DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.3.533 [xml]
II/III spc Oxyrhynchus
Ἀπίων Ἀπίωνι τῶι υἱῷ καὶ Ὡρίωνι τῶι φιλτάτῳ πλεῖστα χαίρειν.
πρὸ τῶν ὅλων εὔχομαι ὑμᾶς ὑγιαίνειν μετὰ τῶν τέκνων καὶ συμβίων. ὅσα
δι\ὰ τῆς/ ἑτέρας ἐπιστολῆς ἔγραψα ἵνα μὴ τὰ αὐτὰ γράψω καὶ Ὡρίωνι γράφω. διεπεμψάμην ὑ(*)-
με[ῖ]ν(*) δ[ι]ὰ Εὐτυχοῦς τοῦ ἀπὸ Ἰσίου Τρύφωνος διαστολικὰ γ, β μὲν πρὸς γεωργοὺς Μαξί-
5μου, τὸ [δὲ] ἄλλο πρὸ[ς] Διογ[έ]νην τὸν τοῦ Βε̣λ̣εη ̣( ), εὐθέως δημοσιώσατε αὐτὰ πρὸ τοῦ
Φαῶφ[ι ἵ]να μὴ ἐκπρόθεσμα γένηται. ἕτερα δὲ ἀνεπέμφθη Πανεχώτῃ \νομικῷ/ παρʼ οὗ
κ̣ο̣μ̣[ίσ]ε̣σθε(*) κα̣ὶ̣ δ̣ό̣τε αὐτῷ (δραχμὰς) ξδ. τὸ χορτόσπερμον πωλήσατε καὶ πύθεσθε
τοῦ Ὀ[ ̣]φ[ ̣]λη εἰ χρ[εί]αν ἔχει τοῦ ἀπὸ Ταμπιτεί. αἱ πρόσοδοί μου αἱ διὰ τῶν γεωργῶν
διαστ[αλ]εῖσα[ι] ἢ παρὰ τῷ ταμείῳ ἐ[ν π]αραθέσει λογισθήτωσαν ἢ ἐν ἀσφαλεῖ [ἐσ]τω(*)
10παρὰ [τοῖ]ς γεωργοῖς ἵνα θεῶν θ[ελ]όντων ἐὰν ἀνεθῶσι μὴ ἔχωμεν περιπλο-
κὴν π[ρ]ὸς τὸν ἀντίδικον, ἢ ὁ κίνδυνος αὐτῶν ἤτω πρὸς τοὺς γεωργούς. τὴν οἰ-
κίαν Τ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣βιου μὴ μισθώσῃς μηδενὶ εἰ μή τι(*) γυναικὶ μελλούσῃ ἐν αὐτῇ οἰ-
κεῖν ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ατ[ ̣] ̣ρ̣[ ̣]τε ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] γ̣ὰρ ̣[ ̣ ̣]ον ἐστὶν τοιαύ[τ]ην οἰκίαν παρα[β]άλλε[ι]ν νεανίσ-
κοις ἵ[ν]α μὴ ἔχωμεν στομάχου[ς] μηδὲ φθόνον. εἴπατε Ζωίλῳ τῷ ἀπὸ Σεντὼ
15γεωργῷ ὅτ[ι] κατὰ τὰς συνθήκας φρόντισον τοῦ χαλκοῦ. εἴπατε καὶ τοῖς διδύμοις ὅτι προ-
νοήσ[α]τε τοῦ κερματίου, ὁμοίως καὶ Ἀπολλωνίῳ καὶ Διονυσίῳ ἐὰν ἰσχύσητε πέμψαι
εἰς Πα[κέ]ρκη(*) ἀπηλιώτου πρὸς Παυσῖριν τὸν ὀνηλάτην ὅτι καθὼς συνετάξασθέ
μοι δοῦναι κεράμια οἴνου καὶ ἵνα τηρήσωσι αὐτῶν τὴν δεξιάν. παράλαβε πα-
ρὰ Ἁρθώνιος ἱερέως τὰς τοῦ (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) κ καὶ παρὰ Ζωίλου τοῦ γεωργοῦ τῆς Σεντὼ ἃς κέχρη-
20ται παρʼ ἐμοῦ πυροῦ (ἀρτάβας) ε. ἐπισκέψασθε ἐκ τοῦ λογιστηρίου τοῦ στρα(τηγοῦ) ἐπιστολ(ὴν) τοῦ διοικητοῦ
ἐπὶ τοῦ Θὼθ μηνὸς γραφεῖσαν περὶ τοῦ ὀνόματα πεμφθῆναι \ἀντʼ ἐμοῦ/ εἰς κλῆρον τῆς πρακτο-
ρείας. εἴπατε Σερήνῳ τῷ ἐν τῷ καμηλῶνι ὅτι προνόησον(*) τοῦ χαλκοῦ. εἴπατε Ἑρμίᾳ
τῷ τ[οῦ Ἰσ]ίου Παγγᾶ γραμματεῖ πρακτόρων ἀργυ(ρικῶν) ὅτι διάστειλον ὃν ὀφείλεις μοι πυρὸν ἢ
ὃν ἐ[ὰν δ]οκιμᾷς. Ἡρακλείδης Ἑρμαίσκ[ο]υ ἀποδότω τὰς τοῦ (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) ϛ ἐν θέματι. ε[ἴ]πατε Διο-
25νυσίῳ Ἐπιμάχου ἀρχιερατεύσαντι ὅτι ἐνέτυχον τῷ διοικητῇ ἕνεκα τῆς προσόδου
ἵνα πα[ρα]δεχθῇ εἰς τὸ ὄφλημα Σαραπίωνος Φανίου. ἀσπάσασθε Στατίαν τὴν θυγατέρα μου
καὶ Ἡρ[α]κλείδην καὶ Ἀπίωνα τοὺς υἱούς μου. ἀσπάσασθε τὸν μεικρὸν(*) Σερῆνον καὶ Κοπρέα
καὶ το[ὺ]ς ἡμῶν πάντας(*) κατʼ ὄνομα. ἀσπάζονται ὑμᾶς Ἀμάραντος καὶ Ζμάραγδος.
ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς εὔχομαι. v
