DDbDP transcription: sb.22.15704 [xml]
AD 138 Karanis
Γάιος Σεμπρώνιος Πρείσκος(*) ὁ καὶ Ἄμμων
Μάρκῳ Σεμπρωνίῳ Ο̣ὐ̣η̣σ̣τείν̣ῳ(*) τῷ ἀδελ-
φῷ χαίρειν· ὁμολογῶ {ὁμολογῶ} ἐξε<σ>τάσ-
5θαι σο̣ι τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μοι πάντων
ἅπερ ἐστὶν περὶ̣ μὲν τ̣ὴ̣ν μ̣ητρόπολιν τοῦ
Ἀρσινοείτου(*) νο̣μοῦ πατρικ̣ὸν δ̣έ̣κ̣ατον
[μ]έ̣ρος οἰκίας καὶ αὐλῆς ἐπ̣ʼ [ἀμ]φ̣όδου Ἑρ-
μουθιακῆς καὶ δοῦλα σ[ώμ]α̣τα τέσσαρα
10ὀνόμασι Ἡδί̣στην καὶ τα̣ύ̣της ἔγγονα
Κάλλιστον καὶ Ἥρωνα κ̣αὶ̣ Σεραπιάδα̣
ἀνθʼ ὧν ὀφείλω σοι διὰ χειρὸς ἀργυρίου
δραχμῶν τρισχιλίων πεντακοσίων
καὶ οὐκ ἐπελεύσ̣ομαι ἐπὶ σὲ οὐδὲ ἐπὶ τοὺς
15παρὰ σοῦ οὐδʼ ἐπʼ αὐτὰ τὰ σώματ̣α περὶ
οὐδενὸς τῶν πρ̣οκιμένων(*) οὐδὲ
περὶ ἄλλου ἁπλῶς πράγματος ἐνγρά-
π̣του(*) ἀγράφου μέχρι τῆς ἐνεστώ-
σ̣ης ἡμέρας τρόπῳ οὐδενί· ἡ χεὶρ <ἥ>δε
20κ̣υ̣ρία ἔστω· ἔτους πέμπτου
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ
Ἁδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Ἐπεὶφ θ̣. ἀ̣ν̣τί[γραφ(ον)]
ἐξ εἰκονισμ(οῦ) ιϛ (ἔτους) θεοῦ Ἁδριανοῦ ἀμφόδ(ου)
Βουταφίου οἰκία<ς> ϛ μέρος τῆς μη-
25τρὸς Κρονοῦτος ἐξ ὑπομνήματος
αὐτῆς· Ἀπρώνιος υἱὸς Μάρκου
ἱ̣ππέως μητρὸς Κρονοῦτος τῆς
Μάρ<ων>ος ὑπερετὴς ἀπολύσιμ(ος) τῆς
λαο̣γρ(αφίας) ιε (ἔτει) (ἐτῶν) ξα· Ἀπρώνιος ὁ καὶ
30Π̣ασίνικος υἱὸς μητρὸς Ἀμμω-
νουντος(*) ⟦δ⟧ τῆς Ἥρωνας ἐπι-
κεκριμένος ιε (ἔτει) (ἐτῶν) κα. Κρονοῦς
Μ̣ά̣ρ̣ωνος τοῦ Μάρωνο(ς) [μ]ητρὸς Πρα-
[ ̣]ο̣ῦτος μήτηρ Ἀπρω̣[νί]ου (ἐτῶν) οη·
35Ἀμμωνοῦς Ἥρωνο̣ς το̣[ῦ] Α̣ὐνεί-
ο̣υ̣ς̣ γ̣υ̣ν̣ὴ αὐτοῦ (ἐτῶν(?)) ξ̣ζ· Κρονίαινα
θ̣υ̣γ̣άτηρ ἀμφοτέρων (ἐτῶν) λα· ἐ-
δηλώθ(η) δὲ τ̣ὴν ἑτέραν αὐτοῦ θυ-
γατεραν(*) Σεμ̣πρωνίαν γαμεῖσθαι
40Μ̣ά̣ρ̣κῳ Οὐαλερίῳ Ῥούφῳ ἑκα-
τ̣ο̣ν̣τάρχῃ σπείρης. 2
ἐξ ικονισμοῦ(*) β (ἔτους(?)) Ἁδριανοῦ ἀμφό-
δου Βουταφίου οἰκίας ϛ μέρος ἐπὶ Φρε-
μεῖ Κρονιουτου Μάρωνος μητρὸς·
45Ἀπρῶνις υἱὸς Μάρκο̣υ̣ τοῦ Ἀπρωνίου
ἱππέως τετελευτηκότ(ος) μητρὸς Κρονοῦτος
