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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 141.4 P. Yale Inv. 663; 1239; 1529; 1533
Titre: Parássoglou George M., Four Papyri from the Yale Collection.
Publication: AJP 92 (1971) pp. 652-666.
Résumé: 1. P. Yale Inv. 1239. Letter of complaints and protestations. Unknown provenance, I-II cent. A.D. - 2. Inv. 1533. Letter from a son to his father. Unknown provenance, II cent A.D. - 3. Inv. 663. Letter of condolence. Bacchias, III cent. A.D. - 4. Inv. 1529. Letter from the strategos of the Memphite nome to the epistrategos of the Heptanomia. A.D. 280/281.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XIV, 11644-11647.
No: 1971-0338


48499. George M. Parássoglou, "Four Papyri from the Yale Collection.," AJP, 92 (1971), pp. 652-666. [xml] [edit]

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