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Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets

Founding Editors: John F. Oates and William H. Willis

This new instance of the Checklist is a work in progress. Most of the data already supersede those of the previous site. Previous print and online editions were curated by a board of Editors, founded by the late Professors John F. Oates and William H. Willis. This latest carries forward the spirit of openness and collaboration that they championed. Abbreviations are arrived at after discussion by a variety of stakeholders, including Joshua D. Sosin (Duke), Rodney Ast (Heidelberg), Roger S. Bagnall (NYU), James M.S. Cowey (Heidelberg), Mark Depauw (Leuven), Alain Delattre (Brussels), Robert L. Maxwell (BYU), Paul Heilporn (Strasbourg), volume editors, and others, sometimes including the wider papyrological community (via papylist). The quickest way to initiate discussion of updates and abbreviations is to write the papylist, or any one of the individuals named above. Editors are strongly urged to let us know when new volumes are published. Links to digitized volumes available online have been made by Ryan Baumann (Duke), with the help of a list made by Loreleï Vanderheyden and Jean-Luc Fournet.

Table of Contents



= Actenstücke aus der Königlichen Bank zu Theben in den Museen zu Berlin, London, Paris, ed. U. Wilcken. Berlin 1887. (AbhBerlin 1886, Anhang, Abh.1; rp. in U. Wilcken, Berliner Akademieschriften zur Alten Geschichte und Papyruskunde I [Leipzig 1970] 39—104). Nos. 1—12. Republished in UPZ II 205—207, 214—215, 217—221, 226—228. [MF 1.10; rp. DZA] Full bibliographic record Online:


= Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen (later Staatlichen) Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. Berlin. bgu

  • I, 1895. Nos. 1—361. [MF 1.1; rp. CG] bgu;1 Full bibliographic record Online:
  • II, 1898. Nos. 362—696. [MF 1.2; rp. CG] bgu;2 Online:
  • III, 1903. Nos. 697—1012. [MF 1.3; rp. CG] bgu;3 Online:
  • IV, 1912. Nos. 1013—1209. [MF 1.4; rp. CG] bgu;4 Online:
  • V, Der Gnomon des Idios Logos. Erster Teil: Der Text, ed. W. Schubart. 1919. Online: Zweiter Teil: Der Kommentar, by W. Graf von Uxkull-Gyllenband. 1934. No. 1210. [MF 1.5; rp. CG] bgu;5 Online:
  • VI, Papyri und Ostraka der Ptolemäerzeit, ed. W. Schubart and E. Kühn. 1922. Nos. 1211—1303 are papyri; nos. 1304—1499 ostraca. [MF 1.6; rp. CG] bgu;6 Online:
  • VII, Papyri, Ostraka und Wachstafeln aus Philadelphia im Fayûm, ed. P. Viereck and F. Zucker. 1926. Nos. 1563—1689 are papyri; nos. 1500—1562, 1697—1729 ostraca; nos. 1690—1696 wooden tablets. [MF 1.7; rp. CG] bgu;7 Online: HathiTrust Online:
  • VIII, Spätptolemäische Papyri aus amtlichen Büros des Herakleopolites, ed. W. Schubart and D. Schäfer. 1933. Nos. 1730—1890. [MF 1.8; rp. CG] bgu;8 Online:
  • IX, Steuerlisten römischer Zeit aus Theadelphia, ed. H. Kortenbeutel. 1937. Nos. 1891—1900. [MF 1.9; rp. CG] bgu;9 Online:
  • X, Papyrusurkunden aus ptolemäischer Zeit, ed. W. Müller. 1970. Nos. 1901—2011. [AV] bgu;10 Online:
  • XI, Urkunden römischer Zeit, ed. H. Maehler.
  • XII, Papyri aus Hermupolis, ed. H. Maehler. 1974. Nos. 2132—2210. [BAM] bgu;12 Online:
  • XIII, Greek Papyri from Roman Egypt, ed. W.M. Brashear. 1976. Nos. 2211—2366. [BAM] bgu;13 Online:
  • XIV, Ptolemäische Urkunden aus Mumienkartonage, ed. W.M. Brashear. 1981. Nos. 2367—2450 are papyri; nos. 2451—2457 ostraca. [BAM] bgu;14 Online:; Online:
  • XV, Financial and Administrative Documents from Roman Egypt, ed. C.A. Nelson. 1983. Nos. 2458—2557. [BAM] bgu;15 Online:; Online:
  • XVI, The Archive of Athenodoros, ed. W.M. Brashear. 1995. Nos. 2558—2674. [BAM] bgu;16 Online:; Online:
  • XVII, Griechische Papyrusurkunden spätrömischer und byzantinischer Zeit aus Hermopolis Magna, ed. G. Poethke. Munich-Leipzig 2001. (Archiv Beih. 7) Nos. 2675—2730. [KGS] bgu;17
  • XVIII, Pt. 1, Spätptolemäische Urkunden aus dem Herakleopolites, ed. P. Sarischouli. 2000. Nos. 2731—2759. [BAM] bgu;18
  • XIX, Urkunden aus Hermupolis, ed. H. Maehler mit Beiträgen von R.L. Chang, J.-L. Fournet, J. Gascou, A. Jördens. Munich-Leipzig 2005. (Archiv Beih. 19). Nos. 2760—2839, mostly in Greek (2760 in Latin). [K.G. Saur] bgu;19
  • XX, Dokumentarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung aus ptolemäischer und römischer Zeit, ed. F. Reiter. Berlin 2014. Nos. 2840—2876. bgu;20
  • XXI, Dokumentarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung aus byzantinischer und früharabischer Zeit, ed. F. Reiter. Berlin 2024. Nos. 2877-2904.
  • XXII, Des pittakia de Théadelphie, ed. S. Kambitsis. Berlin 2018. Nos. 2905—2913.


= Berliner Klassikertexte. Berlin.

  • I, Didymos, Kommentar zu Demosthenes (Papyrus 9780) nebst Wörterbuch zu Demosthenes' Aristocratea (Papyrus 5008), ed. H. Diels and W. Schubart. 1904. [MF 1.11] Online:
  • II, Anonymer Kommentar zu Platons Theaetet (Papyrus 9782) nebst drei Bruchstücken philosophischen Inhalts (Pap. N.8; P.9766. 9569), ed. H. Diels and W. Schubart. 1905. [MF 1.12] Online:
  • III, Griechische Papyri medizinischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Inhalts, ed. K. Kalbfleisch and H. Schöne. 1905. [MF 1.13] Online:
  • IV, Hierokles; Ethische Elementarlehre (Papyrus 9780), nebst den bei Stobäus erhaltenen ethischen Exzerpten aus Hierokles, ed. H. von Arnim. 1906. [MF 1.14] Online:
  • V, Griechische Dichterfragmente: Pt. I, Epische und elegische Fragmente; Pt. II, Lyrische und dramatische Fragmente, ed. W. Schubart and U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. 1907. [MF 1.15] Online:
  • VI, Altchristliche Texte, ed. C. Schmidt and W. Schubart. 1910. [MF 1.16] Online:
  • VII, Rhetorische Papyri, ed. K. Kunst. 1923. [MF 1.17] Online:
  • VIII, Berliner Septuagintafragmente, ed. O. Stegmüller. 1939. [MF 1.18]
  • IX, Catalogue of Greek and Latin Literary Papyri in Berlin (P.Berol.inv. 21101—21299, 21911), ed. G. Ioannidou. Mainz 1996. [PvZ]
  • X, Literarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung, ed. F. Reiter. Berlin 2012. Nos. 1—30.


= Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Koeniglichen (later Staatlichen) Museen zu Berlin: Koptische Urkunden.

  • I, Berlin 1895—1905. Nos. 1—192. Online:
  • II.1, Berlin 1904. Nos. 256—318 (only the first fascicle was published). No papyri were ever assigned publication numbers 193-255. Online:
  • III, ed. H. Satzinger. Heft 1, 1967; Heft 2, 1968. Nos. 319—514. Berlin. [Bruno Hessling Verlag]


= Corpus Papyrorum Raineri. Vienna. cpr

  • I, Griechische Texte I, Rechtsurkunden, ed. C. Wessely. 1895. Nos. 1—247. [MF 1.85; rp. CG] cpr;1 Online:
  • II, Koptische Texte, ed. J. Krall. 1895. Nos. 1—255. Many texts are reedited in CPR IV; see concordance there p. xv; and in CPR XII; see concordance there p. 11. [MF 2.67] cpr;2 Online:
  • III, Series Arabica I, ed. A. Grohmann. 1924.
    • Pt. 1, Allgemeine Einführung in die arabischen Papyri Online:;
    • Pt. 2, Protokolle, Nos. 1—377, nos. 1—107 are bilingual, Arabic and Greek; Pt. 3, Protokolle, Tafeln. cpr;3
  • IV, Die koptischen Rechtsurkunden der Papyrussammlung der Oesterreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. W. Till. 1958. Nos. 1—212. No. 34 reedited in P.Rain.Unterricht 112. [ÖNB] cpr;4
  • V, Griechische Texte II, ed. J.R. Rea and P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1976. Nos. 1—25 plus P.Vindob. G 39847 (No. 26). [ÖNB] cpr;5
  • VI, 1, Griechische Texte III, Part 1, ed. H. Harrauer and S.M.E. van Lith. Nos. 1—71; separate fascicle of plates. 1978. [ÖNB] cpr;6
  • VI, 2, Griechische Texte III, Part 2, ed. H. Harrauer. Nos. 72—85; separate fascicle of plates. 1985. [ÖNB] cpr;6
  • VII, Griechische Texte IV, ed. H. Zilliacus, J. Frösén, P. Hohti, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio. 1979. Nos. 1—60; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;7
  • VIII, Griechische Texte V, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. 1983. Nos. 1—85; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;8 Online:
  • IX, Griechische Texte VI, ed. J.M. Diethart. 1984. Nos. 1—79; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;9
  • X, Griechische Texte VII, ed. H. Harrauer et alii. 1986. Nos. 1—140; nos. 32—34 are ostraca; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;10
  • XI, Not published.
  • XII, Koptische Texte, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. 1987. Nos. 1—38; separate fascicle of plates. No. 4 reedited by Hasitzka in Archiv 41 (1995) 194—204. [ÖNB] cpr;12
  • XIII, Griechische Texte IX, ed. H. Harrauer. 1987. Nos. 1—31; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;13
  • XIV, Griechische Texte X, Greek Papyri of the Byzantine Period, ed. G. Fantoni. 1989. Nos. 1—55; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;14
  • XV, Griechische Texte XI, Papiri greci di Socnopaiu Nesos e dell'Arsinoites, ed. G. Messeri Savorelli. 1990. Nos. 1—53; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;15
  • XVI, Arabische Briefe aus dem 7.—10. Jahrhundert, ed. W. Diem. 1993. Nos. 1—35; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB]
  • XVIIA, Griechische Texte XIIA, Die Archive der Aurelii Adelphios und Asklepiades, ed. K.A. Worp. 1991. Nos. 1—39 and App. a—c; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;17A Online:
  • XVIIB, Griechische Texte XIIB, Papyri aus Panopolis, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1991. Nos. 1—47; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;17B
  • XVIII, Griechische Texte XIII, Das Vertragsregister von Theogenis (P.Vindob. G40618), ed. B. Kramer. 1991. Nos. 1—34; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;18
  • XIX, Griechische Texte XVIII, ed. H. Harrauer et alii. 2004. Nos. 1-69; separate fascicle of plates. [ÖNB] cpr;19
  • XX, Ein neues Archiv koptischer Ostraka, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. 1995. [ÖNB] cpr;20
  • XXI, Arabic Agricultural Leases and Tax Receipts from Egypt, 148-427 A.H./ 765-1035 A.D., ed. G. Frantz-Murphy. 2001. Nos. 1-90. [ÖNB]
  • XXII, Griechische Texte XV, Documenti greci per la fiscalità e la amministrazione dell'Egitto arabo,, ed. F. Morelli. 2001. Nos. 1—60[ÖNB] cpr;22
  • XXIII, Griechische Texte XVI, Neue Dokumente aus römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Verwaltung und Reichsgeschichte, ed. F. Mitthof. 2002. Nos. 1—35. [ÖNB] cpr;23
  • XXIV, Griechische Texte XVII, Dokumente zu Verwaltung und Militär aus dem spätantiken Ägypten, ed. B. Palme. 2002. Nos. 1—33. [ÖNB;] cpr;24
  • XXV, Fünfunddreissig griechische Papyrusbriefe aus der Spätantike, ed . A. Papathomas, München - Leipzig 2006. Nos . 1-35. [K. G . Saur] cpr;25
  • XXVI, Arabische juristische Urkunden aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed M. E. Thung. Munich-Leipzig 2006. Nos. 1-45. [K. G. Saur]
  • XXVII, (Gott) Schütze das Fleisch des Pharao: Untersuchungen zum magischen Handbuch pWien 8426, ed. N. Flessa. Edition and study of a Hieratic papyrus. [K. G. Saur]
  • XXVIII, Greek Documentary Papyri from Ptolemaic Egypt, ed. C. A. La'da, Berlin 2008. Nos. 1—14. cpr;28
  • XXIX, "Du hast mein Herz zufriedengestellt ...", Ptolemäerzeitliche demotische Urkunden aus Soknopaiu Nesos, ed. M. Schentuleit and G. Vittmann, Berlin-New York 2009.
  • XXX, L'archivio di Senouthios anystes e testi connessi, ed. F. Morelli, Berlin-New York 2010; separate fascicle of plates. Nos. 1—32. [WdG] cpr;30
  • XXXI, Koptische dokumentarische und literarische Texte "First International Summer School in Coptic Papyrology 2006", ed. M. Hasitzka, Berlin-New York 2011. Nos. 1—23; separate fascicle of plates. [WdG] cpr;31
  • XXXII, Arabische Briefe aus dem 10.-16. Jahrhundert, ed. W. Diem. Berlin, 2011.
  • XXXIII, The Vienna epigrams papyrus, ed. P.J. Parsons, H. Maehler, F. Maltomini. Berlin, 2015.
  • XXXIV, Koptische dokumentarische Texte aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Berlin, 2018.
  • XXXV, Les archives du conseil municipal d'Hermoupolis Magna, ed. M. Drew-Bear, with collaboration of F. Chausson and H. Maehler, Berlin-Boston 2020.
  • XXXVI, Documenti del primo periodo arabo dall'archivio di Senouthios anystes e testi connessi, ed. F. Morelli, Berlin-Boston 2022. Nos. 1-62.
  • XXXVII, Arabische Briefe des 8. bis 10. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien, ed. A. Kaplony.2024. Nos. 1-13.


= Catalogue of Greek and Latin Papyri and Ostraca in the Possession of the University of Aberdeen, ed. E.G. Turner. Aberdeen 1939. (Aberdeen Univ. Studies 116). Nos. 1—2, 7—72, 104—197 are papyri; nos. 3—6, 73—103 ostraca. [MF 2.104] p.aberd; Full BP bibliographic record


= The Abinnaeus Archive: Papers of a Roman Officer in the Reign of Constantius II, ed. H.I. Bell, V. Martin, E.G. Turner, D. van Berchem. Oxford 1962. Nos. 1—82. [Rp. CG]. See also SB X 10755, SB XIV 11380 and SB XX 14954. p.abinn


= Les Papyrus grecs d'Achmîm à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, ed. P. Collart. Cairo 1930. (BIFAO 31 [1930] 33—111). Nos. 1—9. [MF 1.73] p.achm Online: IFAO


= Demotische Ackerpachtverträge der Ptolemäerzeit. Untersuchungen zu Aufbau, Entwicklung und inhaltlichen Aspekten einer Gruppe von demotischen Urkunden, ed. H. Felber. Wiesbaden 1997. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 58). 24 texts and 8 fragments are studied in this volume. Not all the texts are edited or reprinted in full and they are not numbered serially.


= The Adler Papyri, Greek texts, ed. E.N. Adler, J.G. Tait, F.M. Heichelheim. Demotic texts ed. F.Ll. Griffith. Oxford 1939. Greek nos. 1—21, Demotic nos. 1—30. An additional Demotic piece, no. 31, was published by N.J. Reich, Journal of the American Oriental Society 36 (1936) 168—169. [Rp. CG] p.adl


= Ägyptische Handschriften (Teil 2), ed. E. Lüddeckens and K.-Th. Zauzich. Wiesbaden 1971. (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland XIX 2). This volume lists (nos. 1—333) the Demotic papyri in Berlin.

P.Aegyptus Cent.

= These are texts published in Aegyptus 100 (2020) and Aegyptus 101 (2021) with continuous numbering from 1-52.


= Agriculture and taxation in early Ptolemaic Egypt : Demotic land surveys and accounts, ed. A. Monson. Bonn 2012. (Pap.Texte Abh. XLVI). Nos. 1—12.


= Two Hellenistic Medical Papyri of the Ärztekammer Nordrhein (P.ÄkNo 1 and 2), ed. I. Andorlini and R.W. Daniel. Paderborn 2016. (Pap.Colon. XXXVIII). Nos. 1—2.


= Papyrus grecs du Musée Gréco-Romain d'Alexandrie, ed. A. Swiderek and M. Vandoni. Warsaw 1964. (Travaux du Centre d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences 2). Nos. 1—40 on pp. 47—79; otherwise a catalogue of descriptions and other material relating to the Alexandria papyri. [o.p.] p.alex


= Papyri variae Alexandrinae et Gissenses, ed. J. Schwartz. Brussels 1969. (Pap.Brux. VII). Nos. 1—61; nos. 62—73 are notes to other texts. Texts reprinted as SB X 10617—10653. [FERE] p.alex.giss Online: AWDL


= The Amherst Papyri, Being an Account of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, F.S.A. at Didlington Hall, Norfolk, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. London. p.amh

  • I, The Ascension of Isaiah and Other Theological Fragments. 1900. Nos. 1—9. [MF 1.43; rp. CG] p.amh;1 Online:
  • II, Classical Fragments and Documents of the Ptolemaic, Roman and Byzantine Periods. 1901. Nos. 10—201. No. 145 has a Coptic greeting at the end. [MF 1.44; rp. CG] p.amh;2 Online:


= The Amherst Papyri, Being an Account of the Egyptian Papyri in the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, F.S.A. at Didlington Hall, Norfolk, ed. P.E. Newberry with an appendix on a Coptic papyrus by W.E. Crum. London 1899. The Coptic text, which is on pp. 59—61, was later republished as P.KRU 69. Online:


= The Archive of Ammon Scholasticus of Panopolis. p.ammon

  • I, The Legacy of Harpocration, ed. W.H. Willis and K. Maresch. Opladen 1997. (Pap.Colon. XXVI/1). Nos. 1—25. [FS] p.ammon;1
  • II, Das Archiv des Aurelius Ammon (P.Ammon): Papyri aus den Sammlungen des Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" (Università di Firenze), der Duke University, Durham N.C., und der Universität zu Köln, ed. K. Maresch and I. Andorlini. Paderborn 2006. (Pap.Colon. 26, 2). Nos. 26-56; separate fascicle of plates. [Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh] p.ammon;2

P.Amst. I

= Die Amsterdamer Papyri I, ed. R.P. Salomons, P.J. Sijpesteijn, K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1980. (Stud.Amst. XIV). Nos. 1—100. [TPC] Cf. also P.Gron.Amst. p.amst;1 Online:


= Corpus Papyrorum Anagennesis, ed. F. Farid. Athens 1986. Revised texts originally published by various editors in the journal Anagennesis vols. 1—3 (1981—1983). There is no index but the texts from this volume were entered in the DDBDP. The texts were not given numbers and must be referred to by page number. A number of texts were taken up in SB XVI from their original publication in the three volumes of the journal Anagennesis. p.anag


= The Antinoopolis Papyri. London. p.ant

  • I, ed. C.H. Roberts. 1950. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 28). Nos. 7—50 (nos. 1—6 are in Shorthand Manuals). [EES] p.ant;1
  • II, ed. J.W.B. Barns and H. Zilliacus. 1960. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 37). Nos. 51—110. [EES] p.ant;2
  • III, ed. J.W.B. Barns and H. Zilliacus. 1967. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 47). Nos. 111—214. [EES] p.ant;3


= Hellénisme dans l'Égypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l'oeuvre de Dioscore d'Aphrodité, ed. J.-L. Fournet. Cairo 1999. (MIFAO 115). Nos. 1-51. [SEVPO]


= Du Village à l'Empire. Autour du registre fiscal d'Aphroditô, ed. C. Zuckerman. Paris 2004. (Monographies, Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance 16)


= Papyrus grecs d'Apollônos Anô, ed. R. Rémondon. Cairo 1953. (Documents de fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire 19). Nos. 1—105; no. 91 reprinted as SB Kopt. I 7. [MF 1.41] Nos. 106 and 107 = SB XIV 11917—11918; nos. 108—110 = SB XVI 12428—12431. p.apoll Online: University of Basel


= Catalogue of the Demotic Papyri in the Ashmolean Museum. p.ashm

  • I, Embalmers' Archives from Hawara, ed. E.A.E. Reymond, including Greek Documents and Subscriptions, ed. J.W.B. Barns. Oxford 1973. Nos. 1—21 are Demotic; there are Greek subscriptions to nos. 3, 4, 5, 10, 14—15 and 16—17. Nos. 22—25 are Greek texts. Greek texts reprinted as SB XIV 11404—11413. A further text is published at SB I 4369. [OUP] p.ashm;1


= Les associations religieuses en Égypte d'après les documents démotiques, ed. F. de Cenival. Cairo 1972. (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. Bibliothèque d'Étude 46). Seven Demotic texts are reedited: P.LilleDem. I 29; P.Cair. II 30605, 30606, 30619, 31178, 31179 and a Hamburg text originally edited by W. Erichsen in Acta Orientalia 26 (1962) 97—107. Two further texts have been studied from photographs and provided with transcription, translation and commentary: P.Berl.Dem. 3115 (pp. 18—19 and plates 38—41) and a Prague text edited by W. Erichsen, P.Prag.Satzung.


= Papyri Societatis Archaeologicae Atheniensis, ed. G.A. Petropoulos. Athens 1939. (Pragmateiai tês Akademias Athênôn 10). Nos. 1—70. [MF 1.64; rp. CG]. Further texts published in Anekdotoi philologikoi kai idiôtikoi papyroi, ed. M.G. Tsoukalas. Athens 1962. (Bibliothêkê tês en Athênais Philekpaideutikês Hetaireias 17); reprinted in SB VIII 9860—9862. p.athen


= P.Sta.Xyla: The Byzantine Papyri of the Greek Papyrological Society I, ed. B.G. Mandilaras. Nos. 1—21. Nos. 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18 have Coptic in their dockets. Athens 1993. [Greek Papyrological Society] p.athen.xyla


= P.Trophitis: New Ptolemaic Texts Relating to Egyptian Alimentary and Sale Contracts. Greek Abstracts from a Kibotos Archive, ed. R.G. Herring. Diss. University of Texas, 1989. Nos. 1—20. Republished in SB XX 14470—14493. In SB XX the rectos and versos of P.Aust.Herr. 6, 12 and 18 are given separate numbers. Also the fragments a—h listed on pp. 74—75 are republished as SB XX 14492. [UMI, 1992; order no. 9005594] p.aust.herr


= Auswahl frühdemotischer Texte (zum Gebrauch im akademischen Studien sowie zum Selbststudium zusammengestellt), by W. Erichsen. Heft 1, Texte; 2, Umschrift und Glossar; 3, Schriftliste. Copenhagen 1950.

P.Babatha (see P.Yadin) p.babatha


= "The Archives of the Temple of Soknobraisis at Bacchias," ed. E.H. Gilliam, in YCS 10 (1947) 179—281. Nos. 1—25. Texts reprinted as SB VI 9319—9339. See also P.Lund IV. [MF 2.77] p.bacch


= Veröffentlichungen aus den badischen Papyrus-Sammlungen. Heidelberg. Series continues with P.Heid. I. p.bad

  • I, Demotische Papyri, ed. W. Spiegelberg. 1923. [MF 2.49] Online:
  • II, Griechische Papyri, ed. F. Bilabel. 1923. Nos. 1—45. [MF 2.50] p.bad;2 Online:
  • III, Ein koptisches Fragment über die Begründer des Manichäismus, ed. F. Bilabel. 1924. No. 46. [MF 2.51] Online:
  • IV, Griechische Papyri, ed. F. Bilabel. 1924. Nos. 47-111. Nos. 47—59, 70—97 are papyri, 98—110 ostraca, 60—65 and 111 tablets, 66—69 pots. [MF 2.52] p.bad;4 Online:
  • V, Griechische, koptische und arabische Texte zur Religion und religiösen Literatur in Aegyptens Spätzeit, ed. F. Bilabel and A. Grohmann. 1934. Nos. 112—167. Nos. 112-113, 118-121, and 143-166 are Arabic; nos. 114-116, 122, 124-126, 131-142 and 167 Coptic; nos. 117 and 127-130 Greek; no. 123 Coptic-Arabic. [MF 2.53]
  • VI, Griechische Papyri, ed. G.A. Gerhard. 1938. Nos. 168—180. [MF 2.54]. Numbering continued in P.Heid. I. p.bad;6


= Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall, ed. R. Ast, H. Cuvigny, T. M. Hickey, and J. Lougovaya. Durham, NC 2013. (Am.Stud.Pap. 53). Nos. 1–70. p.bagnall


= Bala'izah: Coptic Texts from Deir el-Bala'izah in Upper Egypt, ed. P.E. Kahle. London 1954. 2 vols. The following texts are Greek in whole or part: I 2 (parchment), 29; II 123, 130, 148, 180—182, 203—204, 286—289, 296—300, 308, 315, 345—346, 355—356, 361, 374—375, 381, 383, 386—394, 408 (papyri). p.bal Online: coptica


= Papyri of the University Library of Basel.

  • I, Papyrusurkunden der Öffentlichen Bibliothek der Universität zu Basel: Pt. I, Urkunden in griechischer Sprache, ed. E. Rabel. Nos. 1—26. Pt. II, Ein koptischer Vertrag, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Berlin 1917. (AbhGöttingen N.F. 16.3). [MF 1.86] See also SB XVIII 13752. p.bas Online:
  • II, Papyri of the University Library of Basel, ed. S.R. Huebner, W.G. Claytor, I. Marthot-Santaniello and M. Müller. Berlin/Boston 2020. Nos. 1-70. All texts previously edited as P.Bas. 1-27 as well as P.Bas.Copt. 1 have been re-edited, but have received different numbering. The remainder are completely new texts.


= E sì d'amici pieno: omaggio di studiosi italiani a Guido Bastianini per il suo settantesimo compleanno, ed. A. Casanova, G. Messeri, R. Pintaudi. Florence 2016. (Pap.Flor. XLV). Nos. 1–27. p.bastianini


= Textes grecs, démotiques et bilingues, ed. E. Boswinkel and P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1978. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XIX). Nos. 1—2, 26—28, 42—48 Demotic; 3, 5, 25, 29—32, 40—41 bilingual (Greek and Demotic); 4, 6—24, 33—39 Greek. Nos. 1—24 are papyri, 25—28 ostraca, 29—39 linen, 40—48 mummy labels. [EJB] p.batav

P.Bawit Clackson

= It is Our Father Who Writes: Orders from the Monastery of Apollo at Bawit, ed. S. J. Clackson. Cincinnatti 2008 (Am.Stud.Pap. XLIII). Nos. 1—91. Online: AWDL


= Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, ed. F.G. Kenyon. London. [I—VIII, MF 1.84]


= Greek Papyri in the Benaki Museum, from the Collections of the Historical Archive, ed. E. Papapolychroniou. Athens 2000. Nos. 1—7; nos. 1—5 are papyri; nos. 6—7 are the texts on two sides of a wooden tablet. [Benaki Museum]. Reprinted in SB XXVI 16683—16689. p.benaki

P.Berenike (see O.Berenike).


= Frammenti di papiri greci asservati nella Reale Biblioteca di Berlino, ed. G. Parthey. Rome 1865. (Memorie dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica 2 [1865] 438—462). Cf. SB II p. 114. p.berl.bibl Online:


= Une description topographique des immeubles à Panopolis, ed. Z. Borkowski. Warsaw 1975. [AP] p.berl.bork


= Select Papyri from West-Berlin, ed. W.M. Brashear. Diss. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1973. Of the 19 texts all are reedited in BGU XIII or XIV or as SB XIV 11855 and 11856. There is a concordance at SB XIV 11855. No. 2 is again reedited as P.Gen. II 103, no. 8 as C.Pap.Gr. II 43. [UMI, order no. 73—24,529] p.berl.brash


= Greek Documentary Papyri from Egypt in the Berlin Aegyptisches Museum, ed. N. Cohen. Oakville, Conn. 2007. (Am.Stud.Pap. 44). Nos. 1-20. [Oxbow] p.berl.cohen Online: AWDL


= Demotische Papyri aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin

  • I, Papyri von der Insel Elephantine, ed. K.-Th. Zauzich. Berlin 1978.
  • II, Thebanische Kaufverträge des 3. und 2. Jarhhunderts v.u.Z., ed. S. Grunert. Berlin 1981.
  • III, Papyri von der Insel Elephantine, ed. K.-Th. Zauzich. Berlin 1992. Volumes in this series are published unbound. Texts are not numbered in serial fashion; each has only its inventory number and the text; translation and commentary for each is numbered separately. There is a photograph for each text.


= Bankakten aus dem Faijûm nebst anderen Berliner Papyri, ed. H. Frisk. Gothenburg 1931. (Göteborgs kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhälles Handlingar, Femte Följden, Ser. A,2,2). Nos. 1—6. Texts reprinted as SB V 7515—7520. [MF 2.34; rp. CG] p.berl.frisk


= Berliner Leihgabe griechischer Papyri. p.berl.leihg

  • I, ed. T. Kalén and the Greek Seminar at Uppsala. Uppsala 1932. (Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift 1932, Filosofi, Språkvetenskap och Historiska Vetenskaper 1). Nos. 1—25. [MF 1.61] p.berl.leihg;1
  • II, aus dem Nachlass T. Kaléns ed. A. Tomsin. Uppsala 1977. (Studia Graeca Upsaliensia XII). Nos. 26—46. [o.p.] p.berl.leihg;2


= Griechische Papyri aus dem Berliner Museum, ed. S. Möller. Gothenburg 1929. Nos. 1—13. Texts reprinted as SB IV 7338—7350. [MF 2.87] p.berl.moeller


= Neue Quellen zum griechisch-römisch-byzantinischen Ägypten: Erstedition von fünfzehn griechischen Papyrustexten der Berliner Papyrussammlung, ed. A. Monte. Berlin 2020. Nos. 1—15. Online:


= Cartonnage Papyri in Context: New Ptolemaic Documents from Abu Sir al Malaq, ed. E. Salmenkivi. Helsinki 2002. (Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 119) Nos. 1–20. [AB] Cf. BGU XVIII. p.berl.salmen


= Berliner griechische Papyri, Christliche literarische Texte und Urkunden aus dem 3. bis 8. Jh.n.Chr., ed. P. Sarischouli. Wiesbaden 1995. (Serta Graeca 3). Nos. 1—23. [L. Reichert Verlag] p.berl.sarisch


= Die griechischen Papyrusurkunden der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, ed. W.A. Schmidt. Berlin 1842. (Forschungen auf dem Gebiet des Altertums 1). Nos. 1—2. Texts reprinted as SB I 4503—4504. Online:


= Demotische Papyrus aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin, ed. von der Generalverwaltung mit erläuterndem Texte von W. Spiegelberg. Berlin and Leipzig 1902. A catalogue with photographs. Online:


= Sitologen-Papyri aus dem Berliner Museum, ed. K. Thunell. Uppsala 1924. Texts reprinted as SB III 7193—7196 and as P.Berl.Leihg. I 1—4. [MF 2.106; rp.CG] p.berl.thun Online:


= Vierzehn Berliner griechische Papyri, ed. H. Zilliacus. Helsingfors 1941. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum XI, 4). Nos. 1—14. [MF 1.32] p.berl.zill


= Papyri in Honorem Johannis Bingen Octogenarii, ed. H. Melaerts. Leuven 2000. (Studia Varia Bruxellensia ad Orbem Graeco-Latinum Pertinentia 5). Nos. 1—151. Nos. 27—36 and 39—147 are Greek documents; nos. 38 and 39 Demotic and nos. 149—151 Coptic documents. No. 116 is a clay tablet. [Peeters] p.bingen

P.Bodl. I

= Papyri Bodleianae I, ed. R.P. Salomons. Amsterdam 1996. (Stud.Amst. XXXIV). Nos. 1—171. An appendix inventories part of the Greek papyri in the Bodleian. [JCG] p.bodl;1


= Papyrus Bodmer, publications of Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Cologny-Génève (unless otherwise stated). [Reprint of series in 10 vols. by KGS]

  • I, Iliade, chants 5 et 6, ed. V. Martin. 1954. [o.p.]
  • II, Évangile de Jean (chaps. 1—14), ed. V. Martin. 1956. With supplement, chaps. 14—21, ed. V. Martin. 1958. New edition, ed. V. Martin and J.W.B. Barns. 1962. With photographic reproduction of complete text of chaps. 1—21. [new ed. BB]
  • III, Évangile de Jean et Genèse I—IV, 2 en bohairique, ed. R. Kasser. Louvain 1958. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 177, 178 = Scriptores Coptici 25, 26). Online: coptica
  • IV, Ménandre: Le Dyscolos, ed. V. Martin. 1958. [o.p.]
  • V, Nativité de Marie, ed. M. Testuz. 1958. [o.p.]
  • VI, Livre des Proverbes (Coptic), ed. R. Kasser. Louvain 1960. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 194, 195 = Scriptores Coptici 27, 28).
  • VII—IX, L'Épître de Jude, les deux Épîtres de Pierre, les Psaumes 33 et 34, ed. M. Testuz. 1959. [o.p.]
  • X—XII: X, Correspondance apocryphe des Corinthiens et de l'apôtre Paul; XI, Onzième Ode de Salomon; XII, Fragment d'un hymne liturgique, ed. M. Testuz. 1959. [o.p.]
  • XIII, Homélie sur la Pâque par Méliton de Sardes, ed. M. Testuz. 1960. [o.p.]
  • XIV—XV, Évangile de Luc chap. 3—24, Évangile de Jean chap. 1—15, ed. V. Martin and R. Kasser. 1961. [BB]
  • XVI, Exode I—XV, 21 en sahidique, ed. R. Kasser. 1961. [o.p.]
  • XVII, Actes des Apôtres, Épîtres de Jacques, Pierre, Jean et Jude, ed. R. Kasser. 1961. [o.p.]
  • XVIII, Deutéronome I—X, 7 en sahidique, ed. R. Kasser. 1962. [o.p.]
  • XIX, Évangile de Matthieu XIV, 28—XXVIII, 20; Épître aux Romains I,1—II,3 en sahidique, ed. R. Kasser. 1962. [BB]
  • XX, Apologie de Philéas, évêque de Thmouis, ed. V. Martin. 1964. [BB]
  • XXI, Josué VI,16—25, VII,6—XI,23, XXII,1—2, 19—XXIII,7, 15—XXIV,23 en sahidique, ed. R. Kasser. 1963. [BB]
  • XXII, Jérémie XL,3—LII,34; Lamentations; Épître de Jérémie; Baruch I, 1—V, 5 en sahidique (includes Mississippi Coptic Codex II), ed. R. Kasser. 1964. [BB]
  • XXIII, Esaïe, XLVII,1—LXVI,24 en sahidique, ed. R. Kasser. 1965. [BB]
  • XXIV, Psaumes XVII—CXVIII, ed. R. Kasser and M. Testuz. 1967. [BB]
  • XXV, Ménandre: La Samienne, ed. R. Kasser with the collaboration of C. Austin. 1969. [BB]
  • XXVI, Ménandre: Le Bouclier, ed. R. Kasser with the collaboration of C. Austin. 1969. [with XXV].
  • XXVII, "Il papiro di Tucidide della Bibliotheca Bodmeriana (P.Bodmer XXVII)," ed. A. Carlini, Museum Helveticum 32 (1975) 33—40. Online: e-periodica
  • XXVIII, "Papyrus Bodmer XXVIII: A Satyr-Play on the Confrontation of Heracles and Atlas," ed. E.G. Turner, Museum Helveticum 33 (1976) 1—23. Online: e-periodica
  • XXIX, Vision de Dorothéos, ed. A. Hurst, O. Reverdin, J. Rudhardt, with an appendix by R. Kasser and G. Cavallo describing and dating the "Codex des Visions." 1984. [BB]
  • XXX—XXXVII, Codex des Visions, Poèmes divers, ed. André Hurst and Jean Rudhardt. 1999. [KGS]
  • XXXVIII, Erma: Il Pastore (Ia—IIIa visione), ed. A. Carlini with collaboration of L. Giaccone, and with an appendix by R. Kasser, G. Cavallo and J. van Haelst, "Nouvelle description du Codex des Visions." 1991. [BB]
  • XLV and XLVI, "Susanna e la prima visione di Daniele in due papiri inediti della Bibliotheca Bodmeriana: P.Bodm. XLV et P.Bodm. XLVI," ed. A. Carlini and A. Citi, Museum Helveticum 38 (1981) 81—120. Online: e-periodica
  • XLVII, "P. Bodmer XLVII : un acrostico alfabetico tra Susanna-Daniele e Tucidide," ed. A. Carlini and M. Bandini, Museum Helveticum 48 (1991) 158-168. Online: e-periodica
  • XLVIII, "Papyrus Bodmer 48 (Iliade 1.45—58)," ed. A. Hurst, Museum Helveticum 47 (1990) 30—33. Online: e-periodica
  • XLIX, "Papyrus Bodmer 49 (Odyssée 9.455—488 et 526—556; 10.188—215)," ed. A. Hurst, Museum Helveticum 43 (1986) 221—230. Online: e-periodica
  • L, "Papyrus Bodmer L. "Das neutestamentliche Papyrusfragment p73 = Mt, 25, 43 / 26, 2—3," ed. C.P. Thiede, Museum Helveticum 47 (1990) 35—40. Online: e-periodica
  • LI, "P.Bodmer recto LI: esercizio di divisione sillabica", ed. A. Bitonto Kasser, Museum Helveticum 55 (1998) 112— 118. Online: e-periodica
  • LII, "P.Bodmer LII: Isocrate, A Nicoclès 16—22, ed. P. Schubert, Museum Helveticum 54 (1997) 97—105. Online: e-periodica


= Papyri Bononienses, ed. O. Montevecchi. Milan 1953. (Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, N.S. 42). Nos. 1—49; no. 50 contains a mummy ticket and a parchment. [VP] p.bon


= Les Papyrus Bouriant, ed. P. Collart. Paris 1926. Nos. 1—63. [MF 1.87] p.bour Online: HathiTrust


= Die Bremer Papyri, ed. U. Wilcken. Berlin 1936. (AbhBerlin 1936,2; rp. in U. Wilcken, Berliner Akademieschriften zur alten Geschichte und Papyruskunde II 193—368. Leipzig 1970). Nos. 1—83 are Greek; no. 84, in Coptic, is briefly described. [DZA; MF 1.83] p.brem Online:


= Catalogue of the Demotic Papyri in the British Museum

  • I, A Theban Archive of the Reign of Ptolemy I Soter, ed. S.R.K. Glanville. London 1939. Published here are inventory nos. 10522—10530, 10535—10537. There are plates of all (or parts of all). There is an additional plate of inv. no. 10500. [BMP] Online: HathiTrust
  • II, The Instructions of Onchsheshonqy, Part 1, Introduction, transliteration, translation, notes and plates, ed. S.R.K. Glanville. London 1955. Part 2 has never been published. [BMP] Online: HathiTrust
  • III, The Mortuary Texts of Papyrus BM 10507, ed. M. Smith. London 1987. [BMP] Online: HathiTrust
  • IV, Ptolemaic Legal Texts from the Theban Area, ed. C.A.R. Andrews. London 1990. Published texts in vol. IV are numbered sequentially Cat. 1 to Cat. 48. The indexes, however, give inventory number references. There is a concordance of inventory numbers with publication numbers on p. 108. In addition there is a concordance of Cat. nos. and plate nos. on p. 129. [BMP] Online: HathiTrust


= Papyri juristischen Inhalts in hieratischer und demotischer Schrift aus dem British Museum, ed. N. Reich. Vienna 1914. (DenkschriftWien 55, Abh. 3). Online:


= Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca, and Wooden Tablets in the Collection of the Brooklyn Museum, ed. J.C. Shelton. Florence 1992. (Pap.Flor. XXII). Nos. 1—26 and 88—91 are papyri; nos. 27—31 tablets; nos. 32—87 ostraca; nos. 92—115 descriptions of papyri; nos. 116—184 descriptions of ostraca. Nos. 24, 100, and 101 are Latin; no. 20 bilingual. [LGF] p.brook


= Catalog of Demotic Texts in the Brooklyn Museum, ed. G. R. Hughes, with contributions by B. P. Muhs and S. Vinson. Chicago 2005. (OIC 29). [OIP] Online: Oriental Institute


= Three Demotic Papyri in the Brooklyn Museum, ed. R. H. Pierce. Oslo 1972. (Symb.Osl. Suppl. 24); republished with extensive commentary, translation and plates as P.Recueil 4—6


= Papyri Bruxellenses Graecae p.brux

  • I, ed. G. Nachtergael. Brussels 1974. Nos. 1—21. Nos. 1—18 are a republication of P.Brux.inv. E. 7616. See Pap.Lugd.Bat. V. [FERE] p.brux;1
  • II, Le poème élégiaque hellénistique P.Brux.inv. E 8934 et P.Sorb.inv. 2254. Édition, commentaire et analyse stylistique, ed. M. Huys. Brussels 1991. No. 22. [FERE] There are also Brussels texts at SB I 4325; V 8025, 8027, 8035 a—c, 8263—8264; VI 8982—8985, 9051, 9161, 9163, 9199, 9206—9210, 9216, 9360; VIII 10163; X 10274, 10556—10557; XIV 11337, 1140, 11845—11849; XVI 12493; XVIII 13367; XX 14393, 14399, 14663.


= Papyrus coptes et grecs du monastère d'apa Apollô de Baouît conservés aux Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles, ed. A. Delattre. Brussels 2007 (Académie royale de Belgique. Mémoires de la Classe des Lettres. Collection in-8°. 3e série. Tome XLIII, No. 2045.) p.brux.bawit Online: Académie Royale


= Die demotischen Papyrus der Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Brussels 1909. Nos. 1— 7. Online:


= Die verkohlten Papyri aus Bubastos. Opladen. p.bub

  • I, Rolls 1—4, ed. J. Frösén and D. Hagedorn. 1989. (Pap.Colon. XV/1). [FS] p.bub;1
  • II, Roll 5, ed. D. Hagedorn and K. Maresch. 1998. (Pap.Colon. XV/2) [FS] p.bub;2
  • III, Roll 6, ed. K. Maresch. 2016. 2 v. (Pap.Colon. XV/3)


= Demotische Urkunden zum ägyptischen Bürgschaftsrechte vorzüglich der Ptolemäerzeit, ed. K. Sethe and J. Partsch. Leipzig 1920. (AbhSächs. 32). Nos. 1-24. Online:


= The Brigham Young University Papyri. Turnhout.

  • I, Didymus the Blind's Commentary on Psalms 26:10-29:2 and 36:1-3, ed. L.H. Blumell, T.W. Mackay and G. Schwendner. 2019.


= Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Catalogue Général des Antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Die demotischen Denkmäler.

  • I, Die Demotischen Inschriften, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Leipzig 1904. Online:
  • II, Die Demotischen Papyrus, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Part 1, Text. Strassburg 1908. Online: Part 2, Plates. Strassburg 1906. Nos. 30601—31270 and 50001—50022. Online:
  • III, Demotische Inschriften und Papyri, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Berlin 1932. Stelae etc. nos. 50023-50057; papyri nos. 50058—50165. Online:


= Greek Papyri, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, Nos. 10001—10869, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. Oxford 1903. Not a publication of papyri, but a list and short description of papyri in the Cairo Museum. Texts are given only for Nos. 10696, 10735, and 10736. There is a concordance to those that have been published at ZPE 91 (1992) 95—98 and CdÉ 72 (1997) 305f.; HGV presents a current concordance: [MF 2.30; rp. AMH, OZ] Online:


= Eine Edition griechischer Papyrusurkunden aus dem ägyptischen Museum in Kairo, ed. U.A. Gad. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2022. Nos. 1—12. Online:


= Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum, ed. E.J. Goodspeed. Chicago 1902. (University of Chicago, Decennial Publications, from vol. V). Includes twelve papyri from the collection of the Rev. J.R. Alexander (now in the collection of Westminster School, London) and three of Goodspeed's; all are numbered consecutively. Nos. 1—30. [MF 2.27; rp. CG] See also P.Chic. and P.Kar.Goodsp. For the Goodspeed papyrus collection see ZPE 16 (1975) 27—32. p.cair.goodsp Online:


= The Archive of Aurelius Isidorus in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and the University of Michigan, ed. A.E.R. Boak and H.C. Youtie. Ann Arbor 1960. Nos. 1—146. [MF 1.28] p.cair.isid


= Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, ed. J. Maspero. Cairo. p.cair.masp


  • I, A Tax List from Karanis (P.Cair.Mich. 359). Part 1, The Text, ed. H. Riad and J.C. Shelton; Part 2, Commentary and Indexes, ed. J. C. Shelton. Bonn 1976—1977. (Pap.Texte Abh. XVII—XVIII). [RH] p.cair.mich
  • II, Texts from the "Archive" of Socrates, the Tax Collector, and Other Contexts at Karanis (P. Cair. Mich. II), ed. M.G. El-Maghrabi and C. Römer. Berlin 2015. (ArchBeih. 35). Nos. 1-24.
  • III, More Texts from the Archive of Socrates : papyri from house 17, level B, and other locations in Karanis (P. Cair. Mich. III), ed. M.G. El-Maghrabi and C. Römer. Berlin 2021. (ArchBeih. 45). Nos. 1-33.

P.Cair.Monuments (see O.Cair.Monuments).


= Griechische Urkunden des Aegyptischen Museums zu Kairo, ed. F. Preisigke. Strassburg 1911. (Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Strassburg 8). Nos. 1—48. [MF 2.68] p.cair.preis Online:

  • 2nd ed., ed. R. P. Salomons. Bruxelles 2014. (Pap.Brux. 35). Nos. 1-48.


= Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Documents. Ten Unpublished Papyri from the Egyptian Museum, ed. N. A. Salem. Cairo 2006. p.cair.salem


= Zenon Papyri, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, ed. C.C. Edgar. Cairo. p.cair.zen


= Πολυμάθεια. Studi Classici offerti a Mario Capasso, ed. P. Davoli and N. Pellé. Lecce 2018. Nos. 1—11.


= The Carlsberg Papyri

  • I, Demotic Texts from the Collection, ed. P.J. Frandsen with contributions by K.-Th. Zauzich, W.J. Tait and M. Chauveau. Copenhagen 1991. 4 Demotic texts are published by inventory number, P.dem.Carlsb. inv. 207, 230, 236 and 301. On pp. 129—140 Tait lists the published Carlsberg texts, Demotic, Greek and Coptic, numbered serially. Nos. 46—48 are reprinted in SB XVI 12342—12344; No. 51 is SB XVIII 13314; Nos. 53, 55 and 57 (+SB XII 11157) are SB XX 15023, 14952 and 15024 respectively. [MTP]
  • II, Hieratische Papyri aus Tebtynis, in 2 volumes, ed. J. Osing. Copenhagen 1998. (Carsten Niebuhr Institute. Publications 17.) Vol. 1 publishes 5 texts (I—V) reconstituted from fragments found in Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris and Florence. Vol. 2 is an elephant folio volume of plates. [MTP]
  • III, A Miscellany of Demotic Texts and Studies, ed. P.J. Frandsen and K. Ryholt with contributions by J.F. Quack, K. Ryholt, M. Smith, W.J. Tait, K.-Th. Zauzich. Copenhagen 2000. (Carsten Niebuhr Institute. Publications 22). [MTP]
  • IV, The Story of Petese, Son of Petetum and Several Other Good and Bad Stories, ed. K. Ryholt. Copenhagen 1999. (Carsten Niebuhr Institute. Publications 23). [MTP]
  • V, On the Primaeval Ocean, ed. M. J. Smith. Copenhagen 2002. (Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 26). [MTP]
  • VI, The Petese Stories II, ed. K. Ryholt. Copenhagen 2006. (Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 29). [MTP]
  • VII, Hieratic Texts from the Collection, ed. K. Ryholt. Copenhagen 2006. (Carsten Niebuhr Publications 30). [MTP]
  • VIII, Grundriss des Laufes der Sterne: das sogenannte Nutbuch, ed. A. von Lieven. Copenhagen 2007. (Carsten Niebuhr Publications 31). [MTP]
  • IX, Aus der Buchhaltung des Weinmagazins im Edfu-Tempel: der demotische P. Carlsberg 409, ed. M. Schentuleit. Copenhagen 2006. (Carsten Niebuhr Publications 32). [MTP]


= Saite and Persian Demotic Cattle Documents, ed. E. Cruz-Uribe. Chico 1985. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXVI). Nos. 1—18. Only nos. 4, 8, 9 and 14 (from the Michigan collection) were previously unpublished. Online: AWDL


= Das Aurelia Charite Archiv, ed. K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1981. (Stud.Amst. XII). Nos. 1—41. [TPC] p.charite Online:


= "Une Famille de chepteliers au IIIe s.p.C.," ed. J. Schwartz. RechPap 3 (1964) 49—64. Nos. 1—20. The article has no index.