30ἀπόδος Ἀπίωνι υἱῶι καὶ Ὡρίωνι.
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HGV 28373 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 3) Apion to his son Apion and his dearest Horion, many greetings. Before all else I pray for your health and for that of your children and wives. All that I wrote in the other letter, in order that I may not repeat it, consider that I wrote also to Horion. I have sent you by Eutyches of Ision Tryphonis 3 orders for payment, two for the cultivators of Maximus, the third for Diogenes son of ... Issue them at once before Phaophi that they may not be later than the due time. Others were sent to Panechotes the lawyer; get these from him and pay him 64 drachmae. Sell the grass-seed and ask ... whether he wants the man from Tampitei. Let my revenues which are paid through the cultivators either be placed on deposit at the store-house or be kept in safety in the possession of the cultivators, in order that if the gods will, we may, if they are neglected, have no complications with our adversary, or the cultivators must bear the risk. Do not lease the house of ... to any one except to a woman who intends to live in it, for it is (wrong) to expose such a house to youths, that we may not be caused vexation and annoyance. Tell Zoilus the cultivator from Sento that in accordance with the agreements he must look after the money. Tell the twins also to be careful about the small change, and likewise tell Apollonius and Dionysius if you can send to Paberke in the eastern toparchy to Pausiris the donkey-driver, that, as they arranged, they are to pay me the jars of wine and must keep their pledge. Get from Harthonis the priest the 20 artabae of wheat, and from Zoilus the cultivator from Sento the 5 artabae of wheat which he borrowed from me. Look out at the office of the strategus a letter of the dioecetes written in the month of Thoth about the substitution of other names for mine in drawing lots for the post of collector. Tell Serenus at the camel-shed that he is to take care of the money. Tell Hermias, scribe of the collectors of money-taxes at Ision Panga, that he is to issue an order for the wheat which he owes me or for the amount which he approves. Let Heraclides son of Hermaiscus pay the 6 artabae of wheat on deposit. Tell Dionysius son of Epimachus, ex-chief-priest, that I petitioned the dioecetes about the revenue in order that a reduction might be made in the fine of Sarapion son of Phanias. Salute Statia my daughter and Heraclides and Apion, my sons. Salute little Serenus and Copreus and all our household individually. Amarantus and Zmaragdus salute you. I pray for your health. (Addressed) Deliver to my son Apion and Horion.