ν δέκα δ[ύο καὶ τὰ πα]ράφε̣ρνα, τ̣ὴν
25φερνὴν ἣν ὀ̣[φίλουσί](*) μ̣οι κατὰ συν[γ]ρ̣α[φὴν](*) <ἐξίστασθαι>, ἐπὶ(*) τοῦ πρώ̣του καὶ εἰ-
κοστοῦ̣ [ἔ]τ̣ους̣ θε[οῦ Ἁ]δρ[ια]νοῦ <ἐ>γαμ̣ή̣σατο πετελευτ̣ηκότος(*)
αὐτοῦ [Δ]ιονύ̣σου Νε̣φε̣[ρσῶ]τ(ος) καὶ μὴ̣ ἐ̣π̣ε̣[λ]εύσασθαι ἐπὶ̣ τ̣ὸν Π̣ρ̣ωτᾶν
περὶ μη[δ]ένος ἁπλ[ῶς π]ρ̣άγμα[τ]ος [μ]ή̣τε πε[ρὶ ο]ὗ ἐπ̣εγράψα-
το [ὁ] ἀν̣ὴ̣ρ [αὐτῆς Χιαλῆς Κολλ]ο̣ύθ̣ο̣[υ κύριος τῆς Τε]φερῶτο̣ς Ἄπ̣ει̣τ̣ος
Traces 3 lines
33δ[ιὰ] Κ̣[ι]α̣λῆτ̣[ος καὶ (hand 3?) Τε]φ̣ε̣ρῶτ̣[ο]ς vac. ?
^ 7. l. χ[ειρ]ὸς
^ 8. l. χ[ει]ρὸς
^ 8-9. l. ἀπέ|χειν
^ 9. l. χειρὸς
^ 11. l. ὀφείλουσιν
^ 12. l. ἀπέχειν
^ 12. l. συγγραφὴν
^ 13. l. τε[τελ]ειωμ[ένη]ν
^ 13. l. γραφείου
^ 14. l. ἔτει
^ 15. l. Πρωτᾶτι
^ 16. l. ἐγκαλεῖν
^ 19. l. συγγραφὴν
^ 19. l. ὁμ[ολο]γίας
^ 20. l. ἐκστάσεως
^ 23. l. ἀπέχειν
^ 23. corr. ex
^ 25. l. ὀ[φείλουσί]
^ 25. l. συγ[γ]ρα[φὴν]
^ 25. l. ἐπεὶ
^ 26. l. τετελευτηκότος (corr)
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HGV 13572 Translation (English) [xml]
1 In the third year of Imperator Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius
on the 13th of the month Sebastos in Tebtynis of the Polemon district of the Arsinoite
nome. Tepheros, daughter of Apeis, granddaughter of Collouthos, about twenty one years
old 5 with a scar on her right foot, with as guardian her paternal uncle Chiales, her husband,
about sixty years old with a scar on the third finger of his left hand, acknowledges
to Protas, son of Nephersos, about sixty eight years old, with a scar on the little
finger of his left hand, that she has received from Protas cash 10 one hundred and twelve drachmas of silver and the parapherna, (but) that she cedes
the pherne, which they still owe the same Tepheros, daughter of Apeis, because she
has received the above mentioned sum of money in accordance with a deed [of cession],
which was perfected through the same notary office in the twenty first year of deified
Hadrian in the month Mesore, which (deed) 15 Tepheros has also handed over to Protas, equally that she shall not lay any claims
to him about any matter whatsoever nor about the dowry gifts, equally that she shall
not proceed against Protas about an unbuilt area in Tebtynis estimated at sixty (drachmas),
for which Chiales had himself appointed guardian at Tepheros’ request (?), in accordance
with a written deed 20 of cession, because she has received also these (drachmas) from Nephersos. Orsenou(phis)
wrote it for her. I, Tepheros, daughter of Apeis, with as guardian my paternal uncle,
Ciales, son of Collouthos, acknowledge that I have received from Protas, son of Nephersos,
hundred and twelve drachmas of silver and the parapherna, that I (cede) the 25 pherne which they owe me according to a contract, since/after that she has married
in the twenty first year of deified Hadrian, after Dionysos, son of Nephersos, himself
had finished his life and that I shall not proceed against Protas about any matter
whatsoever nor about [the unbuilt area] for which Chiales, son of Collouthos, had
himself appointed guardian of Tepheros, daughter of Apeis - - -
33 Ciales and Tepheros.