= Chicago Literary Papyri, ed. E.J. Goodspeed. Chicago 1908. Nos. 1—7. [MF 2.107] See also P.Kar.Goodsp. Online:


= Oriental Institute Hawara Papyri: Demotic and Greek Texts from an Egyptian Family Archive in the Fayum (Fourth to Third Century B.C.), ed. G.R. Hughes and R. Jasnow with a contribution by J.G. Keenan. Chicago 1997. (Oriental Institute Publications 113). Nos. 1—10 are Demotic; no. 7C is Greek. There are Greek dockets to the Demotic texts, nos. 6 and 9. An appendix gives a reedition of the Rendell papyrus (now in a private collection), with Demotic text and Greek docket. [OI] p.chic.haw Online: Oriental Institute


= The Archive of the Theban Choachytes, by P.W. Pestman. Leuven 1993. (Stud.Demotica II). A survey of the Demotic and Greek papyri contained in the archive, not a text edition. [Peeters]


= Choix de textes juridiques en hiératique "anormal" et en démotique, ed. M. Malinine. Nos. 1-19.

  • I, Traduction et commentaire philologique. Paris 1953. (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études, Sciences historiques et philologiques, 300).
  • II, Transcriptions, published by F. de Cenival from the files of M. Malinine. Cairo 1983. (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Recherches d'archéologie, de philologie et d'histoire XVIII).


= Nouvelle Chrestomathie démotique, ed. E. Revillout. Paris 1878. Online:


= Chrestomathie démotique, ed. E. Revillout. Paris 1880.


= Christians and Muslims in early Islamic Egypt, ed. L. Berkes. Durham 2022. (Am.Stud.Pap. 56). Nos. 1–25. Arabic, Greek, and Coptic texts.


= The property of a lady (P.Christodote), ed. T.M. Hickey, J.G. Keenan. Florence 2020. (Pap.Flor. XLVIII) (Recto is a reedition of PSI I 76; verso is first published here).


= Die sogenannte demotische Chronik des Pap. 215 der Bibliothèque Nationale zu Paris, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Leipzig 1914. (Dem.Stud. 7). Online:


= Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt. Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson, ed. A. Boud'hors, J. Clackson, C. Louis, and P. Sijpesteijn (Am.Stud.Pap. XLVI), Cincinnati 2009. Nos. 1—50; 1—34 ostraca, 35—50 papyri. p.clackson Online: AWDL


= Ten Coptic Legal Texts, ed. A.A. Schiller. New York 1932. For extensive improvements in these texts, see the review in Byzantinische Zeitschrift 34 (1934) 78—95 (W. Hengstenberg). Online:


= Columbia Papyri. p.col

  • I, Upon Slavery in Ptolemaic Egypt (P.Col.inv. 480), by W.L. Westermann. New York 1929. [Rp. CG] p.col;1
  • II, Tax Lists and Transportation Receipts from Theadelphia, ed. W.L. Westermann and C.W. Keyes. New York 1932. No. 1 recto. [Rp. CG] p.col;2 Online: HathiTrust
  • III, Zenon Papyri: Business Papers of the Third Century B.C. dealing with Palestine and Egypt I, ed. W.L. Westermann and E.S. Hasenoehrl. New York 1934. Nos. 2—59. [Rp. CG] p.col;3 Online: HathiTrust
  • IV (P.Col.Zen. II), ed. W.L. Westermann, C.W. Keyes, and H. Liebesny. New York 1940. Nos. 60—122. [Rp. CG] p.col;4 Online: HathiTrust
  • V, Tax Documents from Theadelphia, ed. J. Day and C.W. Keyes. New York 1956. No. 1 verso. [WHA; rp. CG] p.col;5 Online: HathiTrust
  • VI, Apokrimata: Decisions of Septimius Severus on Legal Matters, ed. W.L. Westermann and A.A. Schiller. New York 1954. No. 123. Not actually part of Columbia Papyri, Greek Series, but later treated as Vol. VI. Improved text ed. H.C. Youtie and A.A. Schiller in Cd'E 30 (1955) 327—345 (Online: BREPOLS), reprinted as SB VI 9526. [Rp. CG] p.col;6
  • VII, Fourth Century Documents from Karanis, ed. R.S. Bagnall and N. Lewis. Missoula 1979. (Am.Stud.Pap. XX). Nos. 124—191. [Oxbow] p.col;7 Online: AWDL
  • VIII, Columbia Papyri VIII, ed. R.S. Bagnall, T.T. Renner and K.A. Worp. Atlanta 1990. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXVIII). Nos. 192—246. [Oxbow] p.col;8 Online: AWDL
  • IX, Columbia Papyri IX, The Vestis Militaris Codex, ed. J. Sheridan. Atlanta 1998. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXXIX). Nos. 247—248. [Oxbow] p.col;9 Online: AWDL
  • X, Columbia Papyri X, ed. R.S. Bagnall and D.D. Obbink. Atlanta 1996. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXXIV). Nos. 249—292. [Oxbow] p.col;10 Online: AWDL
  • XI, Columbia Papyri XI, ed. T.M. Teeter. Atlanta 1998. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXXVIII). Nos. 293—303. [Oxbow] p.col;11 Online: AWDL


= Charisterion per Revel A. Coles, ed. G. Bastianini, N. Gonis and S. Russo. Firenze 2015. (Edizioni dell' Istituto Papyrologico <<G. Vitelli>> 4)


= Collectanea Papyrologica: Texts Published in Honor of H.C. Youtie, ed. by numerous contributors under the direction of A.E. Hanson. Bonn 1976. (Pap.Texte Abh. XIX—XX). I, 1—65; II, 66—121; no. 96 is a wooden tablet, nos. 97—120 mummy labels, nos. 121—126 ostraca. [RH] p.coll.youtie


= Actes du XVe Congrès International de Papyrologie (ed. J. Bingen and G. Nachtergael) II, Papyrus inédits. Brussels 1979. (Pap.Brux. XVII). Nos. 1—22 are Greek, no. 23 Coptic. [FERE] p.congr.xv


= Greek Papyri in the Library of Cornell University, ed. W.L. Westermann and C.J. Kraemer, Jr. New York 1926. Nos. 1—55. [Rp. CG] p.corn Online: HathiTrust


= Corpus Papyrorum Aegypti, ed. E. Revillout and A. Eisenlohr. Paris.


= Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, ed. W. Clarysse and D. J. Thompson, I: Population Registers (P.Count). Cambridge 2006. Nos. 1-54. [Cambridge Univ. Press] p.count

P.CrumST (see O.CrumST)

P.CrumVC (see O.CrumVC)


= Customs Duties in Graeco-Roman Egypt, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. Zutphen 1987. (Stud.Amst. XVII). Within a monographic study of customs, 109 new texts and 19 republished texts are catalogued in List I (pp.102—143) among a chronological list of 919 customs transactions; the numbers denote not individual papyri but separate transactions attested, as many as 152 assigned to a single papyrus text (e.g. 733—884). The new and republished texts are edited in "Notes to List I" (pp. 144—189) and fully indexed (pp. 217—229). Republished are P.Stras. II 123, SB XII 10789, Stud.Pal. XXII 63.2—7, 9—12, 14 and 64. 3—4, 6—8, 10. Five additional texts (formerly P.Lond. descripta) are edited in "Addenda et Corrigenda" pp. 1—6, to be renumbered as 428a—d and 596a. Plates of new texts in pocket. [TPC] p.customs


= Silloge di papiri greci documentari, ed. S. Daris. Trieste 2015. Online:


= Antidoron Martino David oblatum, Miscellanea Papyrologica, ed. E. Boswinkel, B.A. van Groningen, P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1968. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XVII). Nos. 12 and 15 are Demotic; 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 16 and 17 Greek papyrus documents, 5 and 18 literary; 6 two ostraca. Greek documents, nos. 1, 3, 4, 6.1, 10, 16, and 17, are reprinted as SB X 10281—10287; no. 7 is reprinted as SB XX 14229. [EJB] p.david


= Demotica, ed. W. Spiegelberg

  • I, 1925. (SBMünchen 1925, Abh. 6); II, 1928. (SBMünchen 1928, Abh. 2). Online: HathiTrust. These two volumes are collections of comments on various matters Demotic. In vol. I no. 2 is a papyrus; no. 14 is a mummy wrapping with writing; nos. 15—18 are ostraca. No. 2 was republished in Mitt. Inst. Orientforschung 1 (1953) 234 (F. Hintze) and no. 18 = O.Tempeleide 180. In vol. II there are texts on cloth on pp. 17—23, names on linen mummy wrapping; two mummy labels on wood are published on pp. 29—32; and an ostrakon on pp. 49—52. Other texts noted in this volume are inscriptions.


= Demotische Dokumente aus Dime p.dime

  • I, see O.Dime.
  • II, Quittungen, ed. S. L. Lippert and M. Schentuleit. Wiesbaden 2006. [OH]
  • III, Urkunden, ed. S. L. Lippert and M. Schentuleit. Mit Beiträgen von F. Reiter Wiesbaden 2010. (Separate volume of plates). Nos. 1–41. p.dime;3


= Les archives de Marcus Lucretius Diogenes et textes apparentés, ed. P. Schubert. Bonn 1990. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXIX). Nos. 1—68; nos. 1, 10—11 are Latin, the remainder Greek. [RH] p.diog


= Les archives privés de Dionysios, fils de Kephalas, ed. E. Boswinkel and P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1982; with a separate fascicle of plates. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXII). Nos. 1—8 Demotic, nos. 9—41 and appendix A—B Greek. [EJB] p.dion


= Greek Papyrus Documents from Dionysias and from the Cairo Museum, ed. M.A.I. Aly. Cairo 2001 (BullCPS 18) Nos. 1—13. Reprinted in SB XXVI 16554—16565 p.dion.herm


= Das Archiv des Phrurarchen Dioskurides, ed. J.M.S. Cowey, K. Maresch and C. Barnes. Paderborn 2003. (Pap.Colon. XXX). Nos. 1—18. p.diosk


= The Bilingual Family Archive of Dryton, his Wife Apollonia and their Daughter Senmouthis, ed. K. Vandorpe. Brussels 2002. (Coll.Hellen. 4). Nos. 1—58. Nos. 1—50 are papyri; nos. 51—58 ostraca. Nos. 1, 21 and 29 are Greek with a Demotic note on the verso; nos. 2—4, 11,16, 17, 19, 22, 25, 30—34, 36, 37—44, 46—48, 56 and 57 are Greek; nos. 5, 6, 8—10, 12—15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26—29, 35, 43 appendix, 45, 49, 51—55, and 58 are Demotic. No. 7 is a notice of an unpublished Demotic text. p.dryton


= Greek Papyri from Dublin, ed. B.C. McGing. Bonn 1995. (Pap.Texte Abh. XLII). Nos. 1—34. [RH] p.dubl


= The Excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters, Final Report V, Part I, The Parchments and Papyri, ed. C.B. Welles, R.O. Fink, and J.F. Gilliam. New Haven 1959. Nos. 1—155 (no. 1—11 are literary or subliterary; nos. 3, 10—24, 28, 33, 35—38, 47—50, 109—112, 119, 149, 152—154 are parchment; no. 53 is a waxed tablet and no. 131 is leather). Greek, nos. 1—10, 12—25, 29, 31—53, 123, 126—127, 129, 132, 137, 140—141, 144, 146—150; Latin, nos. 54, 56—65, 67—122, 124—125, 130—131, 133—136, 138, 142—143, 145; Greek and Latin, nos. 26, 30, 55, 66, 128, 139; Greek and Aramaic, no. 27; Greek and Syriac, no. 28; Hebrew, no. 11; Aramaic, nos. 151, 152; Parthian, no. 153; Persian, nos. 154, 155. [MF 1.62] p.dura Online:


= Papyri published in Fouilles Franco-Polonaises I—III, a series issued by the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire and the University of Warsaw. [MF 1.63] p.edfou

  • I, Tell Edfou 1937, by B. Bruyère, J. Manteuffel, K. Michalowski, J. Sainte Fare Garnot. Cairo 1937. Chap. V, pp. 141—191, includes papyri I—IV; for ostraca nos. 1—230 see O.Edfou I. p.edfou;1 Online:
  • II, Tell Edfou 1938, by K. Michalowski, J. de Linage, J. Manteuffel, J. Sainte Fare Garnot. Cairo 1938. Chap. III, pp. 137—166, includes papyri V—VII; for ostraca nos. 231—325 see O.Edfou II. p.edfou;2
  • III, Tell Edfou 1939, by K. Michalowski, Ch. Desroches, J. de Linage, J. Manteuffel, M. Zejmo-Zejmis. Cairo 1950. Chap. V, pp. 329—372, includes papyrus VIII; for ostraca nos. 326—483 see O.Edfou III. Papyrus IX ed. R. Rémondon, "Soldats de Byzance d'après un papyrus trouvé à Edfou," in RechPap 1 (1961) 41—93. Text reprinted as SB VI 9613. p.edfou;3


= "Selected Papyri from the Archives of Zenon," ed. C.C. Edgar, in Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte. Cairo. [MF 2.29]


= Fragments of an Unknown Gospel and Other Early Christian Papyri, ed. H.I. Bell and T.C. Skeat. London 1935.


= A papyrus published by Egger in Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de France (Paris 1862) 128-131. See SB II p. 58 which indicates republication in UPZ; the text does not, however, appear there. Online: Gallica


= Ägyptische Eheverträge, ed. E. Lüddeckens. Wiesbaden 1960. (Äg.Abh. 1). Online: AWDL


= Studia Graeca et Latina (Papyrologica) p.eirene

  • I, ed. J. Bazant and R. Pintaudi with many others. Prague 1998. (Eirene 34 [1998]). Nos. 1-37. p.eirene;1
  • II, ed. J. Bazant and R. Pinaudi with many others. Prague 2004. (Eirene 40 [2004] pages 1-193.) Nos. 1-32; no. 11 is a mummy label; nos. 30 and 31 are magical drawings. p.eirene;2
  • III, ed. J. Bazant, H. Harrauer and R. Pinaudi with many others. Prague 2010. (Eirene 46 [2010] pages 1–149). Nos. 1–37. p.eirene;3
  • IV, ed. H. Harrauer and R. Pinaudi with many others. Prague 2016. (Eirene 52 [2016] pages 1–290). Nos. 1–50. p.eirene;4


= Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Museen in Berlin: Griechische Urkunden, Sonderheft. Elephantine-Papyri, ed. O. Rubensohn. Berlin 1907. Nos. 1—32 and 3 fragments. [MF 2.81; rp. CG] p.eleph Online:


= Demotische Papyrus von der Insel Elephantine, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Leipzig 1908. (Dem.Stud. 2). Nos. 1—13; nos. 5—7 and 12 have Greek subscriptions. Online:


= Elephantine XIII: Les papyrus et les ostraca grecs d'Elephantine, ed. G. Wagner. Mainz 1998. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Kairo), Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 70). Papyri nos. I—IV; ostraca nos. 1—372; nos. 166—278 are descripta. [PvZ] p.eleph.wagner


= ΕΝΤΕΥΞΕΙΣ: Requêtes et plaintes adressées au Roi d'Égypte au IIIe siècle avant J.-C., ed. O. Guéraud. Cairo 1931—32. (Publ.Soc.Fouad I). Nos. 1—113 and appendix of 4 texts. [MF 1.52] p.enteux


= Papyri in the Collection of the Erasmus University (Rotterdam). p.erasm

  • I, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and Ph.A. Verdult. Brussels 1986. (Pap.Brux. XXI). Nos. 1—22. [FERE] p.erasm;1 Online: AWDL
  • II, = P.Erasmianae II, Parts of the Archive of an Arsinoite Sitologus from the Middle of the Second Century BC, ed. Ph.A. Verdult. Amsterdam 1991. (Stud.Amst. XXXII). Nos. 23—58. [JCG]. Rev. ed. of P.Erasmianae II, Delen van een arsinoitisch sitologen-archief uit het midden van de tweede eeuw v. Chr., ed. Ph.A. Verdult (Rotterdam 1988; Mededelingen van het Juridisch Instituut van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, nr. 45) and one unnumbered text P.Abcoude (51a, pp. 241—242) also reprinted as SB XIV 11962. p.erasm;2


= Ein Erbstreit aus dem ptolemäischen Ägypten, ed. O. Gradenwitz, F. Preisigke, W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1912. (Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Strassburg 13). The Greek text in this volume should be cited as SB I 4512. Online:


= Die Papyri der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen, ed. W. Schubart. Leipzig 1942. (Katalog der Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen, Neubearbeitung, Band III, Teil I). Nos. 1—149. [o.p.] p.erl Online: AWDL


= Ein spätantikes Wirtschaftsbuch aus Diospolis Parva, ed. F. Mitthof. Munich/Leipzig 2002. (Archiv Beih. 12) Nos. 1—5. [KGS] p.erl.diosp


= "Documents d'archives romains inédits du Moyen Euphrates," ed. D Feissel and J. Gascou. p.euphrates

  • Part I, Journal des Savants 1995. pages 65–119, nos. 1–5, all on papyrus. No. 1 has three Syriac characters at the end. Nos. 3 and 4 each has a signature in Syriac. No. 5 has a subscription in Latin. Reprinted SB XXII 15496–15500. Online: Persée
  • Part II, Journal des Savants 1997, pages 3–57, nos. 6–10. All are on parchment. Nos. 6, 7 and 10 have subscriptions in Syriac. Reprinted SB XXIV 16167–16171. Online: Persée
  • Part III, Journal des Savants 2000, pages 157–208, nos. 11–17. Nos. 12 and 15 are on parchment. There is a Syriac subscription on no. 12. Online: Persée
  • There is now an introductory site (, including indexes (, for these texts. See also the preliminary report in CRAI 1989, pages 535–561. There are 21 texts in this archive, two of which were not publishable. Nos. 19 and 20 are Syriac and are published as follows: J. Teixidor, "Deux documents syriaques du IIIe siècle après J.–C. provenant du Moyen Euphrate," CRAI 1990, pages 144–163. No. A = no. 19 in Feissel and Gascou's list is published in full. The first 8 lines of no. B = no. 20 are also given. Both are on parchment. No. 20 is fully edited by J. Teixidor, "Un document syriaques de fermage de 242 après J.–C.," Semitica 41/42 (1991/1992) 195–208.


= A Family Archive from Tebtunis, ed. B.A. van Groningen. Leiden 1950. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. VI). Nos. 1—55. [MF 2.60] p.fam.tebt


= A Family Archive from Thebes, ed. M. El-Amir. Cairo 1959. Nos. 1—26. Nos. 14, 16, 19, 20, 21 and 22 have Greek subscriptions. These were first published by N.J. Reich in Mizraim 9 (1938) 119—132 and republished as SB VI 8965—8970. Nos. 14R and 25R have been republished as P.Ehevertr. 13 and 20.


= Fayum Towns and their Papyri, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt and D.G. Hogarth. London 1900. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 3). Nos. 1—366 are papyri; ostraca (numbered separately) 1—50. [EES] p.fay Online:


= Coptic Manuscripts Brought from the Fayyum by W.M. Flinders Petrie, Esq., D.C.L., Together with a Papyrus in the Bodleian Library, ed. W.E. Crum. London 1893. Nos. 1—55. Online:


= Papiri greco-egizii, Papiri Fiorentini (Supplementi Filologico-Storici ai Monumenti Antichi). Milan. [Rp. BdE] p.flor


= Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum, by J. Forshall. London 1839. Nos. 1—44. All reprinted, mostly in P.Lond. I (see the concordance at SB II pp. 84—85). The London texts republished in UPZ are listed there in vol. I, page v. Nos. II-XV and XVIII were reprinted but not reedited by B. Peyron in "Papyri greci del Museo di Londra e della Bibliotheca Vaticana' in Reale Accademia di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Memorie, Serie II 3 (1841). Online:


  • I, Les Papyrus Fouad I, ed. A. Bataille, O. Guéraud, P. Jouguet, N. Lewis, H. Marrou, J. Scherer and W.G. Waddell. Cairo 1939. (Publ.Soc. Fouad III). Nos. 1—89; no. 45 is Latin. [MF 2.91] p.fouad
  • II, Documentary Papyri from the Fouad Collection at the Institut Français dʼArchéologie Orientale (P.Fouad II 90–100), ed. M.G. Elmaghrabi. Cairo 2024 (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. Bibliothèque d'Étude 186). Nos. 90-100.

P.Fouad Astr.

= Conformément aux observations d'Hipparque : le Papyrus Fouad inv. 267A, ed. J.-L. Fournet, A. Tihon. Louvain-la-Neuve 2014 (Publications de l'Institut orientaliste de Louvain 67) Online: HAL


= Griechische Papyri aus dem Besitz des Rechtswissenschaftlichen Seminars der Universität Frankfurt, ed. H. Lewald. Heidelberg 1920. (SBHeidelberg 1920, Abh. 14). Nos. 1—7. An additional text at SB XIV 12093. [MF 1.25] p.frankf Online:


= Greek and Coptic Papyri in the Freer Gallery of Art, ed. L.S.B. MacCoull. Diss. Washington D.C. 1973. Nos. 1—6 Greek, nos. 7—10 Coptic. Nos. 1—2 are reedited by J. Gascou and L.S.B. MacCoull in "Le cadastre d'Aphroditô," Travaux et Memoires 10 (1987) 103—158 with 10 plates, reprinted as SB XX 14669. Nos. 3—4 are reedited by J. Gascou in Hommes et richesses dans l'empire byzantin. Réalités byzantines, I: IVe—VIIe siècle (Paris 1989) 279—313, reprinted as SB XX 14494. [UMI, order no. 73—19,867] p.freer


= Mitteilungen aus der Freiburger Papyrussammlung. p.freib

  • I, Literarische Stücke, ed. W. Aly. Ptolemäische Kleruchenurkunde, ed. M. Gelzer. Heidelberg 1914. (SBHeidelberg 1914, Abh. 2). Nos. 1—7; no. 7 reprinted as SB I 5942. [MF 1.80; rp. CG] p.freib;1 Online:
  • II, Juristische Texte der römischen Zeit, ed. J. Partsch. Heidelberg 1916. (SBHeidelberg 1916, Abh.10). Nos. 8—11. Texts reprinted as SB III 6291—6294. [MF 1.81; rp. CG] p.freib;2 Online:
  • III, Juristische Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit, ed. J. Partsch. Heidelberg 1927. (AbhHeidelberg 1927, Abh. 7). Nos. 12—38. [MF 1.82; rp. CG] p.freib;3 Online:
  • IV, Griechische und demotische Papyri der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg, ed. R.W. Daniel, M. Gronewald, H.-J. Thissen. Bonn 1986. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXVIII). Nos. 39—44 are listed in P.Freib. IV as follows: 39 = SB V 7600; 40—41 = SB III 6094—6095; 42 = SB IV 7351; 43 = SB VI 9562; 44 = P.Customs 266. Nos. 45—71 Greek; nos. 72—75 Demotic. There are two additional Demotic texts, P.Berlin P.15791 and P.Berlin P.23742, published here. [RH] p.freib;4

P.FuadUniv. (or P.FuadCrawford)

= Fuad I University Papyri, ed. D.S. Crawford. Alexandria 1949. (Publ.Soc.Fouad VIII). Nos. 1—43. See under P.Grad. for further information on these papyri. [MF 2.95; rp.CG] p.fuad.i.univ


= Mélanges Jean Gascou. Textes et études papyrologiques (P.Gascou), ed. J.-L. Fournet, A. Papaconstantinou. Paris 2016 (Travaux et Mémoires 20/1). Nos. 1—88.


= Die demotischen Gebelen-Urkunden der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, ed. U. Kaplony-Heckel. Heidelberg 1963. (Pap.Heid. N.F. IV). Nos. 1—42. No. 8 = P.Ackerpacht. 18; no. 9 = P.Ackerpacht 10. [CWV]


= Les Papyrus de Genève. p.gen

  • I, ed. J. Nicole. Geneva 1896—1906. Nos. 1—81. [MF 2.47; rp. AMH 1967]. Online: Outside this numeration, Nicole published other papyri in Textes grecs inédits de la Collection papyrologique de Genève (Geneva 1909), nos. I—VI; the documentary texts IV and V are reprinted as SB I 15—17 (15 republished with additions as BGU XIII 2216) and SB I 1, respectively. p.gen;1 Online:

  • I, 2nd ed., ed. P.Schubert and I. Jornot with contributions by C. Wick. Geneva 2002. Nos. 1-10, 12-44, 66-78 and 80-81 of the 1st edition are reedited here. The other texts are of the Abinnaeus Archive and have already been reedited in P.Abinn. [Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire] p.gen.2 Online: réro

  • II, ed. Cl. Wehrli. Geneva 1986. Nos. 82—117. [Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire] p.gen;2 Online: réro

  • III, ed. P. Schubert. Geneva 1996. Nos. 118—146. [Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire] p.gen;3 Online: réro

  • IV, ed. S. Gaffino Moeri, S. Gällnö, N. Poget, P. Schubert, and others. Geneva 2010. Nos. 147—205; nos. 147—160 literary / sub-literarary; nos. 161—205 documentary; no. 189 Greek-Coptic bilingual. p.gen;4 Online: réro


= Papiri dell'Università di Genova. p.genova

  • I, ed. M. Amelotti and L. Zingale Migliardi. Milan 1974. (Univ. di Genova, Fondazione Nobile Agostino Poggi 10). Nos. 1—50. [AG] p.genova;1
  • II, ed. L. Migliardi Zingale. Florence 1980. (Pap.Flor. VI). Nos. 51—85 papyri; nos. 86—90 ostraca. [LGF] p.genova;2
  • III, ed. L. Migliardi Zingale. Florence 1991. (Pap.Flor. XX). Nos. 91—130. [LGF] p.genova;3
  • IV, ed. L. Migliardi Zingale, G. Casanova. Florence 2016. (Pap.Flor. XLVI) Nos. 131-185.
  • V, ed. S. Perrone. Rome 2015. Nos. 186-225.


= Griechische Papyri zu Giessen. p.giss

  • I, Griechische Papyri im Museum des oberhessischen Geschichtsvereins zu Giessen, ed. O. Eger, E. Kornemann, and P.M. Meyer. Leipzig-Berlin 1910—1912. Pt. I, nos. 1—35 (1910) Online:; Pt. II, nos. 36—57 (1910) Online:; Pt. III, nos. 58—126 (1912) Online: [Rp. CG] p.giss;1
  • II, A notebook roll and a fiscal codex from the Giessen Papyrus collection, ed. M. Kotyl. Berlin/Boston 2020. (ArchivBeih. 39). Nos. 127-128.


= Briefe des Apollonios-Archives aus der Sammlung Papyri Gissenses, ed. M. Kortus. Giessen 1999. (Berichte und Arbeiten aus der Universitätsbibliothek und dem Universitätsarchiv Giessen 49). Nos. 1-43. p.giss.apoll Online:


= Die Giessener literarischen Papyri und die Caracalla-Erlasse, ed. P.A. Kuhlmann. Giessen 1994. (Berichte und Arbeiten aus der Universitätsbibliothek und dem Universitätsarchiv Giessen 46). This volume includes a reedition of P.Giss. 40.


= Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Giessener Universitätsbibliothek. Giessen. p.giss.univ

  • I, Griechische Papyrusurkunden aus ptolemäischer und römischer Zeit, ed. H. Kling. 1924. (Schriften der hessischen Hochschulen, Universität Giessen 1924, 4). Nos. 1—16. [MF 2.20; rp. CG] p.giss.univ;1 Online:
  • II, Ein Bruchstück des Origenes über Genesis I, 28, ed. P. Glaue. 1928. (Schriften 1928, 1). No. 17. [MF 2.21; rp. CG] Online:
  • III, Griechische Privatbriefe, ed. H. Büttner. 1931. (Schriften 1931, 3). Nos. 18—33. [MF 2.22; rp. CG] p.giss.univ;3 Online:
  • IV, Literarische Stücke, ed. H. Eberhart. 1935. (Schriften 1935, 2). Nos. 34—45. [MF 2.23; rp. CG] Online:
  • V, Alexandrinische Geronten vor Kaiser Gaius: Ein neues Bruchstuck der sogenannten Alexandrinischen Martyrer-Akten, ed. A. von Premerstein. 1939. (Schriften der Ludwigs-Universität zu Giessen, Jg. 1936). No. 46. [MF 2.24; rp. CG] Online:
  • VI, Griechische Verwaltungsurkunden von Tebtynis aus dem Anfang des dritten Jahrhunderts n. Chr., ed. G. Rosenberger. 1939. Nos. 47—53. [MF 2.25; rp. CG] p.giss.univ;6 Online:
  • Indices zu den Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis (P.bibl.univ. Giss.), by K.A. Worp. 1975. (Kurzberichte Giessen 35). [MF 2.26] Online:


= Papyrus grecs de la Bibliothèque municipale de Gothembourg, ed. H. Frisk. Gothenburg 1929. (Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift 35 [1929] pt. 1). Nos. 1—21; nos. 22—114 descripta. [Rp. CG]


= Griechische Papyri der Sammlung Gradenwitz, ed. G. Plaumann. Heidelberg 1914. (SBHeidelberg 1914, Abh. 15). Nos. 1—19; 17 and 18 are descripta. Texts 1—3, 5—16 and 19 reprinted as SB III 6275—6290; no 4 is SB I 5680. Further on the collection see ZPE 128 (1999) 153—160 and 134 (2001) 163-178, where D. Hagedorn and K.A. Worp provide information on the widely dispersed Gradenwitz collection, with a concordance for inventory numbers and published pieces. [MF 2.19; rp. CG] p.grad Online:


  • I, Nos. 1 and 2, ed. H. Henne in BIFAO 21 (1923) 189ff; nos. 3—8, ed. H. Henne in BIFAO 27 (1927) 1ff.; all reprinted as SB IV 7461—7468. Online: IFAO
  • II, Papyrus Graux II, ed. H. Cuvigny. Geneva 1995. (Hautes Études du Monde Gréco-Romain 19). Nos. 9—29. [Droz] p.graux;2 Online: IFAO
  • III, Papyrus Graux III (P.Graux 30), ed. S. Kambitsis. Geneva 1997. (Hautes Études du Monde Gréco-Romain 23). No. 30. [Droz] p.graux;3
  • IV, Papyrus Graux IV (P.Graux 31), ed. S. Kambitsis. Geneva 2004. (Hautes Études du Monde Gréco–Romain 34). No. 31. [Droz] p.graux;4


  • I, An Alexandrian Erotic Fragment and other Greek Papyri chiefly Ptolemaic, ed. B.P. Grenfell. Oxford 1896. Nos. 1—70. [MF 2.105; rp. CG] p.grenf;1 Online:
  • II, New Classical Fragments and Other Greek and Latin Papyri, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. Oxford 1897. Nos. 1—113. [MF 2.110; rp. CG] p.grenf;2 Online:


= Papyri Groninganae; Griechische Papyri der Universitätsbibliothek zu Groningen nebst zwei Papyri der Universitätsbibliothek zu Amsterdam, ed. A.G. Roos. Amsterdam 1933. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afdeeling Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks 32, no. 4). Nos. 1—22. The two Amsterdam papyri at the end should be cited as P.Gron.Amst. 1—2; no. 1 is republished at SB XXIV 15970. See also another Amsterdam University Library text at SB XII 11229. [Rp. CG] p.gron


= Greek Papyri from Gurob, ed. J.G. Smyly. Dublin 1921. (Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs 12). Nos. 1—29. [MF 1.53] Online:


= Dikaiomata: Auszüge aus alexandrinischen Gesetzen und Verordnungen in einem Papyrus des Philologischen Seminars der Universität Halle (Pap.Hal. 1) mit einem Anhang weiterer Papyri derselben Sammlung, ed. by the Graeca Halensis. Berlin 1913. Nos. 1—22. [Rp. CG] p.hal Online:


= Griechische Papyrusurkunden der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek. p.hamb

  • I (in 3 parts), ed. P.M. Meyer. Leipzig-Berlin 1911—1924. Pt. I, nos. 1—23; pt. II, nos. 24—56; pt. III, nos. 57—117. [MF 2.103: rp. CG] p.hamb;1 Online:
  • II mit einigen Stücken aus der Sammlung Hugo Ibscher, ed. B. Snell and others. Hamburg 1954. (Veröffentlichungen aus der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek 4). Nos. 118—192. [EH]
  • III, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Bonn 1984. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXI). Nos. 193—234. [RH] p.hamb;3
  • IV, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Stuttgart and Leipzig 1998. (Archiv Beih. 4). Nos. 235—283. [KGS] p.hamb;4


= Papyrus Harkness (MMA 31.9.7), ed. M. J. Smith. Oxford 2005. [Griffith Institute]


= The Rendel Harris Papyri of Woodbrooke College, Birmingham. p.harr

  • I, ed. J.E. Powell. Cambridge 1936. Nos. 1—165. [Rp. CG] p.harr;1
  • II, ed. R.A. Coles, M. Manfredi, P.J. Sijpesteijn, A.S. Brown et al. Zutphen 1985. (Stud.Amst. XXVI). Nos. 166—240. [TPC] p.harr;2


= Wiener Papyri als Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Hermann Harrauer, ed. B. Palme. Vienna 2001. Nos. 1-62. Nos. 1-3, 28-36, 38-45, 47-56 and 58-60 are Greek. Nos. 4 and 57 are Coptic. Nos. 5-11, 12-15 and 32-33 are Demotic. No. 37 is Latin. No. 61 is Arabic. Nos. 26-27 are Demotic and Greek. No. 46 is Greek and Latin. No. 62 is a medieval bilingual glossary (Latin/Greek). Nos. 1-2, 4, 12-36, 38-61 are papyri; nos. 5-11, 26-27 and 37 are ostraca. No. 3 is a tablet. [Holzhausen] p.harrauer


= Papyri Graecae Haunienses. p.haun

  • I, Literarische Texte und ptolemäische Urkunden, ed. T. Larsen. Copenhagen 1942. Nos. 1—12. Documentary texts reprinted as SB VI 9242—9245. [Rp. CG] Five additional texts were published in Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, Copenhagen 1971, by A. Bülow-Jacobsen and S. Ebbesen. Reprinted as SB XIV 11355—11358 and 11714; inv.317 also = P.Haun. II 19, inv. 318 = P.Haun. III 58. [CUI] p.haun;1
  • II, ed. A. Bülow-Jacobsen. Bonn 1981. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXIX). Nos. 13—44. [RH] p.haun;2
  • III, ed. T. Larsen and A. Bülow-Jacobsen. Bonn 1985. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXXVI). Nos. 45—69. [RH] p.haun;3
  • IV, ed. T. Christensen, D.J. Thompson and K. Vandorpe, Land and Taxes in Ptolemaic Egypt. An Edition, Translation and Commentary for the Edfu Land Survey (P.Haun. IV 70). Cambridge Classical Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017.


= The Hauswaldt Papyri, ed. J. Manning. Sommerhausen 1997. (Dem.Stud. XII). Nos. 1—25. There are Greek dockets to nos. 2a and b, 8a and b, and 9a and b. This edition replaces a quasi-edition of the same texts, Die Hauswaldt-Papyri, ed. W. Spiegelberg with "Rechtsgeschichtliche Beiträge" by J. Partsch (Leipzig 1913), with a separate elephant-folio volume of plates. While the Spiegelberg edition does not transcribe or translate many of the texts, the plates volume is essential. Manning provides plates of nos. 10, 16, and 17; nos. 4 and 6 are no longer extant. The numbering of the texts is the same in both volumes. [Gisela Zauzich Verlag]


= Demotische Urkunden aus Hawara, ed. E. Lüddeckens, with R. Wassermann and for the Greek, R.W. Daniel. Stuttgart 1998. (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Supplementband 28). Nos. I—XXIV, some with multiple texts. There are Greek subscriptions at nos. 1—3, X, XII—XV, XVIa, XVIb, XVIIa, XVIIb, XIXa, XXIa/b, XXIII. [Franz Steiner Verlag] There are also Greek texts from Hawara. Some were published on pp. 24—36 Online: Heidelberg digital library in Hawara, Biahmu and Arsinoe, by W.M. Flinders Petrie. London 1889. [MF 2.73] Further publication of some texts by J.G. Milne, Archiv 5 (1913) 378—397 Online: de Gruyter. Some of the texts were republished in SB I. There is a concordance at SB II, pp. 126—27. Most of the documentary texts from Archiv are republished in SB XVIII 13219—13245.


= Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung. See also Pap.Heid. p.heid

  • I (= Pap.Heid. N.F. II), Literarische griechische Texte der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. E. Siegmann. Heidelberg 1956. Nos. 181—209 (numbering cont. from P.Bad.). [CWV]
  • II, Nos. 210—224, ed. J. Seyfarth in Archiv 16 (1958) 143—168; texts reprinted as SB VI 9530—9544. p.heid;2
  • III (= Pap.Heid. N.F. III), Griechische Papyrusurkunden und Ostraka der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. P. Sattler. Heidelberg 1963. Nos. 225—248 (papyri), 249—288 (ostraca, all reedited in O.Heid.; nos. 257 and 258 contain Demotic). [CWV] p.heid;3
  • IV (= Pap.Heid. N.F. V), Griechische Texte der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Heidelberg 1986. Nos. 289—296 literary, 297—342 documentary. [CWV] p.heid;4
  • V (= Pap.Heid. N.F. VI), Vertragliche Regelungen von Arbeiten im späten griechischsprachigen Ägypten, mit Editionen von Texten der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, des Istituto Papirologico "G.Vitelli", des Ägyptischen Museums zu Kairo und des British Museum, London, ed. A. Jördens. Heidelberg 1990. Nos. 343—361. [CWV] p.heid;5
  • VI (= Pap.Heid. N.F. VII), Ptolemäische Urkunden aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. R. Duttenhöfer. Heidelberg 1994. Nos. 362—386. [CWV] p.heid;6
  • VII (= Pap.Heid. N.F. VIII), Fünfundzwanzig griechische Papyri aus den Sammlungen von Heidelberg, Wien und Kairo, ed. A. Papathomas. Heidelberg 1996. Nos. 387—411. [CWV] p.heid;7
  • VIII (= Pap.Heid. N.F. X), Dokumentarische Papyri des 2. Jh. v. Chr. aus dem Herakleopolites, ed. D. Kaltsas. Heidelberg 2001. Nos. 412-421. [CWV] p.heid;8
  • IX, Papyri aus dem Archiv des Königlichen Schreibers Dionysios, ed. Ch. Armoni. 2006. (Pap.Heid. N.F. XII). Nos. 422-445. [CWV] p.heid;9
  • X, Die badischen Grabungen in Qarâra und El-Hibeh 1913 und 1914, ed. W. Habermann and others. 2014. (Pap.Heid. N.F. XIV). Nos. 446-458.
  • XI, Vom byzantinischen zum arabischen Ägypten. Neue dokumentarische Papyri aus dem 5. bis 8. Jh. (P.Heid. XI), ed. L. Berkes. 2021. (STHP II). Nos. 449-502. Online:


= Coptica Palatina: koptische Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. A. Boud'hors, A. Delattre, G. Schenke, T.S. Richter, G. Schmelz. 2018. (STHP I). Nos. 1-25. Online:


= Papyri Helsingienses I, Ptolemäische Urkunden, ed. J. Frösén, P. Hohti, J. and M. Kaimio, H. Zilliacus. Helsinki 1986. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 80). Nos. 1—47. p.hels


= "Koptische Papyri," ed. W. Hengstenberg in Beiträge zur Forschung: Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Antiquariat Jacques Rosenthal 1 (1915), 92-100, 1*-22*. Munich 1915. Online: Nos. 1-5, of which nos. 1-4 are documentary. No. 5 is translated in M. Meyer and R. Smith, Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power (San Francisco 1994) no. 89. The texts were acquired by the Hof- und Staatsbibliothek (now Staatsbibliothek) in Munich (according to L. Wenger, Cd'É 7 [1932] 327) (Online: BREPOLS), but are now lost.


= Ptolemäische Bankpapyri aus dem Herakleopolites (P.Herakl.Bank). Papyri der Sammlungen in Heidelberg, Köln und Wien, ed. K. Maresch. Paderborn et al. 2012. (Pap.Colon. 35). Nos. 1–6.


See Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi, compiled under the direction of M. Gigante at Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi (Naples 1979) and Manuale di papirologia ercolanese, by M. Capasso (Lecce 1991 = Università degli Studi di Lecce, Dipartmento di Filologia Classica e Medioevale, Testi e Studi 3).


= Papyri from Hermopolis and Other Documents of the Byzantine Period, ed. B.R. Rees. London 1964. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 42). Nos. 1—85. [EES] p.herm


= Le procès d'Hermias d'apres les sources démotiques et grecques, ed. E. Revillout. Part 1, pp. 1—136. Paris 1884. Part 2, pp. 137—210. Paris 1903. There is material in this volume which has not been republished. The details are found in P.Choach.Survey. Online:


= Zwei Landlisten aus dem Hermupolites (P.Giss. 117 und P.Flor. 71), ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1978. (Stud.Amst. VII). There are also 2 additional texts (Stud.Pal. V 120 and P.Flor. I 87) in appendices. [TPC] p.herm.landl Online: Leiden


= Koptskie teksty Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha, ed. P.V. Ernshtedt (Jernstedt). Leningrad, Izd-vo Akademii nauk. 1959. Nos. 1—77.


= Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and Other Sites, with an Appendix containing Alleged Qumran Texts (The Seiyâl Collection II), ed. H.M. Cotton and A. Yardeni. Oxford 1997. (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 27). Nos. 7—50 are Aramaic and Hebrew documents; nos. 60—73 are Greek. There is also one Greek text, no. 361, in the appendix, not transcribed; a photographic image can be found on plate lxi. [OUP] p.hever


= The Hibeh Papyri. London. p.hib

  • I, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1906. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 7). Nos. 1—171. There is a Demotic docket at no. 80 and no. 164 (descriptum) is a Demotic document. The receipts, nos. 105—107 and (in the descripta) nos. 136—142 have one line each of Demotic at the bottom of the Greek text. [EES] p.hib;1 Online:
  • II, ed. E.G. Turner and M.-Th. Lenger. 1955. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 32). Nos. 172—284. [EES] p.hib;2


= Papyrus Graecus Holmiensis, Recepte für Silber, Steine und Purpur, ed. O. Lagercrantz. Uppsala and Leipzig 1913. (Arbeten utgifna med understöd af Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond 13). [UUB] Online:


= La Collection Marcel Hombert, ed. G. Nachtergael. Brussels p.hombert

  • I,1978. (Pap.Brux. XV). No. 27 is papyrus; nos. 28—31 ostraca; nos. 32—34 wooden tablets; texts reprinted SB XIV 11986—11991. (Nos. 1-26 are stamped amphora handles.) [FERE] p.hombert;1
  • II, 2003. (Pap.Brux. XXXII). Nos. 39—45. Nos. 39—42 and 45 are ostraca; no. 43 is a inscribed figurine and no. 44 is an inscription. [FERE] p.hombert;2


= Text Editions of (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Latin and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca. Some people love their friends even when they are far away: Festschrift in Honour of Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk, ed. J.V. Stolk & G.A.J.C. van Loon. Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2021. (P.L. Bat. 37) Nos. 1—56.


= Gedenkschrift Ulrike Horak, ed. H. Harrauer and R. Pintaudi. 2004. (Pap.Flor. XXXIV). 2 volumes of texts and studies. Nos. 1–6, 8–14, 16–82 are Greek. No. 7 is a drawing. No. 83 is Demotic and no. 85 Arabic. No. 15 and no. 84 are Coptic. No.1 and 31–62 are ostraca; no. 14 is parchment; no. 18 is on wood; no. 28 is an inscription; nos. 68–79 are graffiti. [LGF] p.horak


= The Gooseherds of Hou, ed. S. Vleeming. Leuven 1991. (Stud. Demotica 3). Nos. 1—13. [Peeters]


= Papyri Iandanae, ed. C. Kalbfleisch et al. Leipzig. p.iand

P.Iand.inv. 653

= A Sixth Century Account of Hay, ed. T. Reekmans. Brussels 1962. (Pap.Brux. I). Text reprinted as SB VIII 9920. [FERE] p.iand.inv.653 Online: AWDL


= Die Giessener Zenonpapyri, ed. Ph. Schmitz. Paderborn 2007. (Pap.Colon. 32). Nos. 1-82. [Verlag Ferdinand Schöning] p.iand.zen


= Papyrus grecs de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. Cairo. (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Bibliothèque d'Étude). p.ifao

  • I, ed. J. Schwartz. 1971. (Bibl. 54). Nos. 1—40. [SEVPO] p.ifao;1
  • II, ed. G. Wagner. 1971. (Bibl. 55). Nos. 1—50. [SEVPO] p.ifao;2
  • III, ed. J. Schwartz and G. Wagner. 1975. (Bibl. 56). Nos. 1—54. [SEVPO] p.ifao;3


= Die nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri Italiens aus der Zeit 445—700, ed J.-O. Tjäder. (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, Series in quarto, XIX.1,2,3). p.ital

  • Pt. I, Lund 1955. Nos. 1—28. p.ital;1
  • Pt. II, Stockholm 1982. Nos. 29—59. p.ital;2
  • Pt. III, Lund 1954. Plates.


  • I, Jenäer Papyrus-Urkunden, ed. F. Zucker and F. Schneider. Jena 1926. Nos. 1—4. Texts reprinted as SB III 7165—7168. [MF 2.101] p.jena;1 Online:
  • II, Late Antique Greek Papyri in the Collection of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, ed. R. Ast (Pap.Texte Abh. XLV). Bonn 2010. Nos. 1—39. p.jena;2


= Papyrologische und althistorische Studien zum 65. Geburtstag von Andrea Jördens, ed. L. Berkes, W.G. Claytor, M. Nowak. Wiesbaden 2023. (Philippika 167) Nos. 1—44 + 3 inscriptions.


= Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert, multiple editors. Oxford 2000. (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXXVIII) There are a number of mostly very fragmentary Greek texts along with Hebrew and Aramaic texts, all on papyrus. The texts are published according to site (cave) where found. From Jericho nos. 4—6 and 16—19; from Nahal Hever no. 4; from Nahal Mishmar no. 2; from Nahal Se'elim nos. 4 and 5. [OUP] p.jud.des.misc


= Papyri from Karanis, ed. E.J. Goodspeed. Chicago 1902. (Univ. of Chicago, Studies in Classical Philology 3: 1—66). Texts reprinted in SB Beiheft 2, 1961. 43 texts are reprinted from BGU; 49 were in the possession of Goodspeed. [MF 2.76] Further publications of Goodspeed papyri are P.Cair.Goodsp. 28—30, CP 1 (1906) 167—173 (Nos. 3—12 = SB I 4414—4423); CP 3 (1908) 428—434 (SB I 4425). In CP 5 (1910) 320—322 Goodspeed published three papyri from the collection of Professor John G. Harrison. On the Goodspeed papyri in general, see ZPE 16 (1975) 27—32. p.kar.goodsp Online:


= Ein bisher unbeachtetes Dokument zur Frage nach dem Wesen der Katoché im Serapeum von Memphis, ed. K. Sethe. Berlin-Leipzig 1921. (Schr. Heid. 2). Reedition by W. Clarysse in Enchoria 14 (1986) 43—49. Online:


= Papyri from Kellis. Oxford. p.kell

  • I, Greek Papyri from Kellis I, ed. K.A. Worp, with contributions by J.E.G. Whitehorne and R.W. Daniel. 1995. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 3). Nos. 1—90; nos. 60-62, 82, 84, 88 and 90 are wooden tablets. [Oxbow] p.kell;1 Online: Leiden
  • II, Kellis Literary Texts, ed. I. Gardner, with contributions by S. Clackson, M. Franzmann and K.A. Worp. 1996. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 4). The texts published in this volume are numbered as follows: T.KellisCopt. 1—7; P.KellisCopt. 1—9; P.KellisSyr.Copt. 1—2; P.KellisSyr. 1; P.KellisSyr.Gr. 1; P.KellisGr. 91—94. (These Greek texts continue the numbering of P.Kellis I.) [Oxbow] Online: Leiden
  • III, The Kellis Isocrates Codex, ed. K.A. Worp and A. Rijksbaron. 1997. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 5). No. 95. A codex of wooden tablets. [Oxbow] Online: Leiden
  • IV, The Kellis Agricultural Account Book, ed. R.S. Bagnall, with contributions by C.A. Hope, R.G. Jenkins, A.J. Mills, J.L. Sharpe, U. Thanheiser and G. Wagner. 1997. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 7). No. 96. A codex of wooden tablets. [Oxbow] p.kell;4
  • V, Coptic Documentary Texts from Kellis I, ed. I. Gardner, A. Alcock and W.-P. Funk with a contribution by C.A. Hope and G.E. Bowen. 1999. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 9). Texts are P.KellisCopt. 10—52; O.KellisCopt. 1—2. [Oxbow]
  • VI, The Kellis Literary Texts, vol. 2, ed. I. Gardner with contributions by M. Choat, M. Franzmann, and K.A. Worp. 2007. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 15). Texts are P.KellisCopt. 53—56; P.KellisGr. 97—98; P.KellisSyr. 2. [Oxbow]
  • VII, Coptic Documentary Texts from Kellis II, ed. I. Gardner, A. Alcock and W.-P. Funk. 2014. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 16). Texts are P.KellisCopt. 57-131.


= Kölner Papyri.

