DDbDP transcription: p.mich.15.750 [xml]
II sac ?
1Traces 1 line
2πρὸ τοῦ παιδοτρίβο[υ]
παρειληφότα(*) ἅπαν̣-
τας καὶ τ̣ὰ̣ς̣ τ̣α̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
5αὐτῶν εὐαρ[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
ἐκεῖνον δὲ με̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
ως τοῦ τὰ μις̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
ἐφελκόμενα αὐτῶι
μισῆται.ἐγώ τε οὐ δύ-
10νομαι κεινεῖσθαι(*) ἐκ τῆς
κώμης μέχρι τοῦ αὐ-
τὸν ἀπελθεῖν. οὐχ εὐ-
ρίσκω \τε/ γνωστν(*) οὐθένα
ᾧ δυνήσομαι ἀποστεῖ-
15λαί τί σοι. σὺ οὖν καλῶς
ποήσεις(*) σαυτῆς ἐπι-
μελομένη μέχρι τοῦ
παραγενέσθαι με ⟦ε̣πις⟧
ἐπὶ σὲ συντόμως.
20τὰ δὲ κατὰ σαυτὴν
ἀσφάλισαι ὡς μετελεύ-
σῃ μεθʼ ἡμῶν, ⟦τ̣ο̣ὺς⟧
οἱ γὰρ ἄνθρωποι
ὑποδεδεγμένοι εἰ-
25σίν με ἡδέως.
ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) ι Παῶφι(*) ιϛ
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
[- - -] having received on behalf of the physical trainer [- - -] and (that) he remains until(?) the arrears . . . are conveyed to him. And I cannot move from the village until he departs. And I cannot find an acquaintance with whom I could send you something. Please look after yourself until my forthcoming arrival. Secure your things as you'll be moving with us; for the people received me in a friendly fashion. Farewell. Year 10, Phaophi 16