sign in

sb.5.8006 = HGV SB 5 8006 Z. 11 - 19 = SB 5 8006 Z. 1 - 10 = Trismegistos 30795

DDbDP transcription: sb.5.8006 [xml]

III spc? ?

Μίλων Φιλαδέλφῳ
τῷ φιλτάτῳ χαίριν(*).
μελησάτω συ(*) ἀνανεγ-
κῖν(*) μοι τὸν χαλκοῦν
5μου̣(*). μνήσθητι,
ὅτι ὤμοσάς μοι κατὰ
τῆς κυρίας θεᾶς σου
καὶ τῆς ἀρετῆς. ἐὰν
δὲ μὴ ἀναβῇς, καταβαί-
10νω ἐγὼ κάτω.
Μίλων Σουκμηνίῳ(*) τῷ ἀδελφῷ
χαίρειν. μελησάτω συ(*) περὶ τῶν φυλά-
κων, ἐπὶ̣(*)(*)   ̣ ἄνθρωπυ(*) χε̣ι̣μάζουσ̣ι̣ν̣ καὶ
ἐρώτησον Τεφεράιν(*) περὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ
15αὐτῆς, εἵνα(*) φυλάξῃ, αὐτὴ γὰρ ἔ-
λεγε περὶ αὐτοῦ καὶ τοὺς σίφωνες(*)
ἀνένεγκον. ἶπον(*) Διονύτι πε̣ρ[ὶ το]ῦ
ἀμίου καὶ ἔλεγ<έ> μοι(*)· δώσω συ(*) ἐ̣γὼ̣ πά̣ρ̣ε̣ς(*)
οὖν, ὅτι εὕρηκα (*)


^ r.2. l. χαίρειν
^ r.3. l. σοι
^ r.3-4. l. ἀνενεγ|κεῖν
^ r.4-5. C. Balamoshev, Pylon 6 (2024) 1 §31 : χαλκοῦν   ̣  ̣χ̣ | μο̣ν̣ prev. ed.
^ v.11. C. Balamoshev, Pylon 6 (2024) 1 §33 : Σουμμηνίῳ prev. ed.
^ v.12. l. σοι
^ v.13. l. ἐπεὶ
^ v.13. l. οἱ
^ v.13. l. ἄνθρωποι
^ v.14. l. Τνεφερσάιν, C. Balamoshev, Pylon 6 (2024) 1 §34 : ἐρώτησον Τεφέρνην BL 3.196 : ἐρωτήσοντε (l. ἐρωτήσονται) φερνήν. prev. ed.
^ v.15. l. ἵνα
^ v.16. l. σίφωνας
^ v.17. l. εἶπον
^ v.18. C. Balamoshev, Pylon 6 (2024) 1 §39 : ἔλεγ(έ) μοι prev. ed.
^ v.18. l. σοι
^ v.18. C. Balamoshev, Pylon 6 (2024) 1 §40 : π̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ς prev. ed.
^ v.19. C. Balamoshev, Pylon 6 (2024) 1 §40 :   ̣  ̣  ̣ prev. ed.


  • 14.

    The reading ἐρώτησον Τεφέρνην is problematical because the name Τεφέρνη is never attested. Nevertheless, it seems to be preferable to the former reading ἐρωτήσοντε φερνήν because of the absence of the article before φερνήν and because of the presence of the pronoun αὐτῆς at l. 15, which should refer to a woman already mentioned. With this reading the imperatives ἐρώτησον and ἀνένεγκον (l. 17) would be coordinated. It is unclear whether Τεφέρνη could be a variant of the name Τεφερσάις, quite common in the papyri.

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HGV 30795 Translation (English) [xml]


1  Milon to his dearest Philadelphos, greetings. Take care to bring me the bronze … 5  Remember: you swore to me by your lady goddess and virtue. If you don’t come up, 10  I will come down.


11  Milon to his brother Soummenios, greetings. Take care of the guards since the men are upset. And ask Tepherne about 15  her son, that he keep guard, for she talked to us about him. And bring the siphons. I talked to Dionys about the water-bucket and he told me: “I’ll give it to you” …

HGV 30795 Translation (Italian) [xml]


1  Milon al suo carissimo Philadelphos, salute. Preoccupati di portarmi … di bronzo. 5  Ricorda: me lo hai giurato sulla tua signora dea e sulla virtù. Se non sali tu, 10  scendo io.


11  Milon al fratello Soummenios, salute. Occupati delle guardie perché gli uomini sono agitati e chiedi a Tepherne di 15  suo figlio affinché stia in guardia, ella, infatti, ci parlava di lui. E porta i sifoni. Ho detto a Dionys del secchio ed egli mi ha detto: “Te lo darò”…