  • I, ed. B. Kramer and R. Hübner. Opladen 1976. (Pap.Colon. VII/1). Nos. 1—57. [FS];1
  • II, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Opladen 1978. (Pap.Colon. VII/2). Nos. 58—114 papyri; nos. 115—124 ostraca. [FS];2
  • III, ed. B. Kramer, M. Erler, D. Hagedorn and R. Hübner. Opladen 1980. (Pap.Colon. VII/3). Nos. 125—166. [FS];3
  • IV, ed. B. Kramer, C. Römer and D. Hagedorn. Opladen 1982. (Pap.Colon. VII/4). Nos. 167—202. [FS];4
  • V, ed. M. Gronewald, K. Maresch and W. Schäfer. Opladen 1985. (Pap.Colon. VII/ 5). Nos. 203—240. [FS];5
  • VI, ed. M. Gronewald, B. Kramer, K. Maresch, M. Parca and C. Römer. Opladen 1987. (Pap.Colon. VII/6). Nos. 241—281. [FS];6
  • VII, ed. M. Gronewald and K. Maresch. Opladen 1991. (Pap.Colon. VII/7). Nos. 282—326. [FS];7
  • VIII, ed. M. Gronewald, K. Maresch and C. Römer. Opladen 1997. (Pap.Colon. VII/ 8). Nos. 327—355. No. 353 (wooden tablet), 354, and 355 are Coptic. [FS];8
  • IX, ed. M. Gronewald and others. Opladen 2001. (Pap.Colon. VII/9). Nos. 356—397. Nos. 383—392 are Coptic. Nos. 393—397 are drawings. Nos. 375—382, 387—392 are ostraca; no. 374 is a wooden tablet with Demotic on back; no. 384 is parchment. [FS];9
  • X, ed. M. Gronewald and others. Paderborn et al. 2003. (Pap.Colon. VII/10). Nos. 398—428. No. 423 is Hieratic; nos. 424 and 426—428 are Coptic; no. 425 is Greek and Coptic. [FS];10
  • XI, ed. Ch. Armoni and others. Paderborn et al. 2007. (Pap.Colon. VII/11). Nos. 429—466. No. 463 is Hieratic; nos. 464—466 are Coptic. [FS];11
  • XII, ed. Ch. Armoni, M. Gronewald, J. Lundon, K. Maresch, F. Reiter and G. Schenke. Paderborn et al. 2010. (Pap.Colon. VII/12). Nos. 467–495. [FS];12
  • XIII, ed. M. Gronewald, J. Lundon, K. Maresch, G. Schenke, P. Schmitz. Paderborn et al. 2013. (Pap.Colon. VII/13). Nos. 496-550. [FS];13
  • XIV, ed. Ch. Armoni, J.-L. Fournet, M. Gronewald, S. Kovarik, K. Maresch. Paderborn et al. 2015. (Pap.Colon. VII/14). Nos. 551-593. [FS]
  • XV, ed. Ch. Armoni, T. Backhuys, R. W. Daniel, J. Korte, K. Maresch, G. Schenke, A.A. Spinou, W. Wenger, 2017. (Pap.Colon. VII/15). Nos. 594-641.
  • XVI, ed. T. Backhuys, 2018. (Pap.Colon. VII/16). Nos. 642-652.
  • XVII, ed. Ch. Armoni, Th. Backhuys, S. Lippert, E. Love, E. Skarsouli, N. Vega Navarrete, R. Vecchiato, V. Fontanella, S. Hof, 2021. (Pap.Colon. VII/17). Nos. 653-678.


= Kölner ägyptische Papyri

  • I, ed. D. Kurth, H.-J. Thissen and M. Weber. Opladen 1980. (Pap.Colon. IX). Nos. 4—7 are Demotic documents; nos. 12—17 Coptic documents. [FS]
  • II, Koptische Urkunden der früharabischen Zeit, ed. G. Schenke. Paderborn 2016. (Pap.Colon. IX/2). Nos. 18-64.


=Ein Beitrag zur hellenistischen Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsgeschichte: fragmentarische Landregister aus der Kölner Papyrussammlung (P. Köln Land.). ed. R. Vecchiato. Paderborn 2023. (Pap.Texte Abh. XLVIII).


=Edition griechischer Papyri aus der Kölner Papyrussammlung. Ein frühhellenistisches Lexikon poetischer und dialektaler Wörter (P. Köln Lexikon). ed. R. Vecchiato. Paderborn 2022. (Pap.Colon. XLVI/1).


= Demotische und Koptische Texte, Teil 1, ed. E. Lüddeckens; Teil 2, ed. A. Kropp, A. Hermann and M. Weber. Opladen 1968. (Pap.Colon. II). Teil 1 contains 2 Demotic texts, Teil 2, 3 non-documentary Coptic texts. [FS]


=Edition griechischer Papyri aus der Kölner Papyrussammlung. Das Archiv des Sarapion (P. Köln Sarapion). ed. R. Vecchiato. Paderborn 2022. (Pap.Colon. XLVI/2). Nos. 1-15.


= "...vor dem Papyrus sind alle gleich!". Papyrologische Beiträge zu Ehren von Bärbel Kramer, ed. R. Eberhard and others; Berlin and New York 2009 (Archiv Beiheft 27). Nos. 1—20; no. 21 is Coptic, no. 22 Demotic, no. 2 magical, no. 4 parchment (Daniel 7.11—18). p.kramer


= Eine ptolemäische Königsurkunde, ed. L. Koenen. Wiesbaden 1957. (Klassisch-philologische Studien 19). Text reprinted as SB VI 9316. New fragment of col. i (also an unplaced fragment) added in Stud.Pap. 21 (1982) 73—82, and combined col. i alone reprinted as SB XVI 12540; reedited as P.Köln VII 313. p.kroll Online: AWDL


= L'Archivio di Kronion, ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1971. (Collana di testi e documenti per lo studio dell' antichità 36). Nos. 1—69. Includes many documents previously published in P.Mil.Vogl. [CG] p.kron


= W.E. Crum, Koptische Rechtsurkunden des achten Jahrhunderts aus Djême (Theben). Leipzig 1912. (Reprint in Subsidia Byzantina lucis ope iterata 18, with an introduction by A.A. Schiller. Leipzig 1973). Nos. 1—123. Online: A new version of no. 29, now lost, is in Archiv 44 (1998) 75—85 (S. Richter); no. 69 is now P.MorganLib. 342. Translations of 38 of these texts are in W.C. Till, Erbrechtliche Untersuchungen auf Grund der koptischen Urkunden, SBWien 229.2 (1954) and in W.C. Till, Die koptischen Rechtsurkunden aus Theben, SBWien 244.3 (1964) 86—200. p.kru


= Saite Demotic Land Leases, ed. G.R. Hughes. Chicago 1952. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 28). Nos. 1—7; nos. 2—7 of these texts are from the Louvre. Online: Oriental Institute


= Dai Papiri della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Florence. p.laur

  • I, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1976. (Pap.Flor. I). Nos. 1—20. [LGF] p.laur;1
  • II, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1977. (Pap.Flor. II). Nos. 21—50. [LGF] p.laur;2
  • III, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1979. (Pap.Flor. V). Nos. 51—125; no. 125 is Coptic. [LGF] p.laur;3
  • IV, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1983. (Pap.Flor. XII). Nos. 126—192. [LGF] p.laur;4
  • V, Papiri Laurenziani Copti, ed. G.M. Browne. 1984. (Pap.Flor. XIII). Nos. 193—205. [LGF]


= A Selective Publication and Description of the Greek Papyri in the Leeds City Museum, ed. S. Strassi. Leeds 1983. (Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Literary and Historical Section, XIX.4). Nos. 1—30, descripta nos. 31—136. Nos. 1—4 are literary; nos. 5—30 and no. 53 (descripta) are republished in SB XVI 12958—12978. Nos. 10 and 20 are republished outside of this series of numbers as SB XVI 13082 and 12862 respectively. p.leeds.mus


= Papyri Graeci Musei Antiquarii Lugduni-Batavi, ed. C. Leemans. Leiden. Texts mostly reedited in UPZ; P.Leid. Z = SB XX 14606, Ch.L.A. XLVI 1392.


= Papyrus Égyptiens démotiques I. 373—382 du Musée d'Antiquités des Pays-Bas à Leide, publiées d'après les ordres du gouvernement par le Dr. C. Leemans. Leiden 1863. (Publiés dans la 22e Livraison, ou la 15e de la IIe Partie des Monuments Égyptiens du Musée). This volume has descriptions and plates only, no texts.


= Papyri, Ostraca, Parchments and Waxed Tablets in the Leiden Papyrological Institute. Leiden 1991.

  • I, Papyri, Ostraca, Parchments and Waxed Tablets in the Leiden Papyrological Institute, ed. F.A.J. Hoogendijk and P. van Minnen. Leiden 1991. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXV). Nos. 1—107; nos. 11-12 and 24 are ostraca; nos. 15—18 wax tablets; the rest papyri. Nos. 81—107 are descripta. [EJB] p.leid.inst
  • II, Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute, ed. F.A.J. Hoogendijk and J.V. Stolk. Leiden 2023. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XL). Nos. 1—66; nos. 3-21 are ostraca; the rest papyri. [EJB]


= Die griechischen Papyri der Leipziger Universitätsbibliothek, ed. C. Wessely. Leipzig 1885. (Verhandlungen der Königlichen Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 37: 237—275). Nos. 1—35. (See also P.Lips.) p.leipz Online:


= Leitourgia Papyri, ed. N. Lewis. Philadelphia 1963. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society N.S. 53, pt. 9). Nos. 1—16. Texts reprinted as SB VIII 10192—10208. [o.p.] p.leit


= Demotische Lesestücke, by W. Erichsen.

  • I, Literarische Texte mit Glossar und Schrifttafel. Heft 1, Texte; Heft 2, Glossar; Heft 3, Schrifttafel. Leipzig 1937.
  • II, Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit. Heft 1, Texte. Leipzig 1939; Heft 2, Glossar. Leipzig 1940.


= Der Papyrus Libbey: ein ägyptischer Heiratsvertrag, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1907. (Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Strassburg 1). In many American libraries there is a translation of this volume privately printed by the Toledo (Ohio) Museum of Art where the papyrus resides. In addition to the Libbey papyrus two other texts are published here. Online:


= Papyrus grecs (Institut Papyrologique de l'Université de Lille). p.lille

  • I, ed. P. Jouguet, P. Collart, J. Lesquier and M. Xoual in 4 fasc., 1907, 1908, 1923 and 1928. (Vol. I appeared all together [with Fasc. I and II reprinted] in 1929 as part of the Travaux et mémoires de l'Université de Lille, hors série). Nos. 1—60. [Rp. CG] p.lille;1 Online:
  • II, Papyrus de Magdôla, ed. J. Lesquier. 1912. Nos. 1—42. Contains the papyri from Magdola in the Fayum, later reedited by Guéraud in P.Enteux. [Rp. CG] Online:


= Papyrus démotiques de Lille.

  • I, ed. H. Sottas. Paris 1927. Nos. 1—33. Online:
  • II, Cautionnements démotiques du début de l'époque ptolémaïque, ed. F. de Cenival. Paris 1973. (Société d'Histoire du Droit. Collection d'Histoire Institutionelle et Sociale 5). Nos. 34—96. Nos. 97 and 98, ed. F. de Cenival. "Deux papyrus inédits de Lille, avec une révision du P.dém. Lille 31," Enchoria 7 (1977) 1—49 with plates 1—8.
  • III, ed. F. de Cenival. Cairo 1984. (MIFAO 110). Nos. 99—108.

P.Lips. (see also P.Leipz.)

= Griechische Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, p.lips

  • I, ed. L. Mitteis. Leipzig 1906. Nos. 1—123; 67—80 are ostraca. [MF 2.102; rp.CG] p.lips;1 Online:
  • II, ed. R. Duttenhöfer with a note by R. Scholl. Munich/Leipzig 2002. (Archiv Beih. 10). Nos. 124–152. [KGS] p.lips;2

P.Lips.Copt. (see O.Lips.Copt.)

  • I, Coptica Lipsiensia: koptische Texte aus der Papyrus- und Ostrakasammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (P.Lips.Copt. I), ed. A. Boud'hors, F. Krueger, A. Märker und T.S. Richter; mit Beiträgen von D. Atanassova, María Jesús Albarrán, D. Colomo, J. Cromwell, E. Penland, V. Walter und J. Westerfeld. Berlin 2024. (Archiv Beih. 52).


= Die Demotischen Papyri Loeb, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Munich 1931. Nos. 1—73.


= Greek Papyri in the British Museum. London. At present 7 vols. (Vol. VI continues the numerical sequence of the London papyri, but forms a separate publication regarded as vol. VI only retroactively. Up to the end of vol. III, texts are usually cited by volume no., serial no., and page.) There are separate atlases of plates to vols. I—III. [Atlases, MF 2.111, 2.112, and 2.113] p.lond

  • I, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 1893. Nos. 1—138. [MF 1.54; rp. CG] p.lond;1 Online:
  • II, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 1898. Nos. 139—484. [MF 1.55; rp. CG] p.lond;2 Online:
  • III, ed. F.G. Kenyon and H.I. Bell. 1907. Nos. 485—1331. Nos. 1201 and 1202 are Demotic; there is a Demotic docket to no. 881. There is a line of Demotic at nos. 889 and 1209. [MF 1.56; rp. CG] A new edition of no. 1177 is given in Zur Wasserversorgung einer Metropole im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypten, ed. W. Habermann. Munich 2000. (Vestigia 53). [Beck] p.lond;3 Online:
  • IV, The Aphrodito Papyri, ed. H.I. Bell, with appendix of Coptic papyri ed. W.E. Crum. 1910. Nos. 1332—1646; nos. 1494—1646 are Coptic. [MF 1.57; rp. CG] p.lond;4 Online:
  • V, ed. H.I. Bell. 1917. Nos. 1647—1911; no. 1709 Coptic, no. 1792 Latin. [MF 1.59; rp. CG] p.lond;5 Online:
  • VI, Jews and Christians in Egypt; The Jewish Troubles in Alexandria and the Athanasian Controversy, ed. H.I. Bell and W.E Crum. 1924. Nos. 1912—1929; nos. 1920—1922 are Coptic. [MF 1.60; rp. CG] p.lond;6 Online:
  • VII, The Zenon Archive, ed. T.C. Skeat. 1974. Nos. 1930—2193. [BMP] p.lond;7


  • I, Catalogue of the Coptic Manuscripts in the British Museum, ed. W.E. Crum. 1905. Nos. 1—1252. Nos. 1075-1079, 1093, 1130-1131, and possibly 460 are Greek. Online:
  • II, Catalogue of Coptic literary manuscripts in the British Library acquired since 1906, ed. B. Layton. 1987. Nos. 1—258; no. 191 is a private letter: edited in ZÄS 119 (1992) 43—60 (H.-M. Schenke).


= A Sixth-century Tax Register from the Hermopolite Nome, ed. R. S. Bagnall, J. G. Keenan and L. S. B. MacCoull. Durham, NC 2011. (Am.Stud.Pap. 51). p.lond.herm


= Catalogue of the Literary Papyri in the British Museum, ed. H.J.M. Milne. London 1927. Contains texts of many inedita, together with descriptions of texts published previously (especially those in Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum, ed. F.G. Kenyon, London 1891. Online: [MF 1.58; rp. CG]


= Zur Wasserversorgung einer Metropole im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypten, by W. Habermann. A new edition of P.Lond. III 1177. Munich 2000. (Vestigia 53) [Beck]


= Papyrus Lonsdorfer I, ed. H. Junker. Vienna 1921. (SBWien 197.2). Online:


  • I, Griechische Papyri aus Soknopaiu Nesos, ed. A. Jördens mit Beiträgen von K.-Th. Zauzich. Bonn 1998. (Pap.Texte Abh. XLIII). Nos. 1—92; 69—92 are descripta. No. 9 is bilingual, Greek and Demotic; no. 11 contains a Demotic subscription. [RH] p.louvre;1
  • II, Griechische Papyri der Cahiers P. 1 und P. 2 aus der Sammlung des Louvre, ed. A. Jördens and P. Schubert. Bonn 2005. (Pap.Texte Abh. XLIV). Nos. 93-170 (nos. 129-170 are descripta). [RH] p.louvre;2
  • III, Griechische Papyri aus der Sammlung des Louvre (P. Louvre III), ed. A. Jördens, L. Berkes, F. Mitthof, M. Nowak, N. Vanthieghem. Bonn 2022. (Pap.Texte Abh. XLVII). Nos. 171-249.

P.Louvre Hag.

= Codex hagiographiques du Louvre sur papyrus, ed. L. Capron. Paris 2013. (Pap.Paris. II). Nos. 1-6.

P.Louvre Bawit

= Papyrus grecs et coptes de Baouît conservés au Musée du Louvre, ed. †S. J. Clackson and A. Delattre. Cairo 2014 (Bibliothèque d'Études coptes 22). Nos. 1—83.


= Aus der Papyrussammlung der Universitätsbibliothek in Lund, published in K. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund; Årsberättelse. Years and page nos. are indicated for each part. [I—VI, MF 1.45] p.lund

  • I, Literarische Fragmente, ed. A. Wifstrand. 1934—1935, pp. 53—65. Nos. 1—7.
  • II, Griechische Privatbriefe, ed. A. Wifstrand. 1936—1937, pp. 161—172. Nos. 1—5. Texts reprinted as SB V 8088—8092. p.lund;2
  • III, Kultische Texte, ed. K. Hanell. 1937—1938, pp. 119—142. Nos. 1—10. Texts reprinted as SB V 8741—8750. Nos. 1—8 were reprinted in P.Bacch., nos. 3—6, 10, 12, 17, and 21 and taken up again as SB VI 9332—9339. p.lund;3
  • IV, Bakchiastexte und andere Papyri, ed. E.J. Knudtzon. 1945—1946, pp. 63—78. Nos. 1—14. Texts (except no. 12) reprinted as SB VI 9333, 9338, 9340—9350. The same texts were edited by Knudtzon with introductions, translations and commentary in Bakchiastexte und andere Papyri der Lunder Papyrussammlung, Lund (Ohlsson) 1946. p.lund;4
  • V, Zwei astronomische Texte, ed. E.J. Knudtzon and O. Neugebauer. 1946—1947, pp. 77—88. Indexes to Parts I—IV by E.J. Knudtzon. 1946—1947, pp. 89—110.
  • VI, Vermischte Texte, ed. E.J. Knudtzon. 1951—1952, pp. 119—137. Nos. 1—10. Texts reprinted as SB VI 9351—9359. p.lund;6


= The Macquarie Papyri. Turnhout.

  • I, A Coptic handbook of ritual power (P. Macq. I 1), ed. M. Choat and I. Gardner. Turnhout, 2013.


= Frühdemotische Urkunden aus Hermupolis, ed. El-H.O.M. Zaghloul. Cairo 1985. (Bull.CPS 2). Nos. 1—6.


= Le médecin et le livre. Hommages à Marie-Hélène Marganne, ed. A. Ricciardetto, N. Carlig, G. Nocchi Macedo and M. de Haro Sanchez. Lecce 2021. Nos. 1—12.


= I papiri diplomatici raccolti ed illustrati, ed. G. Marini. Rome 1805. Nos. 1—146. No. 146 is Greek, the others Latin; no. 146 republ. by R. Riedinger, AbhMünchen N.F. 85 (1979) 24—26; no. 124 republ. as P.Rain.Cent. 166. Cf. P.Ital. I pp. 69—72. Online:


= Il papiro vaticano greco 11, ed. M. Norsa and G. Vitelli. Vatican City 1931. No. 1 is literary, no. 2 a document. (Biblioteca Vaticana, Studi e Testi 53). [VAT] p.marm


= Masada II, The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963—1965, Final Reports: The Latin and Greek Documents, ed. H.M. Cotton and J. Geiger. Jerusalem 1989. (Israel Exploration Society, The Masada Reports). Nos. 721—738 are Latin papyri, 739—747 Greek papyri, 748—749 bilingual; the ostraca (nos. 750—771 Latin, 772—794 Greek) should be cited as O.Masada. p.masada


= Mathematics, Metrology, and Model Contracts, ed. R.S. Bagnall, A. Jones, with contributions by K. Kosovo, Z. Misiewicz, J. Ben-Dov, J. Dieleman, J. Dombrowski, E. Hermans, M. Ossendrijver. New York 2020.


= Dieci Papyri Matritenses, ed. S. Daris. Madrid 1990. (Cuadernos de la Fundacion Pastor de Estudios Clasicos 36). Nos. 1—10. p.matr Online:

P.Med. (see P.Mil.).

P.Medin.Madi (see O.Medin.Madi).


= Die Aegyptische Sammlung des Museum-Meermanno-Westreenianum im Haag, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1896. There are two demotic texts. No. 2 was republished in FestLüddeckens, pp. 260—261 (S. Vleeming). Online:


= A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of Wilfred Merton. p.mert

  • I, ed. H.I. Bell and C.H. Roberts. London 1948. Nos. 1—50. [HF] p.mert;1
  • II, ed. B.R. Rees, H.I. Bell, J.W.B. Barns. Dublin 1959. Nos. 51—100. [HF] p.mert;2
  • III, ed. J.D. Thomas. London 1967. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, suppl. vol. 18). Nos. 101—128. [ICS] p.mert;3
  • Nos. 129—131 ed. J.D. Thomas in JEA 56 (1970) 172—178; texts reprinted as SB XII 10886—10888. Nos. 132—136 ed. J.D. Thomas in JEA 68 (1982) 283—289; nos. 132—134 repr. as SB XVI 12470—12472, nos. 135—136 descripta.


= e me l’ovrare appaga. Papiri e saggi in onore di Gabriella Messeri, ed. G. Bastianini, F. Maltomini, D. Manetti, D. Minutoli, R. Pintaudi. Florence 2020. Nos. 1—50. Online:


= Griechische Texte aus Aegypten. I, Papyri des Neutestamentlichen Seminars der Universität Berlin; II, Ostraka der Sammlung Deissmann, ed. P.M. Meyer. Berlin 1916. Papyri nos. 1—45; ostraca (O.Deiss.) nos. 1—92. There are Demotic signatures on the ostraca at nos. 7, 23 and 46. [Rp. CG] p.meyer Online:


= Michigan Papyri. Each volume has a subtitle of its own. The numerical sequence of volumes as a single series was not established until vol. II. Vol. I is often referred to as P.Mich. Zen. p.mich

  • I, Zenon Papyri, ed. C.C. Edgar. Ann Arbor 1931. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 24). Nos. 1—120. [MF 1.19] p.mich;1 Online: HathiTrust
  • II, Papyri from Tebtunis, Part I, ed. A.E.R. Boak. Ann Arbor 1933. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 28). Nos. 121—128. Online: HathiTrust (Nos. 129—130, A Papyrus Codex of the Shepherd of Hermas, ed. C. Bonner. Ann Arbor 1934. [Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 22]). Online: HathiTrust [MF 1.20] p.mich;2
  • III, Miscellaneous Papyri, ed. J.G. Winter and others. Ann Arbor 1936. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 40). Nos. 131—221. Online: HathiTrust (No. 222, A Third Century Codex of the Epistles of Paul, ed. H.A. Sanders, Ann Arbor 1935. [Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 38]. Online: HathiTrust. For Nos. 167 and 168 see Vol. VII. [MF 1.21] p.mich;3
  • IV, pt. I, Tax Rolls from Karanis, ed. H.C. Youtie. Ann Arbor 1936. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 42). Nos. 223—225. [MF 1.22] p.mich;4.1 Online: HathiTrust
  • IV, pt. II, Texts nos. 357—363 and Indexes, ed. H.C. Youtie and O.M. Pearl. Ann Arbor 1939. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 43). Nos. 357—363. [MF 1.23] (See also P.Cair.Mich. for addenda to no. 359). p.mich.4.2 Online: HathiTrust
  • V, Papyri from Tebtunis, Part II, ed. E.M. Husselman, A.E.R. Boak and W.F. Edgerton. Ann Arbor 1944. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 29). Nos. 226—356. Nos. 249, 250, 253, 308, 342, 347 are Demotic. [MF 1.24] p.mich;5
  • VI, Papyri and Ostraca from Karanis, ed. H.C. Youtie and O.M. Pearl. Ann Arbor 1944. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 47). Nos. 364—428; ostraca nos. 700—971. (For nos. 1—699 see O.Mich.). [MF 1.26] p.mich;6 Online: HathiTrust
  • VII, Latin Papyri, ed. H.A. Sanders with contributions by J.E. Dunlap. Ann Arbor 1947. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 48). Nos. 167—168, 429—463. [MF 2.17] p.mich;7
  • VIII, Papyri and Ostraca from Karanis, Second Series, ed. H.C. Youtie and J.G. Winter. Ann Arbor 1951. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 50). Nos. 464—521; ostraca nos. 972—1111. (see O.Mich.) [MF 2.18] p.mich;8
  • IX, Papyri from Karanis, Third Series, ed. E.M. Husselman. Cleveland 1971. (American Philological Association, Philological Monograph 29). Nos. 522—576. [Oxbow] p.mich;9
  • X, Documentary Papyri from the Michigan Collection, ed. G.M. Browne. Toronto 1970. (Am.Stud.Pap. VI). Nos. 577—602. [Oxbow] p.mich;10 Online: AWDL
  • XI, Papyri from the Michigan Collection, ed. J.C. Shelton. Toronto 1971. (Am.Stud.Pap. IX). Nos. 603—625. [Oxbow] p.mich;11 Online: AWDL
  • XII, Michigan Papyri XII, ed. G.M. Browne. Toronto 1975. (Am.Stud.Pap. XIV). Nos. 626—658. [Oxbow] p.mich;12 Online: AWDL
  • XIII, The Aphrodite Papyri in the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Zutphen 1977. (Stud.Amst. X). Nos. 659—674. [TPC] p.mich;13
  • XIV, Michigan Papyri XIV, ed. V.P. McCarren. Chico 1980. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXII). Nos. 675—684. [Oxbow] p.mich;14 Online: AWDL
  • XV, Michigan Papyri XV, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Zutphen 1982. (Stud.Amst. XIX). Nos. 685—756. [TPC] p.mich;15
  • XVI, Michigan Papyri XVI, A Greek Love Charm from Egypt (P.Mich. 757), ed. D.G. Martinez. Atlanta 1991. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXX). [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • XVII, P.Michigan XVII: The Michigan Medical Codex (P.Mich. 758 = P.Mich.inv. 21), ed. L.C. Youtie. Atlanta 1996. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXXV). [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • XVIII, P.Michigan Koenen: Michigan Texts Published in Honor of Ludwig Koenen, ed. C. Römer and T. Gagos. Amsterdam 1996. (Stud.Amst. XXXVI). Nos. 759—798; nos. 796—798 are Coptic literary texts. [JCG] p.mich;18
  • XIX, P.Michigan XIX. Baptized for Our Sakes: A Leather Trisagion from Egypt (P.Mich. 799), ed. D.G. Martinez. Stuttgart and Leipzig 1999. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 120). No.799. [KGS]
  • XX, A Transportation Archive from Fourth-Century Oxyrhynchus, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp, with the assistance of T. Gagos and A. Verhoogt. Durham, NC 2011. (Am.Stud.Pap. 49). Nos. 800–826. p.mich;20
  • XXI, Papyri from Karanis. The Granary C123, ed. W.G. Claytor and A. Verhoogt, with the assistance of P. Heilporn and S. Lash. 2018. Nos. 827-863.


= Settling a Dispute: Toward a Legal Anthropology of Late Antique Egypt, by T. Gagos and P. van Minnen. Ann Arbor 1994. (New Texts from Ancient Cultures I). Contains a reedition of P.Vat.Aphrod. 10, to which is joined P.Mich.inv. 6922. [Univ. of Michigan Press] p.mich.aphrod


= Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection, ed. W.H. Worrell. Ann Arbor 1942. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 46). Pt. III, Letters and documents on papyrus, ed. W.H. Worrell and E.H. Husselman, pp. 169—214, nos. 1—21. No. 20 is reedited in P.Mon.Apollo 36. See also under O.Mich.Copt. and O.Mich.Copt.Etmoulon; the index includes all the papyri and ostraca published in this volume.


= A Critical Edition of Select Michigan Papyri, ed. E.M. Michael. Diss. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1966. Nos. 1—28. Texts reprinted as SB XII 11103—11130. [UMI, order no. 67—1777] p.mich.mchl


= University of Michigan Demotic Papyri, Papyri from Philadelphia, ed. C.F. Nims. Dissertation, University of Chicago 1937. Six documentary texts are edited. There are notes on these texts at JEA 28 (1934) 73—82. One text has been published as P.Ehevertr. 4D/Z.


= Papyri Michaelidae, being a Catalogue of Greek and Latin Papyri, Tablets and Ostraca in the Library of Mr G.A. Michailidis of Cairo, ed. D.S. Crawford. Aberdeen 1955. Nos. 1—60 papyri, 61—62 wooden tablets, 63—129 ostraca. For the dispersal of this collection, see ZPE 100 (1994) 223—226 (S. Clackson); Emerita 64 (1996) 289 (S. Daris). [AUP] p.michael


= Papiri Milanesi

  • I, fasc. I, ed. A. Calderini. Milan 1928. 2nd ed. S. Daris, 1967. (Second ed. is Vol. I of Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Contributi, Serie Terza, Pubbl. di "Aegyptus," I). Nos. 1—12. [VP];1 Online: HathiTrust
  • II, ed. S. Daris. Milan 1966. (Pubbl. II). Nos. 13—87. [VP];2


= Papyri documentari dell'Università Cattolica di Milano, various editors. Milan 1974. 43 unnumbered documents. (Aegyptus 54 [1974] 1—140; texts reprinted as SB XIV 11264—11305).


= Papiri documentari dell'Università Cattolica di Milano, ed. O. Montevecchi et al. Milan 1983. 17 unnumbered documents. (Aegyptus 63 [1983] 1—102; texts reprinted as SB XVI 12720—12740).


= Papiri documentari dell'Università Cattolica di Milano, various editors. Milan 1986. 15 unnumbered documents. (Aegyptus 66 [1986] 1—70; texts reprinted as SB XVIII 13092—13106).


= Papiri documentari dell'Università Cattolica di Milano, various editors. Milan 1989. 12 unnumbered documents. (Aegyptus 69 [1989] 5—60; texts reprinted as SB XX 14082—14093).


  • I, Papiri della R. Università di Milano, ed. A. Vogliano. Milan 1937. Sometimes called P.Mil.R.Univ., PRIMI or P.R.U.M., to distinguish this from the series of P.Mil. Reprint Milan 1966 with same title as Vols. II—IV. Nos. 1—28. Texts of nos. 23—28 reprinted in SB Beiheft II, 1961.;1
  • II, Papiri della Università degli Studi di Milano, ed. by many collaborators. Milan 1961. Nos. 29—110.;2
  • III, Milan 1965. Nos. 111—203, plus 7 Demotic texts.;3
  • IV, Milan 1967. Nos. 204—257, plus 3 Coptic texts.;4
  • V, Milan 1974. A Coptic codex edited by T. Orlandi.
  • VI, Milan 1977. Nos. 258—300.;6
  • VII, La contabilità di un'azienda agricola nel II sec. d.C., ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1981. Nos. 301—308.;7
  • VIII, Posidippo di Pella: epigrammati, ed. G. Bastianini and C. Gallazi with the collaboration of C. Austin. Vol. 1, Text; vol. 2 Images (including CD ROM). Milan 2001. No. 309. [LED - Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto]


= Back to Oegstgeest. The von Scherling Papyrus Collection. Some von Scherling Texts in Minnesota, ed. M. Bakker, A. Bakkers and K. Worp. Cincinnati 2007. (BASP 44 [2007] pages 41–73). Nos. 1–11. Online: BASP. Indices, ed. A. V. Bakkers.


= Coptic and Greek texts relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo, ed. S.J. Clackson. Oxford 2000. (Griffith Institute Monographs). Nos. 1—66. Nos. 27, 31, 48 are Greek; the rest Coptic. [Oxbow] p.mon.apollo


= The Monastery of Epiphanius at Thebes, Part II, ed. W.E. Crum and H.G. Evelyn White. New York 1926. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition). Nos. 1—575 are Coptic papyri, ostraca, and parchment; nos. 579—634 Greek papyri, ostraca, limestone and wood; nos. 635—675 Coptic graffiti; nos. 676—702 Greek graffiti. The texts are found on pp. 1—119; the metadata and the translations on pp. 153—348. Some Greek texts have been reprinted: SB IV 7436 = no. 624; 7477 = 623 and 7478—7487 = 625—634. The Greek graffiti, nos. 676—702, are reprinted as SB IV 7488—7514. Online: The Met


= Héritage et transmission dans le monachisme égyptien: les testaments des supérieurs du topos de Saint-Phoibammôn à Thèbes, ed. E. Garel. Cairo 2020. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Bibliothèque d’études coptes 27). Reedition of 6 texts: 1= P.Lond. I 77 (« Testament d’Abraham ») ; 2 = P.KRU 77 + inv. Sorb. 2680 ( (« Testament de Victor ») ; 3 = P.Lyon (« Testament de Pierre ») ; 4 = P.KRU 65 (« Testament de Jacob ») ; Annexe 1 = P.KRU 105 (« Reconnaissance du droit de propriété du monastère de Saint-Phoibammôn ») ; Annexe 2 = O.Lips.Copt. 10 (= O.Crum Ad. 59) (« Lettre de l’évêque Abraham ? »).


= Byzantinische Papyri in der Königlichen Hof- und Staatsbibliothek zu München, ed. A. Heisenberg and L. Wenger. Leipzig-Berlin 1914. (Veröffentlichungen aus der Papyrussammlung der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek zu München I). Nos. 1—18. [MF 1.42; atlas, MF 2.80] Reprinted as P.Münch. I. Online:


= Papyri at Montserrat in the Roca Puig Collection

  • I, To the Origins of Greek Stenography, ed. S. Torallas Tovar and K. A. Worp. Barcelona 2006. (= Orientalia Montserratensia, 1). Edition of an unpublished part of the Codex Miscellaneus, containing a Greek word list. No. 1 [PAMSA]
  • II, Biblica Coptica Montserratensia, ed. S. Torallas Tovar. Barcelona 2007. (= Orientalia Montserratensia, 2). Nos. 2—31. [PAMSA]
  • III, Hadrianus, ed. J. Gil and S. Torallas Tovar. Barcelona 2010. (= Orientalia Montserratensia, 5). No. 32. [PAMSA]
  • IV, Greek Papyri from Montserrat, ed. S. Torallas Tovar, K. A. Worp, A. Nodar and M. Victoria Spottorno. Barcelona 2014. (= Scripta Orientalia, 1). Nos. 33—96. [PAMSA]


= Catalogue of Coptic Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library, ed L. Depuydt. Leuven 1993. (Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, 4—5. Oriental series 1). This is not an edition but a catalogue, listing in volume 1 the 421 Coptic items in the Morgan Library. Of these nos. 306—351 are documentary. Volume 2 is an Album of Photographic Plates. In vol. 1, two texts, nos. 328 and 329, are transcribed and translated.


= Koptskie teksty Gosudarstvennogo muzeia izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv imeni A.S. Pushkina, ed. P.V. Ernshtedt (Jernstedt). Leningrad 1959. Nos. 1—103.


= Die Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. p.muench

  • I, Byzantinische Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, ed. A. Heisenberg and L. Wenger, 2nd enl. ed. D. Hagedorn. Stuttgart 1986. Nos. 1—18. [KGS] p.muench;1
  • II, Papiri letterari greci, ed. A. Carlini. Stuttgart 1986. Nos. 19—44. [KGS]
  • III, Griechische Urkundenpapyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, Part I, ed. U. and D. Hagedorn, R. Hübner and J.C. Shelton. Stuttgart 1986. Nos. 45—154. [KGS] p.muench;3.1


= Les grottes de Murabba'ât, ed. P. Benoit, J.T. Milik and R. de Vaux. Oxford 1961. (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert of Jordan 2). Nos. 89—157 are Greek, 158—159 Latin. Texts nos. 89—91, 94, 114—117 reprinted as SB X 10300—10307. Separate volume of plates. [OUP] p.mur


= Nag Hammadi Codices. Greek and Coptic Papyri from the Cartonnage of the Covers, ed. J.W.B. Barns, G.M. Browne and J.C. Shelton. Leiden 1981. (Nag Hammadi Studies XVI). Nos. 1—153 (Greek), C1—C19 (Coptic). [EJB] p.nag.hamm


= Deir El-Naqlun: The Greek Papyri.

  • I, ed. T. Derda. Warsaw 1995. Nos. 1—12 papyri, nos. 13—14 inscriptions on amphorae. Plates in separate vol. [Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego] p.naqlun;1
  • II, ed. T. Derda, with J. Urbanik and J. van der Vliet. Warsaw 2008. (JJurPap supplement 9) Nos. 15—34; nos. 15—20 literary; nos. 21—34 documentary. p.naqlun;2


  • I, Narmouthis 2006: Documents et objects découverts à Médinet Madi en 2006, ed. E. Bresciani, A. Delattre, P. Heilporn, A. Martin, A. Menchetti, G. Nachtergael, R. Pintaudi and F. Silvano. Pisa 2010. (Monografie di “Egitto e Vicino Oriente” II). Nos. 1–13 are Greek papyri; no. 14 is a Greek tablet; nos. 15–19 are Demotic and bilingual ostraca; nos. 20–147 Greek ostraca; nos. 148–149 Greek inscriptions. p.narm.2006


= The Undertakers of the Great Oasis, ed. R.S. Bagnall. London, 2017. (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, Supplemental Vol. 1)


= Das Archiv des Nepheros und verwandte Texte, ed. B. Kramer, J.C. Shelton and G.M. Browne. Mainz 1987. (Aegypt.Trev. IV). Part I, Das Archiv des Nepheros, nos. 1—14, 17—42 Greek, nos. 15—16 Coptic. Part II, Verwandte Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, nos. 43—49 Greek. [PvZ] p.neph


= Excavations at Nessana.

  • I, Introductory volume, ed. H.D. Colt. Pp. 259—262 contain a summary by P. Mayerson of Nessana papyri relating to agriculture. London 1962.
  • II, Literary Papyri, ed. L. Casson and E.L. Hettich. Princeton 1950. Nos. 1—13. [PUP]
  • III, Non-Literary Papyri, ed. C.J. Kraemer, Jr. Princeton 1958. Nos. 14—195. [PUP] p.ness;3


= Greek Papyri in the Collection of New York University.


= Papyri Osloenses. Oslo.

  • I, Magical Papyri, ed. S. Eitrem. 1925. Nos. 1—6. [o.p.]
  • II, ed. S. Eitrem and L. Amundsen. 1931. Nos. 7—64. [o.p.] p.oslo;2
  • III, ed. S. Eitrem and L. Amundsen. 1936. Nos. 65—200. [UF] p.oslo;3


= Some Oxford Papyri, ed. E.P. Wegener. Leiden 1942 (text), 1948 (plates). (Pap.Lugd.Bat. IIIA and IIIB). Nos. 1—19. [MF 2.57] p.oxf


= L'Archivio demotico del tempio di Soknopaiu Nesos nel Griffith Institute di Oxford, ed. E. Bresciani. Milan 1975. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'antichità 49). Nos. 13—75 are documents.


= The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Published by the Egypt Exploration Society in Graeco-Roman Memoirs. London. The number in parentheses at the end of each entry is the number in this series. Earlier vols. carry the heading of Egypt Exploration Fund, Graeco-Roman Branch; even after the title change numbers were not assigned to the volumes until the 1950s. The system followed here is that adopted retroactively by the EES. [all vols. EES]

  • I, Nos. 1—207, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1898. (1) p.oxy;1 Cf. P.Oxy.Descr. Online: Cf. P.Oxy.Descr.
  • II, Nos. 208—400, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1899. (2) p.oxy;2 Online:
  • III, Nos. 401—653, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1903. (5) p.oxy;3 Online:
  • IV, Nos. 654—839, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1904. (6) p.oxy;4 Online:
  • V, Nos. 840—844, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1908. (8) p.oxy;5 Online:
  • VI, Nos. 845—1006, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1908. (9) No. 984 reedited as P.Oxy.Census. Online:
  • VII, Nos. 1007—1072, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1910. (10) p.oxy;7 Online:
  • VIII, Nos. 1073—1165, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1911. (11) p.oxy;8 Online:
  • IX, Nos. 1166—1223, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1912. (12) p.oxy;9 Online:
  • X, Nos. 1224—1350, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1914. (13) p.oxy;10 Online:
  • XI, Nos. 1351—1404, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1915. (14) p.oxy;11 Online:
  • XII, Nos. 1405—1593, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1916. (15) p.oxy;12 Online:
  • XIII, Nos. 1594—1625, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1919. (16) p.oxy;13 Online:
  • XIV, Nos. 1626—1777, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1920. (17) p.oxy;14 Online:
  • XV, Nos. 1778—1828, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1922. (18) p.oxy;15 Online:
  • XVI, Nos. 1829—2063, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt, and H.I. Bell. 1924. (19) p.oxy;16 Online:
  • No. 2064 was published in Two Theocritus Papyri, ed. A.S. Hunt and J. Johnson. London 1930. (22)
  • XVII, Nos. 2065—2156, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1927. (20) p.oxy;17 Online:
  • XVIII, Nos. 2157—2207, ed. E. Lobel, C.H. Roberts and E.P. Wegener. 1941. (26) p.oxy;18
  • XIX, Nos. 2208—2244, ed. E. Lobel, E.P. Wegener, C.H. Roberts and H.I. Bell. 1948. (27) p.oxy;19
  • XX, Nos. 2245—2287, ed. E. Lobel, E.P. Wegener, C.H. Roberts. 1952. (29) p.oxy;20
  • XXI, Nos. 2288—2308, ed. E. Lobel. 1951. (30) p.oxy;21 Online:
  • XXII, Nos. 2309—2353, ed. E. Lobel and C.H. Roberts. 1954. (31) p.oxy;22
  • XXIII, Nos. 2354—2382, ed. E. Lobel. 1956. (34) p.oxy;23
  • XXIV, Nos. 2383—2425, ed. E. Lobel, C.H. Roberts, E.G. Turner and J.W.B. Barns. 1957. (35) p.oxy;24
  • XXV, Nos. 2426—2437, ed. E. Lobel and E.G. Turner. 1959. (36) p.oxy;25
  • XXVI, Nos. 2438—2451, ed. E. Lobel. 1961. (38) p.oxy;26
  • XXVII, Nos. 2452—2480, ed. E.G. Turner, J.R. Rea, L. Koenen, and J.M.F. Pomar. 1962. (39) p.oxy;27
  • XXVIII, Nos. 2481—2505, ed. E. Lobel. 1962. (40) p.oxy;28
  • XXIX, No. 2506, ed. D. Page. 1963. (41) p.oxy;29
  • XXX, Nos. 2507—2530, ed. E. Lobel. 1964. (44) p.oxy;30
  • XXXI, Nos. 2531—2616, ed. J.W.B. Barns, P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea and E.G. Turner. 1966. (45) p.oxy;31
  • XXXII, Nos. 2617—2653, ed. E. Lobel. 1967. (46) p.oxy;32
  • XXXIII, Nos. 2654—2682, ed. P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea and E.G. Turner. 1968. (48) p.oxy;33
  • XXXIV, Nos. 2683—2732, ed. L. Ingrams, P. Kingston, P.J. Parsons and J.R. Rea. 1968. (49) p.oxy;34
  • XXXV, Nos. 2733—2744, ed. E. Lobel. 1968. (50) p.oxy;35
  • XXXVI, Nos. 2745—2800, ed. R.A. Coles, D. Foraboschi, A.H. Soliman el-Mosallamy, J.R. Rea, U. Schlag and others. 1970. (51) p.oxy;36 Online:
  • XXXVII, Nos. 2801—2823, ed. E. Lobel. 1971. (53) p.oxy;37
  • XXXVIII, Nos. 2824—2877, ed. G.M. Browne, J.D. Thomas, E.G. Turner, M.E. Weinstein and others. 1971. p.oxy;38 Online:
  • XXXIX, Nos. 2878—2891, ed. E. Lobel. 1972. (55) p.oxy;39 Online:
  • XL, Nos. 2892—2942, ed. J.R. Rea. 1972. (56) p.oxy;40 Online:
  • XLI, Nos. 2943—2998, ed. G.M. Browne, R.A. Coles, J.R. Rea, J.C. Shelton, E.G. Turner and others. 1972. (57) p.oxy;41
  • XLII, Nos. 2999—3087, ed. P.J. Parsons. 1974. (58) p.oxy;42 Online:
  • XLIII, Nos. 3088—3150, ed. J.R. Rea and others. 1975. (60) p.oxy;43 Online:
  • XLIV, Nos. 3151—3208, ed. A.K. Bowman, M.W. Haslam, J.C. Shelton and J.D. Thomas. 1976. (62) p.oxy;44 Online:
  • XLV, Nos. 3209—3266, ed. A.K. Bowman, M.W. Haslam, S.A. Stephens, M.L. West and others. 1977. (63) p.oxy;45 Online:
  • XLVI, Nos. 3267—3315, ed. J.R. Rea. 1978. (65) p.oxy;46 Online:
  • XLVII, Nos. 3316—3367, ed. R.A. Coles and M.W. Haslam, with contributions from 8 others. 1980. (66) p.oxy;47 Online:
  • XLVIII, Nos. 3368—3430, ed. M. Chambers, W.E.H. Cockle, J.C. Shelton and E.G. Turner. 1981. (67) p.oxy;48
  • XLIX, Nos. 3431—3521, ed. A. Bülow-Jacobsen and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1982. (69) p.oxy;49 Online:
  • L, Nos. 3522—3600, ed. various editors. 1983. (70) p.oxy;50
  • LI, Nos. 3601—3646, ed. J.R. Rea. 1984. (71) p.oxy;51 Online:
  • LII, Nos. 3647—3694, ed. H.M. Cockle. 1984. (72) p.oxy;52 Online:
  • LIII, Nos. 3695—3721, ed. M.W. Haslam. 1986. (73) p.oxy;53 Online:
  • LIV, Nos. 3722—3776, ed. R.A. Coles, H. Maehler, P.J. Parsons, with contributions from J.M. Bremer and R.J.D. Carden. 1987. (74) p.oxy;54 Online:
  • LV, Nos. 3777—3821, ed. J.R. Rea. 1988. (75) p.oxy;55 Online:
  • LVI, Nos. 3822—3875, ed. M.G. Sirivianou, with contributions by H.-C. Gunther, P.J. Parsons, P. Schubert and others. 1989. (76) p.oxy;56
  • LVII, Nos. 3876—3914, ed. M.W. Haslam, H. El-Maghrabi and J.D. Thomas. 1990. (77) p.oxy;57 Online:
  • LVIII, Nos. 3915—3962, ed. J.R. Rea. 1991. (78) p.oxy;58 Online:
  • LIX, Nos. 3963—4008, ed. E.W. Handley, H.G. Ioannidou, P.J. Parsons and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1992. (79) p.oxy;59 Online:
  • LX, Nos. 4009—4092, ed. R.A. Coles, M.W. Haslam, P.J. Parsons and others. 1994. (80) p.oxy;60 Online:
  • LXI, Nos. 4093—4132, ed. T. Gagos, M.W. Haslam and N. Lewis. 1995. (81). There is a list of astronomical texts, nos. 4133—4300, now published in P.Oxy.Astr. p.oxy;61 Online:
  • LXII, Nos. 4301—4351, ed. J.C. Shelton and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1995. (82) p.oxy;62 Online:
  • LXIII, Nos. 4352—4400, ed. J. Rea. 1996. (83) p.oxy;63
  • LXIV, Nos. 4401—4441, ed. E.W. Handley and U. Wartenberg. 1997. (84) p.oxy;64
  • LXV, Nos. 4442—4493, ed. M.W. Haslam, A. Jones, F. Maltomini, M.L. West, W.E.H. Cockle, R.A. Coles, D. Montserrat and J.D. Thomas with contributions by 11 others. 1998. (85) p.oxy;65
  • LXVI, Nos. 4494—4544, ed. N. Gonis, J. Chapa, W.E.H. Cockle, D. Obbink, P.J. Parsons and J.D. Thomas with contributions by 8 others. 1999. (86) p.oxy;66 Online:
  • LXVII, Nos. 4545—4629, ed. R. A. Coles, N. Gonis, A. Nodar, D. Obbink, R. Stewart with contributions by 45 others. 2001. (87) There is a list of Homeric papyri, nos. 4630—4638, now published as Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchus, ed. J. Spooner. Florence 2002. (Studi e Testi di Papirologia, N. S. 1). p.oxy;67 Online:
  • LXVIII, Nos. 4639—4704, ed. N. Gonis, D. Obbink and P. J. Parsons with contributions by 15 others. 2003. (88) p.oxy;68 Online:
  • LXIX, Nos. 4705-4758, ed. N. Gonis, D. Obbink, and others. 2005. (89) p.oxy;69 Online:
  • LXX, Nos. 4759-4802, ed. N. Gonis, J. D. Thomas, and R. Hatzilambrou. 2006. (90) p.oxy;70 Online:
  • LXXI, Nos. 4803-4843, ed. R. Hatzilambrou, P.J. Parsons, J. Chapa, and others. 2007. (91) p.oxy;71 Online:
  • LXXII, Nos. 4844-4930, ed. N. Gonis, D. Colomo, and others. 2008. (92) p.oxy;72 Online:
  • LXXIII, In Honour of Peter Parsons and John Rea, Nos. 4931-4967, ed. D. Obbink, N. Gonis, and others. 2009. (94) p.oxy;73 Online:
  • LXXIV, Nos. 4968—5019, ed. D. Leith and others. (95) p.oxy;74 Online:
  • LXXV, Nos. 5020—5071, ed. H. Maehler, C. Römer, and R. Hatzilambrou. 2010. (96); nos. 5020—5048 literary, nos. 5049—5071 documentary. p.oxy;75
  • LXXVI, Nos. 5072–5100, ed. D. Colomo and J. Chapa with contributions by 22 others. 2011. (97). p.oxy;76 Online:
  • LXXVII, Nos. 5101–5126, ed. A. Benaissa with contributions by 14 others. 2011. (98). p.oxy;77 Online:
  • LXXVIII, Nos. 5127–5182, ed. R.-L. Chang, W.B. Henry, P. J. Parsons and A. Benaissa with contributions by 17 others. 2012. (99). p.oxy;78
  • LXXIX, Nos. 5183–5218, ed. W.B. Henry, P.J. Parsons with contributions by 18 others and an appendix Games, Competitors and Performers in Roman Egypt by S. Remijsen. 2014. (100). p.oxy;79
  • LXXX, Nos. 5219–5257, ed. M. Hirt, D. Leith and W.B. Henry. 2014 (101). p.oxy;80
  • LXXXI, Nos. 5258-5289, ed. J.H. Brusuelas, C. Meccariello with contributions by 20 others. 2016. (102).
  • LXXXII, Nos. 5290-5343, ed. N. Gonis, F. Maltomini, W.B. Henry and S. Slattery with contributions by 14 others. 2016. (103).
  • LXXXIII, Nos. 5344-5403, ed. P.J. Parsons and N. Gonis with contributions by 11 others. 2018 (104).
  • LXXXIV, Nos. 5404-5476, ed. A. Benaissa, N. Gonis, W.B. Henry and M. Langellotti with contributions by 14 others. 2019 (105).
  • LXXXV, Nos. 5477-5531, ed. N. Gonis, P.J. Parsons, W.B. Henry. 2020 (106).
  • LXXXVI, Nos. 5532-5572, ed. A. Benaissa, M. Zellmann-Rohrer. 2021 (107).
  • LXXXVII, Nos. 5573-5631, ed. N. Gonis, P.J. Parsons. 2023 (108).


