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basp.51.185 = HGV BASP 51 (2014) S. 185 = Trismegistos 29268 = sb.8.9843

DDbDP transcription: basp.51.185 [xml]

II spc Palestine
[Reprinted from: sb.8.9843] SB 8 9843

(hand 1) Σου̣[μαῖ]ος Ἰ̣ωναθῆι
Β̣ε̣ι̣ανοῦ καὶ Μα-
[σ]αβάλα[ι] χαίρειν.
ἐ̣π̣ιδὴ(*) ἔπεμσα(*) πρὸς
5ὑ̣μ̣ᾶς Ἀ[γ]ρίππαν σπου-
δ[άσα]τε πέμσε(*) μοι
θ̣[ύ]ρ̣σ̣ου[ς] καὶ κίτρια(*),
ὅ[σον] δυ̣ν̣ασθήσεται(*),
ἰς̣(*) [π]α̣ρεμ̣βολὴν Ἰου-
10δ[αί]ων καὶ μὴ ἄλως(*)
π[οι]ή̣σηται(*). ἐγράφη
δ[ὲ] Ἑληνεστὶ(*) διὰ
τ[ὸ ἡ]μᾶς μὴ εὑρη-
κ[έ]ναι Ἑβραεστὶ(*)
15ἐ[γγρ]ά̣ψ̣ασθαι. αὐτὸν
ἀπ̣[ό]λυσαι τάχιον
δι[ὰ τ]ὴν ἑορτὴν
κα[ὶ μ]ὴ̣ ἄλλως ποιή-
20(hand 2) Σουμαῖος


^ 4. l. ἐπειδὴ
^ 4. l. ἔπεμψα
^ 6. l. πέμψαι
^ 7. l. κίτρεια
^ 8. l. δυνασθήσετε
^ 9. l. εἰς
^ 10. l. ἄλλως
^ 11. l. π[οι]ήσετε
^ 12. l. Ἑλληνιστὶ
^ 14. l. Ἑβραϊστί
^ 18-19. l. ποιή |σε[τε]

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HGV 29268 Translation (English) [xml]

1  Soumaios to Yonathes son of Beianos and to Masabala, greetings. 4  Since I have sent to you Agrippa, hurry to send me wands and citrons, as much as you will be able, for the camp of the Jews, and do not do otherwise. 11  It (scil. the letter) was written in greek because of our inability to write Jewish script. Release him (i.e., Agrippa) more quickly on account of the festival, and do not do otherwise. 20  (2nd hand) Soumaios, farewell. (Translation: S.D. Charlesworth, BASP 51 (2014) 186)