ἰδιώτης λαογρ(αφούμενος) (ἐτῶν) μη οὐλ(ὴ) ῥινὶ μέσῃ· Ἀ-
πρῶνις ὁ καὶ Πασίνικος υἱὸς μητρὸς
Ἀμ̣μ̣ωνοῦτος τῆς Ἥρωνος μὴ ἀπογεγρ(αμμένος)
50(ἐτῶν) η ἄσημος· Διόσκορος δοῦλ(ος) Ἀπρω-
νίου υἱοῦ Μάρκου (ἐτῶν) δ ἄσημος· Παν-
τάγα̣θος ἄλλος δοῦλ(ος) τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἐτῶν) β
ἄσημος· Κρονοῦς Μάρ{ι}ωνος τοῦ Μάρω-
νος μητρὸς Κρονοῦτος ἡ π\ρ/ογεγρα(μμένη) μή-
55τηρ Ἀπρωνίου (ἐτῶν) ξδ· Ἀμμωνοῦς
Ἥρωνος τοῦ Αὐνείους γυνὴ Ἀπρωνίου̣
(ἐτῶν) λϛ· Σεμπρωνία θυγάτηρ ἀμφοτ̣(έρων)
(ἐτῶν) κ· Κρονία ἄλλη θ̣υ̣γάτηρ (ἐτῶν) ι̣ζ·
Διοσκοροῦς δούλ(η) Ἀπρωνίου Μάρκου
60(ἐτῶν) λ̣γ.
ἀντί̣γ̣ρ̣α̣φ(ον) ἐξ εἰκονισμοῦ ιϛ (ἔτους) θεοῦ Ἁδριανο(ῦ)
ἀμφόδου Ἑρμουθιακῆς α τόμο[υ κολλήμ(ατος)]
κε μεθʼ (ἕτερα)· ο\ἰ/κί(ας) ι{λ} μέρος τῆς μητρ̣[ὸς Σεμ-]
πρωνίας· Γάιος Σεμπρώνιος Διογ̣[ένης]
65σπούριος μητρὸς Σεμπρωνίας Ἀκου[σαρίου]
ἐπικε(κριμένος) τῷ ιϛ <(ἔτει)> ὑπὸ Φλαυίου Τιτιανοῦ ἡγεμόν̣[ος·]
Κρήσκης δοῦλος Σεμπρωνίας Ἀκο[υσαρίου]
(πρότερον) αὐτῆς καὶ Γαίου Σεμπρωνίου κα̣ὶ Μ̣[άρκου]
Σεμπρωνίου ἐπικεκριμένος ὑ[πὸ -ca.?- ]
70μαίου γενομένου στρατηγοῦ ιε (ἔτει) [(ἐτῶν) -1-2- ·]
Κάλλιστος δοῦλος τῆς αὐτῆς ἔγγο̣ν̣[ος Ἡ-]
τίστης(*) κατὰ τὸ γ μέρος ὁ καὶ ἐπάνω [ἐ-]
ξ ἀνδρῶν λογιζόμ̣(ενος)· Ἥρων ἄλλος̣ [ἔγγο-]
νος τῆς αὐτῆς δοῦλος τῆς αὐτῆς κατ[ὰ τὸ γ]
75μέρος μὴ ἀναγεγρ(αμμένος) (ἐτῶν) θ· θήλ(ειαι)· Σεμπρ[ωνία]
Ἀκουσάριον μήτηρ Γαίου (ἐτῶν) νζ· Ἡ[δίστη]
δούλ(η) τῆς α(ὐτῆς) κατὰ τὸ γ μέρος πρότερον τ[οῦ τε-]
τελευτηκότος αὐτῆς ἀδελφοῦ Γαίο[υ Σεμ-]
πρων̣[ίο]υ Πρείσκου(*) ἡ καὶ ἀπάνω(*) λογιζ[ομ(ένη)·]
80Σεραπιὰς ἔγγονος τῆ\ς/ αὐτῆς δούλη τῆς α[ὐτῆς ὁ-]
μοίως ἀπάνω(*) λογιζομένη· Θερμουθάρι[ον ἡ καὶ]
Ἀρσινόη ἄ̣λλη ἔγγονος τῆς αὐτῆς ὁμοίω[ς ἐπάνω]
λογιζομ̣έ̣νη· ἐδήλωσεν δὲ τὰ προγεγρα̣[μμένα]
μέρη δουλικῶν σωμάτων ἀπογεγράφ̣θ̣[αι]
85μονου ηρωνος(*) ὑπὸ Ὀννώφρεως τοῦ̣ [Ὀννώ-]
φρεως φροντιστοῦ Μάρκου Σε[μπρωνίου]
Οὐηστείνου(*) ἀπόντος οὐδὲ ὄντως ̣[ -ca.?- ]
νου αὐτοῦ ὄντος.