= The Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus, ed. A. Jones. Philadelphia 1999. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 233). Nos. P.Oxy. 4133—4300a. [APS]


= The Census Register P.Oxy. 984: The Reverse of Pindar's Paeans, ed. R.S. Bagnall, B.W. Frier and I.C. Rutherford. Brussels 1997. (Pap.Brux. XXIX).


= An Ancient Christian Hymn with Musical Notation, ed. Ch. Cosgrove. Tübingen 2011. Reedition of P.Oxy. XV 1786.


= "Varia Descripta Oxyrhynchita," ed. D. Montserrat, G. Fantoni, P. Robinson. BASP 31 (1994) 11—80 and plates 1—18. Nos. 1—20, reeditions of papyri published as descripta, P.Oxy. I 159, 164—165, 167, 171, 174, 176—177, 179, 181—182, 186, 192, 201—202, 204—207. p.oxy.descr Online: BASP, Online: BASP


= Fifty Oxyrhynchus Papyri, ed. H. Zilliacus, J. Frösén, P. Hohti, J. Kaimio and M. Kaimio. Helsinki 1979. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 63). Nos. 1—50. [AB] p.oxy.hels


= P.Oxyrhyncha. Edition dokumentarischer Papyri aus der Kölner Sammlung, ed. E. Skarsouli. Paderborn 2020. (Pap.Colon. XLII). Nos. 1—35.


= Papiri documentari greci del fondo Palau-Ribes, ed. S. Daris. Barcelona 1995. (Estud.Pap. 4). Nos. 1-51. [Sem.Pap.Barc.] p.palaurib [Online:]( _Rib._Estudis_de_Papirologia_i_Filologia_Biblica_4_pp._148_7_pls._Barcelona_1995)


= Coptica Barcinonensia. Textes et documents de la 5e université d'été de papyrologie copte (P.PalauRib.Copt. 1-29 et P.PalauRib.Arab. 1-2), ed. M.J. Albarrán Martínez, A. Boud'hors and A. Delattre in the Journal of Coptic Studies 19 (2017) 1—195. Nos. 1—29. Two Arabic texts are also published. [Sem.Pap.Barc.]


= Papiros literarios griegos dei fondo Palau-Ribes, ed. J. O'Callaghan. Barcelona 1993. (Estud.Pap. 3). Nos. 1—40. [Sem.Pap.Barc.]


= Der Totenpapyrus des Pa-Month (P. Bibl. nat. 149), ed. M. A. Stadler. Wiesbaden 2003. (Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch 6).


= Urkunden aus Panopolis, ed. L.C. Youtie, D. Hagedorn, H.C. Youtie. Bonn 1980. Nos. 1—31. Reprint without plates of original publication in three articles in ZPE 7 (1971) 1—40; 8 (1971) 207—234; and 10 (1973) 101—170, from which texts reprinted as SB XII 10968—10981, 10992—10996, 11213—11224. [RH] p.panop


= Papyri from Panopolis in the Chester Beatty Library Dublin, ed. T.C. Skeat. Dublin 1964. (Chester Beatty Monographs I). Nos. 1—2. [HF] Online:


= Editionen und Aufsätze von Mitgleidern des heidelberger Instituts für Papyrologie zwischen 1982 und 2004, ed. J.M.S. Cowey and B. Kramer. (Archiv Beih. 16) 19 texts are published; nos. 1–18 are Greek and 19 is Coptic. Munich and Leipzig 2004. [KGS] p.paramone


= Notices et textes des papyrus du Musée du Louvre et de la Bibliothèque Impériale, ed. J.A. Letronne, W. Brunet de Presle and E. Egger. Paris 1865. (Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Impériale et autres bibliothèques 18.2). Separate volume of plates. Papyri nos. 1—71, mostly republished in UPZ; ostraca nos. 1—13, mostly republished in WO II; 8 mummy labels. [MF 2.66 (text only); rp. CG (text only)] Online:


= Das Archiv des Petaus, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn, L.C. Youtie and H.C. Youtie. Opladen 1969. (Pap.Colon. IV). Nos. 1—127. [FS] p.petaus


= Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique, ed. E. de Muralt. St. Petersburg 1864. Some texts now in P.Ross.Georg.; cf. SB II p. 61. Online:


= The Flinders Petrie Papyri. Dublin. (Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs). p.petr

  • I, ed. J.P. Mahaffy. 1891. (Memoirs VIII), and pt. II, plates. Nos. 1—30. [MF 1.29; rp. CG] p.petr;1 Online:
  • II, ed. J.P. Mahaffy. 1893. (Memoirs IX), and plates. Nos. 1—50. [MF 1.30; rp. CG] p.petr;2 Online:
  • III, ed. J.P. Mahaffy and J.G. Smyly. 1905. (Memoirs XI), and plates. Nos. 1—146. There are notices of Demotic material at no. 59(c) on p. 175; at no. 69(b) on p. 195 and at no. 110 on p. 275. [MF 1.31] p.petr;3 Online:

P.Petr.² I

= The Petrie Papyri, Second Edition 1, The Wills, ed. W. Clarysse. Brussels 1991. (Coll.Hellen. II). Nos. 1—31. p.petr.2


= Fragmentary Greek Papyri from Gurob in Trinity College Dublin Volume 1. P. Petrie Cahier 3231, ed. J. Gilbart Smyly (†) and Willy Clarysse. Leuven 2024. (Coll.Hellen. VII). Online: Trismegistos Online Publications


= The archive of the architektones Kleon and Theodoros (P.Petrie Kleon), ed. B. Van Beek. Brussels 2017. (Coll.Hellen. VII).


= The Petra Papyri p.petra

  • I, ed. J. Frösén, A. Arjava and M. Lehtinen with contributions by Z.T. Fiema, C.A. Kuehn, T. Purola, T. Rankinen, M. Vesterinen and M. Vierros. Amman 2002. (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 4). Nos. 1—16. p.petra;1
  • II, ed. L. Koenen, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio and R.W. Daniel, with contributions by thirteen others. Amman 2013. (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 7). No. 17. p.petra;2
  • III, ed. A. Arjava, M. Buchholz, and T. Gagos. Amman 2007. (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 5). Nos. 18-36. p.petra;3
  • IV, ed. A. Arjava, M. Buchholz, T. Gagos and M. Kaimio, with contributions by J. Kaimio, C. A. Kuehn and T. Purola. Amman 2011. (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 6). Nos. 37–49. p.petra;4
  • V, ed. A. Arjava, J. Frösén, J. Kaimio, with contributions by M. Buchholz, T. Gagos, Ahmad M. Al-Jallad, M. Kaimio, L. Koenen, M. Lehtinen, T. Purola & M. Vierros and plates prepared by M. Holappa. Amman 2018. (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 8). Nos. 50–87.


= Papyri Greco-Egizi ed altri greci monumenti dell'I.R. Museo di Corte, ed. G. Petrettini. Vienna, Stamperia Ant. Strauss. 1826. Publication of the Artemesia Papyrus (UPZ I 1) and the Zois Papyrus (UPZI 114). Online:


= Eine Steuerliste aus Pheretnuis, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Amsterdam 1993. (Stud.Amst. XXXIII). [JCG] Online: Leiden


= Papyrus de Philadelphie, ed. J. Scherer. Cairo 1947. (Publ.Soc.Fouad VII). Nos. 1—35. [MF 2.94] p.phil


= Aktenbuch des Aurelios Philammon: Prozessberichte, Annona militaris und Magie in BGU IV 1024–1027, ed. G. Poethke, S. Prignitz, V. Vaelske. Berlin and Boston 2012. (ArchivBeih. 34).


= Inediti offerti a Rosario Pintaudi per il suo 65° compleanno, ed. D. Minutoli. Firenze 2012. Nos. 1–70 p.pintaudi


= Papiri letterari greci, ed. A. Carlini et al. Pisa 1978. (Biblioteca degli studi classici e orientali). Nos. 1—38.


= "Textes coptes. Extraits de la correspondence de St. Pésunthius, évêque de Coptos, et de plusieurs documents analogues (juridiques et économiques)," ed. E. Revillout in three issues of the RevÉgypt 9 (1900) 133—177 Online:; 10 (1902) 34—47 Online:; and 14 (1914) 22—32 Online: Republication of some texts: 64 = BKU I 78; 65 = P.KRU 115; 67 = BKU I 48; 72 = P.KRU 109; 73 = P.KRU 111; and 83 = P.KRU 40.


= Festschrift für Günter Poethke zum 70. Geburtstag (Archiv 55 [2009]). Nos. 1—40. p.poethke


= Urkunden des Politeuma der Juden von Herakleopolis (144/3 ‚ 133/2 v. Chr.), ed. K. Maresch and J.M.S. Cowey. Wiesbaden 2001. (Pap.Colon. XXIX). Nos. 1-20. [FS] p.polit.iud


= Ein frühbyzantinisches Szenario für die Amtswechslung in der Sitonie: die griechischen Papyri aus Pommersfelden (PPG), mit einem Anhang über die Pommersfeldener Digestenfragmente und die Überlieferungsgeschichte der Digesten, ed. A.J.B. Sirks, P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Munich 1996. (Münch.Beitr. 86). [Beck] Online: Leiden


= Papyri Graecae Wessely Pragenses, ed. R. Pintaudi, R. Dostálová and L. Vidman. Firenze. [LGF]. See also P.Prag.Varcl.


= Die Satzungen einer ägyptischen Kultgenossenschaft aus der Ptolemäerzeit nach einem demotischen Papyrus in Prag, ed. W. Erichsen. Copenhagen 1959. (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 4.1).


= Papyri Wessely Pragenses, ed. L. Varcl, in Listy Filologické (texts, translations, notes, but no indexes). [Before 1988 known as P.Prag.] [MF 2.70]

  • I, nos. 1—13, LF 70 (1946) 273—286 (SB VI 9052—9064).
    • nos. 14—25, LF 71 (1947) 177—185 (SB VI 9072—9083).
  • II, nos. 1—3, LF (Suppl. Eunomia) 80 (1957) 16—31 and 56—80 (SB VI 9406—9408).
    • nos. 4—8, LF (Eun.) 81 (1958) 6—27 (SB VI 9409).
    • nos. 9—10, LF (Eun.) 81 (1958) 69—77 (SB VI 9409).
    • nos. 11—17, LF (Eun.) 82 (1959) 3—18 (SB VI 9410).
    • nos. 18—21, LF (Eun.) 82 (1959) 81—86 (SB VI 9411—9414).
    • nos. 22—33, LF (Eun.) 83 (1960) 16—25 (SB VI 9415).
    • nos. 34—39, LF (Eun.) 83 (1960) 50—55 (SB VI 9415).
    • nos. 40—53, LF (Eun.) 84 (1961) 37—46 (SB VI 9415).


= Papyri in the Princeton University Collections.

  • I, ed. A.C. Johnson and H.B. van Hoesen. Baltimore 1931. (The Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Archaeology X). Nos. 1—14. [MF 2.36; rp. CG] p.princ;1 Online: HathiTrust
  • II, ed. E.H. Kase, Jr. Princeton 1936. (Princ.Stud.Pap. I). Nos. 15—107. The Coptic verso of no. 84 has been published in ZPE 96 (1993) 227—229 (L.S.B. MacCoull). [MF 2.37; rp. CG] p.princ;2 Online: HathiTrust
  • III, ed. A.C. Johnson and S.P. Goodrich. Princeton 1942. (Princ.Stud.Pap. IV). Nos. 108—191. [MF 2.38; rp. CG] p.princ;3


= A Papyrus Roll in the Princeton Collection, ed. E.H. Kase, Jr. Baltimore 1933. [MF 2.71] Text reprinted as SB V 7621. A new edition by R.S. Bagnall and K.A. Worp in Archiv 30 (1984) 53—82.

P.Princ.Scheide (see Princ.Stud.Pap. III).


= Demotic Papyri and Ostraca from Qasr Ibrim, ed. J. D. Ray. London 2005. Nos. 1–40. Nos. 1—11 are papyri, nos.12—40 are ostraca. All are Demotic. [EES]


= Quelques textes démotiques archaïques, trans. E. Revillout with facsimile drawings of 10 texts by E. Boudier. Paris 1895. Online:


= "Papyri and Ostraka from Quseir al-Qadim," ed. R.S. Bagnall, in BASP 23 (1986) 1—60 and plates 1—27. Nos. 1—23 are papyri (3 Latin), 24—48 ostraca (3 Latin), 49—74 dipinti, 75 mummy labels, 76 inscriptions on mica. Texts reprinted as SB XX 14248—14277. Online: NYU


= Festschrift zum 100-jährigen Bestehen der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. Vienna 1983. Nos. 1—166. Nos. 1—2 are hieroglyphic; 3—5 Demotic; 6—12 Coptic; 13 Pehlevi; 14—19 Hebrew; 20—162 Greek; nos. 163—166 Latin. All these texts are on papyrus. Separate volume of plates. [ÖNB] p.rain.cent


= Neue Texte aus dem antiken Unterricht, ed. H. Harrauer and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Vienna 1985. (MPER XV). Nos. 1—184. [ÖNB]


= Neue Texte und Dokumentation zum Koptisch-Unterricht, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Vienna 1990. (MPER XVIII). Nos. 1—332. [ÖNB]


= Recueil de textes démotiques et bilingues, ed. P.W. Pestman with J. Quaegebeur and R.L. Vos. Leiden 1977. Part I, Transcriptions (and notes): nos. 1—3, 7—10, Demotic; 4—6 Demotic with Greek subscriptions (Greek republished as P.Brookl. 88—90); 11, a graffito, is an Egyptian text written in Greek letters; no. 12 a Greek inscription with some Egyptian words in Greek letters; 13 and 14 are Greek texts with Demotic subscriptions (no. 13 = P.Gen. I 32, no. 14 = Chrest.Wilck. 89); nos. 15—23 are mummy labels, (21 is Demotic, the others are bilingual). Part II, Traductions (and notes). Part III, Index et Planches. [EJB]


  • I, Papyrus grecs et démotiques recueillis en Égypte, ed. T. Reinach, W. Spiegelberg and S. de Ricci. Paris 1905. Nos. 1—58 Greek. There are 7 Demotic texts and one Greek literary ostracon ("A"). The Demotic texts and the Ptolemaic documents nos. 7—40 are reedited in P.Dion. [Rp. CG] p.rein;1 Online:
  • II, Les Papyrus Théodore Reinach, ed. P. Collart. Cairo 1940. (BIFAO 39). Nos. 59—119 papyri; 120—143 ostraca. [MF 2.46] p.rein;2 Online: IFAO


= Revenue Laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus, ed. B.P. Grenfell. Oxford 1896. Reed. J. Bingen in SB Beiheft 1, 1952. [MF 1.51; Bh. MF 2.75] p.rev;;2nded Online:


= Papyrus coptes. Actes et contrats des museés de Boulaq et du Louvre, ed. E. Revillout. Paris 1876. Nos. 1—14, 11 bis and 12 bis from the Bulaq Museum and nos. 1—10 from the Louvre. No. 1 from the Louvre was republished in P.KRU 40; nos. 3—10 from the Louvre were also published by Revillout in the Comptes Rendus of the First International Congress of Orientalists. Paris 1873, III 55—68. Online:


= Papyri russischer und georgischer Sammlungen. Tiflis. [Rp. AMH]; Online:

  • I, Literarische Texte, ed. G. Zereteli. 1925. Nos. 1—24. [MF 2.1]
  • II, Ptolemäische und frührömische Texte, ed. O. Krüger. 1929. Nos. 1—43. [MF 2.2] p.ross.georg;2
  • III, Spätrömische und byzantinische Texte, ed. G. Zereteli and P. Jernstedt. 1930. Nos. 1—57. [MF 2.3] p.ross.georg;3
  • IV, Die Kome-Aphrodito Papyri der Sammlung Lichačov, ed. P. Jernstedt. 1927. Nos. 1—27. [MF 2.4]
  • V, Varia, ed. G. Zereteli and P. Jernstedt. 1935. Nos. 1—73. [MF 2.5]


= Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester. Manchester.

  • I, Literary Texts, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1911. Nos. 1—61. [JRL] p.ryl;1 Online:
  • II, Documents of the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, ed. J. de M. Johnson, V. Martin and A.S. Hunt. 1915. Nos. 62—456. [JRL] p.ryl;2 Online:
  • III, Theological and Literary Texts, ed. C.H. Roberts. 1938. Nos. 457—551. [JRL] Online:
  • IV, Documents of the Ptolemaic, Roman and Byzantine Periods, ed. C.H. Roberts and E.G. Turner. 1952. Nos. 552—717. [JRL] p.ryl;4 Online:


= Catalogue of the Coptic Manuscripts in the Collection of the John Rylands Library, ed. W.E. Crum. Manchester 1909. Nos. 1—467. Online:


= Catalogue of the Demotic Papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, ed. F.Ll. Griffith. Manchester 1909. [Rp. GO]


= The Archive of Aurelius Sakaon: Papers of an Egyptian Farmer in the last Century of Theadelphia, ed. G.M. Parássoglou. Bonn 1978. (Pap. Texte Abh. XXIII). Nos. 1—98; ostraca nos. 78—81, 83, 85, 88, 90—91. [RH] p.sakaon


= Les archives de Sarapion et de ses fils: une exploitation agricole aux environs d'Hermoupolis Magna (de 90 à 133 p.C.), ed. J. Schwartz. Cairo 1961. (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Bibliothèque d'Étude 29). Nos. 1—103. [SEVPO] p.sarap


= Wadi Sarga, Coptic and Greek Texts, ed. W.E. Crum and H.I. Bell, with an introduction by R. Campbell Thompson. Copenhagen 1922. (Coptica III). The Greek and Coptic texts are listed on p. xv; no. 9 is on vellum, no. 12 on papyrus, the remainder on ostraca (= O.Sarga). All the documentary texts listed in P.Sarga on page xv as Greek, nos. 121—127, 147, 150—151, 155—156, 159—160, 195, 199—201, 205—374, 380—385 are reprinted in SB XVIII. There is a concordance in SB XIX, Abschnitt 7. Many of these texts contain a word or more in Coptic. Online:


= Eine demotische Schenkungsurkunde aus der Zeit des Darius, ed. W. Erichsen. Wiesbaden 1963. (Akad.Wiss.Mainz, Abh. geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1962, 6).


= Von Sklaven, Pächtern und Politikern: Beiträge zum Alltag in Ägypten, Griechenland und Rom. Δουλικὰ ἔργα zu Ehren von Reinhold Scholl, ed. L. Popko, N. Quenouille and M. Rücker, with contributions by many others. Berlin and Boston 2012. (ArchivBeih. 33). Nos. 1–15. p.scholl


= Charta papyracea graece scripta Musei Borgiani Velitris qua series incolarum Ptolemaidis Arsinoiticae in aggeribus et fossis operantium exhibetur, ed. N. Schow. Rome 1788. Text republished as SB I 5124. Online:


= Papyri Graecae Schøyen

  • I, ed. R. Pintaudi. Florence 2005. Nos. 1—25; 1—25 literary; 14—15 and 17—20 parchment, 11 wood tablet, 24 bronze tablet, 25 bronze tablet from Asia Minor [LGF]
  • II, ed. D. Minutoli and R. Pintaudi. Florence 2010. (Pap.Flor. 40). Nos. 26–34.


= Die Ägyptische Schreibertradition in Aufbau, Sprache und Schrift der demotischen Kaufverträge aus ptolemäischer Zeit, ed. K.-Th. Zauzich. I, Text; II, Anmerkungen, Indices, Tabellen der Anlage. Wiesbaden 1968. (Äg.Abh. 19). A catalogue of sales (nos. 1—95) and associated cession documents (nos. 96—159), not an edition of texts. In some cases, however, a transcript and translation of a text are given. These are as follows: 1, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 20, 26, 30 (unpublished), 42, 47, 56, 94, 97, 100, 108, 109, 115 (unpublished), 118, 127, 132 and 157. No. 118 has been republished by G. Vittman in Enchoria 15 (1987) 99—112. [OH]


= Griechische literarische Papyri, ed. W. Schubart. Berlin 1950. (Berichte über die Verhandl. der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leipzig, Phil.-Hist. Kl. 97, 5). Nos. 1—43. [Rp. CG]


= "Koptische Schutzbriefe," ed. W. Till (with an historical-legal study by H. Liebesny). MDAI (Kairo) 8 (1938) 71—127. Nos. 1—103. Nos. 2—3, 12—13, 17, 56, 59, 68, 77, 84—86, 92, 95, 97, 99—101 are papyri. The rest are ostraca. No. 84 is reedited as P.Bal. 188.


= Papyri Selectae, ed. E. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Leiden 1965. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XIII). Nos. 1—24 papyri; no. 25 mummy labels (i—ii) and ostraca (iii—vi). [EJB]


= Select Papyri, ed. R.G. Warga, Jr. Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988. Nos. 1—13. [UMI, order no. 1992-8823279] p.sel.warga


= Papiri greci e latini. (Pubblicazioni della Società Italiana per la ricerca dei papiri greci e latini in Egitto). Florence. The first eleven volumes were edited by a number of persons under the general direction of G. Vitelli and M. Norsa. A list of reeditions of documentary texts is given by P. Pruneti in Pap.Flor. XIX.2, pp. 475—502. Volumes 16- are published under the title Papiri della Società Italiana in the series Edizioni dell'Istituto papirologico G. Vitelli.

  • I, 1912. Nos. 1—112. [MF 1.65; rp. Bd'E] psi;1 Online:
  • II, 1913. Nos. 113—156. [MF 1.66; rp. Bd'E] psi;2 Online:
  • III, 1914. Nos. 157—279. Nos. 254—279 are ostraca. [MF 1.67] psi;3 Online:
  • IV, 1917. Nos. 280—445. [MF 1.68]] psi;4 Online:
  • V, 1917. Nos. 446—550. No. 460 is an ostracon. [MF 1.69] psi;5 Online:
  • VI, 1920. Nos. 551—730. [MF 1.70] psi;6 Online:
  • VII, 1925. Nos. 731—870. [MF 1.71; rp. Bd'E] psi;7 Online:
  • VIII, 1927. Nos. 871—1000. Nos. 983—1000 are ostraca. [MF 1.72] psi;8 Online: HathiTrust
  • IX, 1929. Nos. 1001—1096. [MF 1.74; rp. Bd'E] psi;9
  • X, 1932. Nos. 1097—1181. [MF 1.75; rp. Bd'E] psi;10
  • XI, 1935. Nos. 1182—1222. [MF 1.76; rp. Bd'E] psi;11
  • XII, fasc. I, ed. M. Norsa; fasc. II, ed. V. Bartoletti. 1943—1951. Nos. 1223—1295; nos. 1268—1271 are ostraca. [MF 2.88; FL] psi;12
  • XIII, ed. M. Norsa and V. Bartoletti. 1949—1953. Nos. 1296—1370. [MF 2.89; fasc. 2 only, FL] psi;13
  • XIV, ed. V. Bartoletti. 1957. Nos. 1371—1452. [FL] psi;14
  • XV, ed. †V. Bartoletti, G. Bastianini, G. Messeri, F. Montanari, R. Pintaudi. 2008. Nos. 1453—1574. Nos. 1453—1468 previously published by V. Bartoletti and M. Manfredi in PSI XV, fasc. 1, 1979 (all literary); nos. 1478—1479, 1484, 1489, 1508, 1513—1515, 1522, 1526, 1528, 1531, 1532, 1536—1538, 1540, 1543, 1544, 1546, 1556, 1557, 1561—1566 and 1569 previously published in PSI XV Estr or in SB XII. psi;15
  • XVI, ed. G. Bastianini, F. Maltomini, G. Messeri. 2013. Nos. 1575—1653. Online:
  • XVII, ed. F. Maltomini, S. Russo, M. Stroppa. 2018. Nos. 1654-1715. Online:

PSI XV Estr.

= Dai Papiri della Societa Italiana, Estratto dal vol. XV dei P.S.I., ed. M. Manfredi. Florence 1966. This volume contains PSI XV 1478—1479, 1484, 1489, 1508, 1513—1514, 1522, 1526, 1532, 1536—1538, 1540, 1546, 1557, 1562, 1564—1566 and 1569. Another Estratto dal vol. XV, ed. A. Biscardi, Florence 1978, has 1515. In addition: PSI XV 1528 = SB XII 11046; 1531 = SB XII 11047; 1543 = SB XII 11049; 1544 = SB XII 11048; 1556 = SB XII 11050; 1561 = SB XII 11052; 1563 = SB XII 11051. All are republished in PSI XV.

PSI Com.

= (Dai) Papiri della Società Italiana. (ComunicazioniVitelli)

  • 6, Papiri della Società Italiana alla Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Seminario 2003/2004, ed. G. Bastianini, M. S. Funghi and G. Messeri. Firenze 2005. (ComunicazioniVitelli 6 [2005] pages 1–164, tav. I–XIX). [prev. PSI Com. I] Nos. 1–20.
  • 8, Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, ed. G. Bastianini and others. Firenze 2009. (ComunicazioniVitelli 8 [2009] pages 1–86, tav. I–VIII). Nos. 1–15.
  • 9, Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, ed. G. Bastianini and others. Firenze 2011. (ComunicazioniVitelli 9 [2011] pages 1–55, tav. I–VIII). [prev. PSI Com. II] Nos. 1–12.;9
  • 11, Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, ed. G. Bastianini and others. Firenze 2013. (ComunicazioniVitelli 11 [2013] pages 1–86, tav. I–XV). [prev. PSI Com. III] Nos. 1–16.
  • 12, Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, ed. G. Bastianini and S. Russo. Firenze 2015. (ComunicazioniVitelli 12 [2015] pages 1–61, tav. I–XII). Nos. 1–14. Online:
  • 13, Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, ed. G. Bastianini and S. Russo. Firenze 2019. (ComunicazioniVitelli 13 [2019]). Online:

PSI Congr.XI

= Dai papiri della Società Italiana: Omaggio all'XI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. Florence 1965. Nos. 1—14.


= Trenta testi greci da papiri letterari e documentari editi in occasione del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. Florence 1983. Nos. 1—30.

PSI Congr.XX

= Dai papiri della Società Italiana: Omaggio al XX Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. Florence 1992. Nos. 1—20.


= Dai papiri della Società Italiana: Omaggio al XXI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. Florence 1995. Nos. 1—19.

PSI Corr. I

= Correzioni e riedizioni di papiri della Società Italiana I, ed. M. Manfredi. Florence 1977. A reedition of PSI 240, 835, 1148, 1150, 1156 and 1244.


= Papiri dell' Iliade, ed. M. Manfredi. Florence 2000. Nos. 1—24.


= Papiri dell' Odissea. Seminario papirologico 1977—78, ed. M. Manfredi. Florence 1979. Nos. 1—14.


= Eine Neue Urkunde zu der Siegesfeier des Ptolemaios IV, ed. W. Spiegelberg. (SBMünchen 1926.2). Munich 1926. Online: BAdW


= Papyri in Memory of P. J. Sijpesteijn, ed. A. J. B. Sirks and K. A. Worp. Oakville, Conn. 2007. (Am.Stud.Pap. 40). Nos. 1-61 (no. 38a-y are ostraka). [Oxbow] p.sijp Online: AWDL


= A Family Archive from Siut, from Papyri in the British Museum Including an Account of a Trial Before the Laocritae in the Year B.C. 170, ed. H.F.H. Thompson. Oxford 1934. With a separate portfolio of plates. Inv. nos. 10575 and 10591-10600.


= Slavery in Pharaonic Egypt, by A. El-M. Bakir. Cairo 1952, repr. 1978. (Supplément aux Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier 18). There are plates (drawings and one photo) of Abnormal Hieratic and Demotic texts which are not transcribed in this volume.


= Papyrus de la Sorbonne

  • I, ed. H. Cadell. Paris 1966. (Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, Série "Textes et Documents," t. X: Travaux de l'Institut de Papyrologie de Paris IV). Nos. 1—63 are papyri, nos. 64—68 ostraca. [PUF] p.sorb;1
  • II, Un Codex fiscal Hermopolite (P.Sorb. II 69), ed. J. Gascou. Atlanta 1994. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXXII). No. 69. [Oxbow] p.sorb;2 Online: AWDL
  • III, ed. H. Cadell, W. Clarysse and K. Robic. Paris 2011. (Pap.Paris. I). Nos. 70–144. p.sorb;3


= Coptica Sorbonensia. Textes de la 6e école d’été de papyrologie copte, Paris, 2-11 juillet 2018 (P.Sorb.Copt.), ed. A. Boud'hors and A. Delattre. Paris 2022. (Studia Papyrologica et Aegyptiaca Parisina 4). Nos. 1—45.


= Das Archiv des Soterichos, ed. S. Omar. Opladen 1979. (Pap.Colon. VIII). Nos. 1—28. [FS] p.soter


= Griechische Papyrus der Kaiserlichen Universitäts- und Landes-bibliothek zu Strassburg, ed. F. Preisigke. Leipzig.

  • I, 1912. Nos. 1—80. [MF 2.39, (incl. II)] p.stras;1 Online:
  • II, 1920. Nos. 81—125. [See I] p.stras;2 Online:
  • III, Papyrus grecs de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, ed. P. Collomp et ses élèves. Paris 1948. (Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg 97). Nos. 126—168. p.stras;3
  • IV, Papyrus grecs de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, ed. J. Schwartz et ses élèves. Strasbourg 1963. (Publications de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg I). Nos. 169—300 (with index to Nos. 126—300). [BNU] p.stras;4
  • V, ed. J. Schwartz et ses élèves. 1973. (Publications III). Nos. 301—500. [BNU] p.stras;5
  • VI, ed. J. Schwartz et ses élèves. 1971—1975. (Publications IV). Nos. 501—600. Issued in fascicles 1/2, 3, 4 and 5. Nos. 501—520 were first published in the Bulletin de la Faculté des Lettres de Strasbourg 48 (1969—1970) 265—286. These were then re-issued with nos. 521—540 as Publications IV, 1/2, 1971. Index to nos. 501—800 by B. Kramer in Publications X. [BNU] p.stras;6
  • VII, ed. J. Schwartz et ses élèves. 1976—1979. Issued in fascicles 1/2, 3, 4 and 5. (Publications V). Nos. 601—700. Index to nos. 501—800 by B. Kramer in Publications X. [BNU] p.stras;7
  • VIII, ed. J. Schwartz et ses élèves. 1980-1985. Issued in fascicles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (Publications VI). Nos. 701—800. Index to nos. 501—800 by B. Kramer in Publications X (1986). [BNU] p.stras;8
  • IX, ed. J. Schwartz et ses élèves. 1985-1989. Issued in fascicles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (Publications IX). Nos. 801—900. [BNU]
  • X, Un dossier fiscal hermopolitain d'époque romaine conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg : P. Strasb. inv. gr. 897-898, 903-905, 939-968, 982-1000, 1010-1013, 1918-1929, ed. R.-L. Chang. Paris 2014. (IFAO Bibliothèque générale 46). Nos. 901-903.


= Coptica Argentoratensia. Textes et documents de la troisième Université d’Eté de Papyrologie Copte (Strasbourg, 18 - 25 juillet 2010) ed. A. Boud'hors. Paris 2014. (Cahiers de la Bibliothèque Copte 19)


= Die demotischen Papyrus der Strassburger Bibliothek, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1902. 31 Demotic texts and 1 Greek text (p. 46) not numbered serially. No index but there is a table of contents on p. 51. Separate portfolio of plates. Online:


= Das Archiv der Taricheuten Amenneus und Onnophris aus Tanis, ed. C. Armoni. Paderborn 2013. (Pap.Colon. XXXVII). Nos. 1-15.


= The Tebtunis Papyri. London.

  • I, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly. 1902. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco-Roman Archaeology I; Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 4). Nos. 1—264. [EES] Online:
  • II, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1907. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco-Roman Archaeology II). Reprint 1970. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 52). Nos. 265—689. Ostraca (numbered separately) 1—20. [Rp. EES] Online:
  • III, pt. I, ed. A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly, assisted by B.P. Grenfell, E. Lobel and M. Rostovtzeff. 1933. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco-Roman Archaeology III; Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 23). Nos. 690—825. [EES] Online:
  • III, pt. II, ed. A.S. Hunt, J.G. Smyly and C.C. Edgar. 1938. (Univ. of California Publications, Graeco-Roman Archaeology IV; Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 25). Nos. 826—1093. [EES]
  • IV, ed. J.G. Keenan and J.C. Shelton. 1976. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 64). Nos. 1094—1150. [EES]
  • V, Regaling Officials in Ptolemaic Egypt, ed. A. Verhoogt. Leiden and Boston 2005. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXXII). Nos 1—5 are P.Tebt. V 1151—1155. [EJB]


= Papiri Greci da Tebtynis della Università di Padova.

  • I, ed. A. Soldati. 2015. (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures 85,1). Nos. 1-25.


= Catalogo dei papiri greci del Museo di Scienze Archeologiche e d’Arte dell’Università di Padova (P.Tebt.Pad. invv. 1-615). Online: Padova University Press


= Edition und Kommentar neuer Papyri aus den französisch-italienischen Grabungen in Tebtynis (Ägypten), ed. N. Quenouille. Trier 2012. Nos. 1—27.


= Papyri from Tebtunis in Egyptian and Greek, ed. W.J. Tait. London 1977. (Egypt Exploration Society, Texts from Excavations III). Nos. 1—23 Demotic; 24—34 Hieratic; 35—37 Hieroglyphic; 38—53 Greek. Only nos. 47—53 are documentary in nature. [EES]


= New Texts in the Economy of Tebtunis, ed. E.W. Wall. Diss. Duke University, Durham, N.C. 1983. Nos. 1—12. Texts reprinted as SB XVIII 13782—13793. [UMI, order no. 1983—20613]


= The Archive of Teos and Thabis from Early Ptolemaic Thebes. P. Brux. Dem. Inv. E. 8252-8256, ed. M. Depauw. Turnhout 2000. (Monographies Reine Élisabeth 8). Nos. 1-13. No. 13 is linen. [FERE]


= Testi Demotici I, ed. G. Botti. Includes 3 papyri from Bologna, 6 papyri from Florence, 7 ostraca from Florence and one papyrus from Naples. There is a pocket of plates. Florence 1941.

P.Testi Med.

= Testi Medici su Papiro, ed. I. Andorlini. Atti del Seminario di studio (Firenze, 3-4 giugno 2002), Florence 2004.


= Papyrus de Théadelphie, ed. P. Jouguet. Paris 1911. Nos. 1—61, all reedited in P.Sakaon. [Rp. CG] Online:


= The Family of the Tiberii Iulii Theones, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Amsterdam 1976. (Stud.Amst. V). Nos. 1—29. [AMH]


= Le Papyrus Thmouis 1, colonnes 68—160, ed. S. Kambitsis. Paris 1985. (Publ.Sorb.Pap. III).


= Essays and Texts in Honor of J.David Thomas, ed. T. Gagos and R.S. Bagnall. Oakville 2001. (Am.Stud.Pap. XLII) Nos. 1-31. Nos. 8 and 9 are ostraca; nos. 10 and 19 inscriptions; nos. 16 and 17 are wooden mummy labels; no. 18 a limestone mummy label; no. 31 is a graffito. No. 6 is Latin; Nos. 20, 24 and 25 are bilingual, Greek and Latin; no. 18 is Demotic and no. 31 is Coptic. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL


= "Papyri graeci Regii Taurinensis Musei Aegyptii," ed. A. Peyron in Reale Accademia di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Memorie 31 (1827) 9—188 and 33 (1829) 1—80. Nos. 1-14. Texts republished in UPZ and P.Tor.Amen. [MF 2.85] Online:


= L'Archivio di Amenothes figlio di Horos. Testi demotici e greci relativi ad una famiglia di imbalsamatori del secondo sec. a.C., ed. P.W. Pestman. Milan 1981. (Mus.Tor. V). Nos. [5], 6—8 and 12 are Greek; nos. 1—4, 9—11 and 13—17 Demotic. There is a Demotic note to no. 7. [CG]


= L'Archivio demotico da Deir el-Medineh, ed. G. Botti. Part 1, Testo; Part 2, Tavole. Florence 1967. (Mus.Tor. I). Nos. 1—45. The versos of nos. 1 and 9 have been reversed in the publication. [FLM]


= The Coptic codices of the Museo Egizio, Turin: historical, literary and codicological features, ed. P. Buzi and T. Orlandi. Modena 2023. (Studi del Museo egizio 4). Online:


= Il Processo di Hermias e altri documenti dell'archivio dei choachiti, papiri greci e demotici conservati a Torino e in altre collezioni d'Italia, ed. P.W. Pestman. Turin 1992. (Mus.Tor. VI). Nos. 3—5, 8—9 and 11—12 are Greek; 1—2, 6—7, 10 and 13—14 Demotic. There are Greek receipts and dockets to nos. 2 and 10; a Greek docket to no. 13. A few Demotic signs are found on no. 9.


= Papyri der Trierer Papyrussammlung.

  • I, Neue Quellen zum Prozessrecht der Ptolemäerzeit. Gerichtsakten aus der Trierer Papyrussammlung (P.Trier I). Ed. B. Kramer, C. Sánchez-Moreno Ellart. Berlin and Boston 2017. (ArchivBeih. 36). Nos. 1–14.
  • II, Stellenbesetzung und Besoldung in der Militärverwaltung der Ptolemäerzeit (P.Trier II 15). Ed. C. Werner. Berlin and Boston 2019. (ArchivBeih. 38). No. 15.


= Les Papyrus démotiques de Tsenhor, ed. P.W. Pestman. Leuven 1994. (Stud. Demotica IV). Nos. 1—17. [Peeters]

  • I, Textes
  • II, Paléographie et Planches


= Papyri Turkuenses: die Papyri im Besitz der Universitätsbibliothek Turku, ed. H. Koskenniemi, E. Koskenniemi, J. Koskenniemi. Helsinki 2014. (Commentationes humanarum litterarum 131). Nos. 1—99.


= Papyri Greek and Egyptian Edited by Various Hands in Honour of Eric Gardner Turner on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, ed. P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea and others. London 1981. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 68). Nos. 1—55. No. 15 is Demotic and no. 55 is Coptic. [EES]

PUG (see P.Genova).


= Der Fluch des Christen Sabinus, Papyrus Upsaliensis 8, ed. G. Björk. Uppsala 1938. (Arbeten utgivna med understöd av Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond 47). [UUB]


= Ten Uppsala Papyri, ed. B. Frid. Bonn 1981. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXVIII). Nos. 1—10. [RH]

P.Van Minnen

= Unending Variety: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen, ed. A.J. Connor, J. Dijkstra, F.A.J. Hoogendijk. Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2024. (P.L. Bat. 42) Nos. 1—52.


= Papyri Varsovienses, ed. G. Manteuffel, L. Zawadowski and C. Rozenberg. Warsaw 1935. (Universitas Varsoviensis, Acta Facultatis Litterarum I). Nos. 1—49 papyri; 50—53 ostraca. [Rp. CG 1974 with addendum by Z. Borkowski]. Second series in "Papyri e collectione Varsoviensi. Series nova," ed. G. Manteuffel in JJurPap 2 (1948) 81—110. Nos. 1—8. Texts reprinted as SB VI 9372—9375. Online: MHP


= I Papiri Vaticani di Aphrodito, ed. R. Pintaudi. Rome 1980. Separate portfolio of plates. Nos. 1—26. [VAT]


= Classicorum Auctorum e Vaticanis codicibus editorum collectio, ed. A. Mai. Vol. IV (Rome 1831, Online: contains on pp. 442-447, P.Vatican B (UPZ I 7); vol. V (Rome 1833, Online: contains on pp. 350-361, P.Vatican E, F (UPZ I 15, 16) and on pp. 600-604, P.Vatican A, C, D (UPZ I 60, 51, 45). Nos. A, B, C and D were reedited by B. Peyron in "Papiri greci del Museo di Londra e della Bibliotheca Vaticana" in Reale Accademia di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Memorie, Serie II 3 (1841). This article also reprints P.Forshall (q.v.) II-XV and SVIII.


= Ägyptische Verpfründungsverträge mit Vermögensabtretungen, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Heidelberg 1923. (SBHeidelberg 1923.6). Translations of 4 texts are given here. Online:


= Veteranen unter den Severern und frühen Soldatenkaisern: Die Dokumentensammlungen der Veteranen Aelius Sarapammon und Aelius Syrion, ed. P. Sänger. Stuttgart 2011. (Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien 48). Nos. 1–19.


= Einige Wiener Papyri, ed. E. Boswinkel. Leiden 1942. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. II). Nos. 1—17. [MF 2.56]


= Einige Wiener Papyri, ed. R.P. Salomons. Amsterdam 1976. (Stud.Amst. IV). Nos. 1—23. [AMH]


= Einige Wiener Papyri, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn. Leiden 1963. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XI). Nos. 1—28. [MF 2.65]


= Fünfunddreissig Wiener Papyri, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1976. (Stud.Amst. VI). (Separate volume of plates). Nos. 1—35. There is Demotic on the versos of nos. 9, 10, 12—15. [TPC] Online: Leiden


= Einige Wiener Papyri, ed. K.A. Worp. Amsterdam 1972. (Stud.Amst. I). Nos. 1—24. [AMH] Online: Leiden


= The Warren Papyri, ed. M. David, B.A. van Groningen and J.C. van Oven. Leiden 1941. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. I). Nos. 1—21. [MF 2.55]


= Washington University Papyri.

  • I, ed. V.B. Schuman. Missoula 1980. (Am.Stud.Pap. XVII). Nos. 1—61. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • II, Papyri from the Washington University Collection, St. Louis, Missouri, Part II, ed. K. Maresch and Z.M. Packman. Opladen 1990. (Pap.Colon. XVIII). Nos. 62—108. [FS]


= The Wisconsin Papyri, ed. P.J. Sijpesteijn.

  • I, Leiden 1967. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XVI). Nos. 1—37. [EJB]
  • II, Zutphen 1977. (Stud.Amst. XI). Nos. 38—87. [TPC]


= Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts Presented to Klaas A. Worp on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. F. A. J. Hoogendijk and B. P. Muhs. Leiden 2008. nos. 1—4 are Greek semi-literary papyri; no. 5 is a Coptic semi-literary parchment; nos. 6—11, 53 Greek and Latin subliterary texts (53 an ostrakon); no. 12 is a Demotic text on a wooden board; nos. 13—37 are Greek documentary papyri (no. 27 is Greek/Latin); nos. 38—52, 54—61 are Greek documentary ostraka; nos. 62—64 are Coptic documents (62 an ostrakon); no. 65 is an Arabic papyrus. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXXIII). [EJB]


= Mitteilungen aus der Würzburger Papyrussammlung

  • I, ed. U. Wilcken. Berlin 1934. (AbhBerlin 1933, 6; rp. in U. Wilcken, Berliner Akademieschriften zur Alten Geschichte und Papyruskunde II [Leipzig 1970] 43—164). Nos. 1—22. [MF 2.28]
  • II, ed. H. Essler. Berlin 2024. (ArchBeih. 49). Nos. 23-57.


= The Documents from the Bar Kochba Period in the Cave of Letters.

  • I, Greek Papyri, ed. N. Lewis. Jerusalem 1989. This volume contains the Greek texts of the papers of Babatha, nos. 5, 11—35 and one additional Greek text, no. 37. The Aramaic and Nabataean subscriptions to nos. 15, 17, 18, 19—22 and 27 are edited by Y.Yadin and J.C. Greenfield in a separate section on pages 135—149. The Aramaic and Nabataean—Aramaic texts of the Babatha archive, nos. 1—4, 6—10 and 36, are published in P.Yadin II. No. 36 has been subsumed under no. 9; see page 271 and figures 34 and 35 in P.Yadin II. [Israel Exploration Society]
  • II, Hebrew, Aramaic and Nabataean—Aramaic Papyri, ed. Y.Yadin, J.C. Greenfield, A. Yardeni and B.A. Levine with contributions by H. M. Cotton and J. Naveh. Separate volume of plates. Jerusalem 2002. The texts are not published in numerical order, but rather in the following categories: A, Legal Papyri with subheadings: Hebrew Legal Papyri, nos. 44—46; Aramaic Legal Papyri, nos. 7, 8, 10, 42, 43 and 47; Nabataean—Aramaic Legal Papyri, nos. 1—4, 6 and 9. B, The Bar Kokhba Letters with subheadings: Hebrew and Aramaic Letters, nos. 49—51, 53—58 and 60—63; Greek Letters, nos. 52 and 59. There is an illegible Greek subscription in no. 8 and an illegible Greek text (plate only) no. 64. [Israel Exploration Society]


= Yale Papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

  • I, ed. J.F. Oates, A.E. Samuel and C.B. Welles. New Haven and Toronto 1967. (Am.Stud.Pap. II). Nos. 1—85. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • II, ed. S.A. Stephens. Chico 1985. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXIV). Nos. 86—136. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • III, ed. P. Schubert. Oakville 2001. (Am.Stud.Pap. XLI). No. 137. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • IV, ed. H. Cuvigny, R. Duttenhöfer, A.E. Hansen. American Society of Papyrologists 2021. (Am.Stud.Pap. LV). Nos. 137—191.


= Coptic Documentary Papyri from the Beinecke Library (Yale University), ed. L.S.B. MacCoull. Cairo 1986. (Textes et Documents 17). Nos. 1—39. The Greek sections of the codex, P.YaleCopt. 1, have been reedited in R. Duttenhöfer and K.A. Worp, "Die griechischen Paginae von P.Yale inv. 1804. Der revidierte Text," Tyche 11 (1996) 97—106.


= Res severa verum gaudium. Festschrift für Karl–Theodore Zauzich zum 65. Geburtstag am 8. Juni 2004, ed. E. Hoffmann and H.–J. Thissen. Leuven 2004. (Studia Demotica 6) Nos. 1–83. All are Demotic papyri except as follows: nos. 2, 7, 18–38, 51–55, 71–72, 76–82 are ostraca; nos. 9 and 75 are inscriptions; no. 83 is a wooden tablet. No. 9 is Hieratico-demotic; no. 11 is Abnormal Hieratic; no. 39 is bilingual, Demotic and Greek; no. 49 is Aramaic and no. 75 is Hieroglyphic-Demotic. [Peeters]


= Die Demotischen Urkunden des Zenon-Archivs, ed. W. Spiegelberg. Leipzig 1929. (Dem.Stud. 8). Nos. 1—25. [Rp. CG] A number of these texts had been published in translation in PSI IX 1001—1010A—G. The bilinguals have been reedited in P.Zen.Pestm. as noted and a few others have been reedited in P.Mich. I and P.Cair.Zen.


= Greek and Demotic Texts from the Zenon Archive, ed. under the general direction of P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1980. (Pap.Lug.Bat. XX). Nos. 1—13 are bilingual Greek and Demotic papyri; nos. 14—76 Greek papyri. Appendix nos. A—F. [EJB]


= Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten. (A collection of documentary papyri, ostraca, inscriptions, mummy tablets and related texts published in journals or unindexed catalogues. Begun by F. Preisigke in 1915, continued by F. Bilabel, E. Kiessling, and H.-A. Rupprecht). In progress.

