DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.4.577 [xml]
146/135BC Arsinoite
παρὰ Π[ετεσού]χου(*) τοῦ Ἁρμαῖος ταριχ[ευ-]
τοῦ τῶν̣ ἐ̣[κ] τοῦ Λαβυρίνθου. ἐνεστ[ώ-]
σης μοι διακρίσεως ἐπὶ τοῦ ἐφʼ ἡ̣[μῶν]
5τεταγμένο̣υ̣ πρὸς Φιλουμένη[ν καὶ]
τὸν ταύτ̣ης υἱὸν Μάρωνα [περὶ]
ἐμποιήσεως ὑπαρχόντων, τῆς
τούτω̣ν̣ κρατήσεως περί τε ἐμ[ὲ] καὶ
τὴν γυναῖκα μου Θερμ[ο]ῦθιν οὔσης,
10ὑπὸ δὲ τούτω̣ν̣ κακὰ περικτώμεν̣ο[ι]
ἀεί ποτε παραλαμβανόντων ἐργ̣[ο-]
λάβους καὶ ἑτερου(*) παρὰ τὸ ἐκ[ε]ι-
μεν(*) πρό̣σ̣τ̣αγμα· διὸ ἀξιῶι(*)
συντάξα̣[ι γρά]ψ̣αι τῶι̣ ἐπιστ[άτ]η̣ι̣
15καταστῆσ̣[α]ι̣ ἐ̣πί σε τ̣οὺς συ̣[μ-]
πορευομένους(*) ἐργολάβους [ἵ]ν̣[α]
τύχω τῶν δικαί[ω]ν, αὐ̣[τοὶ δὲ]
τῆς ἐκξακλουθούσης(*) ἀπὸ τοῦ προ[σ-]
τάγματος εὐθύνης.
(hand 2) τῶι ἐπιστάτηι
καταστῆσαι (ἔτους) λε Ἁθὺ̣ρ̣(*) ιθ
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
HGV 5297 Translation (English) [xml]
1 ‘To Asclepiades, king’s cousin and strategus from Protomachus son of Harmais, embalmer of the Labyrinth. An investigation is pending at my instance before the officer appointed over us against Philoumene and her son Maron concerning a claim to property, possession of which rests with me and my wife Thermouthis; and we are picking up trouble from these two who are forever calling busy-bodies into consultation, and others too contrary to the published ordinance. Therefore I request you to give orders to write to the epistates to summon the case-hunting busybodies into your presence that I may obtain my just rights and they the penalty consequent on the ordinance. Farewell.’ (Docketed) ‘To the epistates: Summon them. Year 35 Mecheir 19.’