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
(Col. I);;Copy.;Gaius Sempronius Priscus alias Ammon to his brother Marcus Sempronius Vestinus, greetings. I acknowledge to have ceded to you from all my possessions which are in the metropolis of the Arsinoite nome a tenth part of a house and a court-yeard, inherited from my father, in the quarter Hermouthiake and four slaves, named Hediste and her off-spring Kallistos and Heron and Serapias in exchange for the three thousand five hundred silver drachmai which I owe you in cash and I shall not prosecute you nor your heirs nor the slaves about anything of the things stated above nor about any matter whatsoever written or unwritten up to the present day in no way. This contract is binding. Year five of Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus, Epeiph 9.;Copy from the census register incorporating descriptions of the 16th year of the divine Hadrianus, quarter Boutaphion, a 1/6 part of a house of his mother Kronous on the strength of her own memorandum. Apronios, son of Marcus, cavalryman, whose mother is Kronous, the daughter of Maron, past the age, released from the poll-tax in year 15, 61 years of age. Apronios, alias Pasinikos, son of the mother Ammonous, the daughter of Heron, scrutinized in year 15, 21 years of age. Kronous, daughter of Maron, granddaughter of Maron, whose mother is Pra.ous, herself being the mother of Apronios, 78 years of age. Ammonous, daughter of Heron, granddaughter of Aunes, his wife, 60 years of age. Kroniaina, daughter of both, 31 years of age. It had been made clear that his other daughter, Sempronia, has married Marcus Valerius Rufus, a centurion of a cohort.;;(Col. II);From the census register incorporating descriptions of the 2nd year of Hadrianus, quarter Boutaphion, a 1/6 part of a house, near (the quarter) Phremei, of his mother Kronous, daughter of Maron. Apronios, son of Marcus, deceased cavalryman, grandson of Apronios, whose mother is Kronous, a layman, enrolled in the class subject to poll-tax, 48 years of age, with a scar on the middle of his nose. Apronios, alias Pasinikos, whose mother is Ammonous, daughter of Heron, not registered, 8 years of age without distinguishing marks. Dioskoros, slave of Apronios, son of Marcus, 4 years of age without distinguishing marks. Panagathosm another slave of the same, 2 years of age without distinguishing marks. Kronous, daughter of Maron, granddaughter of Maron whose mother is Kronous >read: Pra.ous>, the before mentioned mother of Apronios, 64 years of age. Ammonous, daughter of Heron, granddaughter of Aunes, wife of Apronios, 36 <read: 46> years of age. Sempronia, daughter of both, 20 years. Kroniaina, another daughter, 17 years of age. Dioskoros, a slave of Apronios, son of Marcus, 33 years of age.;Copy from the census register incorporating descriptions of the 16th year of the divine Hadrianus, quarter Hermouthiake, 1st volume, 25th sheet, after other things, a 4/30 part of a house of his mother Sempronia. Gaius Sempronius Diogenes, bastard, whose mother is Sempronia Akousarion, scrutinized in the year 16 by the prefect Flavius Titianus. Crescens, a slave of Sempronia Akousarion, formerly of her and of Gaius Sempronius and of Marcus Sempronius, scrutinized by - - -maios, former strategos, in year 15, . . . years of age. Kallistos, a slave of the same for a 3rd part, off-spring of Hediste, above registered as belonging to the men. Heron, another off-spring of the same, slave of the same for a 3rd part, not registered, 9 years of age. Females: Sempronia Akousarion, mother of Gaius, 57 years of age. Hediste, slave of the same for a 3rd part, formerly of her deceased brother Gaius Sempronius Priscus, who has also be registered above. Serapias, off-spring of the same, slave of the same, likewise registered above. Thermoutharion, alias Arsinoe, another off-spring of the same, likewise registered above. She had made clear that from the before mentioned parts of slaves only Heron has been registered by Onnophris, son of Onnophris, bailiff of Marcus Sempronius Vestinus who was absent and who was not really a - - - of him.