  • I, Strassburg and Berlin 1913—1915. Nos. 1—6000. [MF 1.33; rp. WdG] Online:
  • II, Berlin and Leipzig 1918—1922. Index to I. [MF 1.34; rp. WdG] Online:
  • III, Berlin and Leipzig 1926—1927. Nos. 6001—7269. [MF 1.35; rp. WdG]; Online:
  • IV, Heidelberg 1931. Nos. 7270—7514 with index. [MF 1.36] Online:
  • V, Heidelberg and Wiesbaden 1934—1955. Nos. 7515—8963 with index. [MF 1.37; fasc. 4 only, OH]
  • VI, Wiesbaden 1958—1963. Nos. 8964—9641. [OH]
  • VII, Wiesbaden 1964. Index to VI. [OH]
  • VIII, Wiesbaden 1965—1967. Nos. 9642—10208. [OH]; Online:
  • IX, Wiesbaden 1969. Index to VIII. [OH]
  • X, Wiesbaden 1969—1971. Nos. 10209—10763. [OH]
  • XI, Wiesbaden 1973. Index to X. [OH]
  • XII, Wiesbaden 1976—1977. Nos. 10764—11263. [OH]; Online:
  • XIII, Wiesbaden 1979. Index to XII. [OH]
  • XIV, Wiesbaden 1981—1983. Nos. 11264—12219. [OH]
  • XV, Wiesbaden 1994. Index to XIV. [OH]
  • XVI, Wiesbaden 1985-1988. Nos. 12220—13084. [OH]
  • XVII, Wiesbaden 1995. Index to XVI. [OH]
  • XVIII, Wiesbaden 1993. Nos. 13085—14068. Nos. 13370—13562 reprint the Greek texts of O. Sarga. Some of these contain Coptic; see P.Sarga. There are other texts containing Coptic at nos. 13249 and 13716, Coptic is noted at 13323. There is Demotic at nos. 13565—13575, 13579, 13581, 13606, 13629, 13630, 13724, 13725, 13727, 13794, 13910, 14065 and 14066. Demotic is noted at 13183, 13731 and 13733. [OH]
  • XIX, Wiesbaden 1994-2001. Index to XVIII. [OH]
  • XX, Wiesbaden 1997. Nos. 14069—15202. There is Coptic at nos. 13176, 14388, 14531, 14697 and 14823. Coptic is noted at 14866. There is Demotic at nos. 14244, 14357—14361, 14366, 14372, 14373, 14411—14413, 14430, 14438, 14439, 14524, 14527 and 14946—14950. Demotic is noted at 14373, 14432 and 14577. [OH]
  • XXI, Index to XX. Pt. 1, Abschn. 1—8, Wiesbaden 1998. Pt. 2, Abschn. 9, Wiesbaden 2002. [OH]
  • XXII, Wiesbaden 2001. Nos. 15203—15874. [OH]
  • XXIII, Index to XXII. Wiesbaden 2002. [OH]
  • XXIV, Wiesbaden 2003. Nos. 15875—16340. [OH]
  • XXV, Index to XXIV. Pt. 1, Abschn. 1—8, Wiesbaden 2007. Pt. 2, Abschn. 9, Wiesbaden 2008. [OH]
  • XXVI, ed. H.A. Rupprecht. Wiesbaden 2006. Nos. 16341- 16831. [OH]
  • XXVII, Index to XXVI. Pt. 1, Abschn. 1–8, Wiesbaden 2007. Pt. 2, Abschn. 9, Wiesbaden 2012.
  • XXVIII, ed. A. Jördens. Wiesbaden 2013. Nos. 16832-17270. [OH]
  • XXX, ed. A. Jördens. Wiesbaden 2023. Nos. 17271-17905. [OH]
  • Beihefte, see P.Rev. (Bh. 1), P.Kar.Goodsp. and P.Mil.Vogl. I (Bh. 2). Note: SB VIII 9802 = SB Kopt. I 303; SB XVI 12346 = SB Kopt. I 236; SB XVI 12800—12801 = SB Kopt. I 224—225

SB Kopt.

= Koptisches Sammelbuch

  • I, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Vienna 1993. (MPER N.S. XXIII). Nos. 1—800. [ÖNB]
  • II, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Vienna 2004. Nos. 801-1260. (MPER, N.S. 23.2). [ÖNB]
  • III, ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Munich-Leipzig 2006. Nos. 1261-1690 . (MPER, N.S. XXIII.3). [K.G. Saur]
  • IV ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Berlin 2012. Nos. 1691-2163 (MPER N.S. XXIII.4)
  • V ed. M.R.M. Hasitzka. Berlin 2020. Nos. 2164-2377 (MPER N.S. XXIII.5)

VBP (see P.Bad.).


= Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit (ältere Funde), ed. U. Wilcken. (Re-publication of texts published in the nineteenth century, up to but not including the Petrie papyri. There is a concordance at BL IV, pp. 118—123.)

  • I, Papyri aus Unterägypten. Berlin—Leipzig 1927. Nos. 1—150. [MF 2.14; rp. WdG]; Online:
  • II, Papyri aus Oberägypten. Berlin 1935—1957. Nos. 151—229. [Rp. WdG]; Online:



= Apa Abraham von Hermonthis. Ein oberägyptischer Bischof um 600, ed. M. Krause. Berlin 1956. (Diss. unpublished). Nos. 1—114.


= Greek Ostraka from Abu Mina, ed. N. Litinas. Berlin and New York 2008. (Archiv Beih. 25). Nos. 1—1088; nos. 1089—1446 are decripta. [KGS]


= Ostraka in Amsterdam Collections, ed. R.S. Bagnall, P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1976. (Stud.Amst. IX). Nos. 1—108. No. 6 contains Demotic; no. 93 is Coptic, see Enchoria 8 (1978) 149—150 (R.S. Bagnall). [TPC] Online: Leiden


= "Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 63—81. Nos. 1—106


= Koptische Ostraka II: Ostraka aus dem Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, ed. A. Biedenkopf-Ziehner. Wiesbaden 2000. Nos. 1-22. [OH]


= Greek Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum from Oxyrhynchus and other sites, ed. J.C. Shelton. Firenze 1988. (Pap.Flor. XVII). Nos. 1—229. No. 1 contains a Demotic subscription. [LGF]


= The Bankes Ostraka from a box at Kingston Lacy: the Greek Texts, ed. K.A. Worp. Messina 2016. Nos. 1—70. Includes CD-ROM with images of the ostraka.


= Le Monastère et la nécropole de Baouit, ed. from the notes of J. Clédat by D. Bénazeth and M.-H. Rutschowscaya, with contributions from A. Boud’hors, R.-G. Coquin and E. Gaillard. Cairo 1999. (MIFAO 111bis). 94 ostraca are published on pp. 245—343; of these 57 (or 58) are in the Louvre, the location of the others being unknown. On pp. 349—358 there are images of 75 Greek and Coptic papyri, all but three of which are unpublished. Those three can be found in A. Boud’hors, "Papyrus de Clédat au Musée du Louvre," Divitiae Aegypti. Koptologische und verwandte Studien zu Ehren von Martin Krause, ed. C. Fluck et al. (Wiesbaden 1995) 29—35. [SEVPO]


= Les ostraca grecs et coptes du monastère de Baouît conservés à la Fondation Bible+Orient de l'université de Fribourg (Suisse), ed. S. Lopizzo. Cairo 2016. (Bibliothèque d'Études coptes 25). Nos. 1—68.


= Ostraca grecs et coptes de Baouit, ed. A. Boud'hors. Cairo 2004. (Bibliothèque d'Études Coptes 17). Nos. 1—67 and O.Nancy. Nos. 1—11, 13, 28. 30. 31. 43. 47—49 and O.Nancy are Greek and Coptic; nos. 12, 27, 29, 32, 46, and 60—67 are Coptic; nos. 16—26, 33—42, 44, 45, 50—53, 58 and 59 are Greek.


= Documents from Berenike

  • I, Greek Ostraka from the 1996—1998 Seasons, ed. R.S. Bagnall, C. Helms and A.M.F.W. Verhoogt. Brussels 2000. (Pap.Brux. XXXI). Nos. 1—117.
  • II, Texts from the 1999-2001 Seasons, ed. R. S. Bagnall, C. Helms, and A. M. F. W. Verhoogt. Brussels 2005. (Pap.Brux. 33). Nos. 118-260 (nos. 118-120 are inscriptions, 123-135 papyri, 136-257 ostraka, 258 a wooden tag, 259-260 instrumenta).
  • III, Texts from the 2009-2013 Seasons, ed. R. Ast and R. S. Bagnall. Brussels 2016. (Pap.Brux. 36). Nos. 261-511 (nos. 261-273 are papyri, 274-511 ostraka).
  • IV, Texts from the 2014–2015 and 2018–2020 Seasons, ed. R. Ast, R. S. Bagnall, with a contribution by L Vanderheyden. 2022. Nos. 512-538. Online: pylon


= Ostraka aus Brussel und Berlin, ed. P. Viereck. Berlin-Leipzig 1922. (Schr.Heid. IV). Nos. 1—99; nos. 1—20 (Brussels ostraca) are republished in O.Brux. [MF 2.72] Online:


= Ostraka and Other Inscribed Material from Bīr Shawīsh, Small Oasis. Excavation Seasons 2005 and 2007, ed. M. Dospěl. Ann Arbor 2020. (American Studies in Papyrology 54). Nos. 1—50.


= Blemmyes. New Documents and New Perspectives, ed. H. Cuvigny. Cairo 2022. (Documents De Fouilles De L'institut Francais D'archeologie Orientale). Nos. 1-2, 4-16 are Demotic, no. 3 is bilingual Greek Demotic, nos. 17-107 are Greek.


= Greek Ostraca in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Various Other Collections.

  • I, ed. J.G. Tait. London 1930. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 21). Nos. 1—406. There is Demotic (ed. H.F.H. Thompson) at nos. 4, 5, 7—9, 11, 14, 15—16, 18, 19—20, 22—25, 37, 42, 50, 70, 92, 93, 95, 96, 146—153, 203—205, 224—229, 308, 358 and 359—365. This volume also contains O.Ashm., O.Camb., O.Minor and O.Petr., which should be cited according to those abbreviations. [EES]
  • II, Ostraca of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, ed. J.G. Tait and C. Préaux. London 1955. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 33). Nos. 407—2588. There is Demotic at nos. 418, 421, 462, 466, 469, 562, 563, 591, 592, 594, 596, 660, 765, 968, 969, 1015, 1143 and 1147. [EES]
  • III, Indexes, compiled by J. Bingen and M. Wittek. London 1964. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 43). [EES]


  • I, Coptic and Greek Texts of the Christian Period from Ostraka, Stelae, etc. in the British Museum, ed. H.R. Hall. London 1905. The arrangement is in 100 plates, each of which contains one or more texts. There is also an appendix of 33 Coptic inscriptions. There is no index. Online:
  • II, Koptische Ostraka I: Ostraka aus dem Britischen Museum in London, ed. A. Biedenkopf-Ziehner. Wiesbaden 2000. Nos. 1-47, Add. 1-6. [OH]


= Au Temps ou on lisait le grec en Égypte, ed. J. Bingen. Brussels 1977. Nos. 1—20; reedition of O.Berl. 1-20.


= The Bucheum, by R. Mond and O.H. Myers. 3 vols. London 1934. (Egypt Exploration Society, 41st Memoir). There are Demotic, Greek and Coptic texts in vol. II: "The Demotic Ostraca," ed. G. Mattha on pp. 53—74; "The Greek Ostraca," ed. A.S. Hunt, T.C. Skeat and J.G. Tait on pp. 75—78; "The Coptic Ostraca," ed. W. Crum on pp. 78—80.


= Les Ostraca de Bu Njem, ed. R. Marichal. Tripoli 1992. (Libya Antiqua, Suppl. VII). Nos. 1—151, Latin ostraca.


= Ostraka greci del Museo Egizio del Cairo, ed. C. Gallazzi, R. Pintaudi and K.A. Worp. Florence 1986. (Pap.Flor. XIV). Nos. 1—140. [LGF] Online: Leiden


= Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, nos. 9501—9711: Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken, ed. C. Gallazzi. Cairo 1983. Not mainly a publication of ostraca but a list and short description of ostraca in the Cairo Museum. For the texts, see O.Cair. (concordance, p. xiv). Transcriptions are given in notes for 5 ostraca; texts reprinted in SB XX 14594-14598.


= Catologue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, nos. 8001 – 8741: Coptic Monuments, by W. E. Crum. Cairo 1902. Not an edition, but a list and short description of all the Coptic texts in the Cairo Museum. Nos. 8001 – 8024, 8029, 8030, 8079 – 8100 and 8312 – 8316 are on parchment; nos. 8031 – 8078 and 8728 – 8741 are on papyrus; nos. 8025 – 8028 and 8101 – 8103 are on paper; no. 8104 is an inscribed jar; no. 8105 is not used; nos. 8106 – 8311 are ostraca; nos. 8317 and 8318 are painted on jars and nos. 8319 – 8727 are all grave stelae. Many of the inscribed stelae were transferred to the Coptic Museum; for these see I. Kamel, Coptic Funerary Stelae, (Catalogue général des antiquités du Musée copte, nos. 1-253) with a concordance on pp. 269 – 271. Online:


= "Ostraca in the Cambridge University Library," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 153—173, nos. 1—141. Greek texts except nos. 124, 125(?), 127—128, 134—135 and 138, which contain Coptic items, and no. 136, which contains Demotic.


= Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes, ed. B. P. Muhs. Chicago 2005. (Oriental Institute Publications 126). Nos. 1-61.[OI] Online: Oriental Institute


= Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina. [SEVPO]

  • I, ed. J. Bingen, A. Bülow-Jacobsen, W.E.H. Cockle, H. Cuvigny, L. Rubinstein and W. Van Rengen. Cairo 1992. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 29). Nos. 1—190.
  • II, ed. J. Bingen, A. Bülow-Jacobsen, W.E.H. Cockle, H. Cuvigny, F. Kayser and W. Van Rengen. Cairo 1997. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 32). Nos. 191—416.
  • III, Les reçus pour avances à la ‘familia,’ ed. H. Cuvigny. Cairo 2000. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 38). Nos. 417-631.
  • IV, ed. A. Bülow-Jacobsen. Cairo 2009. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 47). Nos. 632—896.


= Greek Ostraka from Chersonesos. Ostraca Cretica Chersonesi, ed. N. Litinas. Vienna 2008. (Tyche supplement 6). Nos. 1—90.


= Coptic Ostraca from the Collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, the Cairo Museum and Others, ed. W.E. Crum. London 1902. Nos. 1—525, Add. 1-62. Translations and commentary on the texts arranged by type precede the Coptic texts themselves. Online:


= Short Texts from Coptic Ostraca and Papyri, ed. W.E. Crum. Oxford 1921. Nos. 1—450. Papyri are nos. 1, 46, 48—49, 57—60, 96—97, 113, 116—118, 124, 126, 130, 138, 153—154, 156—157, 166, 170—193, 264—266, 329—330, 405, 436, 439. No. 438 is a tablet; the rest are ostraca. The Vienna ostraca published here have been republished in O.Vind.Copt. Nos. 96 and 181 are republished in BASP 32 (1995) 101-108, 113-116 (S. Clackson). No. 439 (= P.Lond. V 1720) is republished in ZPE 96 (1993) 229—233 (L.S.B. MacCoull). Online:


= Varia Coptica, ed. W.E. Crum. Aberdeen 1939. Nos. 1—129. Papyri are nos. 5—9, 38—39, 46—52, 100, 114—116 and 129. No. 5 is reedited with a new fragment in Enchoria 15 (1987) 55—59 (R.P. Salomons and P.J. Sijpesteijn).

O.Deir el-Bahari

= Le Monastère de St. Phoibammon. Deir el-Bahari 5, ed. W. Godlewski. Warsaw 1986. Coptic ostraca nos. 1—19 (no. 16 is wood and no. 19 Arabic) are found in chapter 9, pp. 134—140. Online: Heidelberg

O.Deiss. (see P.Meyer).


= Didymoi. Une garnison romaine dans le désert Oriental d’Égypte, vol. 2: Les Textes, H. Cuvigny (ed.), A. Bülow-Jacobsen, H. Eristov, with contributions by F. Briquel-Chatonnet and T. Gagos. (Praesidia du désert de Bérénice 4). Nos. 22–465 are ostraca; nos. 466–479 are figured ostraca.


= Demotische Dokumente aus Dime I: Ostraka, ed. S. L. Lippert and M. Schentuleit. Wiesbaden 2006.


= Les ostraca grecs de Douch. Cairo.

  • I, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. 1986. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 24/1). Nos. 1—57. Nos. 40 and 49 are Coptic; no. 44 is termed Graeco-Coptic. [SEVPO]
  • II, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. 1988. (Documents de Fouilles 24/2). Nos. 58—183. No. 183 is Greek and Coptic. [SEVPO]
  • III, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. 1992. (Documents de Fouilles 24/3). Nos. 184—355. [SEVPO]
  • IV, ed. G. Wagner. 1999. (Documents de Fouilles 24/4). Nos. 356—505. No. 468 is termed Graeco-Coptic. [SEVPO]
  • V, ed. G. Wagner. 2001.(Documents de Fouilles 24/5). Nos. 506—639. [SEVPO]

O.Edfou, published in Tell Edfou vols. I—III; for bibliographical information see under P.Edfou.

  • I, Cairo 1937. Nos. 1—230. Online:
  • II, Cairo 1938. Nos. 231—325. There is Demotic noted at nos. 232, 233, 238, 245 and 255.
  • III, Cairo 1950. Nos. 326—372. There is Demotic noted at nos. 348, 353, 355 and 360.


= Ostraca grecs et coptes des fouilles franco-polonaises sur le site de Tell Edfou. O. EdfouCopte 1-145, ed. S. Bacot. Cairo 2009. (Bibliothèque d'Études Coptes 19). Nos. 1—145. Nos. 36—43, 46—47, 55—57, 61—62 and 121 are Greek and Coptic; nos. 1—9, 11—35, 44—45, 58, 60, 63—87, 92—94, 104, 107—120 and 122—145 are Coptic; nos. 10, 48—54, 59, 88—91, 95—103 and 105—106 are Greek.


= The archive of Thotsutmis, son of Panouphis: early Ptolemaic ostraca from Deir el Bahari (O. Edgerton), ed. B.P. Muhs, F.D. Scalf, J.E. Jay. Chicago 2021. (Oriental Insitute Publications 146). Nos. 1—42.

O.Eleph.Wagner (see P.Eleph.Wagner).


= Elkab III. Les ostraca grecs, ed. J. Bingen and W. Clarysse. Brussels 1989. (Publications du Comité des Fouilles Belges en Égypte, Elkab). Nos. 1—227. [FERE]


= "Griechische Ostraka in der Kaiserlichen Eremitage in St. Petersburg," ed. G. Zereteli in Archiv 5 (1913) 170—180, nos. 1—40. Online: Now republished as SB XVIII 13179—13217.

O.Fay. (see P.Fay)


= The Florida Ostraka: Documents from the Roman Army in Upper Egypt, ed. R.S. Bagnall. Durham, N.C. 1976. (Greek, Roman and Byzantine Monographs 7). Nos. 1—31. [GRBS] Online: Duke


= Les ostraca coptes de la TT 29. Autour du moine Frangé, ed. A. Boud'hors and Ch. Heurtel. Brussels 2010. (Études d'archéologie thébaine 3). Nos. 1-805. Online: ULB


= Die griechischen Ostraka der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, ed. Ch. Armoni, J.M.S. Cowey and D. Hagedorn with notes by W. Habermann. Heidelberg 2005. (Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung N.F. 11) Nos. 1-525; nos. 454-525 are descripta. There is Demotic in nos. 2, 30 and 35. The ostraca published in P.Heid. III are all reedited in this volume. There is a concordance on pages 513-514.[CWV]


= The Archive of Hor, ed. J.D. Ray. London 1976. (Egypt Exploration Society, Texts from Excavations, 2). Nos. 1—65; no. 1 is Greek, the rest Demotic. [EES]


= Die Prinz-Joachim-Ostraka, ed. F. Preisigke and W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1914. (Schriften der Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Strassburg 19). Nos. 1—22 are Greek, nos. 23—29 Demotic. Greek texts reprinted as SB III 6027—6034, 6920—6933. [Rp. CG] Online: Oriental Institute


= Greek Ostraka from Kellis, ed. K. A. Worp. Oxford 2004. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph 13). Nos. 1-293. Plates contain illustrations of the texts except for nos. 13, 23, 31, 58, 90, 141, 153, 160, 162—268, 284, 287 and 289. Included also is a CD which contains the same illustrations in PDF format. [Oxbow]


= Die Ostraka vom Kerameikos, ed. S. Brenne. Wiesbaden 2018. 2 vols. Nos. A1-A505, B1-B28, C1-C320, 1-9367.


= Ostraca de Krokodilô.

  • I, La correspondance militaire et sa circulation, ed. H. Cuvigny. Cairo 2005. (Fouilles de l'Ifao 51). Nos. 1-151. [IFAO]
  • II, La correspondance privée et les réseaux personnels de Philoklès, Apollôs et Ischyras, ed. A. Bülow-Jacobsen, J.-L. Fournet, B. Redon. Cairo 2019. (Fouilles de l'Ifao 81). Nos. 152-334.


= Greek Ostraka: a Catalogue of the Greek Ostraka in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, with a Chapter on the Greek Ostraka in the Papyrological Institute of the University of Leiden, ed. R.S. Bagnall, P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1980. (Collections of the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden IV). Nos. 1—410. Descripta nos. 411—697. [TPC] Online: Leiden


= The Demotic Ostraca in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, ed. M.A.A. Nur el-Din. Leiden 1974. Nos. 1—590.

O.Lips. (see P.Lips.)


  • I, Coptica: koptische Ostraka und Papyri, koptische und griechische Grabstelen aus Ägypten und Nubien, spätantike Bauplastik, Textilien und Keramik, ed. S. Hodak, T.S. Richter, F. Steinmann. Berlin 2013. (Katalog Ägyptischer Sammlungen in Leipzig III). Nos. 1—54.
  • II, Andreas von Hermonthis und das Kloster des Apa Hesekiel. Mikrohistorische Untersuchungen zu Kirchengeschichte und Klosterwesen im Gebiet von Armant (Oberägypten) in byzantinischer Zeit anhand der koptischen Ostraka der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (O.Lips.Copt. II), ed. F. Krueger. Berlin/Boston 2020 (Archiv Beih. 43). Nos. 1-587, Appendix with reeditions of and corrections to numerous texts from O.CrumST, O.Vind.Copt., O.Brit.Mus.Copt., and elsewhere).


= Ostraca démotiques du Musée du Louvre.

  • I, Reçus, ed. D. Devauchelle. In two parts: 1, Texte, and 2, Index et Planches. Cairo 1983. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Bibliotheque d’Étude 82). Texts are not given sequential numbers; they must be cited by page and new inventory numbers. [SEVPO]


= Ostraca Lundensia. Ostraka aus der Sammlung des Instituts für Altertumskunde an der Universität zu Lund, ed. C. Tsiparis. Lund 1979. Nos. 1—32. [from Klassiska Institutionen, Sölvegatan 2, 22362 Lund, Sweden]


= Quelques reçus d’impôts agricoles, ed. M. Magnien. Paris 1902. Online:

O.Masada (see P.Masada. Nos. 750—771 are Latin ostraca, nos. 772—794 Greek)


= Demotic Ostraca, ed. G. Mattha. Cairo 1945. (Publ.Soc.Fouad VI). Nos. 1—276. [MF 2.93] Online:


= Coptic Ostraca from Medinet Habu, ed. E. Stefanski and M. Lichtheim. Chicago 1952. (Univ. of Chicago. Oriental Institute Publications 71). Nos. 1—400. There is a concordance of inventory nos. and publication nos. by T. Wilfong, Enchoria 17 (1990) 155—160. Online: Oriental Institute


= Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu, ed. M. Lichtheim. Chicago 1957. (Univ. of Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications 80). Nos. 1—160. There is a concordance of inventory nos. and publication nos. by M. Wojdyla, Enchoria 15 (1987) 213—214. Online: Oriental Institute


= Ostraka e papiri greci da Medinet Madi nelle campagne 1968 e 1969, ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1976. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità 53). Nos. 1—33 plus two papyri (= P.Medin.Madi). [CG]


= Mélanges sur la métrologie, l’économie politique et l’histoire de l’ancienne Égypte, by E. Revillout. Paris 1895. Online:

O.Meyer (see P.Meyer)


= Greek Ostraca in the University of Michigan Collection

  • I, Texts, ed. L. Amundsen. Ann Arbor 1935. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 34). Nos. 1—699. [MF1.27]
  • II, Nos. 700—971, see P.Mich. VI.
  • III, Nos. 972—1111, see P.Mich. VIII.
  • IV, Nos. 1112—1144, ed. H.C. Youtie in ZPE 18 (1975) 267—282. Reprinted SB XIV 11499—11531.


= Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection, ed. W.H. Worrell. Ann Arbor 1942. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 46). Pt. IV, "Letters and Documents on Ostraca or Fragments of Limestone," pp. 215—251. Nos. 1—28. See also P.Mich.Copt. and O.Mich.Copt.Etmoulon.


= Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection, ed. W.H. Worrell. Ann Arbor 1942. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 46). Pt. V, "Etmoulon Ostraca," ed. H.C. Youtie and W.H. Worrell, pp. 253—294. Nos. 1—77 (reprinted SB Kopt. I 146—222). See also P.Mich.Copt. and O.Mich.Copt.


= "Ostraca in Various Minor Collections," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 174—81. 41 ostraca from 8 collections; no. A6 has a reference to Demotic.


= Le Monastère de Phoebammon dans la Thébaïde, ed. C. Bachatly. Tome 2: Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca, ed. R. Rémondon, Yassâ ‘Abd al-Masîh, W.C. Till and O.H.E. KHS-Burmester. Cairo 1965. (Publications de la Société d’archéologie copte. Rapports de fouilles). "Coptic Ostraca", ed. W.C. Till and O.H.E. KHS-Burmester, are found on pp. 103—157, pls. 1—13. Nos. 1—125; nos. 1—3 are biblical, 4—5 legal, 6—18 letters, 19—125 fragments. No. 40 Greek? with cryptogram?


= The Administration of Egyptian Thebes in the Early Ptolemaic Period, by B.P. Muhs. Dissertation Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1996. Publishes 18 Demotic ostraca from the Brooklyn Museum and 47 Demotic ostraca from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. [UMI, order no. 96-27970]


= "The Demotic Ostraca from Qaret el-Muzawwaqa," ed. M.A. Nur el-Din in Denkmäler der Oase Dachla: aus dem Nachlass von Ahmed Fakhry by J. Osing, M. Moursi, D. Arnold, O. Neugebauer, R.A. Parker, D. Pingree and M.A. Nur el-Din. Mainz 1982. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Abt. Kairo. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 28). Nos. 1—30. [PvZ]

O.Nancy (see O.BawitIFAO)


  • I, Ostraka greci da Narmuthis (OGN I), ed. R. Pintaudi and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Pisa 1993. (Quaderni di Medinet Madi 2). Nos. 1—131. [Giardini, Pisa]
  • II, Ostraka greci e bilingui da Narmuthis, ed. A. Menchetti and R. Pintaudi. Brussels 2007–2009. (CdÉ 82 [2007] pages 227–280 Online: BREPOLS; 84 [2009] pages 201–238 Online: BREPOLS). Nos. 1–48.


  • I, Ostraka demotici da Narmuti, ed. E. Bresciani, S. Pernigotti and M.C. Betro. Pisa 1983. (Quaderni di Medinet Madi 1). Nos. 1—33.
  • II, Ostraka demotici e ieratici dall’ archivio bilingue di Narmuthis, ed. P. Gallo. Pisa 1997. Nos. 34—99. [Edizione ETS]
  • III, Ostraka demotici e bilingui da Narmuthis (ODN 100-188) , ed. A. Menchetti. Pisa 2005. (Biblioteca di Studi Egittologici 5). Nos. 100-188.


= Ostraka in the Collection of New York University, by G. Baetens, R.B. Bagnall, C. Caputo, E. Mazy and D.M. Ratzan. New York 2022. Publishes 72 ostraca from the NYU Special Collections and 4 from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and 1 now lost, but preserved by a photo. [ISAW/NYU Press]


= Les Oasis d’Égypte à l’époque grecque, romaine et byzantine d’après les documents grecs, by G. Wagner. Cairo 1987. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire, Bibliothèque d’Étude 100). In a study of published and unpublished papyri, ostraca, tablets, inscriptions and graffiti referring to the Oases the following ostraca are edited: O.Chams el Din (pp. 44-47) = SB XX 14821-14825; O.AinLabakha (p. 82) = SB XX 14883 sb;20;14883; O.Bahria 1—22 (pp. 88—95), O.Sarm. 1—16 (pp. 96—101), O.Dor. 1—5 (pp. 102—103) and O.Bahria div. 1—16 (pp. 104—109) = SB XX 14885-14938. There are tablets at pp. 47 (= SB XX 14826) and 83-85 (= SB XX 14484). [SEVPO]

O.Ont.Mus. (or O.ROM)

  • I, Death and Taxes: Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum, ed. A.E. Samuel, W.K. Hastings, A.K. Bowman and R.S. Bagnall. Toronto 1971. (Am.Stud.Pap. X). Nos. 1—72. There is notice of Demotic at nos. 1, 16, 25 and 46. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL
  • II, Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum II, ed. R.S. Bagnall and A.E. Samuel. Toronto 1976. (Am.Stud.Pap. XV). Nos. 73—289. No. 73 has Demotic. The inventory list given on pp. 104—117 lists many ostraca as non-Greek and others as Demotic or Coptic. [Oxbow] Online: AWDL


= Ostraca Osloënsia, Greek Ostraca in Norwegian Collections, ed. L. Amundsen. Oslo 1933. (Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, Hist.-Fil. Kl. 1933, No. 2). Nos. 1—28. [UF]

O.Paris (see P.Paris)


= "Ostraca in Prof. W.M. Flinders Petrie’s Collection at University College, London," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 82—152, nos. 1—476. Nos. 36 and 144 contain Demotic. No. 467 = SB Kopt. I 241.


= Ostraca greci e bilingui del Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, ed. M. S. Funghi, G. Messeri and C. E. Römer. Firenze 2012. (Pap.Flor. 42). Nos. 1–796.

O.Quseir (see P.Quseir)


= Ostraca et papyrus coptes du topos de Saint-Marc à Thèbes, ed. A. Boud’hors and C. Heurtel. Cairo 2015. (Bibliothèque d’Etudes Coptes 24.1).

O.Sarga (see P.Sarga)


  • I, Griechische und griechisch-demotische Ostraka der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg im Elsass, ed. P. Viereck. Berlin 1923. Nos. 1—812; a few are Demotic or bilingual. There is an index to the Demotic material. [MF 1.79]
  • II, Thèbes et ses taxes: Recherches sur la fiscalité en Égypte romaine, ed. P. Heilporn. Paris 2009. Nos. 813—906. There is an index to the Demotic material. [De Boccard]


  • II, Receipts, Scribes, and Collectors in Early Ptolemaic Thebes (O. Taxes 2), ed. B. P. Muhs. Leuven, Paris and Walpole, MA 2011. (Stud.Demotica 8). Nos. 1–157.

O.Tebt. (Nos. 1—20, see P.Tebt. II)


= Ostraka da Tebtynis della Università di Padova I, ed. C. Gallazzi. Milan 1979. Nos. 1—70. [CG]


= Die demotischen Tempeleide, ed. U. Kaplony-Heckel. Wiesbaden 1963. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 6). Nos. 1—224, of which 52 were previously published. There is a catalogue listing of 286 further fragmentary ostraca of which 7 have been published.


= Theban Ostraca. London 1913. (Univ. of Toronto Studies, Philological Series I). Part I, Hieratic Texts, ed. A.H. Gardiner; 31 texts on pp. 1—16 with an additional text in an appendix on pp. 16a—16o. Part II, Demotic Texts, ed. H. Thompson; 44 texts not numbered serially on pp. 23—65. Part III, Greek Texts, ed. J.G. Milne; nos. 1—146 on pp. 71—161 with Demotic in nos. 16, 21—26, 28 and 31. Part IV, Coptic Texts, ed. H. Thompson; nos. 1—48 on pp. 179—212. Online:


  • I, Amheida I: Ostraka from Trimithis Volume 1: Texts from the 2004–2007 Seasons, ed. R. S. Bagnall and G. R. Ruffini, with contributions by R. Cribiore and G. Vittmann. 2012. Online: AWDL. Nos. 1–454.
  • II, Amheida III: Ostraka from Trimithis Volume 2: Greek Texts from the 2008–2013 Seasons, ed. R. Ast and R. S. Bagnall, with contributions by C. Caputo and R. Cribiore. 2012. Nos. 455–846.


= Die koptischen Ostraka der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. W. C. Till. Vienna 1960. (Denkschrift Wien 78.1). Nos. 1—473. Online: coptica


= Ostraka Varia. Tax Receipts and Legal Documents on Demotic, Greek and Greek-Demotic Ostraka, Chiefly of the Early Ptolemaic Period, From Various Collections, ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leiden 1994. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXVI). Nos. 1—62, of which 1A, 11A, 12—25, 17—29 and 31A contain Greek. [EJB]


= "Nouveaux textes grecs du Ouadi Hammamat," ed. F. Kayser. Nos. 1—60, published with full indexes in ZPE 98 (1993) 111—156 and plates III—X. Texts reprinted as SB XXII 15660-15700. Online: Koeln


= Ausgewählte demotische Ostraka aus der Sammlung des Victoria-Museums zu Uppsala und der Staatlichen Papyrussammlung zu Berlin, ed. S. Wångstedt. Uppsala 1954. Nos. 1—80.


= Les Ostraca grecs d’Aïn Waqfa (Oasis de Kharga), ed. H. Cuvigny, A. Hussein and G. Wagner. Cairo 1993. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 30). Nos. 1—79. [SEVPO]


= Les Ostraca grecs de la collection Charles-Edwin Wilbour au Musée de Brooklyn, ed. C. Préaux. New York 1935. Nos. 1—78; no. 1 has Demotic. [FERE; rp. CG] Online: AWDL

O.Wilck. (or WO)

= Griechische Ostraka aus Aegypten und Nubien, ed. U. Wilcken. Leipzig-Berlin 1899. 2 vols. Texts, vol. II, nos. 1—1624. Reprint Amsterdam 1970 with addenda compiled by P.J. Sijpesteijn. There is Demotic noted at nos. 95, 97, 141, 160, 305, 313, 314, 316, 394 and 1384. [MF 2.78—79; rp. CG, AMH]

O.Zauzich (see P.Zauzich)


= Die demotischen Ostraka der Universtät zu Zürich, ed. S. WÅngstedt. Uppsala 1965. (Bibliotheca Ekmania 62). Nos. 1—53.



= Tablettes Albertini, Actes privés de l’époque Vandale, ed. C. Courtois, L. Leschi, C. Perrat and C. Saumagne. Paris 1952. Texts I—XXXIV; separate portfolio of plates.


= Roman London’s First Voices. Writing tablets from the Bloomberg excavations, 2010–14, ed. R.S.O. Tomlin. London 2016.

T.BM Arlt

= Deine Seele möge leben für immer und ewig. Die demotischen Mumienschilder im British Museum, ed. C. Arlt. Leuven 2011. (Stud.Demotica 10).


= Tablitele Cerate Dacice, ed. I.I. Russu. Bucharest 1975. (Inscriptiile Daciei Romane I; Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae I) Nos. 1—25 on pages 192—256. Index includes the tablets.


= Tabulae Herculanenses, ed. G. Camodeca. Roma 2017- . (Vetera 20)


= Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV Supplementum. Pars I, Tabulae ceratae Pompeis repertae annis MCCCLXXV et MCCCLXXXVII, ed. K. Zangemeister. Berlin 1898. Nos. 1—153 (the Iucundus tablets) and two additional tablets ("auctarium") uncovered in 1887. Online:


= Demotische Texte aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin, ed. Georg Möller. Leipzig 1913. Nos. 1-171. Online:


= "Catalogue des étiquettes de momies du Musée du Louvre," ed. F. Baratte and B. Boyaval. Lille 1974—1981. Pt. 1, nos. 1—259 (CRIPEL 2, 1974); pt. 2, nos. 260—688 (CRIPEL 3, 1975); pt. 3, nos. 689—999 (CRIPEL 4, 1976); pt. 4, nos. 1000—1209 and indexes (CRIPEL 5, 1979); corrigenda (CRIPEL 6, 1981).


= Las Pizarras Visigoda: edición crítica y estudio, ed. I. Velázquez Soriano. Murcia 1989. (Antigüedad y cristianismo 6). Nos. 1-104. Online:


= Las pizarras visigodas (Entre el latín y su disgregación. La lengua hablada en Hispania, siglos vi-viii), 2nd edition, ed. I. Velázquez Soriano. Madrid and Burgos 2004. Nos. 1-163.


= Tabulae Pompeianae Sulpiciorum: edizione critica dell'archivio puteolano dei Sulpicii, ed. G. Camodeca. 2 vols. Rome 1999. (Vetera 12) Nos.1—126. [Quasar]


= Tavolette lignee e cerate da varie collezioni, ed. R. Pintaudi, P.J. Sijpesteijn et al. Florence 1989. (Pap.Flor. XVIII). Nos. 1—81 from six collections. [LGF]


= Vindolanda: the Latin Writing Tablets

  • I, ed. A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas. London 1983. (Britannia Monograph Series 4). Nos. 1—48, descripta 49—106, waxed tablets 107—117.
  • II, ed. A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas, with contributions by J.N. Adams. London 1994. Nos. 118—573. [BMP]
  • III, ed. A. K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas with contributions by J. Pearce. London 2003. Nos. 574—853. [BMP]
  • IV, ed. A.K. Bowman, J.D. Thomas and R.S.O. Tomlin. Pt. 1: Britannia 41 (2010) 187–224. Nos. 854–869. Pt. 2: Britannia 42 (2011) 113–144. Nos. 870–889.


= Die römischen Schreibtafeln von Vindonissa, ed. M.A. Speidel. 1996. (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa 12). Nos. 1—65, descripta nos. 66—90.


Chrest.Mitt. (or M.Chr.)

= L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, II Bd. Juristischer Teil, II Hälfte Chrestomathie. Leipzig-Berlin 1912. Nos. 1—500. [MF 2.122—123 (with Grundzüge); rp. GO, all 4 vols.]

Chrest.Wilck. (or W.Chr.)

= L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, I Bd. Historischer Teil, II Hälfte Chrestomathie. Leipzig-Berlin 1912. Nos. 1—382. [MF 2.120—121 (with Grundzüge); rp. GO, see Chrest.Mitt.]


= Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, established by A. Bruckner and R. Marichal. Vols. 1—49, ed. by them and their successors. Basel, Dietikon-Zurich 1954—1998. [UGV]

  • I, Switzerland: Basle-St. Gall. nos. 1—108. 1954.
  • II, Switzerland: St. Gall-Zurich, nos. 109—178. 1956.
  • III, British Museum, London, nos. 179—223. 1963.
  • IV, Great Britain, nos. 224—275. 1967.
  • V, The United States of America I, nos. 276—308. 1975.
  • VI, The United States of America II, nos. 309—321. (P.Dura). 1975.
  • VII, The United States of America III, nos. 322—354. (P.Dura). 1975.
  • VIII, The United States of America IV, nos. 355—356. (P.Dura). 1976.
  • IX, The United States V, nos. 357—395. (P.Dura), 396—406. 1977.
  • X, Germany I, nos. 407—464. 1979
  • XI, Germany II, nos. 465—517. 1979.
  • XII, Germany III, nos. 515—548. 1978.
  • XIII, France I, nos. 549—571. 1981.
  • XIV, France II, nos. 572—594. 1982.
  • XV, France III, nos. 595—618. 1986.
  • XVI, France IV, nos. 619—638. 1986.
  • XVII, France V, nos. 651—658. 1984.
  • XVIII, France VI, nos. 659—669. 1985.
  • XIX, France VII, nos. 670—691. 1987.
  • XX, Italy I, nos. 701—712. 1982.
  • XXI, Italy II, nos. 713—717. 1983.
  • XXII, Italy III, nos. 718—729. 1983.
  • XXIII, Italy IV, nos. 730—750. 1985.
  • XXIV, Italy V, nos. 751—776. 1985.
  • XXV, Italy VI, nos. 777—798. 1986.
  • XXVI, Italy VII, nos. 799—813. 1987.
  • XXVII, Italy VIII, nos. 814—838. 1992.
  • XXVIII, Italy IX, nos. 839—865. 1988.
  • XXIX, Italy X, nos. 862—889. 1993. The numbers 862—865 are reused from the preceding volume for different texts.
  • XXX, Italy XI, nos. 894—914. 1988.
  • XXXI, Italy XII, nos. 915—936. 1989.
  • XXXII, Italy XIII, nos. 937—960. 1989.
  • XXXIII, Italy XIV, nos. 961—984. 1989.
  • XXXIV, Italy XV, nos. 985—1009. 1989.
  • XXXV, Italy XVI, nos. 1010—1038. 1990.
  • XXXVI, Italy XVII, nos. 1039—1068. 1990.
  • XXXVII, Italy XVIII, nos. 1069—1095. 1990.
  • XXXVIII, Italy XIX, nos. 1096—1125. 1990.
  • XXXIX, Italy XX, nos. 1126—1155. 1991.
  • XL, Italy XXI, nos. 1156—1185. 1991.
  • XLI, Egypt I, nos. 1186—1206. 1994.
  • XLII, Egypt II, nos. 1207—1239. 1994.
  • XLIII, Austria I, nos. 1240—1260. 1995.
  • XLIV, Austria II, nos. 1261—1316. 1996.
  • XLV, Austria III, nos. 1317—1359. 1996.
  • XLVI, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Holland, Republic of Georgia, Spain, nos. 1361—1402. 1995.
  • XLVII, Addenda, nos. 1403—1468. 1997.
  • XLVIII, Corrigenda. 1997
  • XLIX, Concordanza. 1998
  • L, begins a new series devoted to Latin Charters of the 9th century. See the Introduction by editors, G. Cavallo and G. Nicolaj. These volumes are not papyrological in nature and are not listed here.


= Corpus des papyrus grecs sur les relations administratives entre le clergé égyptien et les autorités romaines. Paderborn (Pap.Colon. XLI)

  • 1, ed. C. Messerer. 2017. Nos. 1-61.
  • 2, ed. C. Messerer. 2019. Nos. 62-118.
  • 3, ed. C. Messerer. 2020. Nos. 119-156.
  • 4, ed. C. Messerer. 2022. Nos. 157-182.


= Corpus Epistularum Latinarum, papyris tabulis ostracis servatarum, ed. P. Cugusi, 3 vols. Florence 1992 and 2002. (Pap.Flor. XXIII and XXXIII). vols. I and II, nos. 1-245; vol. III, Addenda, Corrigenda, Indices rerum, Index verborum onmium. [LGF]


= Corpus des étiquettes de momies grecques, ed. B. Boyaval. Lille 1976. (Publications de l'Université de Lille III). Nos. 1657 and 2077 were previously unedited.


= Glossaria bilinguia in papyris et membranis reperta, ed. J. Kramer.

  • I, Bonn 1983. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXX). [RH]
  • II, Munich-Leipzig 2001. (Archiv Beih. 8). [KGS]

C.Illum.Pap. I

= Illuminierte Papyri, Pergamente und Papiere I, ed. U. Horak. Vienna 1992. (Pegasus Oriens I). Nos. 1, 28, 31, 34, 38, 45, 49, 54 and 59 include Greek documentary texts. [Verlag Holzhausen]


= The Judaean-Syrian-Egyptian Conflict of 103—101 B.C.: A Multilingual Dossier Concerning a "War of Sceptres," ed. E. van 't Dack, W. Clarysse, G. Cohen, J. Quaegebeur and J.K. Winnicki. Brussels 1989. (Coll.Hellen. I).


= Corpus des Ordonnances des Ptolémées, ed. M.-Th. Lenger. Brussels 1964. (Acad. Roy. de Belgique, Cl. des Lettres, Mémoires, coll. in 8�, 57, 1). 2nd ed., corrected and updated, 1980. (Mémoires 64, 2). [ARB]. See also Corpus des Ordonnances des Ptolémées: Bilan des additions et corrections (1964—1988); Compléments à la bibliographie by M.-Th. Lenger. Brussels 1990. (Pap.Brux. XXIV). [FERE] Online: AWDL


= Corpus Papyrorum Graecarum, ed. O. Montevecchi and others.

  • I, I Contratti di baliatico, ed. M.M. Masciadri and O. Montevecchi. Nos. 1—40 and four appendices. Milan 1984. (Separate volume of plates).
  • II, Il Controllo della popolazione nell'Egitto Romano, Pt. 1, Le Denunce di morte, ed. L. Casarico. Nos. 1—82 and two appendices. Azzate 1985. (Separate volume of plates).


= Griechische Papyri aus Ägypten als Zeugnisse des öffentlichen und privaten Lebens, ed. J. Hengstl with G. Häge and H. Kühnert. Munich 1978. 161 documents with translation and commentary. [Heimeran]


= Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum. Cambridge, Mass.

  • I, ed. V.A. Tcherikover. 1957. Nos. 1—141.
  • II, ed. V.A. Tcherikover and A. Fuks. 1960. Nos. 142—450.
  • III, ed. V.A. Tcherikover, A. Fuks and M. Stern. 1964. Nos. 451—520.
  • IV, ed. N. Hacham und T. Ilan, in collaboration with M.M. Piotrkowski und Z. Szántó. 2020.


= Corpus Papyrorum Latinarum, ed. R. Cavenaile. Wiesbaden 1958. Nos. 1—345 plus Annexe nos. 1—28. [OH] Online: CeDoPaL


= Corpus Palmomanticum Graecum, ed. S. Costanza. Florence 2009. (Pap.Flor. XXXIX)


= Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Firenze.

  • I: Named authors
    • 1. Philosophers (Academici – Zeno)
      • CPF I.1*: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 1, Autori noti. 1, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1989. Academici – Cyrenaici
      • CPF I.1**: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 1, Autori noti. 2, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1992. Demetrius Phalereus – Musonius Rufus
      • CPF I.1*** [1]: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 1, Autori noti. 3[.1], Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1999. Nicolaus Damascenus – Platonis fragmenta
      • CPF I.1*** [2]: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 1, Autori noti. 3[.2], Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1999. Platonis testimonia – Zeno Tarsensis
    • 2. Culture and philosophy (Acusilaus - Xenophon)
      • CPF I.2 [1]: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 2[.1], Cultura e filosofia, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2008. Galenus – Isocratis Ad Nicoclem
  • II: Unattributed fragments; Gnomologia and Sayings
    • CPF II.1*: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 1, Frammenti adespoti. 1*, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2019, con XXIV tavole fuori testo.
    • CPF II.2: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 2, Frammenti adespoti; Gnomologi e sentenze. 2, Sentenze di autori noti e «chreiai», Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2015.
    • CPF II.3: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 2, Frammenti adespoti; Gnomologi e sentenze. 3, Gnomica, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2017.
  • III: Commentaries
    • CPF III: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 3, Commentari, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1995.
  • IV.1: Indexes
    • CPF IV.1 I.1: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 4, Indici, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2002. Autori noti
  • IV.2: Plates
    • CPF IV.2 I.1: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 4, Tavole, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2000. Autori noti e III Commentari
    • CPF IV.2 I.2: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 4, Tavole, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2008. Galenus – Isocrates
    • CPF IV.2 II.2-II.3: Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF. Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. 4, Tavole, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2018. Autori noti e "chreiai" e Gnomica

I.2 Galenus – Isocrates


= Corpus der ptolemäischen Sklaventexte, ed. R. Scholl. Stuttgart 1990. (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, Beiheft 1). In three parts: I, Nos. 1—114; II, Nos. 115—260; III, Indices.


= Des Grecs en Palestine au IIIe siècle avant Jésus-Christ: Le Dossier syrien des archives de Zénon de Caunos (261—252), ed. X. Durand. Paris 1997. (Cahier de la Revue Biblique 38).


= Documenti per la storia dell'esercito romano in Egitto, ed. S. Daris. Milan 1964. (Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Contributi, Serie Terza, Scienze Storiche IX). Nos. 1—108. [VP]


= Feste pubbliche e private nei documenti greci, ed. M. Vandoni. Milan 1964. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'antichità 8, Serie Papyrologica I). Nos. 1—163. [CG]


= Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani, pars tertia, Negotia, ed. V. Arangio-Ruiz. 2nd ed. Florence 1943. Reprint Florence 1969 with an appendix of material prepared by Arangio-Ruiz before his death.


= Greek Horoscopes, by O. Neugebauer and H.B. Van Hoesen. Philadelphia 1957. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 48).


= Greek Medical Papyri, ed. I. Andorlini. Istituto papirologico G. Vitelli. Firenze.

  • I, ed. I. Andorlini. 2001. Nos. 1—15.
  • II, ed. I. Andorlini. 2009. Nos. 1—15.


= Juristische Papyri, ed. P.M. Meyer. Berlin 1920. Nos. 1—93. [MF 2.45; rp. ARES] Online:

New Docs.

= New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. Various editors. North Ryde, NSW, and Grand Rapids, Mich.1981—. 8 vols. to date.


= Oroscopi greci. Documentazione papirologica, by D. Baccani. Messina 1992. (Ric.Pap. I). Nos. 1—18.


= Zehn agonistische Papyri, ed. P. Frisch. Opladen 1986. (Pap.Colon. XIII). Reeditions of ten papyri: 1 = BGU IV 1074; 2 = BGU IV 1073; 3 = P.Oxy. XXVII 2476; 4 = P.Oxy.Hels. 25; 5 = P.Oxy. XXXI 2610; 6 = P.Lond. III 1178 7 = Stud.Pal. V 121; 8 = P.Oslo III 85; 9 = P.Coll.Youtie II 69; 10 = P.Oxy. XLIII 3116. [FS]


= "Die koptischen Arbeitsverträge," by W.C. Till. Eos, 48.1 (1956) 272—329 (Symbolae Raphaeli Taubenschlag dedicatae). Translations and commentary of 60 labor contracts and related texts. (Nos. 7 = CPR IV 156; 9 = CPR IV 157; 20 = CPR IV 162; and 25 = CPR IV 163).


= "Die koptischen Bürgschaftsurkunden," by W.C. Till. Bull.Soc.Arch.Copt. 14 (1958) 165—226. Translations of 90 guarantees and sureties (nos. 3 = CPR IV 102 and 58 = CPR IV 84).


= Choix de papyrus grecs: Essai de traitement automatique, ed. J. Bingen, A. Tomsin, A. Bodson, J. Denooz, J.D. Dupont and E. Evrard. Liège 1968. 28 miscellaneous texts revised and republished.


= The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, ed. B. Porten with J.J. Farber, C.J. Martin, G. Vittman, L.S.B. MacCoull, and S. Clackson. Leiden 1996. (Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui, Studies in Near Eastern Archaeology and Civilization XXII). Texts in English translation from various languages: Egyptian Hieratic, nos. A1—10; Aramaic, nos. B1—52; Egyptian Demotic, nos. C1—37; Greek, nos. D1—52; Coptic, nos. E1—20; Arabic, nos. F1—2; Latin, nos. G1—2. [EJB] Online: AWDL


= Papyri Copticae Magicae, ed. K. Dosoo and M. Preininger, together with: R. Bélanger Sarrazin, E.O.D. Love, S. Schuster and Julia Schwarzer

  • 1, 2023: Formularies


= Papyri Graecae Magicae, ed. K. Preisendanz. 2 vols. Leipzig-Berlin 1928, 1931. Photostatic copies of proofs of an unpublished third volume are to be found in some libraries. A reprint including texts from the projected third vol. with revisions by A. Henrichs was published in 1974. [KGS] See also The Magical Papyri in Translation, by H.D. Betz (esp. p. xliv), Chicago 1985. See also below Suppl.Mag.


= Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, ed. C.A. Faraone and S. Torallas Tovar, with many contributors. California Classical Studies. Berkeley.


= Roman Military Records on Papyrus, ed. R.O. Fink. Cleveland 1971. (American Philological Association, Philological Monograph 26). Nos. 1—134. [OUP]


= Select Papyri. (The Loeb Classical Library). London and Cambridge, Mass. [HUP]

  • I, Private Affairs, ed. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. 1932. Nos. 1—200.
  • II, Official Documents, ed. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. 1934. Nos. 201—434. Online:
  • III, Literary Papyri: Poetry, ed. D.L. Page. 1942. Nos. 1—147. Online:

Short Texts

= Demotic and Greek short texts gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming.

  • I, Some Coins of Artaxerxes and other short texts in the Demotic Script found on various objects and gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 2001. Nos. 1-277. (Stud.Demotica 5)
  • II, Demotic and Greek-Demotic Mummy Labels and other short texts gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leuven - Paris - Walpole, MA 2011. Nos. 278—1200. (Stud.Demotica 9)
  • III, Demotic Graffiti and other short texts gathered from many publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leuven - Paris - Bristol, CT 2015. Nos. 1201—2350. (Stud.Demotica 12)

Shorthand Manuals

= Greek Shorthand Manuals, ed. H.J.M. Milne. London 1934. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 24). Includes nos. 1—6 of P.Ant. [EES]


= Supplementum Magicum, ed. with translations and notes by R.W. Daniel and F. Maltomini. (Pap.Colon. XVI).

  • I, Opladen 1990. Nos. 1-51. [FS]
  • II, Opladen 1992. Nos. 52-100. [FS]



= Bibliographie Papyrologique: Fichier électronique 1932—2010, under the direction of A. Martin with the assistance of R.S. Bagnall, A. Buchet, A. Deknudt, A. Delattre, P. Heilporn and H. Melaerts. Available on CD-ROM "Subsidia Papyrologica 4.0." Brussels 2010. [AERE]


= Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten.

  • I, ed. F. Preisigke. Berlin/Leipzig 1922. [WdG] Online:
  • II, ed. F. Bilabel, in 2 pts. Heidelberg 1931, 1933. [o.p.]
    • Pt. 1, Zweiter Band. Erste Hälfte 1931.
    • Pt. 2, Zweiter Band. Zweite Hälfte 1933. Online:
  • III, ed. M. David, B.A. van Groningen and E. Kiessling. Leiden 1958. [EJB] Online:
  • IV, ed. M. David, B.A. van Groningen and E. Kiessling. Leiden 1964. [EJB] Online:
  • V, ed. E. Boswinkel, M. David, B.A. van Groningen and E. Kiessling. Leiden 1969. [EJB] Online:
  • VI, ed. E. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1976. [EJB] Online:
  • VII, ed. E. Boswinkel, W. Clarysse, P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1986. [EJB]
  • VIII, ed. P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1992. [EJB] Online:
  • IX, ed. P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1995. [EJB] Online:
  • X, ed. P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1998. [EJB] Online:
  • XI, , ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and A.M.F.W Verhoogt. Leiden 2002. [EJB] Online:
  • XII, ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and K.A. Worp. Leiden 2009. [EJB] Online:
  • XIII, ed. F.A.J. Hoogendijk and A. Joerdens. Leiden 2017. [EJB]
  • Vols. I-XI are available on CD-ROM. Leiden, 2009. [EJB]

BL Konkordanz

= Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten: Konkordanz

  • I, Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten: Konkordanz und Supplement zu Band I—VII, ed. W. Clarysse, R.W. Daniel, F.A.J. Hoogendijk and P. van Minnen. Leuven 1989. [Peeters]
  • II, Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten: Konkordanz zu Band VIII—XI, ed. M.J. Bakker, A.V. Bakkers, F.A.J. Hoogendijk and N. Kruit. Leiden-Boston 2007. [EJB]

BL Dem.

= A Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents, ed. A. A. den Brinker, B. P. Muhs, and S. P. Vleeming. Leuven 2005. (Studia Demotica 7). [Peeters]

  • A, Papyrus Editions.
  • B, Ostrakon Editions and Various Publications.
  • Note: S. P. Vleeming has issued four supplements to date (privately printed, Brauneberg):
  • The Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents in A. D. MMV (2006)
  • The Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents in A. D. 2005-2006 (2007)
  • The Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents in A. D. 2007 (2008)
  • The Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents in A. D. 2007-9 (2010)


= Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets, ed. J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, S.J. Clackson, A.A. O’Brien, J.D. Sosin, T.G. Wilfong and K.A. Worp. The current print version is the 5th, BASP Suppl. 9 (2001). [Oxbow]. The URL for the Web version is, kept current by J.F. Oates and J.D. Sosin. [The scriptorium version is now very much out of date and and replaced by this present online version]


= The Checklist of Arabic Papyri, ed. P.M. Sijpesteijn, J.F. Oates and A. Kaplony. Currently available online at


= Checklist of Demotic Text Editions and Re-editions, by S.P. Vleeming and A.A. den Brinker. Leiden 1993. (Uitgaven Vanwege de Stichting "Het Leids Papyrologisch Instituut" 14).


= Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri. Recorded on Packard Humanities Institute CD-ROM 7 with all material entered to June 1996. Online version at The DDBDP is co-directed by James Cowey and Joshua Sosin, who together set policy in close consultation with Rodney Ast, the Editorial Board, and other colleagues. Day-to-day editorial decisions are made democratically by the Editorial Board (Rodney Ast, James Cowey, Alain Delattre, Paul Heilporn, Todd Hickey, Cisca Hoogendijk, Joshua Sosin), often in consultation with other colleagues. Editorial proposals of special difficulty or weight are referred to a board of Senior Editors, who advise the Editorial Board on the virtue of the submissions. Senior Editors are/were: Isabella Andorlini(†), Roger Bagnall, Willy Clarysse, Hélène Cuvigny, Nikolaos Gonis, Dieter Hagedorn, Ann Hanson, Andrea Jördens, James Keenan, and Klaas Worp. For more on the DDBDP see the development site.


= Fachwörter des öffentlichen Verwaltungsdienstes Ägyptens in der griechischen Papyrusurkunden der ptolemäisch-römischen Zeit, by F. Preisigke. Göttingen 1915. Online:


= Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten, directed by D. Hagedorn. Available on the World Wide Web at Also available on the CD-ROM "Subsidia Papyrologica 1.0." Brussels 2000. [FERE]

Leiden system of punctuation

= Essai d'unification des méthodes employées dans les éditions de papyrus. (Résolution votée par le XVIIIe Congrès des Orientalistes, à Leyde, le 11 septembre 1931.), ChrEg 7 (1932) Nos 13-14, pp. 285-287. Online at Full bibliographic record


= Lexikon der Ägyptologie, ed. W. Helck, E. Otto and W. Westendorf. Wiesbaden 1972-1996.


= "Papyrus, demotische," Lex.Äg. 4 (1982) coll. 750—898. An extensive list of published Demotic texts compiled by E. Lüddeckens. There are also lists of monographic editions of papyri in vol. 7 (1996) under section II Abkürzung, part d; in section IX, part b, there is a list of all papyrus texts cited in the Lex.Äg.


= The Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections World Wide, directed by W. Clarysse and H. Verreth, with H. Proost, I. Uytterhoeven, K. Vandorpe, P. van Minnen. Online at


= Papyrological Navigator (providing access to DDBDP, HGV and APIS). Online at


= Prosopographia Ptolemaica, ed. W. Peremans and E. Van ’t Dack with additional editors as noted below. Leuven.

  • I, L’Administration civile et financière. 1950. (Studia Hellenistica 6).
  • II, L’Armée de terre et la police. 1952. (Studia Hellenistica 8).
  • III, Le Clergé, le notariat, les tribunaux. 1956, reprint 1977. (Studia Hellenistica 11).
  • IV, L’Agriculture et l’élevage. 1959. (Studia Hellenistica 12).
  • V, Le Commerce et l’industrie. Le Transport sur terre et la flotte. La Domesticité. 1963. (Studia Hellenistica 13).
  • VI, La Cour, les relations internationales et les possessions extérieures, la vie culturale, ed. L. Mooren and W. Swinnen. 1968. (Studia Hellenistica 17).
  • VII, Index Nominum, ed. L. De Meulemeester-Swinnen and H. Hauben. 1975. (Studia Hellenistica 20).
  • VIII, Addenda et Corrigenda aux volumes I et II, ed. L. Mooren and W. Swinnen. 1975. (Studia Hellenistica 21).
  • IX, Addenda et Corrigenda au volume III, ed. W. Clarysse. 1981. (Studia Hellenistica 25).
  • X, Foreign Ethnics in Hellenistic Egypt, ed. C. A. La'da. 2002. (Studia Hellenistica 38).

Till, Prosopographie

= Datierung und Prosopographie der koptischen Urkunden aus Theben, ed. W.C. Till. SBWien 240.1 (1954).


= Word lists of recent volumes of papyri and ostraca, compiled under the direction of D. Hagedorn, covering publications not included in the CD-ROM of the DDDBDP. An Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, available at Now continued by K. Maresch and D. Hagedorn and available through the services of CCeH at Cologne


Calderini, Diz.geogr.

= Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell’Egitto greco-romano, ed. A. Calderini and S. Daris.

  • I pt. 1, ed. A. Calderini. Cairo 1935. [Rp. CG 1972]; pt. 2, ed. A. Calderini. Madrid 1966; [Rp. CG 1972]
  • II, ed. S. Daris in 4 pts. Milan 1973—1977; [CG]
  • III, ed. idem in 4 parts. Milan 1978—1983; [CG]
  • IV, ed. idem in 4 pts. Milan 1983—1986; [CG]
  • V, ed. idem. Milan 1987. [CG]
  • Supplemento 1 (1935—1986), ed. idem. Milan 1988. [CG]
  • Supplemento 2 (1987-1993), ed. idem. Bonn 1996. [CG]

Chicago Demotic Dictionary

= Chicago Demotic Dictionary, an ongoing project. The most recent information can be found on its web site:

Coptic Dictionary Online


Crum, Dict.

= Coptic Dictionary, ed. W.E. Crum. Oxford 1939. [rp. Sandpiper Books. OUP]

Crum, Compléments

= Compléments au dictionnaire copte de Crum, ed. R. Kasser. Cairo 1964. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Bibliothèque d’études coptes 7).


= Dictionnaire inversé du Copte, ed. M.-O. Strasbach and B. Barc. Louvain 1984. (Cahiers de la bibliothèque copte 7).


= Rücklaüfiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen, ed. F. Dornseiff and B. Hansen. Berlin 1957. (Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Phil.-hist. Kl., Berichte über die Verhandlungen 102.4). [AV]

Erichsen, Glossar

= Demotisches Glossar, by W. Erichsen. Copenhagen 1954.

Förster, WB

= Wörterbuch der griechischen Wörter in den koptischen documentarischen Texten, ed. H. Förster. Berlin 2002. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 148). [WdG]


= Die Personennamen der Kopten, ed. G. Heuser. Leipzig 1929. (Studien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde 1.2). Note W. Brunsch, "Index zu Heusers Personennamen der Kopten," Enchoria 12 (1984) 119—153.


= Koptisches Handwörterbuch, ed. W. Westendorf. Heidelberg 1965—1977.


= Rücklaüfiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Sprache, ed. P. Kretschmer and E. Locker. 2nd ed. Göttingen 1963. (Supersedes O. Gradenwitz, Heidelberger Konträrindex der griechischen Papyrusurkunden [Berlin 1931]). Online:


= A Patristic Greek Lexicon, ed. G.W.H. Lampe. Oxford 1969.


= Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, besonders des 9.–12. Jahrhunderts, ed. E. Trapp. Vienna 1994–2017.


= Lexicon der lateinischen Lehnwörter in den griechischsprachigen dokumentarischen Texten Ägyptens mit Berücksichtigung koptischer Quellen, by I.-M. Cervenka-Ehrenstrasser with J. Diethart. Vienna 1996—. (MPER N.S. XXVII). Published to date are Fasc. 1, alpha (1996) and 2, beta—delta (2000). [VBH]


= Namenbuch enthaltend alle griechischen, lateinischen, ägyptischen, hebräischen, arabischen und sonstigen semitischen und nichtsemitischen Menschennamen, soweit sie in griechischen Urkunden (Papyri, Ostraka, Inschriften, Mumienschildern usw) Ägyptens sich vorfinden, ed. F. Preisigke. Heidelberg 1922, repr. Amsterdam 1967.

NB Copt.

= Namen in koptischen dokumentarischen Texten by M.R.H. Hasitzka. Available online at

NB Dem.

= Demotisches Namenbuch, ed. E. Lüddeckens and H.J. Thissen. Wiesbaden 1980—. To date, vol. 1 in 16 fascicles, covering the entire alphabet. [Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag]


= Onomasticon alterum papyrologicum, Supplemento al Namenbuch di F. Preisigke, ed. D. Foraboschi in 4 pts. Milan 1967—1971. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità 16, Serie papyrologica II). [CG]

Ronchi, Lex.Theon.

= Lexicon theonymon rerumque sacrarum et divinarum ad Aegyptum pertinentium quae in papyris ostracis titulis Graecis Latinisque in Aegypto repertis laudantur, ed. G. Ronchi. Milan 1974—1977. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichià 45). [CG]

Ruozzi Sala, Lex.Nom.Sem.

= Lexicon nominum Semiticorum quae in papyris Graecis in Aegypto repertis ab anno 323 a.Ch.n. usque ad annum 70 p.Ch.n. laudata reperiuntur, ed. S.M. Ruozzi Sala. Milan 1974. (Testi e documenti per lo studi dell’antichità 46). [CG]


= Spoglio lessicale papirologico, ed. S. Daris, in 3 vols. Milan 1968.


= Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit: Eine Sammlung christlicher Stätten in Ägypten in arabischer Zeit unter Ausschluss von Alexandria, Kairo, des Apa-Mena-Klosters (Der Abu Mina), der Sketis (Wadi n-Natrun) und der Sinai-Region, ed. S. Timm. 6 volumes. Wiesbaden 1984—1992. (Tübinger Atlas zum vorderen Orient, Beihefte, Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften, 41, 1-6). [Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag]. See: Index zu Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit (Stefan Timm), ed. K.-H. Brune, Wiesbaden 2007. (Tübinger Atlas zum vorderen Orient, Beihefte, Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften, 41, 7). [Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag]


= Wörterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden, mit Einschluss der griechischen Inschriften, Aufschriften, Ostraka, Mumienschilder usw. aus Ägypten, ed. F. Preisigke and E. Kiessling.

  • I, A-K, Berlin 1925. Online:
  • II, Λ-Ω, Berlin 1927. Online:
  • III, besondere Wörterliste, Berlin 1931. Online:
  • IV, A-Z in 5 pts. Berlin 1944—. Online:
  • Supplement 1 (1940—1966), ed. E. Kiessling. Amsterdam 1969—1971. [AMH].
  • Supplement 2 (1967—1976), ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and A. Jördens. Wiesbaden 1991. [OH].
  • Supplement 3 (1977-1988), ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and A. Jördens. Wiesbaden 2000. [OH].


Bresciani, Nozioni

= Nozioni elementari di grammatica demotica, by E. Bresciani. Milan 1969. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità 29). [CG]

Brugsch, Gram.

= Grammaire Démotique, by H. Brugsch. Berlin 1855. Online:

du Bourguet, Gram.

= Grammaire fonctionelle et progressive de l’égyptien démotique, by P. du Bourguet. Louvain 1976. [Peeters]

Gignac, Gram.

= A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, vol. I, Phonology, vol. II Morphology, by F.T. Gignac. Milan 1976, 1981. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità, 55, 1—2). [CG]

Johnson, Gram.

= Thus Wrote ‘Onchsheshonqy: An Introductory Grammar of Demotic, by J.H. Johnson. Chicago 1986. 2nd ed. 1991. (University of Chicago, Oriental Institute. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 45). A 3rd ed. rev. 2000 has been published on the World Wide Web at

Johnson, Verbal System

= The Demotic Verbal System by J.H. Johnson. Chicago 1976. (University of Chicago, Oriental Institute. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 38).

Layton, Coptic Grammar

= A Coptic Grammar with Chrestomathy and Glossary. Sahidic Dialect, by B. Layton. Wiesbaden 2000. (Porta Linguarum Orientalium NS 20). [OH]

Lexa, Gram.

= Grammaire démotique, by F. Lexa, in 7 parts. Prague 1949—1951. Privately printed.

Mandilaras, Verb

= The Verb in the Greek Non-literary Papyri, by B.G. Mandilaras. Athens 1973.

Mayser, Gram.

= Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemäerzeit mit Einschluss der gleichzeitigen Ostraka und der in Ägypten verfassten Inschriften, by E. Mayser. Berlin/Leipzig 1906—1970. [WdG]

Palmer, Gram.

= A Grammar of the Post-Ptolemaic Papyri, by L.R. Palmer. Vol. I, Accidence and Word-formation, pt. 1, The Suffixes (no further parts published). London 1945. [OUP]

Simpson, Gram.

= Demotic Grammar in the Ptolemaic Sacerdotal Decrees, by R.S. Simpson. Oxford 1996. (Griffith Institute Monographs). [Griffith Institute. Ashmolean Museum]

Spiegelberg, Gram.

= Demotische Grammatik, by W. Spiegelberg. Heidelberg 1925. Online:


Boswinkel-Sijpesteijn, Tabulae

= Greek Papyri, Ostraca and Mummy Labels, by E. Boswinkel and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Amsterdam 1968. (Tabulae Palaeo-graphicae I). [AMH]

Cavallo-Maehler, GB

= Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period, A.D. 300—800, by G. Cavallo and H. Maehler. London 1987. (Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 47). [ICS]


= Koptische Paläographie, by M. Cramer. Wiesbaden 1964. [OH]


= A Palaeographical Study of Demotic Papyri in the Cairo Museum from the Reign of King Taharka to the End of the Ptolemaic Period (684-30 B.C.), by O. el-Aguizy. Cairo 1998. (MIFAO 113). [SEVPO]


= Handbuch der griechischen Paläographie, by H. Harrauer. Bd. I Textband, Bd. II Tafelband, with a CD-ROM. Stuttgart 2010. (Bibliothek des Buchwesens 20). [A. Hiersemman]


= Album de paléographie copte pour servir à l’introduction paléo-graphique des Actes des Martyrs de l’Égypte, by H. Hyvernat. Paris 1888. [Reprint OZ 1972]

Roberts, GLH

= Greek Literary Hands, 350 B.C.—A.D. 400, by C.H. Roberts. Oxford 1956. [OUP]

Schubart, Pal.

= Griechische Palaeographie, by W. Schubart. Munich 1925, rp. 1966. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft I.4.1). [Beck]

Schubart, PGB

= Papyrae graecae Berolinenses, by W. Schubart. Bonn 1911. (Tabulae in Usum Scholarum 2). Online:

Seider, Pal.Gr.

= Paläographie der griechischen Papyri, by R. Seider. Bd. I Urkunden, Bd. II Literarische Papyri, Bd. III Text, pt. 1 Urkundenschrift. Stuttgart 1967, 1970, 1990. [Hiersemann]

Seider, Pal.Lat.

= Paläographie der lateinischen Papyri, by R. Seider. Bd. I Urkunden. Bd. II, 1 Literarische Papyri. Bd. II, 2 Juristische und Christliche Texte. Stuttgart 1972, 1978, 1981. [Hiersemann]


= Koptische Paläographie, by V. Stegemann. Heidelberg 1936.

Turner, GMAW

= Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, by E.G. Turner: 2nd ed. rev. and enl. by P.J. Parsons. London 1987. (Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 46). [ICS]



= The Coptic Encyclopedia, ed. A.S. Atiya. 8 volumes. New York 1991.

Depauw, Companion

= A Companion to Demotic Studies, by M. Depauw. Brussels 1997. (Pap.Brux. XXVIII). [FERE]

Fikhman, Introduction

= Introduction à la papyrologie documentaire (In Russian), by I.F. Fikhman. Moscow 1987.

Grundz.Mitt. (or M.Gr.)

= L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, II Bd. Juristischer Teil, I Hälfte Grundzüge, by L. Mitteis. Leipzig/Berlin 1912. [MF 2. 122—123 (with Chrestomathie); rp. GO] Online:

Grundz.Wilck. (or W.Gr.)

= L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, I Bd. Historischer Teil, I Hälfte Grundzüge, by U. Wilcken. Leipzig/Berlin 1912. [MF 2. 120—121 (with Chrestomathie); rp. GO] Online:

Hoffmann, Darstellung

= Ägypten: Kultur und Lebenswelt in griechisch-römischer Zeit: Eine Darstellung nach den demotischen Quellen, by F. Hoffmann. Berlin 2000. [AV]

Hohlwein, Papyrologie

= La Papyrologie Grecque, Bibliographie raisonée, by N. Hohlwein. Louvain 1905. (Musée Belge 6-9 [1902-1906]). Online:

Montevecchi, Pap.

= La Papirologia, by O. Montevecchi. 2nd ed. Milan 1988. [VP]

Peremans, Vergote, Handboek

= Papyrologisch Handboek, by W. Peremans and J. Vergote. Leuven 1942.

Pestman, Prim.²

= The New Papyrological Primer, 2nd ed., by P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1994. [EJB]

Preisendanz, Papyrusfunde

= Papyrusfunde und Papyrusforschung, by K. Preisendanz. Leipzig 1933.

Rupprecht, Einf.

= Kleine Einführung in die Papyruskunde, by H.-A. Rupprecht. Darmstadt 1994.

Schubart, Einf.

= Einführung in die Papyruskunde, by W. Schubart. Berlin 1918. Online:

Turner, GP

= Greek Papyri, an Introduction, by E.G. Turner. Oxford 1968; rev. ed. 1980. [OUP]

  • Papyrological resources on the World Wide Web not listed here can be found through the Web site of the American Society of Papyrologists, <>



= Aegyptiaca Treverensia. Trierer Studien zum griechisch-römischen Ägypten. Mainz 1981—. [PvZ]

  • I, Alexandrien. Kulturbegegnungen dreier Jahrtausende im Schmelztiegel einer mediterranen Grossstadt, by N. Hinske. 1981.
  • II, Das römisch-byzantinische Ägypten. Akten des internationalen Sym'posions 26.—30. September 1978 in Trier. 1984.
  • III, Corpus of Mosaics from Egypt I, by W.A. Daszewski. 1985.
  • IV, see P.Neph.
  • V, not yet published.
  • VI, Der Sarg der Teüris, eine Studie zum Totenglauben im römischen Ägypten, by D. Kurth. 1990.
  • VII, Aspekte spätägyptischer Kultur: Festschrift für Erich Winter zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. M. Minas and J. Zeidler. 1994.
  • VIII, Untersuchungen zur Chronologie und Komposition des Alexander-mosaiks auf antiquarischer Grundlage, by M. Pfrommer. Mainz 1998.
  • IX, Die Hieroglyphischen Ahnenreihen der ptolemäischen Könige, by M. Minas. 2000.


= American Studies in Papyrology. Durham, New Haven, Toronto, Las Palmas, Missoula, Chico, Decatur, Atlanta, Oakville 1966—. (American Society of Papyrologists).


= Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beiheften.

  • 1, Studien zur Geschichte des Römischen Kolonates, by M. Rostowzew. Leipzig and Berlin 1910. Online:
  • 2, Untersuchungen zur Chronologie der ersten Ptolemäer auf Grund der Papyri, by E. Meyer. Leipzig and Berlin 1925.
  • 3, see Pap.Congr. XXI (IX Proceedings).
  • 4, see P.Hamb. IV.
  • 5, Topographie und Geschichte der Region am ersten Nilkatarakt in griechisch-römischer Zeit, by J. Locher. Stuttgart and Leipzig 1999. [KGS]
  • 6, Des Niloten Horapollon Hieroglyphenbuch, Part One, Text und Überstetzung, by H.J. Thissen. Munich and Leipzig 2001. [KGS]
  • 7, See BGU XVII.
  • 8, See C.Gloss.Biling. II (Corpora)
  • 10, See P.Lips. II.
  • 11, Der Königliche Schreiber und die Gauverwaltung, 2 vols., by T. Kruse. Munich and Leipzig 2002. [KGS]
  • 12, see P.Erl.Diosp..
  • 13, Kirchliche Amtsträger im spätantiken Ägypten, by G. Schmelz. Munich and Leipzig 2002 [KGS]
  • 14, L'Achat et la vente des esclaves dan l'Égypte romaine, by J. A. Straus. Munich and Leipzig 2004. [KGS]
  • 16, see P.Paramone.
  • 18, Das Dekret von Kanopos, by S. Pfeiffer. Munich and Leipzig 2004. [KGS]
  • 19, see BGU XIX.
  • 20, Ein ptolemäisches Priesterdekret aus dem Jahr 186 v. Chr. Eine neue Version von Philensis II in Kairo, ed. M. Eldamati. München and Leipzig 2005. [KGS]
  • 21, Schrift, Text und Bild: Kleine Schriften von Herwig Maehler, ed. C. Lada and C.E. Römer. München and Leipzig 2006. [KGS]
  • 25, see O.Abu Mina.
  • 26, L'archivio di Claudius Tiberianus da Karanis, by S. Strassi. Berlin, 2008.
  • 27, see P.Kramer
  • 28, Tierbilder aus dem ersten Jahrhundert : ein zoologischer Kommentar zum Artemidor-Papyrus, by R. Kinzelbach. Berlin, 2009.
  • 29, Documentary Arabic private and business letters on papyrus : form and function, content and context, by E. M. Grob. New York, Berlin, 2010.
  • 30, Von der Papyrologie zur Romanistik, by J. Kramer. Berlin, 2011.
  • 31, Ricchezza e potere nell'Egitto bizantino : La famiglia degli Apioni ed altre casate ossirinchite, ed. G. Azzarelo. Berlin, 2010.
  • 32, Il dossier della domus divina in Egitto, by G. Azzarello. Berlin, 2010.
  • 33, see P.Scholl
  • 34, see P.Philammon
  • 35, see P.Cair.Mich. II
  • 36, see P.Trier I
  • 37, Il lessico dei vasi e dei contenitori greci nei papiri, by I. Bonati. Berlin, 2016.
  • 38, see P.Trier II
  • 39, see P.Giss II
  • 43, see O.Lips.Copt. II
  • 45, see P.Cair.Mich. III

BASP Suppl.

= Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists: Supplements. Published irregularly by the Society, 1973— . [Oxbow]

  • 1, Checklist of Editions of Greek Papyri and Ostraca, 2nd ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall and W.H. Willis. 1978.
  • 2, Regnal Formulas in Byzantine Egypt, by R.S. Bagnall and K.A. Worp. 1979. Online: AWDL
  • 3, Abbreviations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca, by K. McNamee. 1981. Online: AWDL
  • 4, Checklist of Editions of Greek Papyri and Ostraca, 3rd ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, W.H. Willis and K.A. Worp. 1985.
  • 5, Currency and Inflation in Fourth Century Egypt, by R.S. Bagnall. 1985. Online: AWDL
  • 6, The Production and Use of Vegetable Oils in Ptolemaic Egypt, by D.B. Sandy. 1989. Online: AWDL
  • 7, Checklist of Editions of Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets, 4th ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, W.H. Willis and K.A. Worp. 1992.
  • 8, The Ptolemaic Basilikos Grammateus, by J.F. Oates. 1995. Online: AWDL
  • 9, Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets, 5th ed., by J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, S.J. Clackson, A.A. O’Brien, J.D. Sosin, T.G. Wilfong and K.A. Worp. 2001.


= Collectanea Hellenistica. Brussels 1989—. (KVAB, Klassieke Studies, Hellenisme), Leuven 2015— (Peeters-KVAB).

  • I, see C.Jud.Syr.Eg. (III Corpora).
  • II, see P.Petr. 2
  • III, Reconstructing Pathyris’ Archives. A Multicultural Community in Hellenistic Egypt, by K. Vandorpe and S. Waebens. Brussels 2009.
  • IV, see P.Dryton.
  • V, Bilingual Notaries in Hellenistic Egypt. A Study of Greek as a Second Language, by M. Vierros, Brussels 2012.
  • VI, Graeco-Roman Archives from the Fayum, by K. Vandorpe, W. Clarysse and H. Verreth. Leuven 2015.
  • VII, see P.Petr.Kleon.
  • VIII, The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris. Volume A. The Archaeological and Papyrological Survey, by C.E. Römer et al. Leuven 2019.
  • IX, The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris. Volume B. The Ceramological Survey, by D.M. Bailey et al. Leuven 2019.


= Comunicazioni issued by the Istituto papirologico "G. Vitelli." Florence.


= Cahiers de Recherches de l’Institut de Papyrologie et d’Égyptologie de Lille. 1973— .

  • I, Études sur l’Égypte et le Soudan anciens. Lille and Paris (Éditions Universitaires) 1973.
  • II, idem. 1974.
  • III, idem. 1975.
  • IV, idem. Lille (Publications de l’Université de Lille III) n.d. (1976).
  • V, idem. n.d. (1979).
  • VI, idem. Lille (Presses Universitaires de Lille) 1981.
  • VII, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 1985.
  • VIII, idem. 1986.
  • IX, idem. 1987.
  • X, idem. 1988.
  • XI, idem. Lille (Institut de Papyrologie et d’Égyptologie, Université Charles de Gaulle Lille III) 1989.
  • XII, idem. 1990.
  • XIII, idem. 1991 (Mélanges Jacques Jean Clère).
  • XIV, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 1992.
  • XV, idem. 1993.
  • XVI, idem. 1994.
  • XVII.1-2, Actes de la VIIIe conférence internationale des études Nubiennes. (Université Charles de Gaulle Lille III) 1995-1997.
  • XVIII, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 1996.
  • XIX, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 1998.
  • XX, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 1999.
  • XXI, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 2000.
  • XXII, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 2001.
  • XXIII, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 2003.
  • XXIV, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 2004.
  • XXV, Sociétés urbaines en Égypte et au Soudan. 2005.
  • XXVI, Mélanges offerts à Francis Geus. ed. B. Gratien. Lille 2007.


= Demotische Studien. Leipzig 1901—1929; Sommerhausen 1988—.

  • I, Aegyptische und griechische Eigennamen aus Mumienetiketten der römischen Kaiserzeit, by W. Spiegelberg. 1901. [Rp. CG] Online:
  • II, See P.Eleph.Dem.
  • III, Der Sagenkreis des Königs Petubastis nach dem Strassburger demotischen Papyrus sowie den Wiener und Pariser Bruchstücken, ed. W. Spiegelberg. 1910. [Rp. CG] Online:
  • IV, Das demotische Totenbuch der Pariser Nationalbibliothek (Papyrus des Pamonthes), ed. F. Lexa. 1910. [Rp. CG] Online:
  • V, Demotische Texte auf Krügen, ed. W. Spiegelberg. 1912. [Rp. CG] Online:
  • VI, Die beiden Totenpapyrus Rhind des Museums zu Edinburg, ed. G. Möller. 1911. [Rp. CG] Online:
  • VII, see P.Chronik.
  • VIII, see P.Zen.Dem.
  • IX, Le Mythe de l’oeil du soleil, ed. F. de Cenival. 1988. [Gisela Zauzich Verlag]
  • X, Die demotischen Graffiti von Medinet Habu, ed. H.J. Thissen. 1989. [Gisela Zauzich Verlag]
  • XI, Der verkommene Harfenspieler, ed. H.J. Thissen. 1992. [Gisela Zauzich Verlag]
  • XII, see P.Hausw.
  • XIII, Der verblendete Gelehrte: der erste Setna-Roman (P. Kairo 30646), ed. S. Goldbrunner. 2006. [Gisela Zauzich Verlag]
  • XIV, The demotic letter: a study of epistolographic scribal traditions against their intra- and intercultural background, by M. Depauw. 2006. [Gisela Zauzich Verlag]


= Estudis de Papirologia i Filologia Bíblica. Barcelona 1991—. [Seminari de Papirologia, Institut de Teologia Fondamental]

  • 1, The Funerary Papyrus Palau Rib. inv. nr. 450, ed. C. Sturtewagen. 1991.
  • 2, Il lessico latino nel greco d’Egitto, by S. Daris. 2nd ed., 1991.
  • 3, see P.PalauRib.Lit..
  • 4, see P.PalauRib.

Graeco-Roman Memoirs, Egypt Exploration Society. London 1898— .


= Kurzberichte aus den Papyrussammlungen: Universitäts-bibliothek Giessen

  • I, Bericht über den VII. Internationalen Kongress für Papyrologie im Hinblick auf die Giessener Papyrussammlungen, by H.G. Gundel. 1956. Reprint 1968. Online:
  • II, Die Giessener Papyrussammlungen. Überblick und Bibliographie, by H.G. Gundel. 1956. Reprint 1966. Online:
  • III, Vorbemerkungen zum Inventar der Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis, by H.G. Gundel. 1956. 2nd edition 1968 = Kurzberichte XXVII. Online:
  • IV, Die Rückführung Giessener Papyri aus Amerika, by H.G. Gundel. 1958. 2nd edition 1971. Online:
  • V, Vorbemerkungen zum Inventar der Papyri Iandanae, by H.G. Gundel. 1958. Second edition, KurzberichteXXIX, 1971. Online:
  • VI, Vorbemerkungen zum Inventar der papyri Gissenses, by H.G. Gundel. 1958. Second edition KurzberichteXXXII, 1975. Online:
  • VII Vorbemerkungen zum Inventar der Ostraca Gissensia, with the collaboration of F. Heichelheim, by H.G. Gundel. 1959. Second expanded edition 1971. Online:
  • VIII Giessener Papyrussammlungen im neuen Raum, by H.G. Gundel. 1959. Second edition 1976. Online:
  • IX, Von der Arbeit an den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, by H.G. Gundel. 1960. Online:
  • X, Antiker Kaufvertrag auf einer Wachstafel aus Ravenna, by H.G. Gundel. 1960. Online:
  • XI, Das Inventar der Giessener Papyrussammlungen–Neues über die Bestände, by H.G. Gundel. 1961. Online:
  • XII, Die literarischen Papyri in der Giessener Universitätsbibliothek, by H.G. Gundel. 1962. Second expanded edition in Kurzberichte XXXIX, 1977. Online:
  • XIII, Das kolorierte Giessener Papyrusfragment P.Giss.Inv.Nr 1080, by H.G. Gundel and J.M.A. Janssen. 1962. Online:
  • XIV, Antike Papyri in Giessen. Proben aus den Papyrussammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek, by H.G. Gundel. 1963. Online:
  • XV, Probleme der Papyrus-Konservierung in den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, by H.G. Gundel. 1963. Online:
  • XVI, Das Giessener Fragment einer demotischen Zivilprozessordnung (P.bibl.univ.Giss.inv.Nr 101), by E. Seidl. 1963. Online:
  • XVII, Giessener Papyrologen im Briefwechsel mit H. Ibscher. Neue Materialien zur Geschichte der Giessener Papyrussammlungen zwischen 1927 und 1945, by H.G. Gundel. 1964. Online:
  • XVIII, Die Giessener Zenonpapyri (P.Iand.). Zwischenbericht über ihre Bearbeitung, by F. Uebel. 1964. Online:
  • XIX, Das Giessener veterinärmedizinische Rezept aus der Antike (P.Iand. 86), by H.G. Gundel. 1965. Online:
  • XX, Un compte de foin du 6e siècle. Le P.Iand.inv. 653, by T. Reekmans. 1965. Online:
  • XXI, Les archives du stratège Apollonios et les P.Gissenses inédits, by J. Schwartz. 1965. Online:
  • XXII, Zur Constitutio Antoniniana. (Pap.Giss. 40 I). 1. "Una nueva hipotesis sobre P.Giss. 40 I," by A. d’Ors. 2. "Papyrologisches zur Constitutio Antoniniana," by H.G. Gundel. 1966. 2nd edition 1973. Online:
  • XXIII, The Giessen Coptic Texts, by R. J. Williams. 1966. Online:
  • XXIV, Aus dem Briefwechsel mit Giessener Papyrologen. Weitere Materialien zur Geschichte der Giessener Papyrussammlungen zwischen 1926 und 1945, by F. M. Heichelheim and H.G. Gundel. 1967. 2nd edition 1977. Online:
  • XXV, Papyrus Iandana 68b. Eine paläographische Studie, by J.-O. Tjäder. 1967. 2nd edition 1977. Online:
  • XXVI, Weitere griechische Texte aus Giessen. Ein Bericht über die Zusammenarbeit Giessen — Leiden, 1960—1967, by E. Boswinkel. 1968. Online:
  • XXVII, Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis. Eine Einführung, by H.G. Gundel. 1968. Online:
  • XXVIII, Literarische und experimentelle technologische Studien über Wachsbeschreibstoffe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Giessener Wachsschreibtafeln, by R. Büll. 1969. Online:
  • XXIX, Papyri Iandanae. Eine Einführung. 2nd updated edition of Kurzberichte V (1957), by H.G. Gundel. 1971. Online:
  • XXX, Ausgewählte Giessener Papyri. Ein Katalog, by H.G. Gundel. 1971. Online:
  • XXXI, Giessener papyri 1971, by O. Gärtner und H.G. Gundel. 1972. Online:
  • XXXII, Papyri Gissenses. Eine Einführung. 2nd new and expanded edition of Kurzberichte VI (1958), by H.G. Gundel. 1975. Online:
  • XXXIII, Zur Paläographie des Giessener Ciceropapyrus (P.Iand.90 Inv. 210), by R. Seider. 1975. Online:
  • XXXIV, Trajans Vergöttung (P.Giss.3), by W. den Boer. 1975. Online:
  • XXXV, Indices zu den Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis (P.bibl.univ.Giss.), by K.A. Worp. 1975. Online: Leiden Online:
  • XXXVI, Die Entzifferung griechischer Tachygraphie auf Papyri und Wachstafeln mit Bemerkungen zu den Giessener tachygraphischen Fragmenten sowie zur Geschichte der Tachygraphie und zur Frage der Priorität ihrer Erfindung, by H. Boge. 1976. Online:
  • XXXVII, Neues aus unveröffentlichten Giessener Papyri, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1976. Online:
  • XXXVIII, Vom Graecus und seinen Aufgaben nach den alten Giessener Universitätsstatuten, by H.G. Gundel. 1977. Online:
  • XXXIX, Katalog der literarischen Papyri in der Giessener Universitätsbibliothek, by H.G. Gundel. 2nd expanded edition of Kurzberichte XII (1966). 1977. Online:
  • XL, Papyrustexte als Geschichtsquellen. Schriftträger und Schriften im Altertum–Sammlungen und Fragmente heute, by H.G. Gundel. 1980. Online:
  • XLI, Editionen Giessener Papyri nach 1945. Katalog und Bibliographie, by H.G. Gundel. 1984. Online:
  • XLII, Die Giessener hieroglyphischen und demotischen Texte, by U. Kaplony-Heckel. 1986. Online:
  • XLIII, Die Unschuldserklärungen und Beichten im ägyptischen Totenbuch, in der römischen Elegie und im antiken Roman, by R. Merkelbach. 1987. Online:
  • XLIV, Giessener Dokumente zur antiken Schriftkultur, by P. Kuhlmann. 1997. Online:


= Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, ed. J. Karabacek. Vienna. A publication of various articles, some concerned with Greek papyri. [MF 2.40—44]


= Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien, Neue Serie. Vienna 1932—.

  • I, Griechische literarische Papyri I, ed. H. Gerstinger, H. Oellacher and K. Vogel. 1932. [MF 2.82]
  • II, Koptische Pergamente theologischen Inhalts, ed. W.C. Till. 1934. [MF 2.83] Online: coptica
  • III, Griechische literarische Papyri II, ed. H. Oellacher, with an index to Pts. I and II by H. Gerstinger and P. Sanz. 1939. [MF 2.84]
  • IV, Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen Inhalts I (Biblica, Väterschriften und Verwandtes), ed. P. Sanz. 1946. [RHR]
  • V, see Pap.Congr. VIII (IX Proceedings).
  • VI, Aegypter und Amazonen (Pap.dem.Vindob. 6165 und 6165A), ed. A. Volten. 1962. [ÖNB]
  • VII, Aus der Vorgeschichte der Papyrussammlung der Oesterreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Letters of T. Graf, J. von Karabacek, Erzherzog Rainer and others), ed. H. Hunger. 1962. [ÖNB]
  • VIII, Der Kampf um den Panzer des Inaros (Papyrus Krall), ed. E. Bresciani. 1964. [ÖNB]
  • IX, Koptische Papyri theologischen Inhalts, ed. T. Orlandi. 1974. [ÖNB]
  • X, From the Contents of the Libraries of the Suchos Temples in the Fayum, Part I: A medical Book from Crocodilopolis, P.Vindob. D. 6257, ed. E.A.E. Reymond. 1976. [ÖNB]
  • XI, From the Contents of the Libraries of the Suchos Temples in the Fayum, Part II: From Ancient Egyptian Hermetic Writings, ed. E.A.E. Reymond. 1977. [ÖNB]
  • XII, Prosopographia Arsinoitica I, s. VI—VIII, by J.M. Diethart. 1980. [ÖNB]
  • XIII, Medizinische Rezepte und Verwandtes, ed. H. Harrauer and P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1981. [ÖNB]
  • XIV, Koranfragmente auf Pergament aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. H. Loebenstein. 1982. [ÖNB]
  • XV, see P.Rain.Unterricht.
  • XVI, Notarsunterschriften im Byzantinischen Ägypten, by J.M. Diethart and K.A. Worp. 1986. Separate volume of plates. [ÖNB] Online: Leiden
  • XVII, Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen Inhalts II, ed. K. Treu and J. Diethart. 1993. [ÖNB]
  • XVIII, see P.Rain.UnterrichtKopt.
  • XIX, Bericht über das 1. Wiener Symposion für Papyrusrestaurierung, ed. H. Harrauer. 1985. [ÖNB]
  • XX, Das Amt des APAITHTHS in Ägypten, by B. Palme. 1989. [ÖNB]
  • XXI, Coptic Theological Papyri II, Edition, Commentary, Translation, with an appendix: The Docetic Jesus, by I. Gardner. 1988. Separate volume of plates. [ÖNB]
  • XXII, Coptic Manuscripts from the White Monastery: Works of Shenute, ed. D.W. Young. 1993. Separate volume of plates. [ÖNB]
  • XXIII, see SB Kopt.
  • XXIV, Ägypter und Amazonen: Neue Bearbeitung zweier demotischer Papyri, PVindob. D 6165 und P.Vindob. D 6165A, by F. Hoffmann. 1995. [ÖNB]
  • XXV, Der Lebenskreis der Kopten: Dokumente, Textilien, Funde, Ausgrabungen, curated by H. Buschhausen, U. Horak and H. Harrauer. (Katalog zur Ausstellung im Prunksaal der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek). 1995. [ÖNB]
  • XXVI, not yet published.
  • XXVII, see Lex.Lat.Lehnw. (IV, Instrumenta).
  • XXVIII, Isis, Das gottliche Kind, ed. M. A. Stadler. 2004. [ÖNB]
  • XXIX-XXX, New Testament Greek papyri and parchments : new editions, edited by Stanley E. Porter and Wendy J. Porter. 2008.
  • XXXI, Zeichnungen und Malereien aus den Papyrussammlungen in Berlin und Wien, ed. H. Froschauer. 2008.
  • XXXII, Glossar zur arabischen Epistolographie nach ägyptischen Originaldokumenten des 7.-16. Jahrhunderts, ed. W. Diem. 2017.
  • XXXIII, I prezzi dei materiali e prodotti artigianali nei documenti tardoantichi e del primo periodo arabo (IV ex.-VIII d.C.), by F. Morelli. 2019.


= Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtgeschichte. Munich 1915—. (C.H. Beck). All volumes in print unless noted o.p.

  • 1, Papyrologische Studien zum byzantinischen Urkundenwesen im Anschluß an P.Heidelberg 311, by E. von Druffel. 1915. Online: 2nd ed. 1970.
  • 2, Ägyptisches Vereinswesen zur Zeit der Ptolemäer und Römer. Teil 1: Die Vereinsarten. Online: Teil 2:Vereinswesen und Vereinsrecht, by M. San Nicolò. 1915. Online: Both volumes 2nd ed. 1972, with Nachträgen by J. Herrmann.
  • 3, Frühchristliche Vorbereitungsgebete zur Taufe (Papyr. Berol. 13415), by T. Schermann. 1917. [o.p.] Online:
  • 4, Die Schlußklauseln der altbabylonischen Kauf- und Tauschverträge, by M. San Nicolò. 1922. Online: 2nd ed. 1974.
  • 5, Das Asylwesen Ägyptens in der Ptolemäerzeit und die spätere Entwicklung: eine Einführung in das Rechtsleben Ägyptens besonders der Ptolemäerzeit, by F. von Woess. 1923. Online:
  • 6, Untersuchungen über das Urkundenwesen und den Publizitätsschutz im römischen Ägypten, by F. von Woess. 1924.
  • 7, Die Landwirtschaft im hellenistischen Ägypten, by M. Schnebel. 1925. [Rp. CG] Online: HathiTrust
  • 8, Die Streitbeendigung durch Urteil, Schiedspruch und Vergleich nach griechischem Rechte, by A. Steinwenter. 1925. 2nd ed. 1971. Online: HathiTrust
  • 9, Totenteil und Seelgerät im griechischen Recht, by F.E. Bruck. 1926. 2nd ed. 1976. Online: HathiTrust
  • 10, Der römische Ritterstand: Ein Beitrag zur Sozial- und Personengeschichte des römischen Reiches, by A. Stein. 1927. Online: HathiTrust
  • 11, Der heutige Stand der römischen Rechtswissenschaft, by L. Wenger. 1927. 2nd ed. 1970. Online: HathiTrust
  • 12, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Bergbaurechts, by E. Schönbauer. 1929.
  • 13, Die makedonische Heeresversammlung: ein Beitrag zum antiken Staatsrecht, by F. Granier. 1931.
  • 14, Platons Gesetze und das griechische Familienrecht: Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung, by W. Becker. 1932.
  • 15, Untersuchungen zum gräko-ägyptischen Obligationenrecht: Modalitäten der Leistung im Rechte der Papyri, by F. Weber. 1932.
  • 16, Restituere als Prozeßgegenstand: Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der materiellrechtlichen Beschaffenheit der in iudicium deduzierten Anspruche im klassischen römischen Recht, by M. Kaser. 1932. 2nd ed. 1968.
  • 17, Der Eid im römisch-ägyptischen Provinzialrecht. Teil 1. Die Zeit von der Eroberung Ägyptens bis zum Beginn der Regierung Diokletians, by E. Seidl. 1933.
  • 18, Das Prozeßzeugnis im Rechte der gräko-ägyptischen Papyri, by W. Hellebrand. 1934.
  • 19, see Pap.Congr. III (IX Proceedings).
  • 20, Die Ehe im alten Griechenland, by W. Erdmann. 1934.
  • 21, Zur Rechtsprechung im Principat des Augustus: Historische Beiträge, by H. Volkmann. 1935. 2nd ed. 1969.
  • 22, Die Sondergerichtsbarkeit im griechischen Recht Ägyptens: mit rechtsvergleichenden Ausblicken, by E. Berneker. 1935.
  • 23, Quanti ea res est: Studien zur Methode der Litisästimation im klassischen römischen Recht, by M. Kaser. 1935.
  • 24, Der Eid im römisch-ägyptischen Provinzialrecht. Teil 2. Die Zeit vom Beginn der Regierung Diokletians bis zur Eroberung Ägyptens durch die Araber, by E. Seidl. 1935.
  • 25, Zur frühvenezianischen Collegantia, by S. Condanari-Michler. 1937.
  • 26, Der Strategie in der hellenistischen Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum antiken Staatsrecht, by H. Bengtson. Band 1. 1937. 2nd ed. 1964.
  • 27, Demotische Urkundenlehre nach den frühptolemäischen Texten, by E. Seidl. 1937.
  • 28, Voruntersuchungen zu einer Grammatik der Papyri der nachchristlichen Zeit, by S. Kapsomenakis. 1938.
  • 29, Perduellio, eine Studie zu ihrer begrifflichen Abgrenzung im römischen Strafrecht bis zum Ausgang der Republik, by C.H. Brecht. 1938.
  • 30, Untersuchungen zur Tiermiete und Viehpacht im Altertum, by S. von Bolla. 1941. 2nd ed. 1969.
  • 31, Zur Frage der Publikation im römischen Recht: mit Ausblicken in das altgriechische und ptolemäische Rechtsgebiet, by F. von Schwind. 1940. 2nd ed. 1973.
  • 32, Der Strategie in der hellenistischen Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum antiken Staatsrecht, by H. Bengston. Band 2, 1944. 2nd ed. 1964.
  • 33, Der doppelte Ursprung der Mancipatio: Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des frührömischen Rechtes unter Mitberücksichtigung des nexum, by K.F. Thormann. 1943. 2nd ed. 1969.
  • 34, Festschrift für Leopold Wenger zu seinem 70. Geburtstag von Freunden, Fachgenossen und Schülern. Band 1. 1944.
  • 35, Festschrift für Leopold Wenger zu seinem 70. Geburtstag von Freunden, Fachgenossen und Schülern. Band 2. 1945.
  • 36, Der Strategie in der hellenistischen Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum antiken Staatsrecht, by H. Bengtson. Band 3. 1952. 2nd ed. 1967.
  • 37, Der Arzt im römischen Recht, by K.-H. Below. 1953.
  • 38, Beiträge zum Recht der Parapherna: Eine ehegüterrechtliche Untersuchung, by E. Gerner. 1954.
  • 39, The Reigns of the Ptolemies, by T.C. Skeat. 1954. 2nd ed. 1969.
  • 40, Rom und Rhodos: Geschichte ihrer politischen Beziehungen seit der ersten Berührung bis zum Aufgehen des Inselstaates im römischen Weltreich, by H.H. Schmitt. 1957. [o.p.]
  • 41, Studien zur Bodenpacht im Recht der graeco-aegyptischen Papyri, by J. Herrmann. 1958.
  • 42, Die Fahrlässigkeit im byzantinischen Vertragsrecht, by D. Nörr. 1960. [o.p.]
  • 43, Ptolemaic Chronology, by A.E. Samuel. 1962. [o.p.]
  • 44, Das Justizwesen der Ptolemäer, by H.J. Wolff. 1962. 2nd ed. 1970.
  • 45, Zur Haftung der Schiffer im antiken Recht, by C.H. Brecht. 1962.
  • 46, Die Haftung für Lucrum Cessans im römischen Recht, by K.-H. Below. 1964.
  • 47, Katoche, Hierodulie und Adoptionsfreilassung, by L. Delekat. 1964.
  • 48, Studien zur Praxis der Stipulationsklausel, by D. Simon. 1964.
  • 49, Zur Bedeutung des syrisch-römischen Rechtsbuches, by W. Selb. 1964.
  • 50, Imperium und Polis in der hohen Prinzipatszeit, by D. Nörr. 1966. 2nd ed. 1969.
  • 51, Untersuchungen zum Darlehen im Recht der graeco-ägyptischen Papyri der Ptolemäerzeit, by H.-A. Rupprecht. 1965.
  • 52, Das Verhalten der römischen Behörden gegen die Christen im 2. Jahrhundert: dargestellt am Brief des Plinius an Trajan und den Reskripten Trajans und Hadrians, by R. Freudenberger. 1967. 2nd ed. 1969.
  • 53, Weltbild und Astrologie in den griechischen Zauberpapyri, by H.G. Gundel. 1968.
  • 54, Untersuchungen zum justinianischen Zivilprozeß, by D. Simon. 1969.
  • 55, Quod interest im bonaefidei-iudicium: Studien zum römischen Schaffensersatzrecht, by H. Honsell. 1969.
  • 56, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte Ptolemaios’ I., by J. Seibert. 1969.
  • 57, Studien zur Quittung im Recht der graeco-aegyptischen Papyri, by H.-A. Rupprecht. 1971.
  • 58, Das private Schiedsgericht im antiken römischen Recht, by K.-H. Ziegler. 1971.
  • 59, Stipulatio Aquiliana: Textgestalt und Tragweite der Aquilianischen Ausgleichsquittung im klassischen römischen Recht, by F. Sturm. 1972.
  • 60, Apokeryxis, Abdicatio und Exheredatio, by M. Wurm. 1972.
  • 61, Juridici und Municipalgerichtsbarkeit in Italien, by W. Silmshäuser. 1973.
  • 62, Testamentsauslegung im römischen Recht, by H.J. Wieling. 1972.
  • 63, Die Körperverletzung an Freien im klassischen römischen Recht, by R. Wittmann. 1972.
  • 64, Die Völkerrechtliche Ordnung der hellenistischen Staatenwelt in der Zeit von 280—168 v. Chr., by P. Klose. 1972.
  • 65, Zyprische Prozeßprogramme, by D. Simon. 1973.
  • 66, see Pap.Congr. XIII (IX Proceedings).
  • 67, Impietas in principem: A Study of Treason against the Roman Emperor with Special Reference to the First Century A.D., by R.A. Bauman. 1974.
  • 68, Herrschaft und Verwaltung im republikanischen Italien: die Beziehungen Roms zu den italischen Gemeinden vom Latinerfrieden 338 v. Chr. bis zum Bundesgenossenkrieg 91 v. Chr., by H. Galsterer. 1976.
  • 69, Untersuchungen zur Außenpolitik Ptolemaios IV., by W. Huss. 1976.
  • 70, No publication under this number.
  • 71, Königlicher Machtanspruch und städtische Freiheit, by W. Orth. 1977.
  • 72, Casus Perplexus, by R. Backhaus. 1981.
  • 73, Das hellenistische Makedonien und die Ägäis: Forschungen zur Politik des Kassandros und der drei ersten Antigoniden im Ägäischen Meer und in Westkleinasien, by K. Buraselis. 1982.
  • 74, Theft in Athenian Law, by D. Cohen. 1983.
  • 75, Lawyers in Roman Republican Politics, by R.A. Bauman. 1983.
  • 76, Prolog und Epilog in Gesetzen des Altertums, by G. Ries. 1983.
  • 77, Athen und Alexander: Untersuchung zur Geschichte der Stadt von 338 bis 322 v. Chr., by W. Will. 1983.
  • 78, Das Rechtsdenken der Griechen, by J. Triantaphyllopoulos. 1985.
  • 79, Lawyers in Roman Transitional Politics: A Study of the Roman Jurists in their Political Setting in the Late Republic and Triumvirate, by R.A. Bauman. 1985.
  • 80, Causa mortis: Auf den Spuren eine Redewegung, by D. Nörr. 1986.
  • 81, Zur Normitavität und Struktur der Verfassungsverhältnisse in der späteren römischen Kaiserzeit, by C. Gizewski. 1988.
  • 82, Lawyers and Politics in the Early Roman Empire, by R.A. Bauman. 1989.
  • 83, Kleine Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, by J. Herrmann. 1990.
  • 84, The Reign of Augustus in Egypt: Conversion Tables for the Egyptian and Julian Calendars, 30 B.C.—14 A.D., by T.C. Skeat. 1993.
  • 85, Studien zur interrogatio in iure, H.-D. Spengler. 1994.
  • 86, see P.Pommersf.
  • 87, Praedicere und cavere beim Marktkauf, by É. Jakab. 1997.
  • 88, Studien zur Taxatio: Struktur des römischen Zivilprozesses, by P. Grzimek. 1999.
  • 89, Akarnanien im Hellenismus, by O. Dany. 1999.
  • 90, Contra Potentium Iniurias: The Defensor Civitatis and Late Roman Justice, by R.M. Frakes. 2001
  • 91, Die Actio de in rem verso im römischen Recht, by T.J. Chiusi. 2001
  • 92, Eratosthenes von Kyrene: Studien zur hellenistischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, by K. Geus. 2002
  • 93, Marriage and Marital Arrangements: A History of the Greek Marriage Document in Egypt. 4th cenury BCE — 4th century CE, by U. Yiftach—Firanko. 2003.
  • 94, Studien zu Ciceros Rede für P.Quinctius, by J. .Platschek. 2005
  • 95, Id quod actum est. Zur Ermittlung des Parteiwillens im klassischen römischen Zivilprozess, by U. Babusiaux. 2006
  • 96, Authentizität und Geltung spätantiker Kaisergesetze. Studien zu den Sacra privilegia concilii Vizaceni, by W. Kaiser. 2007.
  • 97, Zwischen König und Karikatur. Das Bild Ptolemaios VIII. im Spannungsfeld der Überlieferung, by P.Nadig. 2007.
  • 98, Herrscher- und Dynastiekulte im Ptolemäerreich: Systematik und Einordnung der Kultformen, by S. Pfeiffer. 2008.
  • 99, Risikomanagement beim Weinkauf: Periculum und Praxis im Imperium Romanum, by E. Jakab. 2009.
  • 100, Die römischen Solidarobligationen: eine Neubesichtigung unter aktionenrechtlichen Aspekten, by A. Steiner. 2009. 2008.
  • 101, Appello ad principem: Urteilsstil und Urteilstechnik in kaiserlichen Berufungsentscheidungen (Augustus bis Caracalla), by V. Wankerl. 2009.
  • 102, Entscheidungskorrekturen mit unbestimmter Wertung durch die klassische römische Jurisprudenz, by T. Kleiter. 2010.
  • 103, Papinians Quaestiones zur rhetorischen Methode eines spätklassischen Juristen, by U. Babusiaux. 2011.
  • 104, Die Verwaltung des ptolemaiischen Reichs, by W. Huss. 2011.
  • 105, Die Wirtschaft Ägyptens in hellenistischer Zeit, by W. Huss. 2012.
  • 106, Das Edikt De pecunia constituta: die römische Erfüllungszusage und ihre Einbettung in den hellenistischen Kreditverkehr, by J. Platschek. 2013.
  • 107, Fortschritt auf Umwegen: Umgehung und Fiktion in Rechtsurkunden des Altertums, by G. Pfeifer. 2013.
  • 108, Gewalt und Kriminalität in der Spätantike, by J.-U. Krause. 2014.
  • 109, Römische Testamentsurkunden aus Ägypten vor und nach der Constitutio Antoniniana, by B. Strobel. 2014.
  • 110, Der solutionis causa adiectus im römischen Recht, by C. Schnabel. 2015.
  • 111, Die Einheit der Ordnung: Recht, Philosophie und Gesellschaft in Ciceros Rede Pro Milone, by B. Forschner. 2015.
  • 112, Translatio iudicii: der Parteiwechsel im römischen Formularprozess, by F. Erxleben. 2017.
  • 113, Marktbezogene Gesetzgebung im späthellenistischen Athen: der Volksbeschluss über Masse und Gewichte: eine epigraphische und rechtshistorische Untersuchung, by M. Rizzi. 2017.
  • 114, Das Privatrecht der griechischen Urkunden vom Mittleren Euphrat: P.Euphr. 6-P.Euphr. 15, by T. Johannsen. 2017.
  • 115, Rechtsschutz im hellenistischen Ägypten, by N. Grotkamp. 2018.
  • 116, Ona'ah und laesio enormis : ǂb Preisgrenzen im talmudischen und römischen Kaufrecht, by D. Forster. 2018.
  • 117, Das Geld der Ptolemaier, by Werner Huß. 2019.


= Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino. Serie Prima. Monumenti et Testi. Turin 1967—.

  • I, see P.Tor.Botti
  • II, Papiro ieratico n. 54003. Estratti magici e rituali del Primo Medio Regno, by A. Roccati. Turin 1970.
  • III, Der Papyrus 35001 und seine Satirisch-erotischen Zeichung und Inschriften, by J. Omlin. Turin 1973.
  • IV, La mensa Isiaca di Torino, by E. Leospo. Leiden 1978. (Also issued as Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’Empire romain 70).
  • V, see P.Tor.Amen.
  • VI, see P.Tor.Choach.
  • VII, Due Libri dei Morti del principio del Nuovo Regno: il lenzuolo funerario della principessa Ahmosi e le tele del sa-hesu Ahmosi, by P. Ronsecco. Turin 1996.
  • VIII, De iudicio (Torino, Museo egizio, cat. 63000, cod. IV) Schenute von Atripe, by H. Behlmer. Turin 1997.
  • IX, Egyptian Healing Statues in Three Museums in Italy (Turin, Florence, Naples), by L. Kákosy. Turin 1999.


= Papyrologica Bruxellensia. Brussels 1962—. (Fondation Égypto-logique Reine Élisabeth).

  • I, see P.Iand.inv. 653. Online: AWDL
  • II, Les Titulatures impériales dans les papyrus, les ostraca et les inscriptions d’Égypte (30 a.C.—284 p.C.), by P. Bureth. 1964. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • III, La Sitométrie dans les archives de Zénon, by T. Reekmans. 1966. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • IV, Reports of Proceedings in Papyri, by R.A. Coles. 1966. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • V, Le Bordereau d’ensemencement dans l’Égypte ptolémaïque, by P. Vidal-Naquet. 1967. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • VI, Recherches de papyrologie littéraire I, Concordances, by P. Mertens. 1968. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • VII, see P.Alex.Giss.
  • VIII, Epimerismos, by G. Poethke. 1969. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • IX, Le Stratège du nome, by N. Hohlwein. 1969. (Rp. of articles of 1924—1925). [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • X, Les Ressources et les activités économiques des églises en Égypte du IVe au VIIIe siècle, by E. Wipszycka. 1972. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • XI, Gli strateghi dell’Arsinoites in epoca romana, by G. Bastianini. 1972. [FERE]
  • XII, L. Domitius Domitianus, by J. Schwartz. 1975. [FERE]
  • XIII, Papyrus littéraires grecs, by J. Lenaerts. 1977. [FERE]
  • XIV, Greeks and Egyptians, by J.W.B. Barns. 1978. [FERE]
  • XV, see P.Hombert.
  • XVI—XIX, see Pap.Congr. XV (IX Proceedings).
  • XVI = Pt. I, The Terms Recto and Verso and the Anatomy of the Papyrus Roll, by E.G. Turner. 1978.
  • XVII = Pt. II (see P.Congr.XV).
  • XVIII = Pt. III, Problemes généraux, Papyrologie littéraire. 1979.
  • XIX = Pt. IV, Papyrologie documentaire. 1980.
  • XX, L’Arpentage par espèces dans l’Égypte ptolemaïque d’après les papyrus grecs, by H. Cuvigny. 1985. [FERE]
  • XXI, see P.Erasm. I.
  • XXII, Les Titulatures des empereurs romains dans les documents en langue égyptienne, by J.-C. Grenier. 1989. [FERE]
  • XXIII, Papyrus in Classical Antiquity, a Supplement, by N. Lewis. 1989. A supplement to N. Lewis, Papyrus in Classical Antiquity (Oxford 1974). [FERE]
  • XXIV, see C.Ord.Ptol.
  • XXV, Magica Varia, ed W.M. Brashear with contributions by A. Bülow-Jacobsen. 1991. Five miscellaneous texts. [FERE]
  • XXVI, Sigla and Select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, by K. McNamee. 1992. [FERE] Online: AWDL
  • XXVII, La Consommation dans les archives de Zénon, by T. Reekmans. 1996. [FERE]
  • XXVIII, see Depauw, Companion (IV, Instrumenta). Online: AWDL
  • XXIX, see P.Oxy.Census.
  • XXX, Prix du blé et numéraire dans l’Égypte lagide de 305 à 173, by H. Cadell and G. Le Rider. 1997. [FERE]
  • XXXI, see O.Berenike I.
  • XXXII, see P.Hombert.
  • XXXIII, see O.Berenike II.
  • XXXIV, "Et maintenant ce ne sont plus que des villages..." Thèbes et sa région aux époques hellénistique, romaine et byzantine. Actes du colloque tenu à Bruxelles les 2 et 3 décembre 2005, ed. by A. Delattre and P. Heilporn. 2008. [AERE]
  • XXXV, see P.Cair.Preis. (2nd ed.)
  • XXXVI, see O.Berenike III
  • XXXVII, La "Bonne Nouvelle" : la nouvelle de l'avènement d'un empereur et de la mort de son prédécesseur en Égypte, by J.-Y. Strasser. 2017.
  • XXXVIII, Apprendre à conjuguer dans l'Égypte byzantine : un manuel de conjugaison grecque de la bibliothèque, by J.-L. Fournet. 2019
  • XXXIX, Iaô sabaôth : pratiques magiques dans la cité des Tongres : une tablette de défixion mise en contexte , by R. Bélanger Sarrazin, A. Delattre, D. Demaiffe, N. De Winter, A. Martin, G. Raepsaet, M.-T. Raepsaet-Charlier, avec la collaboration de C. Melaerts-Saerens & F. Scheppers. 2019
  • XL, Papyrus littéraires et tradition textuelle : le cas d'Eschine, by J. Lenaerts. 2020
  • XLI, The bearers of business letters in Roman Egypt, by P. Schubert. 2021
  • XLII, Coptica fennica : catalog of the Coptic manuscripts from the Ilves collection exhibited at the National Archives of Finland (16 June-14 August 2020), by A. Marjanen, I. Miroshnikov, E. Salmenkivi, A.T. Mihálykó. 2023


= Papyrologica Castroctaviana. Barcelona 1967— . [PIB]

  • I, El papiro en los padres grecolatinos, ed. J. O’Callaghan. 1967.
  • II, Un nuovo frammento della Prima Lettera di Pietro, ed. S. Daris. 1967.
  • III, Il lessico latino nel greco d’Egitto, by S. Daris. 1971.
  • IV, Das Markusevangelium saïdisch, ed. H. Quecke. 1972.
  • V, L’Evoluzione della scrittura nei papiri greci del Vecchio Testamento, by A. Leone. 1975.
  • VI, Das Lukasevangelium saïdisch, ed. H. Quecke. 1977.
  • VII, Michigan Coptic Texts, ed. G.M. Browne. 1979.
  • VIII, Griffith’s Old Nubian Lectionary, by G.M. Browne. 1982.
  • IX, Gli Accenti nei papiri greci biblici, by A. Biondi. 1983.
  • X, Chrysostomus Nubianus: An Old Nubian Version of Ps.-Chrysostomus, "In Venerabilem Crucem Sermo,"by G.M. Browne. 1984.
  • XI, Das Johannesevangelium saïdisch, ed. H. Quecke. 1984.
  • XII, Gli Animali da trasporto nell’Egitto greco, romano e bizantino, by A. Leone. 1988.


  • I, Life in Egypt under Roman Rule, by N. Lewis (reprint of the Oxford University Press edition of 1983). 1999.
  • II, Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt, by N. Lewis (reprint of the Oxford University Press edition of 1986). 2001.


= Papyrologica Coloniensia, Sonderreihe of the series Wissen-schaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Opladen 1964— .

  • I, Der Psalmenkommentar von Tura, Quaternio IX, ed. A. Kehl. 1964. [FS]
  • II, see P.KölnLüddeckens.
  • III, The Ptolemaic Papyri of Homer, by S. West. 1967. [FS]
  • IV, see P.Petaus.
  • V, Katalog Alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen der Sammlung des Instituts für Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln, Bd. 1: Augustus—Trajan (Nr. 1—740), by A. Geissen. 1974. Bd. 2: Hadrian—Antoninus Pius (Nr. 741—1994). 1978. Bd. 3: Marc Aurel—Gallienus (Nr. 1995—3014). 1982. Bd. 4: Claudius Gothicus—Bleimünzen (Nr. 3015—3627), by A. Geissen and W. Weiser. 1983. Bd. 5: Indices zu den Banden 1 bis 4, by W. Weiser. 1983. [FS]
  • VI, The Epistrategos in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, by J.D. Thomas. Part I: The Ptolemaic Epistrategos. 1975. Part II: The Roman Epistrategos. 1982. [FS]
  • VII, see P.Köln.
  • VIII, see P.Soter.
  • IX, see P.KölnÄgypt.
  • X, Dionysius Scytobrachion, ed. J.S. Rusten. 1982. [FS]
  • XI, Katalog der Bithynischen Münzen der Sammlung des Instituts fur Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln, Bd. 1: Nikaia, by W. Weiser. 1983. [FS]
  • XII, Le Ketouba de Cologne: un contrat de mariage juif à Antinoopolis, ed. C. Sirat. 1986. [FS]
  • XIII, see Pap.Agon.
  • XIV, Der Kölner Mani-Kodex, ed. L. Koenen and C. Römer. 1988. [FS]
  • XV, see P.Bub.
  • XVI, see Suppl.Mag. (III, Corpora).
  • XVII, Abrasax: Ausgewählte Papyri religiösen und magischen Inhalts, by R. Merkelbach and M. Totti. Part 1, 1990; part 2, 1991; part 3, 1992; part 4, 1996. [FS]
  • XVIII, see P.Wash.Univ. II.
  • XIX, Two Greek Magical Papyri in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, ed. R.W. Daniel. 1991. [FS]
  • XX, Magische Amulette und andere Gemmen des Instituts für Altertums-kunde der Universität zu Köln, by E. Zwierlein-Diehl. 1992. [FS]
  • XXI, Nomisma und nomismatia: Beiträge zur Geldgeschichte Ägyptens im 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr., by K. Maresch. 1994. [FS]
  • XXII, Greek Magical Amulets: The Inscribed Gold, Silver, Copper, and Bronze Lamellae, Part I, Published Texts of Known Provenance, by R. Kotansky. 1994. [FS]
  • XXIII, Katalog ptolemäischer Bronzemünzen der Sammlung des Instituts für Altertumskunde der Universität Köln, by W. Weiser. 1995. [FS]
  • XXIV, Manis frühe Missionsreisen nach der Kölner Manibibliographie: Textkritischer Kommentar und Erläuterungen zu p. 121—p.192 des Kölner Mani-Kodex, by C. Römer. 1994. [FS]
  • XXV, Bronze und Silber: Papyrologische Beiträge zur Geschichte der Währung im ptolemäischen und römischen Ägypten bis zum 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr., by K. Maresch. 1996. [FS]
  • XXVI, see P.Ammon.
  • XXVII, Manichaica Latina, Bd. 1. Epistula ad Menoch, ed. M. Stein. 1998. [FS]
  • XXVII, Manichaica Latina, Bd. 2. Manichaei epistula fundamenti, herausgegeben von Markus Stein. 2002.
  • XXVII, Manichaica Latina, Bd. 3.1. Codex Thevestinus. Text, herausgegeben von Markus Stein. 2004.
  • XXVII, Manichaica Latina, Bd. 3.2. Codex Thevestinus. Photographien, herausgegeben von Markus Stein. 2006. [FS]
  • XXVII, Manichaica Latina, Bd. 4. Manichaei thesaurus, herausgegeben von Markus Stein. 2016.
  • XXVIII, Griechische Anaphorenfragmente aus Ägypten und Nubien, by J. Hammerstaedt. 1999. [FS]
  • XXIX, see P.Polit.Jud.
  • XXX, see P.Diosk.
  • XXXI, Die Nomarchen des Arsinoites, by Fabian Reiter. 2004. [FS]
  • XXXII, see P.Iand.Zen.
  • XXXIII, Der koptische Kölner Papyruskodex 3221. Teil I, Das Testament des Iob, ed. G. Schenke. Paderborn, 2009.
  • XXXIV, Architectural orientation in the papyri, by R.W. Daniel. 2010.
  • XXXV, see P.Herakl.Bank
  • XXXVI, Studien zur Verwaltung des Ptolemäischen Ägypten, by Ch.A. Armoni. 2012.
  • XXXVII, see P.Tarich.
  • XXXVIII, see P.ÄkNo.
  • XXXIX, Sapphostudien zu ausgewählten Fragmenten, by L. Benelli. 2017. 2 v.
  • XL, Die Acta Alexandrinorum im Lichte neuerer und neuester Papyrusfunde, by N. Vega Navarrete. 2017.
  • XLI, Corpus des papyrus grecs sur les relations administratives entre le clergé égyptien et les autorités romaines, by C. Messerer. 2017-<2020>. 3 v. (but 4th v. projected in preface to v. 3).
  • XLII, see P.Oxyrhyncha
  • XLIII, Materielle Studien an Papier-, Papyrus- und Pergamentkodizes des 2. bis 13. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. aus der Kölner Papyrussammlung, by S.-E. Breternitz. 2020.
  • XLIV, Studien zur griechischen Syntax dokumentarischer Papyri der römischen Zeit, by Giuseppina di Bartolo. 2021.
  • XLV, Die Prostagmata der Ptolemäer, by Eva Christina Käppel. 2021.
  • XLVI/1, see P.KölnLexikon
  • XLVI/II, see P.KölnSarapion
  • XLVII, Die Iliasglossare auf Papyrus: Untersuchungen zu einer Textkategorie, by V. Fontanella. 2023.
  • XLVIII, Honigsüsse Briefe und lastende Worte : Studien zur Äusserung von Emotionen durch metaphorischen Sprachgebrauch im Altgriechischen, by Eleni Skarsouli. 2023.


= Papyrologica Florentina. Florence. 1976— .

  • I, see P.Laur. I.
  • II, see P.Laur. II.
  • III, Euripide, Eretteo, Introduzione, testo e commento by P. Carrara. 1977. [LGF]
  • IV, Demosthenis fragmenta in papyris et membranis servata (pars prima), by B. Hausmann. 1978. [Rp. Diss. Leipzig 1921; LGF]
  • V, see P.Laur. III.
  • VI, see P.Genova II.
  • VII, Miscellanea Papyrologica, ed. R. Pintaudi. 1980. [LGF]
  • VIII, Demosthenis fragmenta in papyris et membranis servata (pars secunda and pars tertia, appendice di aggiornamento), by B. Hausmann. 1981. [Rp. diss. Leipzig 1921; LGF]
  • IX, I Centri abitati dell’ Ossirinchite, by P. Pruneti. 1981. [LGF]
  • X, Sofocle, Ichneutae, Introduzione, testo critico, interpretazione e commento, by E.V. Maltese. 1982. [LFG]
  • XI, The Compulsory Public Services of Roman Egypt, by N. Lewis. 1982. Replaced by 2nd ed., Pap.Flor. XXVIII. [LGF]
  • XII, see P.Laur. IV.
  • XII Supplement, Papiri greci e latini a Firenze. Secoli iii a.C.—viii d.C. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Catalogo della mostra maggio—giugno 1983, by R. Pintaudi. [LGF]
  • XIII, see P.Laur. V.
  • XIV, see O.Cair.
  • XV, Strategi and Royal Scribes of Roman Egypt, Chronological List and Index, by G. Bastianini and J.E.G. Whitehorne. 1987. [LGF]
  • XVI, see P.Prag. I.
  • XVII, see O.Ashm.Shelt.
  • XVIII, see T.Varie.
  • XIX, Miscellanea Papyrologica in occasione del bicentenario dell’edizione della Charta Borgiana, in two parts, ed. M. Capasso, G.M. Savorelli, R. Pintaudi and M. Gigante. 1990. [LGF]
  • XX, see P.Genova III.
  • XXI, Studia hellenistica, scripta minora by E. Livrea, in two parts. 1991. [LGF]
  • XXII, see P.Brookl.
  • XXIII, see C.Epist.Lat.
  • XXIV, I papiri dell’archivio de Zenon a Firenze. Mostra documentaria-settembre 1993, ed. G. Messeri Savorelli and R. Pintaudi.1993. [LGF]
  • XXV, Trapezitica Aegyptiaca. Recueil de recherches sur la banque en Égypte gréco-romaine, by R. Bogaert. 1994. [LGF]
  • XXVI, see P.Prag. II.
  • XXVII, Scrivere greco fuori d’Egitto, by E. Crisci. 1996. [LGF]
  • XXVIII, The Compulsory Public Services of Roman Egypt, 2nd ed., by N. Lewis. 1997. [LGF]
  • XXIX, Letters of Condolence in Greek Papyri, by J. Chapas. 1998. [LGF]
  • XXX, Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, by G. Cavallo, E. Crisci, G. Messeri and R. Pintaudi. 1998. [LGF]
  • XXXI, I Manoscritti greci tra riflessione e dibattito: Atti del V Colloquio Internationale di Palaeographia Greca (Cremona, 4-10 ottobre 1998), ed. G. Prato. 3 volumes. 2000 [LGF]
  • XXXII, Annona Militaris: Die Heeresversorgung im spätantiken Ägypten, by F. Mitthof. 2 volumes. 2001. [LGF]
  • XXXIII, see C.Epist.Lat.
  • XXXIV, see P.Horak.
  • XXXV, see P.Schøyen I.
  • XXXVI, Il Calamo e il papiro. La scritura greca dall'eta ellenistica ai primi secoli di Bisanzio, by G. Cavallo. 2005. [LGF]
  • XXXVII, Strategi and Royal Scribes of Roman Egypt (Str.R.Scr.2), by J. Whitehorne. 2006.
  • XXXVIII, Poteri centrali e poteri periferici nella tarda antichità. Confronti Conflitti, by L. di Paola and D. Minutoli. 2007. [LGF].
  • XXXIX, see C.Palmomanticum.
  • XL, see P.Schøyen II
  • XLI, see P.Prag. III
  • XLII, see O.Petr.Mus.
  • XLIII, Antologías de época helenística en papiro, by L. Pordomingo. 2013.
  • XLIV, Nel segno del testo: edizioni, materiali e studi per Oronzo Pecere. Ed. L. Del Corso, F. De Vivo, A. Stramaglia. 2015
  • XLV, see P.Bastianini
  • XLVI, see P.Genova IV
  • XLVII, Early Christian Gospels: their production and transmission, by S. Charlesworth. 2016.
  • XLVIII, see P.Christodote


= Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung.

  • I, Die Septuaginta-Papyri, ed. A. Deissmann. Heidelberg 1905. [MF 2.31] Online:
  • II, Acta Pauli aus der Heidelberger koptischen Papyrushandschrift Nr. 1, ed. C. Schmidt. Leipzig 1904. [MF 2.32] Online:
  • III, Papyri Schott-Reinhardt I, ed. C.H. Becker. Heidelberg 1906. Greek texts reprinted as SB I 5638—55. [MF 2.33] Online: Online:
  • IV, Griechisch literarische Papyri I, Ptolemäische Homerfragmente, ed. G.A. Gerhard. Heidelberg 1911. [CWV] Online:
  • N.F. I, Zum Drogenhandel im islamischen Aegypten ed. A. Dietrich. Heidelberg 1954. [CWV]
  • N.F. II, see P.Heid. I.
  • N.F. III, see P.Heid. III.
  • N.F. IV, see P.Gebelen.
  • N.F. V, see P.Heid. IV.
  • N.F. VI, see P.Heid. V.
  • N.F. VII, see P.Heid. VI.
  • N.F. VIII, see P.Heid. VII.
  • N.F. IX, The Magical Book of Mary and the Angels (P.Heid.Inv.Kopt. 685): Text, Translation and Commentary, by M.W. Meyer. 1996.
  • N.F. X, see P.Heid. VIII.
  • N.F. XI, see O.Heid.
  • N.F. XII, see P.Heid. IX.
  • N.F. XIII, Arabische Briefe auf Papier aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, ed. W. Diem. Heidelberg 2013.
  • N.F. XIV, see P.Heid. X.
  • N.F. XV, Die Phylakterien von Qumran (4Q128.129.135.137) aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. A. Busa. Heidelberg 2015.


= Papyrologica Leodiensia. Liège 2013— .

  • I, Papyri Vergilianae: l'apporto della papirologia alla storia della tradizione Virgiliana (I-VI D.C.), by M.C. Scappaticcio. 2013.
  • II, Bilinguisme et digraphisme dans le monde gréco-romain: l'apport des papyrus latins: actes de la table ronde internationale, Liège, 12-13 mai 2011, ed. M.-H. Marganne, B. Rochette. 2013.
  • III, L'Alceste de Barcelone (P. Monts. Roca inv. 158-161): edition, traduction et analyse contextuelle d'un poeme latin conserve sur papyrus, by G. Nocchi Macedo. 2014.
  • IV, L'Anonyme de Londres (P.Lit.Lond. 165, Brit.Libr. inv. 137): édition et traduction d'un papyrus médical grec du Ier siècle, by A. Ricciardetto. 2014.
  • V, Écrire la magie dans l'antiquité: actes du colloque international (Liège, 13-15 octobre 2011), ed. M. De Haro Sanchez. 2015.
  • VI, Signes dans les textes, textes sur les signes : érudition, lecture et écriture dans le monde gréco-romain : actes du colloque international (Liège, 6-7 septembre 2013), ed. G. Nocchi Macedo, M. Chiara Scappaticcio. 2017.
  • VII, En marge du Serment hippocratique : contrats et serments dans le monde greco-romain : actes de la Journée d'étude internationale (Liège, 20 Octobre 2014), ed. M.-H. Marganne, A. Ricciardetto. 2017.
  • VIII, L'Hadrianus de Montserrat (P.Monts.Roca III, inv. 162-165), ed. T. Berg. 2018.
  • IX, Signes dans les textes : continuités et ruptures des pratiques scribales en Égypte pharaonique, gréco-romaine et byzantine : actes du colloque international de Liège (2-4 juin 2016), ed. N. Carlig, G. Lescuyer, A. Motte, N. Sojic. 2020.


= Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava. Leiden 1941— .

  • I, see P.Warr.
  • II, see P.Vindob.Bosw.
  • III, see P.Oxf.
  • IV, De Herodoti reliquiis in papyris et membranis aegyptiis servatis, by A.H.R.E. Paap. 1948. [MF 2.58]
  • V, Recherches sur le recensement dans l’Égypte romaine (P.Bruxelles inv. E.7616), ed. M. Hombert and C. Préaux. 1952. Texts reprinted as P.Brux. I 1—18. [MF 2.59]
  • VI, see P.Fam.Tebt.
  • VII, Les Noms propres du P.Bruxelles inv. E.7616. Essai d’interprétation, by J. Vergote. 1954. [MF 2.61]
  • VIII, Nomina Sacra in the Greek Papyri of the First Five Centuries A.D., by A.H.R.E. Paap. 1959. [MF 2.62]
  • IX, Marriage and Matrimonial Property in Ancient Egypt, by P.W. Pestman. 1961. [MF 2.63]
  • X, Aeschylus’ Dictyulci, ed. M. Werre-de Haas. 1961. [MF 2.64]
  • XI, see P.Vind.Sijp.
  • XII, Penthemeros Certificates in Graeco-Roman Egypt, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1964. [EJB]
  • XIII, see P.Select.
  • XIV, Studia papyrologica varia, ed. E. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman and P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1965. [EJB]
  • XV, Chronologie égyptienne d’après les textes démotiques: 332 av. J.-C.—453 ap. J.-C., by P.W. Pestman. 1967. [EJB]
  • XVI, see P.Wisc. I.
  • XVII, see P.David.
  • XVIII, The Xenophon Papyri (Anabasis, Cyropaedia, Cynegeticus, De Vectigalibus), by A.H.R.E. Paap. 1970. [EJB]
  • XIX, see P.Batav.
  • XX, see P.Zen.Pestm.
  • XXI, A Guide to the Zenon Archive, ed. P.W. Pestman et al. 1981. 2 vols. [EJB]
  • XXII, see P.Dion.
  • XXIII, Textes et études de papyrologie grecque, démotique et copte, ed. P.W. Pestman. 1985. Besides studies, this volume publishes one ostracon in Greek (pp.7—8), 10 in Demotic. [EJB]
  • XXIV, The Eponymous Priests of Ptolemaic Egypt, by W. Clarysse and G. van der Veken, with S.P. Vleeming. 1983. [EJB]
  • XXV, see P.Leid.Inst. I
  • XXVI, see O.Vleem.
  • XXVII, Hundred-Gated Thebes, Acts of a Colloquium on Thebes and the Theban Area during the Graeco-Roman Period, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 1995. [EJB]
  • XXIX, Menches, Komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris, by A.M.F.W. Verhoogt. 1998. [EJB]
  • XXX, The Two Faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt: Greek and Demotic and Greek-Demotic Texts and Studies presented to P.W. Pestman, ed. A.M.F.W. Verhoogt and S.P. Vleeming. 1998. [EJB]
  • XXXI, Perspctives on Panopolis: An Egyptian Town from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest, ed. A. Egberts, B. P. Muhs and J. van der Vliet. 2002. [EJB]
  • XXXII, see P.Tebt. V.
  • XXXIII, see P.Worp.
  • XXXIV, Hieratic, Demotic and Greek studies and text editions : of making many books there is no end : Festschrift in honour of Sven P. Vleeming, ed. K. Donker van Heel, F.A.J. Hoogendijk, C.J. Martin. 2018.
  • XXXV, The materiality of texts from ancient Egypt: new approaches to the study of textual material from the early pharaonic to the late antique period, ed. F.A.J. Hoogendijk, S.M.T. van Gompel. 2018.
  • XXXVI, The Derveni papyrus: unearthing ancient mysteries, ed. M.A. Santamaría. 2019.
  • XXXVII, see P.Hoogendijk
  • XXXVIII, The Archive of the Theban Choachyte Petebaste Son of Peteamunip (Floruit 7th Century BCE). Abnormal Hieratic Papyrus Louvre E 3228 A-H, ed. K. Donker Van Heel. 2018.
  • XXXIX, Palladas and the Yale Papyrus Codex (P. CtYBR inv. 4000), ed. M. Kanellou and C. Carey. 2019.
  • XL, see P.Leid.Inst. II.
  • XLI, Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Social-Semiotic Approach, ed. K. Bentein and Y. Amory. 2022.
  • XLII, see P.Van Minnen


= Papyrologica Lupiensia, Published by the Dipartmento di Filologia Classica e Medioevale, Università degli Studi di Lecce.

  • I, Papiri letterari greci e latini, ed. M. Capasso. 1992.
  • II, Papiri documentari greci, ed. M. Capasso. 1993.
  • III, Il Rotolo librario; fabbricazione, restauro, organizzazione interna, ed. M. Capasso. 1995.
  • IV, Atti del V seminario internazionale di papirologia, ed. M. Capasso. 1995.
  • V, Bicentenario della morte di Antonio Piaggio: Raccolta di studi, ed. M. Capasso. 1997.
  • VI, Ricerche di papirologia letteraria e documentaria, ed. M. Capasso. 1997.
  • VII, Da Ercolano all’Egitto: Ricerche varie di papirologia, ed. M. Capasso. 1999.
  • VIII, Da Ercolano all’Egitto II: Ricerche varie di papirologia, ed. M. Capasso. 2000.
  • IX, Studium atque Urbanitas: Miscellanea in onore di Sergio Daris, ed. M. Capasso and S. Pernigotti. 2000.
  • X, Da Ercolano all’Egitto III: Ricerche varie de papirologia, ed. M. Capasso. 2001.
  • XI, Dal Restauro dei materiali allo studio dei testi: Aspetti della ricerca papirologica, ed. M. Capasso. 2002.
  • XII, Da Ercolano all'Egitto. IV. Ricerche varie di Papirologia, ed. M.Capasso. 2003.
  • XIII, Papiri e ostraka greci, ed. M. Capasso. 2004.
  • XIV, New archaeological and papyrological researches on the Fayyum. Proceedings of the International meeting of Egyptology and Papyrology. Lecce, June 8th - 10th 2005, ed. M. Capasso and P. Davoli. 2005.


= Papyrologica Parisina. Paris 2011— .

Pap.Texte Abh.

= Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen, ed. L. Koenen, R. Merkelbach, D. Hagedorn and R. Kassel. Bonn 1968— .

  • I, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura-Papyrus), Teil I, ed. A. Henrichs. 1968. [RH]
  • II, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura-Papyrus), Teil II, ed. A. Henrichs. 1968. [RH]
  • III, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura-Papyrus), Teil III, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn, L. Koenen. 1968. [RH]
  • IV, Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar, Teil II, ed. M. Gronewald. 1968. [RH]
  • V, Der Septuaginta-Text des Buches Daniel nach dem Kölner Teil des Papyrus 967, ed. A. Geissen. 1968. [RH]
  • VI, Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar, Teil IV, ed. M. Gronewald. 1969. [RH]
  • VII, Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar, Teil I, ed. L. Doutreleau, A. Gesché and M. Gronewald. 1969. [RH]
  • VIII, Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar, Teil III, ed. M. Gronewald. 1969. [RH]
  • IX, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus), Teil VI, ed. G. Binder and L. Liesenborghs. 1969. [RH]
  • X, Der Septuaginta-Text des Buches Daniel, Kap. 1—2 (Pap. 967), ed. W. Hamm. 1969. [RH]
  • XI, Die Aegyptenreise des Germanicus, by D.G. Weingärtner. 1969. [RH]
  • XII, Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommetar, Teil V, ed. M. Gronewald. 1970. [RH]
  • XIII, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus), Teil III, ed. J. Kramer. 1970. [RH]
  • XIV, Die Phoinikika des Lollianos: Fragmente eines neuen griechischen Romans, ed. A. Henrichs. 1972. [RH]
  • XV, Der griechische Text des Buches Ezechiel (Pap. 967), ed. L.G. Jahn. 1972. [RH]
  • XVI, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus), Teil IV, ed. J. Kramer and B. Krebber. 1972. [RH]
  • XVII, see P.Cair.Mich., pt I.
  • XVIII, see P.Cair.Mich., pt. II.
  • XIX, see P.Coll.Youtie I.
  • XX, see P.Coll.Youtie II.
  • XXI, Der Septuaginta Text des Buches Daniel Kap. 3—4 nach dem Kölner Teil des Papyrus 967, ed. W. Hamm. 1977. [RH]
  • XXII, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Turapapyrus), Teil II, ed. M. Gronewald. 1977. [RH]
  • XXIII, see P.Sakaon.
  • XXIV, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus), Teil V, ed. G. Binder and M. Gronewald. 1979. [RH]
  • XXV, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus), Teil I.1, ed. G. Binder and L. Liesenborghs. 1979. [RH]
  • XXVI, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura-Papyrus), Teil I.2, ed. G. Binder. 1982. [RH]
  • XXVII, Three Rolls of the Early Septuagint: Genesis and Deuteronomy, by Z. Aly, with preface, introd. and notes by L. Koenen. 1980. [RH]
  • XXVIII, see P.Ups.Frid.
  • XXIX, see P.Haun. II.
  • XXX, see C.Gloss.Biling. (III, Corpora).
  • XXXI, see P.Hamb. III.
  • XXXII, Die Lehre des Anchscheschonqi (P. BM 10508), ed. H.J. Thissen. 1984. [RH]
  • XXXIII, pt. 1, Didymos der Blinde, Kommentar zu Hiob 12, 1—16, 8a, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn and L. Koenen. 1985. [RH]
  • XXXIV, Kleine Texte aus dem Tura-Fund, ed. B. Kramer. 1985. [RH]
  • XXXV, Der Kölner Mani-Kodex: Abbildungen und diplomatischer Text, ed. L. Koenen and C. Römer. 1985. [RH]
  • XXXVI, see P.Haun. III.
  • XXXVII, Studi Cercidei (P.Oxy. 1082), ed. E. Livrea. 1986. [RH]
  • XXXVIII, see P.Freib. IV.
  • XXXIX, see P.Diog.
  • XL, Management and Investment on Estates in Roman Egypt during the Early Empire, by D.P. Kehoe. 1992. [RH]
  • XLI, Das saitische Totenbuch der Iahtesnacht: P.Colon.Aeg. 10207, ed. U. Verhoeven. 1993. 3 vols. [RH]
  • XLII, see P.Dubl.
  • XLIII, see P.Louvre I.
  • XLIV, see P.Louvre II.
  • XLV, see P.Jena
  • XLVI, see P.Agri
  • XLVII, see P.Louvre III.
  • XLVIII, see P.KölnLand.


= Princeton University Studies in Papyrology, vols. I—VI. 1936—1949. [PUP]

  • I, see P.Princ. II.
  • II, Taxation in Egypt from Augustus to Diocletian, by S.L. Wallace. 1938. Reprint New York 1969.
  • III, The John H. Scheide Biblical Papyri: Ezekiel (P.Princ.Scheide) ed. A.C. Johnson, H.S. Gehman and E.H. Kase, Jr. 1938. [WHA]
  • IV, see P.Princ. III.
  • V, Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, by L.C. West and A.C. Johnson. 1944.
  • VI, Byzantine Egypt: Economic Studies by A.C. Johnson and L.C. West. 1949.


= Publications de la Société Fouad I (later Égyptienne) de Papyrologie, Textes et Documents. Cairo 1931—1951.

  • I, see P.Enteux.
  • II, Un livre d’écolier du IIIe siècle avant J.-C., ed. O. Guéraud and P. Jouguet. 1938. [MF 2.90]
  • III, see P.Fouad.
  • IV, I resti dell’XI libro del peri physeos di Epicuro, ed. A. Vogliano. 1940. [MF 2.92]
  • V, see P.Cair.Zen. V.
  • VI, see O.Mattha.
  • VII, see P.Phil.
  • VIII, see P.FuadUniv.
  • IX, Entretien d’Origène avec Héraclide et les évêques, ses collègues, sur le père, le fils et l’âme, ed. J. Scherer. 1949. [MF 2.96]
  • X, Les Inscriptions grecques du temple de Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari, ed. A. Bataille. 1951. [MF 2.97]


= Publications de la Sorbonne, Série "Papyrologie", Université de Paris IV, Paris-Sorbonne.

  • I, J. van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus juifs et chrétiens. 1976.
  • II, G. Husson, OIKIA, Le vocabulaire de la maison privée en Égypte d’après les papyrus grecs. 1983.
  • III, see P.Thmouis I.


= Ricerca Papirologica. Messina 1992—. [Sicania editrice]

  • I, see Oroscopi. (III, Corpora).
  • II, Alle origini delle abbreviature latine. Una prima ricognizione (I secolo a.C.—IV secolo d.C.), by N. Giovè Marchioli. 1992.
  • III, Lessico dei Carmi di Dioscoro di Aphrodito, by A. Saija. 1998.
  • IV, Usi delle tavolette lignee e cerate nel mondo greco e romano, by P. Degni. 1998.


= Papyrusinstitut Heidelberg, Schriften. Berlin and Leipzig 1920—1922. (See also Stud.Heid. below).

  • I, Vom göttlichen Fluidum nach ägyptischer Anschauung, by F. Preisigke. 1920. Online:
  • II, see P.Katoché.
  • III, Das Signalement in den Papyrusurkunden, by J. Hasebroek. 1921. Online:
  • IV, see O.Berl.
  • V, Das Verhältnis der griechischen und ägyptischen Texte in den zwei-sprachigen Dekreten von Rosette und Kanopus, by W. Spiegelberg. 1922. Online:
  • VI, Die Gotteskraft der frühchristlichen Zeit, by F. Preisigke. 1922. Online:

SPP (see Stud.Pal.)


= Studien und Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung. Heidelberg 2018—


= Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia. Amsterdam 1972—1976, 1989— , Zutphen 1976—86.

  • I, see P.Vind.Worp.
  • II, Index of Articles, Volumes 1—50 of Aegyptus, by S.M.E. van Lith. 1974. [AMH]
  • III, The Charm of Legal History, by H. van den Brink. 1974. [AMH]
  • IV, see P.Vind.Sal.
  • V, see P.Theon.
  • VI, see P.Vind.Tand..
  • VII, see P.Herm.Landl.
  • VIII, Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt, by R.S. Bagnall and K.A. Worp. 1978. [TPC]
  • IX, see O.Amst.
  • X, see P.Mich. XIII.
  • XI, see P.Wisc. II.
  • XII, see P.Charite.
  • XIII, Die Haftung der Schiffer im griechischen und römischen Recht, by A.J.M. Meyer-Termeer. 1978. [TPC]
  • XIV, see P.Amst. I.
  • XV, Studien zur allgemeinen Rechtslehre des Gaius, by H. Wagner. 1978. [TPC]
  • XVI, Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie, by T. Drew-Bear. 1978. [TPC]
  • XVII, see P.Customs.
  • XVIII, Gaius Noster: Plaidoyer pour Gaius, by O. Stanojevic. 1989. [JCG]
  • XIX, see P.Mich. XV.
  • XX, Tyriaion en Cabalide: épigraphie et géographie historique, by C. Naour. 1980. [TPC]
  • XXI, The Roman Law of Succession in the Letters of Pliny the Younger I, by J.W. Tellegen. 1982. [TPC]
  • XXII, Testamentary Succession in the Constitutions of Diocletian, by O.E. Tellegen-Couperus. 1982. [TPC]
  • XXIII, Les triptyques de Transylvanie: études juridiques, by G. Ciulei. 1983. [TPC]
  • XXIV, Die Restaurierung von Papyrus und anderen Schriftträgern aus Ägypten, by M. Fackelmann. 1985. [TPC]
  • XXV, Error iuris nocet: Rechtsirrtum als Problem der Rechtsordnung I: Rechtsirrtum in der griechischen Philosophie und im römischen Recht bis Justinian, by L.C. Winkel. 1985. [TPC]
  • XXVI, see P.Harr. II.
  • XXVII, Opera selecta: Études de droit romain et d’histoire du droit, by H.R. Hoetink. 1986. [TPC]
  • XXVIII, Nouvelle liste des gymnasiarques des métropoles de l’Égypte romaine, by P.J. Sijpesteijn. 1986. [TPC]
  • XXIX, Roman Imperial Titulature and Chronology, A.D. 235—284, by M. Peachin. 1990. [JCG]
  • XXX, Le Droit romain en Dacie, by V. Sotropa. 1990. [JCG]
  • XXXI, Food for Rome: The Legal Structure of the Transportation and Processing of Supplies for the Imperial Distributions in Rome and Constantinople, by B. Sirks. 1991. [JCG]
  • XXXIII, see P.Pher.
  • XXXV, Collatio Iuris Romani, Études dédiées à Hans Ankum à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire, ed. R. Feenstra, A.S. Hartkamp, J.E. Spruit, P.J. Sijpesteijn and L.C. Winkel. 1995. [JCG]
  • XXXVI, see P.Mich. XVIII.
  • XXXVII, Die Fiduzia im römischen Recht, by G. Noordraven. 1999. [JCG]
  • XXXVIII, Viva Vox Iuris Romani: Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit, ed. L. de Ligt, J. de Ruiter, E. Slob, J.M. Tevel, M. van de Vrugt and L.C. Winkel. 2002. [JCG]


= Studia Demotica. Leuven 1987—. [Peeters]

  • I, see DemCongr. II (IX Proceedings).
  • II, see P.Choach.Survey.
  • III, see P.Hou.
  • IV, see P.Tsenhor.
  • V, Some Coins of Artaxerxes and other Short Texts in the Demotic Script Found on Various Objects and Gathered from Many Publications, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 2001.
  • VI, see P.Zauzich.
  • VII, see BL Dem..
  • VIII, see O.Taxes.
  • IX, see Short Texts II.
  • X, see T.BM Arlt.
  • XI, Aspects of Demotic Orthography. Acts of an International Colloquium held in Trier, 8 November 2010, ed. S.P. Vleeming. 2013.
  • XII, see Short Texts III.


= Studien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde, ed. F. Bilabel, vol. I—II 1. Leipzig, Dieterich’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1927—1931. Planned as a resumption of Schr.Heid. (see above) but only four Studien were published, as follows:

  • I 1, Die lateinischen Wörter und Namen in den griechischen Papyri, by B. Meinersmann, 1927.
  • I 2, Die Personennamen der Kopten: I (Untersuchungen), by G. Heuser. 1929. (The proposed Part II, Namenbuch, was never published except for a single fascicle in 1938).
  • I 4, Die semitischen Menschennamen in griechischen Inschriften und Papyri des vorderen Orients, by H. Wuthnow. 1930.
  • II 1, Osterfestbrief im achmimischen Dialekt des Koptischen, ed. W.C. Till. 1931.

Stud.Pal. (or SPP)

= Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde, ed. C. Wessely. Leipzig 1901—1924. An approximately annual publication, issued irregularly, and miscellaneous in character. Vols. I—V, VII, VIII, X, XIII, XIV, XVII, XX and XXII include documentary texts.

  • I, Greek texts in: "Die griechischen Papyrusurkunden des Theresianums in Wien," ed. C. Wessely, nos. 1—4 (pp.1—5, no. 4 reprinted as SB III 6086); "Trois papyrus du musée Guimet trouvés à Antinoë," ed. S. de Ricci, nos. 1—3 (pp. 6—8). 1901. [MF 2.114 (with vols. II and IV); rp. AMH] Online:
  • II, Greek texts in "Die jüngsten Volkszählungen und die ältesten Indictionen in Ägypten," ed. C. Wessely, nos. 1—3 and four others unnumbered (pp. 26—35, no. 2 reprinted in vol. XXII 7). 1902. [MF 2.114 (with vols. I and IV); rp. AMH] Online:
  • III, Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats (P.Kl. Form. I), ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1—701. 1904. [MF 2.115 (with VIII); rp. AMH] Online:
  • III2, = Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats Neuedition.
    • Pt. 1, Quittungen, Lieferungskäufe, und Darlehen, ed. S. Tost. Vienna 2007. (Pap.Vind. 2). Nos. 1-118. [ÖAW]
    • Pt. 2, Schuldscheine und Quittungen, ed. F. Mitthof. Vienna 2007. (Pap.Vind. 3). Nos. 119-238. [ÖAW]
    • Pt. 5, Quittungen für die Getreidesteuer, ed. C. Kreuzsaler. Vienna 2007. (Pap.Vind. 6). Nos. 449-582. [ÖAW]
  • IV, Greek texts in: "Papyrus ptolémaïques," ed. S. de Ricci, nos. 1—3 (pp. 53—57; no. 3 republished as UPZII 158b); "Arsinoitische Verwal-tungsurkunden vom Jahre 72/3 nach Chr.," ed. C. Wessely, reedition ofP.Lond. II 260 and 261 adding Rainer fragment, with indexes (pp. 58—83); "Die Papyri der öffentlichen Sammlungen in Graz," ed. C. Wessely, full edition of descripta P.Oxy. II 368, III 603, 636, 647 and P.Fay. 153, 229, 260, 264, 322, 341 (pp. 114—121); Indexes to vols. I, II and IV. 1905. [MF 2.114 (with vols. I and II); rp. AMH] Online:
  • V, Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum I (C.P.Herm.), ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1—127. 1905. [MF 2.116; rp. AMH] Online:
  • VI, Kolotes und Menedemos: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Philosophen- und Literaturgeschichte, ed. W. Cronert. 1906. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • VII, Demotische und griechische Texte auf Mumientäfelchen in der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, ed. N. Reich. Nos. 1—19; 1—4, 9, 12—15, 17 and 19 have both Greek and Demotic; the Greek is reprinted in SB I (see SB II p. 139 s.n. Reich). 1908. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • VIII, Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats (P.Kl. Form. II), ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 702—1346, with indexes to vols. III and VIII. 1908. [MF 2.115 (with vol. III); rp. AMH] Online:
  • IX, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts I, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1—54. 1909. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • X, Griechische Texte zur Topographie Aegyptens, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1—299. 1910. [MF 2.117; rp. AMH] Online:
  • XI, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts II, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 55—113. 1911. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XII, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts III, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 114—192. 1912. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XIII, Greek texts in: "Sklaven-Prosangelie bei der Bibliotheke Enkteseon," ed. C. Wessely. Three texts (pp. 1—3; no. 3 = P.Lond. II 299 = Mitteis Chrest. 204); "Eine Urkunde aus dem 6. Konsulat des Kaisers Licinius," ed. C. Wessely (pp. 6—7, reprinted as SB I 5810); "Das Ghetto von Apollinopolis Magna," ed. C. Wessely, ostraca nos. 1—20 (pp. 8—10; most reprinted in SB I). 1913. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XIV, Die ältesten lateinischen und griechischen Papyri Wiens, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1 and 2 are Greek, 3—14 Latin. 1914. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XV, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts IV, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 193—259. 1914. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XVI, Duodecim prophetarum minorum versionis Achmimicae Codex Rainerianus, ed. C. Wessely. 1915. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XVII, Greek texts in: "Un document administratif du nome de Mendès," ed. V. Martin (pp. 9—48); reedition by Martin of P.Lond. II 193 recto (pp. 49—52); Indexes to vols. XIII and XVII. 1917. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XVIII, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts V, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 260—290. 1917. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XIX, Studien zu den koptischen Rechtsurkunden aus Oberägypten, ed. A. Steinwenter. 1920. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XX, Catalogus Papyrorum Raineri. Series Graeca. Pars I. Textus Graeci papyrorum, qui in libro "Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer–Führer durch die Austellung Wien 1894" descripti sunt, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1—308. 1921. This volume publishes the Greek text of all the papyri listed in the Führer PER; in pp. 61—130 Wessely describes each papyrus and illustrates some, providing a commentary for the bare Greek texts published inStud.Pal. XX. Many of the texts are republications of some first published in CPR or in Stud.Pal. III and VIII; for a concordance see BL Konkordanz pp. 56—58 and 251—256. [MF 2.118; rp. AMH] Online:
  • XXI, Griechisch-ägyptischer Offenbarungszauber, ed. Th. Hopfner. 1921. Revised ed. Amsterdam 1974. [Rp. AMH] Online:
  • XXII, Catalogus papyrorum Raineri. Series Graeca. Pars II. Papyri N.24858—25024, aliique in Socnopaei Insula scripti, ed. C. Wessely. Nos. 1—184. 1922. [MF 2.119; rp. AMH] Online:
  • XXIII, Griechisch-ägyptischer Offenbarungszauber: seine Methoden, ed. Th. Hopfner. 1924. [Rp. AMH in two volumes] Online:


= Studi e testi di Papirologia. Florence. [FLM]

  • 1, Il testamento romano, by M. Amelotti. 1966
  • 2, Ricerche sulla maiuscola biblica, by G. Cavallo. 2 vols. 1967
  • 3, Il Cristianesimo in Egitto: Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli II-IV by M. Naldini. Florence 1968. Nos. 1-97. Second ed. Fiesole 1998, with addenda but no additional texts.

Stud.Test.Pap. N.S.

= Studi e Testi di Papirologia. Nuova Serie. Florence [Istituto Papirologico]

  • 1, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchus, ed. J. Spooner. 2002.
  • 2, Le calzature nei papiri di eta greco-romana, by S. Russo. 2004.
  • 3, Il libro greco dalle origini al Rinascimento, by J. Irigoin, tr. A. Magnani. 2009.
  • 4, Il papiro di Posidippo un anno dopo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 13-14 giugno 2002, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2002.
  • 5, Menandro: Cent'anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 12-13 giugno 2003, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2004.
  • 6, La ceramica da Antinoe, by M.E. Guidotti e L. Pesi. 2004.
  • 7, Euripide e i papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 10-11 giugno 2004, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2005.
  • 8, Callimaco: cent’anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 9-10 giugno 2005, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2006.
  • 9, I papiri di Saffo e di Alceo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 8-9 giugno 2006, ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2007.
  • 10, Esiodo : cent'anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 7-8 giugno 2007, ed. G. Bastianini. 2008.
  • 11, 100 anni di istituzioni Fiorentine per la papirologia : 1908 Societa Italiana per la ricerca dei Papiri 1928 Istituto Papirologico. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 12-13 giugno 2008. Ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2009.
  • 12, I papiri del romanzo antico. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 11-12 giugno 2009. Ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2010.
  • 13, I papiri letterari cristiani Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi in memoria di Mario Naldini, Firenze, 10-11 giugno 2010. Ed. G. Bastianini and A. Casanova. 2011.
  • 14, I papiri omerici : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze 9-10 giugno 2011. Ed. G. Bastianini, A. Casanova. 2012.


= Tyche, Supplementbände. Vienna 1992—. [AHN]

  • 1, A Mithraic Catechism from Egypt, by W.M. Brashear. 1992.
  • 2, Das europäische "Barbaricum" und die Zone der Mediterrankultur: Ihre historische Wechselwirkung und das Geschichtsbild des Poseidonios, by G. Dobesch. 1995.
  • 3, Ostrakismos und Prominenz in Athen: Attische Bürger des 5. Jh. v. Chr. auf den Ostraka, by S. Brenne. 2000.
  • 4, Foederati. Von der völkerrechtlichen Kategorie zur byzantinischen Truppengattung, by R. Scharf. 2001.
  • 6, see O.Cret.Chers.
  • 7, Juristische Begriffe im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus, by A. Papathomas. 2009.



= Congresses sponsored by the Association Internationale de Papyrologues

  • I, "Semaine Égyptologique et Papyrologique du 14 au 20 septembre 1930." Brussels. Published in CdÉ 6 (1931) 189—470. Online: BREPOLS
  • II, "XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes. Leyde, du 7 au 1 septembre 1931. Section Autonome des Papyrologues." Published in CdÉ 7 (1932) 127—348. Online: BREPOLS
  • III, Papyri und Altertumswissenschaft. Vorträge des 3. Internationalen Papyrologentages in München vom 4. bis 7. September 1933. (Münch.Beitr. 19, Munich 1934). Online:
  • IV, Atti del IV Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 28 aprile—2 maggio 1935. (Aegyptus, Serie scientifica 5, Milan 1936). Online:
  • V, Actes du Ve Congrès International de Papyrologie, Oxford, 30 août—3 septembre 1937. Published by the Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth. (Brussels 1938). Online: AWDL
  • VI, Paris, 29 August—4 September 1949. No proceedings published.
  • VII, L'Originalité de l'Égypte dans le monde gréco-romain, Septième Congrès International de Papyrologie, Genève, 1—6 septembre 1952. Museum Helveticum 10 (1953) 129—180. Online:
  • VIII, Akten des VIII. Internationalen Kongresses für Papyrologie, Wien 1955. (29 August—3 September). (MPER N.S. V, Vienna 1956). Online:
  • IX, Proceedings of the IX International Congress of Papyrology, Oslo, 19—22 August 1958. Published by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (Hertford, England 1961). Online:
  • X, Actes du Xe Congrès International de Papyrologie, Varsovie-Cracovie, 3—9 septembre 1961. Published by the Comité des Sciences de la Culture Antique, Académie Polonaise des Sciences. (Warsaw 1964). Online:
  • XI, Atti dell'XI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Milano, 2—8 settembre 1965. Published by the Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. (Milan 1966). Online:
  • XII, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor, 13—17 August 1968. (Am.Stud.Pap. VII, Toronto 1970). Online: AWDL
  • XIII, Akten des XIII. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Marburg/Lahn, 2—6 August 1971. (Münch.Beitr. 66, Munich 1974). Online:
  • XIV, Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists, Oxford, 24—31 July 1974. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 61, London 1975). Online:
  • XV, Actes du XVe Congrès International de Papyrologie, Brussels, 29 August—3 September 1977. (Pap.Brux. XVI—XIX, Brussels 1978). Online:; Online:; Online:; Online:
  • XVI, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Papyrology, New York, 24—31 July 1980. (Am.Stud.Pap. XXIII, Chico 1981). Online:
  • XVII, Atti del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia (Napoli, 19—26 maggio 1983). 3 vols. (Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi, Naples 1984).
  • XVIII, Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology, Athens 25—31 May 1986, ed. B. Mandilaras. 2 vols. (Greek Papyrological Society, Athens 1988). Online:; Online:
  • XIX, Proceedings of the XIX International Congress of Papyrology, Cairo 2—9 September 1989, ed. A.H.S. El-Mosallamy. 2 vols. (Center for Papyrological Studies, Cairo 1992). Online:; Online:
  • XX, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen 23—29 August 1992, ed. A. Bülow-Jacobsen. (Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen 1994).
  • XXI, Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin, 13.—19. 8. 1995. 2 vols. ed. B. Kramer, W. Luppe, H. Maehler and G. Poethke. (Archiv Beiheft 3, Stuttgart and Leipzig 1997).
  • XXII, Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23—29 agosto 1998. 2 vols. Separate vol. of plates. Ed. I. Andorlini, G. Bastianini, M. Manfredi and G. Menci. (Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli", Florence 2001).
  • XXIII, Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Wien, 22.—28. Juli 2001, ed. by B. Palme (Pap.Vind. 1, Vienna 2007).
  • XXIV, Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1—7 August, 2004, 2 vols, ed. J. Frösén, T. Purola and E. Salmenkivi. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122). Helsinki 2007.
  • XXV, Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Papyrology. Ann Arbor, July 29—August 4, 2007, ed. T. Gagos and A. Hyatt. (American Studies in Papyrology. Special Edition). Ann Arbor 2010. Online: Mich.Publ..
  • XXVI, Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie. Genève 16-21 août 2010, ed. P. Schubert. Geneva, 2012. Online: réro
  • XXVII, Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology Warsaw, 29 July - 3 August 2013, 3 vols. ed. T. Derda, A. Łajtar and J. Urbanik, in cooperation with A. Mirończuk and T. Ochała. (The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplements. Volume XXVIII). Warsaw 2016.
  • XXVIII, Proceedings of the 28th Congress of Papyrology; 2016 August 1-6; Barcelona, ed. A. Nodar and S. Torallas Tovar (Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Barcelona 2019. Online:
  • XXIX, Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology, Lecce, 28th July-3rd August 2019, ed. M. Capasso, P. Davoli, N. Pellé. Lecce, 2022 (Quaderni dell'Istituto superiore universitario di formazione interdisciplinare 2) Online:


  • I, The Future of Coptic Studies. First International Congress of Coptology, Cairo, December 1976, ed. R.McL. Wilson. (Coptic Studies 1). Leiden 1978.
  • II, Acts of the Second International Congress of Coptic Studies, Roma, 22—26 September 1980, ed. T. Orlandi and F. Wisse. Rome 1985.
  • III, Coptic Studies. Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies, ed. W. Godlewski. Warsaw 1990.
  • IV, Actes du IVe Congrès copte, Louvain-la-Neuve 5—10 septembre 1988, vol. 1 Art et archéologie; vol. 2 De la linguistique au gnosticisme, ed. M. Rassart-Debergh and J. Ries. (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 40—41). Louvain 1992.
  • V, Acts of the Fifth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Washington, 12—15 August 1992, vol. 1 Reports on recent research, ed. T. Orlandi; vol. 2 (2 parts) Papers from the sections, ed. D.W. Johnson. Rome 1993.
  • VI, Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und christlicher Zeit: Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses, Münster, 20.—26. Juli 1996, Bd. 1 Materielle Kultur, Kunst und religiöses Leben, Bd. 2 Schrifttum, Sprache und Gedankenwelt, ed. S. Emmel, M. Krause, S. G. Richter and S. Schaten. (Sprachen und Kulturen des christlichen Orients 6). Wiesbaden 1999.
  • VII, Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millennium. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, 27 August—2 September 2000, vol. 1 Language, Bible, Coptic and Copto-Arabic literature and manuscripts, Papyrology and epigraphy, Liturgy and theology, Gnostic, manichean and hermetic texts; vol. 2 Monasticism, History, ancient medieval and modern, Archaeology of Christian Egypt and Nubia, Art and material culture, ed. M. Immerzeel and J. van der Vliet. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 133). Leiden 2004.
  • VIII, Actes du Huitième Congrès international d'Études coptes. Paris, 28 juin—3 juillet 2004, vol. 1 Histoire et historiographie, Histoire de l'art et archéologie; vol. 2 Littérature, Bible, Liturgie et magie, Linguistique et papyrologie, Gnose et manichéisme, ed. N. Bosson and A. Boud'hors. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 163.) Paris 2006. See also: Huitième congrès international d'études coptes (Paris 2004). I. Bilans et perspectives 2000—2004, ed. A. Boud'hors and D. Vaillancourt. (Collections de l'Université Marc-Bloch - Strasbourg. Études d'Archéologie et d'Histoire ancienne. Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 15). Paris 2004.
  • IX-X, P. Buzi, A. Camplani & F. Contardi (eds.), Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22th, 2012 and Plenary Reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th-19th, 2008. Leuven - Paris - Bristol 2016.


  • I, Internationale Demotisten-Colloquium, (Berlin, 26—28 September 1977), Enchoria 8 (1978) Supplement, Lieferung 1.
  • II, Aspects of Demotic Lexicography. Acts of the Second International Conference for Demotic Studies. Leiden (19—21 September 1984), ed. S.P. Vleeming. (Stud.Demotica I). Leuven 1987.
  • III, Cambridge, 8—12 September 1987. "Third Meeting of Demotists: A Report," by J. Quaegebeur and S.P. Vleeming, Enchoria 15 (1987) 247—253.
  • IV, Life in a Multicultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and beyond (Chicago 1990), ed. J.H. Johnson. (Univ. of Chicago, Oriental Institute. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 51). Chicago 1992. Online: Oriental Institute
  • V, Acta Demotica: Acts of the Fifth International Conference for Demotists (Pisa, 4th—8th September 1993), ed. E. Bresciani (EVO 17 [1994]). Pisa 1994.
  • VI, Cairo, 2—8 September 1996. No proceedings published.
  • VII, Acts of the Seventh International Conference of Demotic Studies, Copenhagen, 23—27 August 1999, ed. K. Ryholt. (Museum Tusculanum Press, C.N.I. Publications 27). Copenhagen 2002.
  • VIII, Akten der 8. Internationalen Konferenz für demotische Studien, Würzburg, 27.—30. August 2002, ed. K. Zauzich. Wiesbaden, 2019.
  • IX, Actes du IXe congrès international des études démotiques, Paris, 31 août—3 septembre 2005, ed. G. Widmer and D. Devauchelle. (IFAO, Bibliothèque d'études 147). Cairo 2009.
  • X, Acts of the Tenth International Congress of Demotic Studies, Leuven, 26.08.2008 - 30.08.2008, ed. M. Depauw and Y. Broux. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 231). Leuven 2014.
  • XI, Eleventh International Congress of Demotic Studies, Oxford, 30 August – 3 September, 2011: Abstracts of Papers, ed. M. Smith, in Enchoria 34 (2014/2015), p. 119-136.
  • XII, 12. Internationale Konferenz fur demotische Studien, Wurzburg, 31. August bis 4. September 2014: Abstracts der Vorträge, ed. M.A. Stadler et al., in Enchoria 35 (2016/2017), p. 17-32.
  • XIII, New Approaches in Demotic Studies : Acts of the 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies [Leipzig, September 4-8, 2017], ed. F. Naether. Berlin 2019.


Although individual and small groups of papyri occasionally receive their first or revised edition in any of numerous journals concerned more broadly with classical studies or Egyptology, a list is given here of those journals expressly embracing the publication of papyrological texts.

A. Journals Published Currently


= Aegyptus, Rivista italiana di egittologia e papirologia. Published annually by the Scuola di Papirologia dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan 1920—. Online: jstor


= Analecta Papyrologica. Published annually by Editrice Sicania, Messina 1989—.


= Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Published semiannually by K.G. Saur (succeeding B.G. Teubner), München/Leipzig 1901— . [KGS]


= The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. Published quarterly by the Society, 1963— . [Oxbow]


= Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Published by the Institut Français, Cairo 1901—.


= Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie Copte. Published by the Société, Cairo 1935—.


= Bulletin of the Center of Papyrological Studies. Published annually by Ain Shams University, Cairo 1985— .


= Chronique d'Égypte, Bulletin périodique de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth. Published by the Fondation, Brussels 1925— .


= Enchoria, Zeitschrift für Demotistik und Koptologie. Published irregularly by Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1971— .


= Egitto e vicino oriente. Published annually by the Sezione orientalistica dell'Istituto di storia antica, Università degli Studi di Pisa, 1978—.


= Journal of Coptic Studies. Published irregularly by Peeters for the International Association for Coptic Studies, Leuven 1990— .


= The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. Published annually by the Egypt Exploration Society, London 1914—.


= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Published by the Institute of Papyrology and Ancient Law, University of Warsaw, 1946— .

MDAI (Kairo)

= Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Abteilung Kairo. Published annually for the DAI by von Zabern, Mainz 1930—. [PvZ]


= Orientalia, commentarii trimestres a Facultate Studiorum Orientis Antiqui Pontificii Instituti Biblici in lucem editi. Published semiannually by the Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome, N.S. 1932—.


= Revue d'Égyptologie. Published by La Société Française de l'Égypte, 1933— . A successor of Revue de l'Égypte ancienne which was the successor of both the discontinued journals Revue égyptologique and Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes.


= Tyche, Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Published annually for the Institut für Alte Geschichte, Universität Wien by Verlag Adolf Holzhausen, Vienna 1986— .


= Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde. Leipzig/Berlin 1863—. [Rp. vols. 1—39 DZA; vols. 40—78 OZ]


= Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Published currently in four or five issues a year by Dr Rudolf Habelt, Bonn 1967— . Separate indexes for vols. 1—30 (1978), 31—50 (1983) and 51—75 (1989); index for vols. 1-100 in Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis Band 1 (1967) — Band 100 (1994) (1995). Online: jstor

B. Discontinued Journals and Series


= Anagennesis, a Papyrological Journal. Published semiannually by F. Farid. Athens 1981—1986 (vols. 1—4).


= Études de papyrologie. Published by the Société Égyptienne de Papyrologie. Cairo 1932—1974 (vols. 1—9).


= Kêmi, Revue de philologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes et coptes. Paris 1928—1971 (vols. 1—21).


= Mizraim, Journal of Papyrology, Egyptology, History of Ancient Laws, and their Relations to the Civilizations of Bible Lands. Published by Stechert, New York 1933—1938 (vols. 1—9).


= Recherches de Papyrologie. Published by the Institut de Papyrologie de Paris, 1961—1967 (vols. 1—4).


= Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris 1870—1923 (vols.1—40).

Revue de l'Égypte ancienne

= Revue de l'Égypte ancienne. Published by La Société Française de l'Égypte ancienne. Vol. 1, 1925; vol. 2, 1928; vol. 3, 1931. A successor of RecueilTrav. and in turn succeeded by Rev.d'Ég.


= Revue égyptologique. Published in Paris, 1880—1920 (vols. 1—16).


= Serapis. (Some volumes titled Sarapis.) Published by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1969—1986 (vols. 1—8).


= Studî della Scuola Papirologica. Published by the Accademia Scientifico-Letteraria in Milano, 1915—1926 (vols. 1—4). [Rp. CG]


= Studia Papyrologica, Rivista española de papirología. Published semiannually by Facultades de Filosofía y Teología, San Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona 1962—1983 (vols. 1—22).

Editions of Greek and Coptic Documentary Papyri by Year of Publication

Publications printed without an index are listed in parentheses, e.g., "1901: (Stud.Pal. I)." If an index to that volume appears in a later volume of the series this will be indicated in the entry for that later volume, e.g, "1901: (Stud.Pal. I); 1902: (Stud. Pal. II); 1905: Stud.Pal. (I+II+)IV" (This convention was especially useful before the emergence of the DDbDP). The dates of publication of fascicles of a volume are not taken into account, but those of separate parts are. All Greek editions before 1891 are omitted as superseded by later editions.


  • 1891: P.Petr. I
  • 1892: –––
  • 1893: P.Lond. I; P.Petr. II
  • 1894: –––
  • 1895: BGU I; CPR I
  • 1896: P.Grenf. I; P.Rev. 1st ed.
  • 1897: P.Grenf. II
  • 1898: BGU II; P.Lond. II; P.Oxy. I
  • 1899: P.Oxy. II; O.Wilck.
  • 1900: P.Fay.
  • 1901: P.Amh. II; (Stud.Pal. I)
  • 1902: P.Cair.Goodsp.; P.Kar.Goodsp.; P.Tebt. I; (Stud.Pal. II)
  • 1903: BGU III; P.Oxy. III
  • 1904: P.Oxy. IV; (Stud.Pal. III)
  • 1905: P.Petr. III; P.Rein. I; Stud.Pal. (I+II+)IV, V
  • 1906: P.Flor. I; P.Gen. I; P.Hib. I; P.Lips.; Pap.Heid. III
  • 1907: P.Eleph.; P.Lond. III; P.Tebt. II
  • 1908: P.Flor. II (fasc. 1); P.Oxy. VI; Stud.Pal. VII, (III+)VIII
  • 1909: –––
  • 1910: P.Flor. II (fasc. 1+)2; (P.Giss. I.1, I.2); P.Lond. IV; P.Oxy. VII; Stud.Pal. X
  • 1911: P.Cair.Masp. I; P.Cair.Preis.; (P.Hamb. I.1); P.Oxy. VIII; P.Thead.
  • 1912: BGU IV; (P.Giss. I.1–2+) I.3; P.Lille II; P.Oxy. IX; PSI I; P.Stras. I; Chrest.Mitt.; Chrest.Wilck.
  • 1913: P.Cair.Masp. II; P.Hal.; (P.Hamb. I.2); (P.Iand. II, III); Stud.Pal. XIII; O.Erem.; O.Theb.
  • 1914: P.Freib. I; (P.Grad.); (P.Iand. IV); P.Monac.; P.Oxy. X; PSI III; (Stud.Pal. XIV); O.Joach.
  • 1915: P.Flor. III; P.Ryl. II; (SB I)
  • 1916: P.Cair.Masp. III; (P.Freib. II); P.Meyer; P.Oxy. XII; O.Deiss.
  • 1917: P.Bas.; P.Lond. V; PSI IV; PSI V; Stud.Pal. XVII
  • 1918: –––
  • 1919: BGU V.1
  • 1920: P.Frankf.; P.Oxy. XIV; PSI VI; P.Stras. II
  • 1921: P.Gur.; Stud.Pal. XX
  • 1922: BGU VI; Stud.Pal. XXII; SB (I+)II; O.Brüss.Berl.; O.Sarga
  • 1923: P.Bad. II; O.Stras.
  • 1924: P.Bad. IV; P.Berl.Thun.; (P.Giss.Univ. I); P.Hamb. I; P.Lond. VI; P.Oxy. XVI
  • 1925: P.Cair.Zen. I; PSI VII
  • 1926: BGU VII; P.Bour.; P.Cair.Zen. II; P.Corn.; (P.Jena)
  • 1927: P.Freib. III; P.Oxy. XVII; P.Ross.Georg. IV; PSI VIII; (UPZ I); SB III
  • 1928: P.Cair.Zen. III; P.Lille I; (P.Mil. I.1)
  • 1929: P.Berl.Möller; P.Col. I; P.Got.; P.Ross.Georg. II; PSI IX
  • 1930: P.Achm.; P.Ross.Georg. III; (O.Bodl. I, O.Ashm., O.Camb., O.Minor, O.Petr.)
  • 1931: P.Berl.Frisk; P.Cair.Zen. IV; P.Enteux. (first fasc.); (P.Giss.Univ. III); P.Marm.; P.Mich. I; P.Oslo II; P.Princ. I; SB IV
  • 1932: P.Berl.Leihg. I; P.Col. II; P.Enteux. (second fasc.); PSI X
  • 1933: BGU VIII; P.Gron.; P.Mich. II; (P.Princ.Roll); (P.Tebt. III.1); O.Oslo
  • 1934: P.Col. III; (P.Iand. VI, P.Iand. VII); P.Würzb.; O.Buch.
  • 1935: P.Ross.Georg. V; P.Vars.; O.Mich. I; O.Wilb.
  • 1936: P.Brem.; P.Harr. I; P.Mich. III; (P.Mich. IV.1); P.Oslo III; P.Princ. II
  • 1937: BGU IX; P.Edfou I; P.Mil.Vogl. I; (P.Lund II); O.Edfou I
  • 1938: P.Bad. VI; P.Edfou II; (P.Iand. VIII); (P.Lund III); P.Tebt. (III.1+)III.2; O.Edfou II
  • 1939: P.Aberd.; P.Adl.; P.Athen.; P.Fouad; (P.Giss.Univ. VI); P.Mich. (IV.1+)IV.2
  • 1940: P.Cair.Zen. V; P.Col. IV; P.Rein. II
  • 1941: P.Berl.Zill.; P.Oxy. XVIII; P.Warr.
  • 1942: P.Erl.; P.Haun. I; P.Oxf.; P.Princ. III; P.Vind.Bosw.
  • 1943: –––
  • 1944: P.Mich. V, VI; O.Mich. II
  • 1945: –––
  • 1946: (P.Lund IV); (P.Prag.Varcl I)
  • 1947: P.Bacch.; P.Lund (II+III+IV+)V; P.Mich. VII; P.Phil.; (P.Prag.Varcl II)
  • 1948: P.Mert. I; P.Oxy. XIX; (P.Stras. III)
  • 1949: P.FuadUniv.
  • 1950: P.Ant. I; P.Edfou III; P.Fam.Tebt.; O.Edfou III
  • 1951: P.Mich. VIII; PSI XII; O.Mich. III
  • 1952: (P.Lund VI); P.Oxy. XX; P.Ryl. IV; SB Bh. 1; T.Alb.
  • 1953: P.Apoll.; P.Bon. I; PSI XIII
  • 1954: P.Bal.; P.Col. VI; P.Hamb. II; P.Oxy. XXII; Ch.L.A. I
  • 1955: P.Col. VI 2nd ed.; P.Hib. II; P.Ital. I; P.Michael.; SB V; (O.Bodl. II)
  • 1956: P.Col. V; Ch.L.A. II
  • 1957: P.Kroll; P.Oxy. XXIV; (P.Prag.Varcl NS 1–3); PSI XIV; UPZ (I+)II; (C.Pap.Jud. I)
  • 1958: P.Heid. II; P.Ness. III; (P.Prag.Varcl NS 4–10)
  • 1959: P.Dura; P.Mert. II; (P.Prag.Varcl NS 11–21)
  • 1960: P.Ant. II; P.Cair.Isid.; (P.Prag.Varcl NS 22–39); (C.Pap.Jud. II)
  • 1961: (P.Edfou IX); P.Mil.Vogl. II; P.Murabba'ât; (P.Prag.Varcl NS 40–53); P.Sarap.; SB Bh. 2
  • 1962: P.Abinn.; P.Iand.inv. 653; P.Oxy. XXVII
  • 1963: P.Heid. III; P.Leit.; P.Stras. (III+)IV; P.Vind.Sijp.; (SB VI); Ch.L.A. III
  • 1964: P.Alex.; P.Herm.; P.Panop.Beatty; SB (VI+)VII; O.Bodl. (I+II+)III; (C.Ord.Ptol.); C.Pap.Jud. (I+II+)III
  • 1965: P.Mil.Vogl. III; P.Select.; PSI Congr.XI
  • 1966: P.Mich.Mchl.; P.Mil. (I.1+)II; P.Oxy. XXXI; PSI XV estr.; P.Sorb. I
  • 1967: P.Ant. III; P.Mert. III; (P.Mil. I.1 2nd ed.); P.Mil.Vogl. IV; P.NYU I; P.Wisc. I; P.Yale I; (SB VIII); Ch.L.A. IV
  • 1968: BGU XI; P.David; P.Oxy. XXXIII; P.Oxy. XXXIV
  • 1969: P.Alex.Giss.; P.Petaus; SB (VIII+)IX
  • 1970: BGU X; P.Mich. X; P.Oxy. XXXVI
  • 1971: (P.IFAO I, P.IFAO II); P.Kron.; P.Mich. IX; P.Mich. XI; P.Oxy. XXXVIII; (P.Panop. I+II); (SB X); O.Ont.Mus. I
  • 1972: P.Oxy. XL; P.Oxy. XLI; P.Vind.Worp
  • 1973: P.Ashm. I; P.Berl.Brash.; P.Freer; P.Panop. (I+II+)III; P.Stras. V; SB (X+)XI
  • 1974: BGU XII; P.Brux. I; P.Genova I; P.Lond. VII; P.Mil.Congr.XIV; P.Oxy. XLII
  • 1975: P.Berl.Bork.; (P.Cair.Mich. I pt.I); P.Giss.Univ. (I+III+VI) Indexes; (P.IFAO III); P.Mich. XII; P.Oxy. XLIII; (P.Stras. VI); O.Mich. IV; Ch.L.A. V, VI, VII
  • 1976: BGU XIII; CPR V; P.Coll.Youtie I+II; P.Köln I; P.Laur. I; P.Oxy. XLIV; P.Tebt. IV; P.Theon.; P.Vind.Sal.; P.Vind.Tand.;O.Amst.; O.Florida; O.Medin.Madi; O.Ont.Mus. II; C.Étiq.Mom.; Ch.L.A. VIII
  • 1977: P.Berl.Leihg. II; P.Cair.Mich. I pt.(I+)II; P.Laur. II; P.Mich. XIII; P.Mil.Vogl. VI; P.Oxy. XLV; P.Recueil; PSI Corr. I; P.Tebt.Tait;P.Wisc. II; (SB XII); O.Brux. 2nd ed.; Ch.L.A. IX
  • 1978: (CPR VI,1); P.Batav.; P.Herm.Landl.; P.Hombert I; P.Köln II; P.Oxy. XLVI; P.Sakaon; Ch.L.A. XII
  • 1979: CPR VII; P.Col. VII; P.Congr.XV; P.Laur. III; P.Oxy.Hels.; P.Soter.; (P.Stras. VII); SB (XII+)XIII; O.Lund; O.Tebt.Pad.; Ch.L.A. X, XI
  • 1980: P.Amst. I; BGU XIV; P.Charite; P.Genova II; P.Köln III; P.Mich. XIV; P.Oxy. XLVII; P.Panop. (repr.); (P.Stras. VIII 701–720);P.Vat.Aphrod.; P.Wash.Univ. I; P.Zen.Pestm.; O.Leid.
  • 1981: P.Haun. II; P.Mil.Vogl. VII; P.NagHamm.; P.Oxy. XLVIII; (P.Stras. VIII 721–740); P.Tor.Amen.; P.Turner; P.Ups.Frid; (SBXIV.1); Ch.L.A. XIII
  • 1982: P.Dion.; P.Ital. II; P.Köln IV; P.Mich. XV; P.Oxy. XLIX; (P.Stras. VIII 741–760); Ch.L.A. XIV, XX
  • 1983: BGU XV; CPR VIII; P.Laur. IV; P.LeedsMus.; P.Mil.Congr. XVII; P.Oxy. L; P.Rain.Cent.; PSI Congr.XVII; (P.Stras. VIII 761–780); P.Tebt.Wall; (SB XIV.2–3); T.Vindol. I; Ch.L.A. XXI, XXII
  • 1984: CPR IX; P.Hamb. III; P.Oxy. LI, LII; P.Princ.Roll 2nd ed.; (P.Stras. VIII 781–800); Ch.L.A. XVII; C.Pap.Gr. I
  • 1985: (CPR VI.1+)VI.2; P.Harr. II; P.Haun. III; P.Köln V; P.Thmouis I; (P.Stras. IX 801–820); (SB XVI.1–2); Ch.L.A. XVIIII;C.Pap.Gr. II.1
  • 1986: CPR X; P.Anag.; P.Erasm. I; P.Freib. IV; P.Gen. II; P.Heid. IV; P.Hels. I; P.Münch. I, III.1; P.Mil.Congr.XVIII; P.Quseir; (P.Stras. IX 821–840); P.Stras. (VI–VIII) Indexes; O.Cair.; O.Douch I; Ch.L.A. XXV; Pap.Agon.
  • 1987: CPR XIII; P.Customs; P.Köln VI; P.Neph.; P.Oxy. LIV; (P.Stras. IX 841–860); O.Oasis; Ch.L.A. XIX
  • 1988: P.Oxy. LV; P.Prag. I; (P.Stras. IX 861–880); (SB XVI.3); O.Ashm.Shelt.; O.Douch II; Ch.L.A. XXVIII
  • 1989: CPR XIV; P.Yadin I = P.Babatha; P.Bub. I; P.Masada; P.Mil.Congr.XIX; P.Oxy. LVI; (P.Stras. IX 881–900); O.Elkab; O.Masada; T.Varie
  • 1990: CPR XV; P.Col. VIII; P.Diog.; P.Heid. V; P.Matr.; P.Oxy. LVII; P.Wash.Univ. II
  • 1991: CPR XVIIA, XVIIB, XVIII; P.Erasm. II; P.Genova III; P.Köln VII; P.Leid.Inst. I; P.Oxy. LVIII; P.Petr.2 I
  • 1992: P.Brookl.; P.Oxy. LIX; PSI XX Congr.; P.Tor.Choach.; O.Claud. I; O.Douch III
  • 1993: P.Athen.Xyla; P.Pher.; O.Narm. I; O.WadiHamm.; O.Waqfa; (SB XVIII); Ch.L.A. XXIX
  • 1994: P.Heid. VI; P.Mich.Aphrod.; P.Oxy. LX; P.Oxy.Descr.; P.Sorb. II;(SB XIV 1, 2+) XV; (SB XIX.1); O.Vleem.; Ch.L.A. XLI, XLII;T.Vindol. II
  • 1995: BGU XVI; P.Berl.Sarisch.; P.Dubl.; (P.Euphrates) Part I; P.Graux II; P.Kellis I; P.Naqlun I; P.Oxy. LXI, LXII; P.PalauRib.;P.Prag. II; PSI Congr.XXI; (SB XVI, 1—3+) XVII; Ch.L.A. XLIII, XLVI
  • 1996: P.Bodl. I; P.Col. X; P.Gen. III; P.Heid. VII; P.Mich. XVIII; P.Oxy. LXIII; P.Pommersf.
  • 1997: P.Ammon I; P.Chic.Haw.; (P.Euphrates) Part II; P.Graux III; P.Hever; P.Kellis IV; P.Köln VIII; P.Oxy. LXIV; P.Oxy.Census; (SBXX); O.Claud. II
  • 1998: P.Bub.II; P.Col IX, XI;P.Eirene I; P.Eleph.Wagner; P.Hamb. IV; P.Louvre I; P.Oxy. LXV; (SB XXI.1); O.Eleph.Wagner
  • 1999: P.Giss.Apoll.; P.Oxy. LXVI; O.Douch IV
  • 2000: BGU XVIII.1; P.Benaki; P.Bingen; (P. Euphrates) Part III; P.Lond. 1177 (reed.); P.Mon.Apollo; O.Berenike; O.Claud. III
  • 2001: BGU XVII; CPR XXII; P.Dion.Herm.; P.Harrauer; P.Heid. VIII; P.Köln IX;P.Oxy. LXVII; P.Polit.Jud.; P.Thomas; P.Yale III; (SB XVIII+) XIX; (SB XXII); O.Douch V.
  • 2002: CPR XXIII, XXIV; P.Berl.Salmen.; P.Erl.Diosp.; P.Dryton; P.Gen. I (2nd ed.); P.Lips. II; P.Petra I; P.Yadin II, (SB XX+XXI, 1+) XXI,2; (SB XXII+) XXIII;
  • 2003: P.Diosk.; P.Hombert II; P.Köln X; P.Oxy. LXVIII; (SB XXIV); T.Vindol. III
  • 2004: CPR XIX; P.Eirene II; P.Graux IV; P.Horak; P.Paramone; P.Zauzich; O.BawitIFAO; O.Kellis
  • 2005: BGU XIX; P.Louvre II; PSI Com. 6; P.Oxy. LXIX; P.Schøyen I; P.Tebt. V; O.Berenike II; O.Heid.; O.Krok.
  • 2006: CPR XXV, P.Ammon II; P.Cair.Salem; P.Count, P. Dime II; P.Heid. IX; P.Oxy. LXX; SB XXVI; O.Dime
  • 2007: P.Berl. Cohen; P.Iand.Zen.; P.Köln XI; P.Oxy. LXXI; P.Petra III, P.Sijp.; Stud.Pal. III2.1, 2, 5; P.Brux.Bawit
  • 2008: P.Naqlun II; P.Oxy. LXXII; PSI XV; P.Worp; O.Abu Mina; O.Cret.Chers.
  • 2009: P.Clackson; P.Kramer; P.Oxy. LXXIII, LXXIV; P.Poethke; O.EdfouIFAO; PSI Com. 8; C.Palmomanticum
  • 2010: CPR ΧΧΧ; P.Dime III; P.Eirene III; P.Gen. IV; P.Jena II; P.Köln XII; P.Narm. I; P.NYU II; P.Oxy. LXXV; P.Schøyen II
  • 2011: CPR XXXII; P.Lond.Herm.; P.Mich. XX; P.Oxy. LXXVI, LXXVII; P.Petra IV; P.Prag. III; PSI Com. 9; P.Sorb. III; P.Vet.Aelii; O.Taxes II; T.Vindol. IV
  • 2012: P.Herakl.Bank; P.Oxy. LXXVIII; P.Tebt.Quen.; P.Philammon; P.Pintaudi; P.Scholl; O.Did.; O.Petr.Mus.; O.Trim. I
  • 2013: P.Bagnall; P.Köln XIII; P.Petra II; PSI XVI; PSI Com. 11; P.Tarich.; SB XXVIII
  • 2014: BGU XX; P.Cair.Preis. (2nd ed.); P.Fouad Astr.; P.Heid. X; P.Louvre Bawit; P.Monts.Roca IV; P.Oxy. LXXIX; P.Oxy. LXXX; P.Stras. X; P.Turku
  • 2015: CPR XXXIII; P.Cair.Mich. II; P.Genova V; P.Tebt.Pad. I; P.Köln XIV; P.Coles; P.Daris; PSI Com. 12
  • 2016: P.ÄkNo.; P.Gascou; P.Genova IV; P.Oxy. LXXXI; P.Oxy. LXXXII; O.Bankes; O.Berenike III; O.Trim. II; T.Bloomberg; P.Bastianini; P.Eirene IV; O.BawitFribourg
  • 2017: P.Trier I; P.Petr.Kleon; P.Haun. IV; Pap.Flor. XXXIX; P.Schøyen II; P.Köln XV; P.Nekr.
  • 2018: P.Köln XVI; P.Oxy. LXXXIII; P.Mich. XXI; PSI XVII; CPF IV.2 II.2-II.3; BGU XXII; Pap.Leod. VIII; Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXXIV; P.Petra V; P.Capasso
  • 2019: P.BYU I; O.Krok. II; PapCongr. XXVIII; P.Trier II; P.Oxy. LXXXIV
  • 2020: P.Bas. II; P.Christodote; P.Oxyrhyncha; CPR XXXV; P.Giss. II; P.Math.; P.Berl.Monte; P.Messeri; P.Oxy. LXXXV
  • 2021: P.Hoogendijk; P.Cair.Mich. III; P.Heid. XI; P.Köln XVII; P.Yale IV; P.Oxy. LXXXVI
  • 2022: P.Cair.Gad; P.Christ.Musl.; P.KölnLexikon; P.KölnSarapion; O.Berenike IV; P.Louvre III; O.Blemmyes; P.Aegyptus Cent.
  • 2023: P.Jördens; P.Leid.Inst. II; P.Oxy. LXXXVII; P.KölnLand.
  • 2024: P.Würzburg II; BGU XXI; P.Fouad II.; P.Van Minnen; P.Petr.Cahier


  • 1876: P.RevilloutCopt.
  • 1893: P.Fay.Copt.
  • 1895: (BKU I.1); CPR II
  • 1899: P.Amh.Eg.
  • 1900: P.Pisentius (part 1)
  • 1901: P.Amh. II
  • 1902: (BKU I.2-3); P.Pisentius (part 2); O.Crum
  • 1903: (BKU I.4)
  • 1904: (BKU I.5-6); BKU II.1
  • 1905: BKU I.(1-6+)7; P.Lond.Copt. I; O.Brit.Mus.Copt. I
  • 1909: P.Ryl.Copt.
  • 1910: P.Lond. IV
  • 1912: P.KRU
  • 1913: O.Theb.
  • 1914: P.Pisentius (part 3)
  • 1917: P.Bas.; P.Lond. V
  • 1921: O.CrumST
  • 1922: P.Sarga
  • 1924: P.Lond. VI
  • 1926: P.Mon.Epiph.
  • 1930: O.Camb.; O.Petr.
  • 1932: P.CLT
  • 1934: O.Buch.
  • 1938: P.Schutzbriefe
  • 1939: O.CrumVC
  • 1942: P.(&O.)Mich.Copt.; O.Mich.Copt.Etmoulon
  • 1952: O.Medin.HabuCopt.
  • 1953: P.Apoll.
  • 1954: P.Bal.
  • 1956: Pap.Arbeit.
  • 1958: CPR IV
  • 1959: P.HermitageCopt.; P.MoscowCopt.
  • 1960: O.Vind.Copt.
  • 1965: O.Mon.Phoib.
  • 1967: (BKU III.1); P.Mil.Vogl. IV
  • 1968: BKU III.(1+)2
  • 1973: P.Freer
  • 1974: P.Mil.Vogl. V
  • 1976: O.Amst.
  • 1979: P.Congr.XV; P.Laur. III
  • 1980: P.KölnÄgypt.
  • 1981: P.NagHamm.; P.Turner
  • 1984: P.Laur. V
  • 1986: P.YaleCopt.; O.Deir el-Bahari; O.Douch I
  • 1987: CPR XII; P.Lond.Copt. II; P.Neph.
  • 1988: O.Douch II
  • 1993: P.Athen.Xyla; P.MorganLib.; SB XVIII; SB Kopt. I
  • 1995: CPR XX
  • 1997: P.Köln VIII
  • 1999: P.Giss.Apoll.; P.Kell. V; O.Bawit; O.Douch IV
  • 2000: P.Bingen; P.Mon.Apollo; O.Ashm.Copt.; O.Brit.Mus.Copt. II.
  • 2004: P.Horak; P.Paramone; O.BawitIFAO; SB Kopt. II
  • 2006: SB Kopt. III
  • 2007: P.Kellis VI; P.Brux.Bawit
  • 2008: P.Bawit Clackson
  • 2009: P.Clackson; O.EdfouIFAO
  • 2010: O.Frangé
  • 2011: CPR XXXI
  • 2012: SB Kopt. IV
  • 2013: P.Macq.; O.Lips.Copt. I
  • 2014: P.Kellis VII; P.Louvre Bawit; P.Stras.Copt.
  • 2016: P.KölnÄgypt. II; O.BawitFribourg
  • 2017: P.PalauRib.Copt.
  • 2018: CPR XXXIV; P.Heid.Kopt.
  • 2020: SB Kopt. V; O.Lips.Copt. II; P.Mon.Phoib.Test.
  • 2021: P.Hoogendijk; P.Heid. XI
  • 2022: P.Christ.Musl.; P.Sorb.Copt.
  • 2023: P.Tor.Cat.
  • 2024: P.Lips.Copt. I

Appendix: Other citations sometimes used for editions of papyri